Matt Andrews’ Special Offer

Matt Andrews' Special Offer

​Re-Claim Your Divine Authentic Confidence and Self Worth,
And Love Yourself into the Joyful Life You Desire

Employing ManTarA Magic to unlock the Door to an
Unlimited Abundance of All Supportive Energies

We have found that most of You Lightworkers, and if you are reading this then we are talking to You, are prevented from living in the Joyfully supported reality that you desire by the discordant vibrations in your field of survival fear and low self worth. These vibrations are particularly prevalent in the fields of the light workers who have been incarnating on this planet through this last very dark several thousand years as you have all had many very traumatic and disempowering experiences.

While no experience is wrong, and all are valuable on a soul level for gathering wisdom, these very traumatic experiences of abuse and persecution have left a lot of intertwined dense energies in many levels of the energy fields of your human being, (the lower self). These discordant energies are broadcasting their vibration out around you attracting situations into your life that resonate with them. The fear energies still active in your field left over from the past traumas keep you in a state of stress and uncertainty, making it very uncomfortable for you to step up and be seen, let alone be successful on any level. The resulting dis-ease manifests in your relationship with your body, with other people, and with the material world.

So, How do you release all of this fear and density from your field, so you can re-claim your Divine Authentic Confidence and Self Worth?

I know many of you have been working hard and trying to release your stuff for a long time, and trust me I know how frustrating that can be. Well ManTarA is pretty good at it, I have to admit, and Matt doesn’t really know how they do it, but I know it does work because I have witnessed enough huge transformations in our clients.

ManTarA works on many levels, on the physical plane they use the Angelic Light Language that is channeled through Matt to create a space that invites you effortlessly out of your mind into a very open, expansive and allowing state. With you in this state they can work in your energetic fields under the direction of Your Higher Self to tease out and release the tangle of discordant energies that are at the core of your limitations, the really deep seed energies that have been in your field creating discordance for many lifetimes. As those energies are released it creates a freedom and an opportunity for you to choose to embody more of your Souls Divine Essential Light and ManTarA really helps to strengthen that connection so that more of Your Light can flow more easily into You.

As You choose to embody More of your Light and carry less density and discordance, you very naturally feel safer and more worthy and then more confident in yourself, the process is self sustaining, as you then embody more Light and thus release more density, the pendulum begins to swing, your overall resonance is increasing, and the experiences you attract into your life are naturally of a higher vibration, more Joyful, and more Loving.

A very beautiful thing happens as you release your “stuff” and embody the vibrations of Safety, Self Worth, and Confidence through your Divine Light, Your Heart very Naturally feels Safe enough to open and your own compassionate, unconditional Love flows out through your whole being and You feel Loved, by Yourself. Once in that state of being the rest of your Transformation into Divine Magnificence is easy.

This comprehensive package will transform your life from the inside out.

Shaking out and Clearing;

Limiting programs and beliefs
Self-sabotaging thought patterns
Existence fears
Negative and critical thinking
Cellular memories from past traumas
Physical pains and dis-ease
Energetic discordance
Trapped emotional traumas and misbalance
Mental tensions and looping thought processes
Lack Mentality
Low self worth issues
The energies of wanting, trying, and hoping 

Aligning and balancing;

The energy chakras and meridians
The mental body
The physical systems of the biological body:

  • Nervous system
  • Endocrine system
  • Metabolic system
  • Digestive system
  • Circulatory system
  • Immune system

The Emotional body
The Intuitive body

Re-Connecting and Re-Enforcing;

Authentic Energetic Confidence
Self Worth
Your Expansive Nature
Abundance flow
Financial Prosperity
Empowered Thinking
The energies of Knowing, Accepting, and Allowing
Self Love
Joyful, Supportive, Easy Life Stream
Soul Wisdom
Spiritual Guidance
Higher Self and Unity Consciousness

Facilitating Expansive Transformation allows us to fulfill our Purpose and creates the greatest Joy.

We look forward to being of service to You.

This is Your Invitation.

Package A

Total Value: $2316.

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


Package B

Total Value: $2613.

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


Package A
Total Value - $2316

Item 1: I Breathe in My Divine Light, and Breathe Out All Limitations

2 MP3s as the Foundation $108 Value

English Introduction MP3 8:22 min
Light Language Session MP3 24:16 min

This is the foundational Practice that ManTarA teaches to consciously speed up and facilitate a more easy transformation into the life you desire to experience. The practice is very simple and involves combining your intentions with your deep breathing to consciously bring more Light into you being, and thus raise your vibration, and then to employ your exhalation to release the discordant energies that oppose the new higher vibration that you have chosen.

This recorded Channelled Angelic Light Language Session will help You to:

  • Establish this powerful intentional breathing practice
  • Clear out your blocks and limitations to choosing this practice for yourself
  • Experience and strengthen your connection to the Divine Light
  • Empower you to know that you can breathe out the energies that don’t serve you
  • Know that you are inherently worthy and safe to embody Your Divine Light

What People Are Saying

​“I especially Love that ManTarA is Teaching me how to Heal Myself”

“I've only been using this MP3 for a couple of weeks, and I'm already feeling a profound change. I have been breathing in my divine light whenever I remember to do it, and I'm beginning to feel my own energy swirling powerfully through my body the way I've so often felt energy from a healer. Wow! The more I do the breathing, the lighter and happier I feel as I go throughout my day. I've also felt a lot of energy coming up and moving out as I listen to the MP3. I especially love that ManTarA is teaching me how to heal myself through this easy breathing technique, instead of just healing me. This MP3 is a life changer!”

