In what ways are you currently experiencing gender?
In which ways are you unwilling to experience gender?
What if there were no true division?
What can be available in your reality after releasing your definition of gender?
In what ways are you currently experiencing gender?
In which ways are you unwilling to experience gender?
What if there were no true division?
What can be available in your reality after releasing your definition of gender?
What if you could clear
Discover all of the ways your can liberate your energy and your body with a new viewpoint of gender.
These Quantum Spin Wave Sessions are designed to clear out the old and create space for the new.
Package A: $127
($2160 value)
6 Quantum Spin Wave Sessions delivered via mp3
The Spin Wave Modality neutralizes charges on People, Places, Things, and Events that keep you locked in patterns that don't serve your current and future interests.
Quantum Spin Wave Sessions neutralize charges that keep you polarized into locked behaviors, physical restrictions, and repetitious experiences that no longer serve your current and future interests. These sessions also pack a punch. One Quantum Spin Wave Session carries more processing power than numerous 60-minute energy sessions.
***Please allow a minimum of 10 days between Quantum Spin Wave sessions and replays in order for optimal physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integration.
Typical Spin Wave Sessions:
Quantum Spin Wave for Issues with Male Gender - mp3
Quantum Spin Wave for Gender in Language and Communication - mp3
What People Are Saying
Immediate shifts - felt better almost instantly!
“I purchased Rann’s QSW sessions after listening to some of the talk shows - her energy was very palpable and I could feel immediate shifts - as if some charges are being moved.
I have had many arguments ( unnecessary ones) with my father - and my mother - I know sounds silly coz one may say - “happens between parents and children”- but it drained out so much energy and I used to spend nights crying.
I played her mp3s and I could feel better almost instantly.. and not just that... the “negativity” went away.
I did a session with her on a personal topic, and I could feel images ( as she uses a term to relate to an image” dissolve completely... I could hear a nice voice telling me (something personal - which I told Rann <3) and lot more - all this is just right after the session. I am wondering what more positive is in store in future...
I have worked with some of the best healers - and I think Rann is a wonderful healer, who can make energy shift - yes, I felt it ( when I dont feel it so easily, or unless a top-notch healer is working with me).
She is very generous and helped me understand how to use the mp3s too.
Rann is wonderful - please do try her samples on her site too...much love and gratitude,"
~ Sari Grace
Issues effortlessly released and quickly forgotten!
“Rann did a Spin Wave session on me to help with my body image issues which included weight problems, sexual trauma, and deep hurt within me. Rann worked on the parts of me that didn't want to be freed. I can remember feeling a level of bliss that permeated my entire being!!After the session was done I couldn't even remember what we were working on!! It was incredible!!! The crazy thing about it is that when you forget the problem that you had… it's not able to recreate itself again in your life, and that's what was so incredible about what she did for me!Rann was able to release these issues from my being …effortlessly! It was incredible!! Rann is amazing at what she does and I can't help but love her!!"
Experiencing Peace for the first time in years!
“Before my Spin Wave session, I could not speak about a trauma that had occurred over 50 years ago. It was debilitating, and keeping me stuck in many ways. After my spin wave session, I am experiencing peace for the first time in a long time. You have no idea what it's like — to not have peace for years and years. I actually have that funny, happy feeling in my stomach!
I was skeptical to begin with; not now, however. I like the way Rann did the session. I could feel what she was doing. I had no idea what was going on, but she gave me facts to understand what I was experiencing. Throughout the whole session, the trauma just kept getting further and further away. It just eased out of site. Towards the end I was actually trying to bring it back to mind, and I couldn't do it. Now it wouldn't bother me to talk about it near as much as it would have before. You could say I'm more comfortable with it. I don't think I have to hide it anymore.
Rann, I don't know what you did, but what you did was better than what I was told to do by my psychologist in order to keep everything hidden. The biggest part is that I can talk about my past trauma without having a break down.
If someone has a problem anywhere near what I had, they should try the Spin Wave. I have gone through therapy for 18 years, but now I have peace after a one hour Spin Wave session."
~Malcolm Fishback
Smoother skin and a youthful glow!
"When the process began I immediately felt the energy entering my fields, and it was particularly noticeable around my forehead. I could actually feel my face lifting. I was easily guided by your loving intention into a healing space, and enjoyed the whole session.