~ Sandy, California

​Immediately Feeling Brighter and Heart Expanded

“I always enjoy listening to Matt. I love his candid wisdom that he offers on unfolding, letting go and expanding into the self-source. I loved the Breathe in My Divine Light mp’3. It immediately made me feel much brighter and my heart more expanded. I like listening to all of the mp3’s often because as things shift you hear something in a new way that takes the meaning deeper.”

~Pat, USA.

Item 2: I Surrender my Fear, and I am Free

2 MP3’s $108 value

English Introduction MP3 7:31 min
Light Language Session MP3 24:28 min

Fear is a huge impediment to most people being able to be happy. Fear is the feeling that you are not safe, and therefore cannot be confident, fear causes stress as your mind and body is ready to defend itself against what you are afraid of. Now most people think that the fear they are feeling is caused by the external situation that they are dealing with, but the truth is the fear has been in your field for many lifetimes and was responsible for attracting the situation into your life that you are now facing, that situation then reinforces the fear in you. So for as long as you carry these discordant fear based energies in your field then you will keep attracting situations into your life that resonate with fear and you will not feel free.

This recorded Channelled Angelic Light Language Session will help You to:

  • Create the space where you can surrender your Fear
  • Stop judging, analyzing, and fighting with these old fear based energies
  • Choose to release and breathe them out of your field
  • Stand in Confidence, empowered in your own Divinity, Free to Shine your unique Light out for the Benefit of All

What People Are Saying

Noticeably Decreased my Anxiety in a Short Period of Time

“I have tried many different healing modalities over the years, and these mp3s have helped me to make genuine changes. The "Breathe in My Divine Light" mp3 has helped me to correct a life-long habit of breathing very shallowly and holding my breath a lot. "I Surrender My Fear" has noticeably decreased my anxiety in a short period of time. I am so grateful to have found this life-changing technology.”

~ Carla H.

​“The Nervous Tension in my Stomach is Gone”

“I have been feeling nervous about this class session that I am giving tomorrow on Information Literacy/and Information Technology. It is for a professor who is very nice however I felt judged last year when I had done two classes for her. It felt like the presentation was dry and not very entertaining, information technology is not necessarily so. I did the new mp3 Surrender your Fear and Be Free. The light language was wonderful. As soon as it started and ManTarA was speaking I was breathing and letting go like you said. I felt surrounded by Archangel Michael and Raphael on either side of me. ManTarA was in front of me. Felt energy releasing from my solar plexus and I began to yawn and sweat. By the end of the session I had sweated so much I had to strip and change. The tension in my stomach is gone. I feel like what I am is fine, I am safe, I am worthy, I am confident. I feel like I am in a space of neutrality and non-judgment just neutral. That is good to have before a presentation. I am intending to release more fear as I sleep and allow the healing to work with me through sleep. Thank you and blessings.
Love and Light,"

~ Sandy S.

Item 3: I Release the Past, and Choose to Live Now

2 MP3s $108 value

English Introduction MP3 4:15 min
Light Language Session MP3 23:39 min

For most people there is a lot of charge attached to the events of the past, unresolved emotional energy, strong thoughts or perceptions of injustice, victim hood, guilt, shame, grief etc. and that can make it a challenge to get over, forgive, and release the stories that you have attached to those past moments. Of course to be truly free to choose to Live in the Moment of Now, You must first choose to, release of all that past stuff.

This recorded Channelled Angelic Light Language Session will help You to:
Release the sticky energies left in your field from past experiences
Be free of the mental loop of reliving and thus re-creating your past

What People Are Saying

​Issues from the Past No Longer Seem to be a Problem

“I feel very calm after listening to the I release the past lives mp3. My relationships with family have become much easier and they seem to be more willing to communicate about more sensitive issues with compassion and less judgment or feeling judged. Things that have been an issue in the past no longer seem to be a problem.”

~ Sandra H.

​“Supporting My Transformation at a Deep Level”

“Thank you Matt for ManTarA. I must say that I find the recorded sessions an accessible and profound resource that has supported my transformation at a deep level. I enjoy the language and the simplicity.”

~ Mark R, Ireland

Item 4:  I Am Love, Love is My Experience

MP3 $108 value

English Introduction MP3 4:29 min
Light Language Session MP3 25:36 min

Love is a vibration that will naturally arise within you; when your Heart feels safe enough in your field to fully open. Of course you get glimpses of the vibration of Love throughout your life in certain situations when the conditions are right, your Heart opens and you feel that Love. But it is only a temporary thing, a sniff of doubt or fear washes through your space and your Heart closes and that vibration dissipates from your field.

When You can hold that vibration in your field so that it becomes your experience, that is something special, that will be truly life changing. It takes real authentic confidence, feeling intrinsically Safe, and absolutely Worthy in your own Divine Light so that your heart can reside in an open state, and your own Love can then just flow out through you and around you, so that you just exist in Love, in a field of the vibration of Love, sustained by the Love flowing from your Heart. Of course in that state, with the vibration of Love as the main vibration flavouring your overall resonance, then the experiences that flow into your life will naturally resonate with that level of Love too.

This recorded Channelled Angelic Light Language Session will help You to:

  • Allow your Higher Self to remove the barriers and limitations from around your Heart, Feel Safe, Worthy and Confident enough for your Heart to open
  • Be comfortable to receive Love and dwell in the vibration of Love
  • Resonate with Love, and attract Love into your Life experiences

What People Are Saying

​“Giving yourself this gift is a very loving thing you can do for yourself”

"I have been listening to "I am Love" for a few weeks now. The change I feel is subtle, but no less profound for me. I feel a lightness that I cannot say I felt before. The session itself is quite relaxing, and I am able to just breathe and be. Throughout my day I find I am feeling less and less frustrated by the little things, and more and more compassionate. Giving yourself this gift is a very loving thing you can do for yourself."

~ Caroline Nixon

"Building a Strong Love Relationship with Myself"

"Many, many, heartfelt thanks for the light language package!! Since the first time I listened to one of your sessions the vibrations felt pure and high and, in and through the heart. Your Light Language Package it has been (and it will continue to be) an amazing aid to build a strong-lasting love relationship with myself and to keep releasing and brightening up. My heart feels wide open right now and from it flows all my gratitude to you my friend. Whoever will be drawn to work with your sessions is blessed, and will be a blessing. Heart's smiles and kisses!"

~ Bruno B, Italy

Item 5: Empowered Gratitude with Your Attitude

MP3 $108 value

English Introduction MP3 3:23 min
Light Language Session MP3 23:13 min

For many people there understanding of gratitude is that it is them saying thank you to some external being, quite often a more powerful being than themselves, that has given them something that they did not already have but they wanted. The idea is that if you say thank you and show your appreciation for their gift to you then that outside power will reward you by giving you some more.

We would like to offer you another way of viewing the vibration of Gratitude. The Truth, as we understand it right now, is that You are responsible for bringing everything into your life experience, Pleasant and Unpleasant, not so much with your conscious mind but more with the unconscious energy that you carry in your energy fields. So really when something that you enjoy has manifest in your external experience the vibration of gratitude can be employed, if you choose, to reinforce the vibration in your field that invited that experience. Gratitude can be like you reinforcing, Yes, I created this and it serves me, let's create more of this.

This recorded Channelled Angelic Light Language Session will help You to:

  • Choose to use Gratitude in an empowered way to reinforce what you EnJoy
  • Clear out the subservient attitudes that you have been indoctrinated with
  • Feel Worthy to say Thank You to yourself for what you have, or will, so masterfully created
  • Be free to hold more of your Divine Light and create your Life from that Light

What People Are Saying

​“Releasing what doesn't serve me anymore has become an easy process.”

“Last October I had the greatest surprise of listening to Matt deliver his light language. I had never heard anything like it before. That day I felt energy moving in me for the first time. It was very powerful.
Needless to say I purchased his package and since then, I have been living my life with more joy and awareness than ever before. I now have a greater understanding of both my emotions and my human experience in general. Releasing what doesn't serve me anymore has become an easy process.
Now, after having the absolute privilege of listening to some of his new MP3's, my opinion of his abilities has grown even more. I have been working on my huge fear base and core beliefs and Matt's new MP3's have really helped me release things that I have not been able to for more than 30 years. His support is amazing and I feel he really has just begun to make his mark on the world as we know it”

~ Andrea Curcio
Victoria, Australia

Item 6:  Strong Digestion, Physical and Energetic

MP3 $108 value

English Introduction MP3 5:02 min
Light Language Session MP3 22:48 min

Your physical digestive system will mirror your energetic digestive system. Energetic digestion is centred in your solar plexus and is your ability to be able to take the energetic nutrients from any situation that you experience, assimilate them, and then release very easily and cleanly the energetic waste.

For example, someone criticizes you; now if your energetic digestion is strong you will be able to take the seed of truth from their critical comment and learn from it, and you will very easily without being triggered release everything else that does not serve you, their stuff, the way said it, why they said it, simply does not affect you. Now obviously when your energetic digestion is not so strong, as in most people, it is a different story, and in the example we just looked at the reaction to criticism will be to go into a stress response, looping confused thought patterns, judgements, victim mentality, needing to defend, etc. not only is the seed of truth lost, but the waste is not expelled and turns toxic as the situation is relived many times over in the mind, each time you relive the situation, thinking what you should have, could have, or might have said in response, the emotional body reacts as if the situation has just happened again, invoking more and more heavy energies in your field.

This recorded Channelled Angelic Light Language Session will help You to:

  • Choose to be confident with who you authentically are
  • Be able to digest whatever situations you are exposed to from that place of Safe, Worthy and Confident in your own Divine Light
  • Experience a strengthening of your physical digestion
  • Experience more efficiency and ease with your elimination
  • Enjoy the health benefits of a strong digestive system

What People Are Saying

​“I suddenly love my body and myself much more.”

“Since listening to this Mp3 on the physical side of things I can feel my colon opening up and I no longer need to take laxative. My colon has started closing up since 4 years due to Ulcerative Colitis/Chrons disease, which I've suffered from for past 25 years. I've also noticed when people argue with me I don't respond angrily anymore. I either just listen or try and pacify them in a loving way. I've had ‎huge physical releases, one day I had loose motions almost 30 times. I have also been losing weight without changing my diet or exercising. I am definitely more confident and no longer care about other people's judgment etc. I suddenly love my body and myself much more.”

~Nishna‎ Rambocus

​“The Pains have Disappeared and the Bloating too”

“By listening to the mp3 Strong Digestion I have become aware of people or situations that were for me non digestible, therefore, causing all the bloating and discomfort I was feeling in my tummy. It became clear to me what was good and what was not good for me to digest, either metaphorically or with real food. The pains I was having lately have disappeared and the bloating too. Amazingly, it has helped me to stay more focused, and more in my own energy field.
One by one, I find these mp3s a real blessing!
Thank you Matt,ManTarA.”

~ MF, Portugal.

Item 7:  Becoming Confident to Shed Your Armour and the Pounds

$108 value

English Introduction MP3 5:58 min
Light Language Session MP3 22:56 min

Of course there can be many reasons why the physical body chooses to carry extra fat, but protection and staying safe is a common one, we have all lived in lifetimes when famine killed many, or cold was an issue, but what we would like to also draw your attention to is this attempt of the physical body to create a buffer with body fat against undesirable energetic interference. Now a layer of fat is not a particularly effective energetic shield, but because most people have not been taught to set effective energetic boundaries, then, out of desperation that’s what you may have subconsciously done to protect yourself. Energetic interference comes in many forms, from curses and other malevolent thought forms, entities, dependant cording’s, societal fears and an area that is definitely increased exponentially in the last decade EMF and EMR from all the technology around us.