After the treatment I felt calm yet invigorated. My neighbors remarked on how Light and glowing I looked, I felt tighter too; now the next day my forehead is noticeably smoother, I have a more youthful glow, and, my body feels great. I had a wonderful sleep too, bonus!"
Tangible miracles are experienced!
"The Immortal Rann is like a living library of wisdom. She is one of those rare gems that can help you purge your deepest, darkest, most painful experiences and then have you laughing harder than you've ever laughed before a few moments later. During my 25-minute session, she completely reframed empathy from being an overwhelming burden to being a gift I could use to easily raise my vibration and gain new skills and abilities quickly. She effectively shifted the way I receive psychic information into the level of intensity that I've always wanted. I highly recommend both the group sessions and the personal sessions. Working with Rann makes my life so much more delicious.
What I love most about what she offers are all the tangible miracles I experience immediately after our sessions. Right after listening to the Beauty Amplifier & Generator MP3 I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and couldn’t resist winking at myself while saying, “How YOU doin’?” Not only was I filled to the brim with inner confidence, but I had this amazing glow to my skin. This glow is brighter than the orgasmic glow that occurs after sex. I feel like I have this permanent radiance that outglows everyone from blushing brides to pregnant ladies combined.
In addition to all the fun I am having from people not being able to guess my age correctly, the MP3s have also really helped with my personal life. I had a friend that was going through a divorce and wanted to lean on me daily for support. Although it was very draining for me, I still wanted to be a good friend and be there for him. Right after listening to the Elevated Boundaries MP3, I noticed that he didn’t call or text me daily anymore. He wasn’t the only one who started giving me more space. I don’t know what Rann did, but somehow all the needy people in my world stopped being needy towards me all of a sudden. It was a Godsend!
Everyone should experience Rann’s famous Facelifts. I feel like the Facelifts will pay for themselves many times over with all the free dinners that people will want to buy you to be in the presence of your beauty. That’s what it’s been like for me so far and I'm just getting started. All the benefits I am experiencing now are priceless!
Thank you, Rann!"
~ Vera S., Pennsylvania
Package A
You will receive:
6 Quantum Spin Wave Sessions delivered via mp3
Total Value: $2160
94% Off
Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:
Package B: $167
($3200 value)
Includes everything in Package A Plus
The Immortal Face Lift with additional Immortal Face Lift Cocktail Coding - Pre Recorded Group Session mp3
The Immortal Face Lift is the invitation to embrace your own immortality. Your face is your calling card, and this activation will facilitate a natural peace and brilliance which is delivered through your face, both physically and energetically. It is not for changing bad looks to good looks. It is for anyone looking to emanate immortality in his/her visage and presence.
This is an energetic face lift activation that has been specifically coded by Rann for:
- enlivening skin with light and color
- enlivening skin and muscular structure with elasticity
- neutralizing facial charges which cause rigidity
- neutralizing facial charges which cause wrinkles
- introduction of allowance for physical and energetic shifts which promote rejuvenation
During this group session, Rann will activate this energetic facelift while instructing you in the most effective ways to direct the energies that are activated. Energies will be focused around the face, neck, and neckline.
Time Spa Quantum Rapport for the reconciliation of Gender - Pre Recorded Group Session mp3
How much time would you spend with a trainer in order to develop your capacities? How much have you spent in order to understand more about a certain subject? What would you give to experience love again? What if you could lose unnecessary baggage without dragging out the process?
The Time Spa is an operating system for all modalities developed by Rann. It is designed to work with energy that is not restricted to linear time. This allows you to experience more and change more while processing in a moment of simultaneity. Big changes can occur in small moments with this new energetic OS.
Quantum Rapport is a session with Rann where you are brought into close connection and coaching with one of your master bodies in order to experience energy or receive certain information. This is accomplished by a method of conscious quantum jumping.
With Time Spa - Quantum Rapport Sessions you are able to:
- Receive Information
- Develop specific skill sets with ease.
- Reconcile current energies with past life energies.
- Experience clarity about what it is that you are creating, and what it will take for your creations to culminate successfully.
- Walk away empowered and changed.
Dinking for Morphogenic Fields of Gender - Pre Recorded Group Session mp3
Break through the limitations of unconsciousness and accept the invitation to transcend duality. This Dinking session will address the limiting fields of unconsciousness that exist around gender.