ManTarA invites you to step into your own Divine Light, to consciously choose to feel safe, worthy and authentically confident in that Light, knowing that very naturally Light is more powerful than darkness and the only way that light can be affected by darkness is when the light is covered with the clouds of fear.

When you stand confidently in your Light, and allowing your Light to radiate out around you, the dense energies cannot come close to you. You become the beacon of Light in Love and cease to be a sponge soaking up the fear. Then as your body feels that you are safe, worthy, and confident in the Light it can very naturally allow that layer of fat to be released. Other fear based reasons for holding extra body weight, such as past starvation, or becoming the victim of unwanted sexual attention, etc. also subside as you naturally become more confident in the vibration of safety that arises as you choose to consistently stand in your own Divine Light.

Another important aspect of course is to choose to Love your body as it is right now, remembering that your body is always working for you as best it can considering the energies that you are carrying in your energetic fields. Fighting with your body or punishing it with unrealistic exercise programs or overly restrictive diets will never help in the long term. Get out of your dogmatic beliefs and judgments, set your intentions on what you desire and then listen to and honour the wisdom of your body as it guides you to realising that intention.

This Light Language sessions is intended to facilitate the conducive conditions for you choosing this transformation; out of the fear and into authentic Confidence and Love. ManTarA will work specifically with your physical body to encourage the feeling of safety to enter each and every cell and thus eliminate the need for body fat armour and other ineffective defensive protection methods. 

What People Are Saying

​“My chocolate and sugar cravings have gone away!”

“The first time I listened to this I got emotional, because I felt so deeply supported around an issue that's been painful for me my entire life. Thanks so much for this beautiful gift, Matt and ManTarA! I've listened several times now, and I just feel really peaceful and strong and confident about my body during and after listening. And, on top of that, my chocolate and sugar cravings have gone away!”

~ Sandy, California

​Less Hunger, More Accepting and More Empowered

“After listening to Becoming Confident to release the Armor I have had less hunger and less desire to eat whatever I want. I am making more healthy choices. I also feel more accepting of my body and feel more empowered.”

~Sandra, Canada.

Item 8:  Relax into Comfort, Rest Easy, and Sleep Well

$108 value

English Introduction MP3 3:27 min
Light Language Session MP3 22:26 min

Relaxation is for many humans a precious commodity and for some it appears to have become an impossible goal. Such is the condition of many in our modern society that have made their life so demanding, as they strive to achieve all that they perceive is necessary to attain happiness, that they have found themselves in a chronic state of stress. Stress is a natural response of the physical body that is designed to help keep us alive, the fight or flight response, that involves a whole bunch of chemicals being released into our system to create a hyper vigilant, prepared to fight, state. So that is not a bad thing once in a while, but the issue is when it becomes continuous the body becomes very depleted, during the stress response the digestive function is turned off, so you can imagine what happens to a body that is under chronic stress. And there are many other physical issues as well including the inability to go into deep sleep and the tendency for the muscles to stay tight, we won’t list it all but needless to say chronic stress destroys the physical body.

This recorded Channelled Angelic Light Language Session will help You to:

  • Perceive less situations in your life as dangerous, and thus reduce the stress response
  • Release the effects of stress from you physical, mental, emotional being
  • Relax, unwind, breathe deep, and EnJoy comfort
  • Sleep deep to integrate, assimilate and rejuvenate at every level 

What People Are Saying

​“OMG I Just Melt every Time I listen to this mp3”

“I have no idea how you do this Matt, but this mp3 never fails, It does not matter how tense I am when I get home from work, I put this on and OMG I just melt every time. It is a very surreal experience like I am floating and all the tension and darkness just release out of me in waves as I breathe. I am now taking your advice and working on being the beacon of Light at work and not the sponge of everyone else’s tension, in the meantime I have this mp3 in my first aid kit. Thank You”

~ Tonia, NZ

​“I always fall asleep before it ends”

“Falling asleep at night does not always come easy to me, but when I listen to this light language, I always fall asleep before it ends. Thank you, thank you, THANK you!”

~ Sandy, California

Item 9: Support and Balance Your Hormone System

$108 value

English Introduction MP3 2:45 min
Light Language Session MP3 22:35 min

The system of hormone glands in your physical body, more correctly called the endocrine system, is very closely linked to your energetic body. There are master glands located at energy centres, or chakras, in the body. So it is not to hard to understand that when there is discordance energetically within Your being then one of the first places it shows up is in the endocrine system.

The endocrine system plays a vital role in regulating many of the functions of the physical body, and science is now realising that much of what was thought to be controlled by the nervous system is actually run by hormones.

We know that many of you will have been diagnosed with, or suspected of, having some sort of hormone imbalance in the physical body. We are not going to get into the specifics of what different glands relate to energetically, but needless to say it can be complicated. There is also the whole issue around aging, and menopause for women, and what that means for the hormone balance and thus the health and comfort of your body, and that is also a very twisted web of disempowering indoctrinated belief systems that we don’t need to get caught in the story of.

What this session is intending to provide is a clearing out of all energies that are adversely affecting your endocrine system so that your body can return to full health. Also you might find that this session helps mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as these same controlling energies and the hormone glands are very closely linked to all the levels and bodies of your being.

So as well as finding a return of more stable physical energy, stronger metabolism, comfortable heat management, reduction in body fat and fluid retention, you may also experience more balanced emotional moods, clearer thinking and more refined psychic abilities, and a greater sense of personal power, as your endocrine system returns to a more balanced natural state.