Dinking is a modality created by Rann for the collapsing of anchor points. An anchor point is a grand or minute thought form, intention, control point, or creation point. We use these points to hold space and maintain our realities. Whenever you outgrow your reality or wish to create something bigger, existing anchor points can cause these things to fail or never come to fruition. Dinking removes anchor points instantly, creates vast shifts, can be specifically focused, and can be utilized to ease the processing from other healing sessions. Some popular areas of focus are money, trauma, patterns, fears, gain and loss, resistance to change, sabotage programs, and more.
Dinking results in
- large energy releases
- breakthroughs
- freedom from limitation
- and believe-it-or-not- giggles and fun!
* These sessions are intense and do not require a lot of time in order for big changes to occur.
Package B
You will receive:
All of Package A PLUS
Total Value: $3200
95% Off
Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:
Package C: $247
($3660 value)
Includes everything in Packages A + B Plus
30 minute Private Session with Rann.
Enjoy accessibility to Rann's real time awareness and her many tools. Rann will tailor these available modalities to your needs as appropriate in the moment.
- Meditation
- Coding
- Dinking
- Quantum Rapport
- Time Spa
- Dispersion
- Assisted Space Programming
Meditation is a state, not an amount of time. Many of us are not given the space required to meditate in day to day situations. Sometimes all you need is a few visualizations or tools in order to change your state in immediate circumstances. Other times, it is nice to hone meditation skills in order to achieve greater enlightenment. This session will provide guidance for you, whatever your current level.
Coding sessions are purposeful in their intent. Coding can increase the effectiveness of what you intend to create, increase the speed of the actualization of your creations, and program your spaces to maintain themselves under specified conditions.
During Coding Sessions Rann creates and utilizes coding for the client's immediate benefit and future utilization. She also teaches clients the ways to best utilize their newly programmed environments.
Dinking is a modality created by Rann for the collapsing of anchor points. An anchor point is a grand or minute thought form, intention, control point, or creation point. We use these points to hold space and maintain our realities. Whenever you outgrow your reality or wish to create something bigger, existing anchor points can cause these things to fail or never come to fruition. Dinking removes anchor points instantly, creates vast shifts, can be specifically focused, and can be utilized to ease the processing from other healing sessions. Some popular areas of focus are money, trauma, patterns, fears, gain and loss, resistance to change, sabotage programs, and more.
The Time Spa is an operating system for all modalities developed by Rann. It is designed to work with energy that is not restricted to linear time.
Quantum Rapport is a session with Rann where you are brought into close connection and coaching with one of your master bodies in order to experience energy or receive certain information. This is accomplished by a method of conscious quantum jumping.
Dispersion Clearing & Processing is designed to create and assist dynamic changes with the greatest of ease. Dispersion tags conflicting constructs, beliefs, behaviors, patterns, etc. It then purges their causes and infrastructural blockages, thereby returning static matter into pure energy.
Assisted Space Programming is available for those who wish to clear energies that are no longer serving their homes and businesses. If you would like to maintain your environments generative and prosperous conditions, this is what you've been looking for. Not only is your space cleared of undesired energies, but the new space is designed to create an environment that suits your needs.
1 hour Live Group Workshop for Bodies: Empowered Empathy
During this group workshop Rann will cover empathy and its variety of beneficial and detrimental applications upon bodies. Topics covered will be:
- Internal brightness
- Sympathetic awareness
- Lower vibrations of awareness
- Pathos
- Enabling
- Compassion
- Feelings related to emotions
- Retooling the abilities of empathy for your benefit
Take advantage of the group energies in this workshop as Rann uses her tools to neutralize previous attachments. Open your body to empowered empathy.
1 hour Live Group Workshop for Bodies: Transformations of Sensing in the Aquarian Age
During this group workshop Rann will cover the changes of mass consciousness throughout astrological ages. In addition to the allowance of these greater influences, you will be immersed into your future timelines while Rann integrates your current body and self with your potential abilities. Topics covered will be:
- External bodies and projections of brightness
- Field awareness
- Directional currents
- Reptilian brain and allowable brainwaves
- Deflections, choices, and allowances
- Personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal relationships
We are living during a unique shift between ages. There are several behaviors of humanity which have been learned and applied over the last couple of millennia - this includes psychic, empathic, intuitive, healing and other unique skill sets.