What People Are Saying

“My PMS and Menopause symptoms were greatly reduced”

“This has helped me through some tough days dealing with both PMS and menopause symptoms (yes, I'm at that in-between age where I get both!). My symptoms were greatly reduced, and sometimes I just fell asleep and woke feeling better. What a relief! I feel such a beautiful, light energy washing through me when I listen to this that I love listening even on days when I don't have symptoms. It leaves me feeling light, energetic and balanced.”

~ Sandy, California.

Item 10: Optimal Hydration

$108 value

English Introduction MP3 2:34 min
Light Language Session MP3 22:06 min

You are all aware of the importance of drinking enough good quality water is for both the health of your physical body and the ease with which you can process energetic transformation.

Basically as most people grow older they slowly dehydrate, at birth the human body is about 80% water and in the very old that has usually dropped to nearly 50%. Adequate water in the human body is essential to being healthy and comfortable. But the story is more complicated than just how much you drink, as there are all sorts of mechanisms that regulate how much You store and how you store it and how useful or available that water is. Again we are not going to get too caught up in the story of all of that basically because intellectually understanding it all doesn’t do much to help.

This recorded Channelled Angelic Light Language Session will help You to:

  • Release the energies causing the misbalance of water in your body
  • Achieve a well hydrated, properly, comfortably, functioning body
  • Release the water retention issues that many of you may experience
  • Develop a taste for good clean water, so that you can enjoy maintaining your fluid intake

What People Are Saying

​Miraculous improvement in Digestion and Hydration

"I have been listening to 3 recordings from ManTarA and am having almost miraculous results. Many years ago I began to not be able to digest anything that grew in the ground. My body was not processing water properly either which meant that the water I was drinking did not get into the cells. With both of these things happening, I was also not able to keep my weight stable. It felt like my body was drowning internally but dehydrated at the same time and I was always hungry but was not getting the nutrients from my food.

I started listening to the recordings for Optimum Hydration, Strong Digestion, and Shed Your Armour (extra weight). The next morning, I immediately noticed an improvement in how well my last night's supper was digested and how much more water was being eliminated. Throughout the day, my body felt lighter and I felt more centred in my body. My body is processing food and water better and I can tell that I am more hydrated just from looking at my skin. Another thing I have noticed is that I have actually been sleeping and not having to get up to go to the bathroom several times. I have listened to the recordings a few times so far and find that they are helping me to heal problems that I have been living with and dealing with for years and years. I am looking forward to much more improvement as I listen to the recording again and again. Also, Matt's explanation of energetic digestion was so clear and profound that I have begun to really pay attention to that in my life and find it very helpful.

I can't thank you enough for the miracle that you have made possible for me
Much love and gratitude,"

~ Rosann

Item 11: I Love Money, I am Worthy of Having It

$108 value

English Introduction MP3 6:33 min
Light Language Session MP3 22:02 min

Now my friends, seriously, We know that most people want money, but how many people actually Love money? Do You? Can You say, I Love Money, and feel expansive with that statement?

You see most of you have some funky energies hidden away in your energetic field regards Money and how you can, and should, interact with Money. How much Money is acceptable to have before you become “filthy rich” or greedy? If Money is the root of all evil is it “safe” to have any of it at all? Of course most of You have been implanted with these beliefs, and many, many, more, throughout so many life times by a variety of powerful beings to keep you poor and disempowered. And while all that has happened as part of your Soul's journey and we are not encouraging you to feel like you are the victim of those actions, it is time for You to clear those beliefs right down to the core, so that you can have a healthy relationship with Money, and allow it flow through your life, facilitating the easy joyful living that you are worthy of experiencing.

Financial abundance, and how much Money you can comfortably hold in your space, my friends is completely linked to your Self Worth. If You do not feel worthy as you are right now, then you will not be able to hold much money, even if you were to win the lottery tomorrow, you, like most people who win the lottery, will loose that money somehow very quickly, simply because energetically having all that money does not resonate with you.

Also, Financial abundance doesn’t start at a certain $ amount. Financial Abundance is a vibration, it’s a feeling. Some extremely wealthy people haven’t obtained that vibration yet and so they don’t feel they have enough, they might have billions of dollars, more than they could possibly ever spend, but still they don’t feel they have enough to be happy, to be free of the vibration of scarcity, which is the opposite of abundance, and so it is; they are left wanting, despite the fortune that they own.

So please forget about trying to work out how to get X amount of money so that you can be happy, because it really doesn’t work that way. Choose to feel worthy, choose to feel safe, choose to feel confident, choose to feel financially abundant, choose to Love money as the form of energy that it is, choose to feel happy, breathe in your Divine Light with these vibrations and choose to breathe out all the false beliefs, limiting energies and discordance’s that has been keeping you out of the experience of how you intend to feel. That’s it. It really can Be that Simple.

Through this session you just keep breathing, let the energy do the work as ManTarA weaves their magic, working with the specific intentions of releasing anything that is keeping you out of the vibration of “in Love with money” and anything that is limiting your ability to feel worthy of choosing it, anything that is making it “wrong” for you to have it, or anything that is keeping you contracted around needing to have it. Basically, Your Higher Self and ManTarA will sort it all out so you can comfortably experience an abundance of financial support, and the freedom that comes very naturally with that.

What People Are Saying

​“I Am Already Seeing Results”

“Oh Matt this mp3 has changed my life, my whole focus with money has changed, I have let go of the need to get money to prove myself, something that has been with me for a long time. I am starting to allow myself to actually feel successful as I am right now, it is so empowering. My eyes have opened to so many other possibilities for my business; instead of beating my head against a wall trying so hard to make the traditional approach work I am starting to allow myself the freedom to work in a way that is far more in alignment with who I am. And I am already seeing results, two new exciting clients have just appeared in the last week, it was so easy, there was no need for a sales pitch from me, I didn’t have to sell my soul. Thank you so much Matt and ManTarA, so grateful beyond words.”

~ Tara, Wellington

Item 12: Meditation Journey, Experience Your Divine Self

$108 value

English Introduction MP3 2:10 min
Light Language Session MP3 23:20 min

Meditation has been a very important part of my personal ascension journey, and I have been teaching meditation from my yoga background for nearly 20 years so when ManTarA indicated we could incorporate a track like this in the package I was very excited. I personally love this track and listen to it myself often.

The intention of this meditative journey is to take you well beyond your mind into a very peaceful place where a deep intimate connection and communion can occur with the higher aspects of Yourself.

ManTarA uses angelic technologies to gently help disengage you from your egoic mind, if you are willing, of course we will never force you, It’s a gradual process, that will deepen the more you practice and really allow yourself to surrender to the process, your mind must feel safe enough to allow that.

We will lead you into the meditation with English directions and then allow a beautiful soft flowing Light Language dialogue to take you on, deep into your Sacred Heart space where you can relax and experience. EnJoy. 

What People Are Saying

​“It Dissipates my Usual morning Brain Fog”

“Usually, I resist processes of meditation because of the anxiety in my field that get released. Amazingly, the angelic technologies infused in this track transmute the discordances instantly. The experience is so gentle that I can dive into it daily. Just after waking up, it dissipates my usual morning brain fog and allows me to reduce coffee. In the evening, this is the sweetest sleep inducer. No side effect! Pure velvety softness. I discovered a new depth in my heart space and the feeling was so delicious that it motivated me to gently come back to physical exercise, so that my heart itself can expand even more on the body level and contain that flow of divine energy. My cat never misses it when I play this journey!”

~ Sylvie M., Teacher and Art Therapist

Item 13: Your Joyful Relationships

Recorded Group Light Language Call 90min

Joyful relationships whether with your family, your lover, your colleagues, your friends, or people you have just met, naturally arise when you are authentically confident in your divine Light, when you feel worthy, and when you Love yourself. Again, the secret to allowing these vibrations to become your resonance is to stop trying to change the external situations, and surrender into the knowing that everything external in your life is simply the reflection of how your energy fields currently are. So then allow yourself to expand into allowance, so that you can release the discordance from your field making space for you to embody your Divine Light and radiate it out around you to attract the relationships that resonate with your new confident, worthy, Loving vibration.

This call will help you to:

  • Understand how your relationships are currently mirroring your energetic field
  • Bring in your Divine Light so that you can feel Safe, Worthy, and Confident in Yourself
  • Allow your Heart to open and your own compassionate unconditional Love can flow out to Yourself
  • Become free of the need to be Loved or respected by others, so that you are free to receive that Love
  • Radiate your own Love and light out around you to attract people into your life that resonate with you

What People Are Saying

“This Sweet Lover Chose to Move in with Me”

"As a Pisces and empath, I tend to dream in the abstract world to escape the dense energies I feel, and I had took on, a lot of weight.

Working with ManTarA's transmissions allowed me to bring more of my own Light into my body and ground myself more, so that I could be stronger facing those energies, and concretely move forward on my projects. I came back to naturally move my body and tend to the garden. My hunger has gently reduced because I'm more centred. This also resulted in being more focused about how I spend money and I found the courage to make new steps toward opening my healing business.
Matt Andrews' private support is always empowering, he helps me tap into my strength and inner knowing to find my own answers.

I had been single for 14 years, with only a few short stories, and had met a new guy. Since being infused with ManTarA's energies, this sweet lover decided to move in with me!

While meditating I used to be assaulted with anxiety and dreadful thought, and thanks to the softness of the angelic support I have been able to finally stick to a meditative practice.

To ease my complex mind, there is nothing like the Light Language ManTarA is transmitting, while a profound transformation is happening.

The committed community that Matt has gathered allows the group sessions to shake and remove very deep layers in our field.
I am immensely grateful for Matt's help on this journey - his crystalline laugh in itself brings lightness into a very powerful process."

~ Sylvie, France

Item 14: Your Healthy Body

Recorded Group Light Language Call 90min

Your Body is part of the external world, and the external world is always a perfect reflection of your energetic fields. So if you are wondering what is the state of your energy fields, then a good place to look for clues is in the Health of your Body.

Your Body will manifest conditions as a way of trying to balance the discordant energies from your field. Your Body is always working for you as best it can. When You are out of balance with the energies of self worth and authentic confidence the body may as a result manifest many different conditions, some of the very common ones are:

  • Digestive issues
  • Weight Gain
  • Back/hip pain
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Joint pain
  • Breathing/lung issues
  • Eyesight, hearing problems
  • Stress/tension/anxiety issues, headache, insomnia, poor memory, lack of clarity, overthinking mental confusion 

This call is intended to help you understand that you are not the victim of your body and the conditions it presents with. We are going to help you develop a loving relationship with your body that will allow you take the wrongness out of the conditions your body has manifest and bring a vibration of allowance to your transformational process. Once You can expand with allowance into feeling safe, worthy and confident you will find you are able to Love your Body just as it is and it will very natural heal and regenerate to better reflect the vibrational resonance you have chosen and embodied. 

What People Are Saying

​Body is Finally Pain Free after Years of ongoing Problems

“It is with a very humble heart and great privilege that I have this opportunity to express my great love and gratitude for the healing journey Matt Andrews and myself have walked…
From our very 1st session together it has been a journey of discovery, trust, healing and love. Matty’s beautiful nature, friendliness and authenticity shines through in the way he conducts himself and his healings. There is a great sense of Faith and belief in the process. The healing and transformation together has been one of great growth and awakening in all areas of my life. I’m in much gratitude for our time spent as we have peeled away layer upon layer of suppression, limiting beliefs, fears and long since done memories. I’m proud to say I’ve re-awakened to so much self-love, inner trust, freedom, truth and understanding of the gift that we all are, through our sessions. ManTarA's healings have allowed me to see the abundance of love and support that is in, and around, my life. My body is so much stronger and finally pain free after years of on going problems.”