Stepping into a different age can be fun and exciting. It requires us to release old skill sets while new tools reveal themselves. Bodies open up to new abilities and evolve. Planetary consciousness evolves. You are able to easily connect with galactic access points and evolve.
Join Rann and others for this enjoyable and informative workshop which touches on all of these features which contribute to the transformation of your senses.
Package C
You will receive:
All of Package A and B PLUS
Total Value: $3660
93% Off
Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:
Package A:
You will receive:
6 Quantum Spin Wave Sessions delivered via mp3
Total Value: $2160.
94% Off
Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:
Package C:
Includes everything in Package A & B Plus
Total Value: $3660.
93% Off
Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:
Package B:
Includes Package A
Total Value: $3200.
95% Off
Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:
About Rann
Most people understand that happiness is a pleasurable state of well-being. What many do not realize it that happiness also refers to having prosperity, fortune, and good luck. From what I have seen, almost everyone would like to have more of these things.
As a facilitator of happiness I provide a variety of tools and services for gaining information and insight, increasing awareness, and increasing success - both personally and professionally.
I am a Master Palmist, specialized in astrological, elemental and esoteric information systems. I am a meditation coach for beginner to advanced stages of practice; and I have created several modalities for shifting energies which include verbal processing, collapsing anchor points, neutralizing brainwave states, and creator’s courses.As a master palmist, I see more than your future. I see you, your personality, your quality of life, the ways you operate. I see your energies, their current states, their movements - or lack of movement. I see your areas of strength, the areas needing rest, areas of over development and areas needing development. I also see ways that you are using your energies efficiently and inefficiently.
As far as seeing your future goes, I will tell you what you are creating as your future. I’m not a big fan of putting your life in the hands of Destiny. You are the creator of your reality. So I can tell you what is destined to occur if you do nothing to change your current state. If you don’t like what you are creating, then I can advise you in ways to create desirable changes and outcomes.
I don’t have formal education in meditation. I was born into that particular world walking, and I have no need to be formal about it. I can say that meditation is a state, not a length of time. It may take one person longer than another to achieve a desired state. But that proves nothing other than the personal nature of meditation.
Because I have no formal structure for meditation, it is easy for me to guide the layman with tips and visualizations that make personal change easy. I have several 5 minute and under meditation techniques for managing stress and anxiety, as well as for personal management for at home and the office. I can also hold space for several individuals at a time, and guide them through advanced meditations that would otherwise cause them to lose focus or pass out.
I develop my energy modalities by coding, which is my innate gift. I may not explain it well, because the things that come most naturally to one person can be the most confusing to another, but the universe is a series of information systems. A coder can decode and/or encode these systems.I am able to see information in the forms of geometric codes and work with it in that format. I extract specific information out of volumes and compress large quantities of information into encoded symbols or activations. I am constantly discovering new information systems and developing ways to implement them into modalities that create greater happiness in the lives of others.
Disclaimer: We make no medical claims about our products. If you have a medical condition please consults a physician.
Refund Policy of Judy Anderson and Associates, LLC and Judy Anderson: We truly love and appreciate all of our listeners and speakers. Please note that some speakers have their own refund/no-refund policies which we honor. For others if you feel that you cannot receive value from a package, we will issue a refund if it is within a 30 day period. Energetically, to honor the speakers and the time it takes putting the packages together for you, only 1 refund will be issued per person during every 90 day period. If any class or private session has been given, no refunds will be given. We appreciate and thank You for your understanding.
This information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns what so ever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH Judy Anderson & Associates, LLC, are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. Judy Anderson and Associates, LLC and Judy Anderson do not recommend, endorse or make any representation about the efficacy, appropriateness or suitability of any specific tests, products, procedures, treatments, services, opinions, health care providers or other information that may be contained on or available through our website or our broadcast shows. We are not responsible nor liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through our company. Any health, fitness and nutritional information is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health care professional because of something you may have read on our materials or heard on our shows. The use of any information provided by Judy Anderson & Associates, LLC, is solely at your own risk. Nothing stated or posted or available through any services are intended to be and must not be taken to be, the practice of medical or counseling care. For purposes of this agreement, the practice of medicine and counseling includes,without limitation, psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, or providing health care treatment, instructions, diagnosis, prognosis, or advice.