~ Paul Jackson, Titahi Bay, NZ.

​“My Tummy is nicely Flat again and my Energy is High and Strong”

“I bought the package and I am very content with the results. After some time of just surrendering the “sound carpets” of ManTarA I simply fell in love with the energy waves and the contents of the different MP3s, which I found very wisely chosen from the subjects and great comments and introductions from Matt. Everything just fitted.
When I had the private session with Matt, I enjoyed his warmhearted and authentic enthusiasm and determination to help and turn things around for the best outcome. I could see a lot of energy moving and had hot spirals coming out of my hands.
ManTarA feels like good friends since then.
Once again I was thrilled by the group call. Listening to the replay I experienced once again a deep clearing, especially in my solar plexus area. Since then my tummy is nicely flat again and my energy throughout the day is astonishing high and strong!
Blessings to all of you for your work with a huge THANK YOU!”

~ Bianca from Germany

Item 15: Your Abundant Financial Support

Recorded Group Light Language Call 90 min

We feel it is safe to say that you Light workers and spiritual aware people have more discordant energies and limiting belief systems around money and financial support than anything else.

There is a whole group of you that desperately want money as a way of escaping the pain of the 3D world, and of course that desperation is a contracted lack vibration that very effectively will hold you out of the experience of having financial freedom. It’s the financial freedom that most of you desire. Money is a form of energy that can only be held in your field to the level that you energetically feel worthy of. And then there is a whole range of limiting beliefs around money and how much you can safely have, and what you need to do to earn it, many of them subconscious and from past life experiences.

The great thing about working with ManTarA to facilitate transformation is that you really don’t have to understand, or even name, the discordant energies or beliefs that are in your field and limiting you, to release them. We simply hold the intentions to release what does not serve you and in the space that the light language weaves ManTarA assists your Higher Self to release those energies.

This call helps to bring an understanding of the mental attitudes that will support you to be confident in attracting the abundant financial support and developing a level of self worth that can attain the financial freedom that you desire. As with all transformations it is an inside job, clearing out the discordant energies so that you can choose and hold the vibrations of Self Worth and Love confidently, that will then lead to you feeling free and joyful and then the outside world will reflect it back to you. The magic is in the release of those energies that have been impacted in your field for many lifetimes, that’s our gift to you.

What People Are Saying

​“Always seem to Hit the Nail on the Head”

“Dear Matt - Thank you for the great Light Language calls with ManTarA. I am not one to "feel" energy as such, but every time I finish a session I feel better, and my day seems to go better. And the following days - I apply what I get from the calls and it helps. I am very glad I came across you and ManTarA, You always seem to hit the nail on the head.
Love & Blessings,"

~ Michelle

Item 16: Your Empowered Purpose and Spiritual Gifts

Recorded Group Light Language Call 90min

So many beautiful people get hung up on finding their “life purpose”, putting their life on hold until their intellect thinks it knows what they are here to do in this life, and can make plans to make it happen. OMG it so doesn’t work that way.

What if your purpose is simply to become empowered in your authentic confidence to act intuitively and go with the flow? Now before you allow your mind to convince you that if you just went with the flow that would be lazy and nothing would get done. I can assure you that is not the case, when you start flowing with your intuition you are working for spirit and there is plenty to do, if you are willing, and although it won’t feel like the sacrifice most of you associate with “work”, you might still find yourself very busy.

What happens when you disassociate from your egoic mind, and its need to plan everything, is that you create space in your field and energetic relaxation that allows the release of all that is holding you back. You breathe in and invite your own divine light to embody within you, your vibration natural rises and you breathe out and release all that does not resonate with your new higher vibration, with each breath you consciously take you are becoming more authentically your Divine Self, and very naturally you become aware of your gifts and abilities and you have the confidence to exercise and strengthen them, you feel empowered in your Self and you feel you have purpose in your Life. Now that is Living.

Our intention is to bring this process to reality for you, bringing mental clarity to the process so you can relax and allow it to happen as well as facilitating the energetic space with the light language where by your Higher Self can easily release the blocks and resistance you have to allowing it to happen.

What People Are Saying

“I Have Experienced Real Miracles in My Life from ManTarA’s Work”

“I have found that Matt has a great ability to tune in with the human being he has in front of him. He is a fantastic listener and combines patience, understanding, wisdom and love to promptly find the underlying issue to be addressed from the stories and helps you to put everything into perspective. In a private session you are never judged, you feel immensely understood, loved and supported. Although Matt never speaks of himself as being a psychic, what I experience on his private sessions is that he shares some precious premonitions. He says what will unfold and so it happens, I experienced real miracles in my life. I could never have found better guidance because it comes together with inner transformation. Pearls of wisdom flow through from ManTarA and it is all recorded so you can listen back to it many times. The guidance is built on a strong foundation. You are putting brick upon brick. Or, even better said, using the words Matt spoke in one of my sessions: “We are removing one by one the energetic layers that don´t allow your soul to express fully. You are surely able of doing it on your own. The question is: how long will it take?” ManTarA speeds up the whole process in an unimaginable way!
ManTarA is there for a New World. Matt is a pioneer and goes much further, much deeper than we are used to. ManTarA does transform who listens to, and who breathes with the Light Language.
I don´t know any program or any healer that helps you transform as consistently as Matt,ManTarA. I sometimes question myself if the world is ready to receive this wonderful being and his teachings, since many people seem to be attracted very often for what appeals to their intellect, to complicated explanations, or classifications and scientifically proven statements. With all its simplicity I feel ManTarA is constantly piercing several layers of old beliefs, old patterns, bringing truth to light, revealing the path.
I´m a healer who ManTarA helped get back on track after very difficult times, like a phoenix being born from the ashes. I must say words are not sufficient to thank Matt,ManTarA, no words adequately express my immense gratitude!”

~ Mafalda, Portugal

Package A

You will receive:

Item 1: I Breathe in My Divine Light, and Breathe Out All Limitations
Item 2: I Surrender my Fear, and I am Free
Item 3: I Release the Past, and Choose to Live Now
Item 4: I Am Love, Love is My Experience
Item 5: Empowered Gratitude with Your Attitude
Item 6: Strong Digestion, Physical and Energetic
Item 7: Becoming Confident to Shed Your Armour and the Pounds
Item 8: Relax into Comfort, Rest Easy, and Sleep Well
Item 9: Support and Balance Your Hormone System
Item 10: Optimal Hydration
Item 11: I Love Money, I am Worthy of Having It
Item 12: Meditation Journey, Experience Your Divine Self
Item 13: Your Joyful Relationships
Item 14: Your Healthy Body
Item 15: Your Abundant Financial Support
Item 16: Your Empowered Purpose and Spiritual Gifts

Total Value: $2316.

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


Package ​B
Includes everything in Package A Plus
Total Value - $2613

Item 1 Package B: ​60min Private Session with ManTarA

This is an opportunity to have ManTarA address your personal issues or limitations and have specific energies brought forth to assist you in expanding into your greater potential and releasing the deep discordant energies from your field that have been attracting unpleasant situations into your life.
The format of this session will be tailored to suit your requirements. As well as working with the Light Language to facilitate expansion on the energetic front we also quite often support the work with coaching style practical steps to empower you in the process and help your intellectual mind to evolve and become more allowing of the process. Although we work in an intuitive way we do not do “readings” as such, we are much more interested in facilitating the energies required for you to become empowered enough to know for yourself. The session will be recorded.

Item 2 Package B: 42 Days of Remote Energy Support

We will work with the whole group as well as with You as an individual for at least half an hour every day for 6 weeks during the next calendar month. Our intention will be to support you in releasing those discordant energies from your field that have been keeping you out of the experience of Divine Authentic Confidence, Self Worth and Love and the freedom on all levels that results from embodying that Divine state. We will be channelling, direct to you, beautiful compassionate energies that will help you feel safe and confident to allow this transformational process to proceed quickly and easily.

Package B

​Includes everything in Package A Plus

60min Private Session with ManTarA

and 42 Days of Remote Energy Support

Total Value: $2613.

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


What People Are Saying

​"I Can Celebrate My Life Again"

“I am still finding my words for exactly what transpired with Matt and ManTarA yesterday in our session. And yet, either way, words will not give you the authentic understanding of working with them. This experience runs deep through the unconscious mind, the body and the energetic field.

When I came to the session with Matt, I was struggling with feelings grief, guilt and shame. The joyous experience of enjoying the fruits of my labor in my career and relationships was coinciding with several of my friends and family members and just that much of our global community in general suffering immense heartache and tragedy.
First, Matt as the human personality he is offered me such wise, loving and deep wisdom about what I was feeling while also giving me the space to express. He is such a kind, joyful and down-to-earth individual; exactly who you would want leading you in to what would come next!

Then the channeling of ManTarA and the light language. It was an extremely rapid flow of sounds that was not necessarily familiar to my brain, but was immediately familiar to my heart and soul. I was overtaken with waves of joy and laughter and then settled into a space of tranquility as the language and the extremely powerful energy it brings forth it washed over me.

And truly, by the end you will feel nearly "blown away" by the wall of sound, vibration and healing.
All the best parts of receiving energy work was there for me in the experience; the warmth, the tingling, the feeling of a massive clearing of dense, stagnant or otherwise dis-empowering energy making it's way out. Towards the end Matt and his Higher Self shared several messages in English and then immediately followed it up with more light language, and it just drove the whole learning home for me intellectually as well as energetically

I felt an enormous change in my energetic field occur as my own confidence to shine my light with total compassion and love for myself and others vibrated out of my body and in to the atmosphere around me. There were many beautiful colors during this time as well as various images of ManTarA showing themselves to me as a beautiful tribal group performing sacred ancient ceremonies throughout the session. I also was given really beautiful confirmation about my own work as a healer that uplifted me and made me feel so very supported in my practice.

I look forward to the ways in which this session will keep transforming me. This is absolutely the type of work that continues processing long afterwards. Already I have felt a deep inner peace and acceptance harness itself in my body. I feel compassion and love for my community without trapping anyone else's soul journey in my own energy or body. I can celebrate my life again while honoring the totality of the human experience happening on our planet right now.

As a professional channel and healer myself with many dear friends and contacts in this "world" I have had the blessing to work with some of the very best sharing on the planet right now. Matt's work was simply some of the most potent and profound I have experienced. Thank you, Matt! I am glad to know you and ManTarA! ”

~ Alee Reina Hoffman, AADP, Soul Channel and Akashic Records Teacher

​“Removed a Very Dark Entity”

“I heard about Matt and the ManTarA angels when he spoke on Eram's first tele-summit in the fall. We have had about 6 private sessions and they have all been beneficial. I was having trouble with dark energies and entities that I could not free myself from this intense energy. On the second session, Matt and the ManTarA angels removed a very dark entity and created a protection system that is still in place six months later. A huge burden has been lifted from my energy field. I continue to practice the ManTarA method of releasing six months later and my confidence has grown immensely. Matt is a very kind human being, and he delivered the messages from the ManTarA angels in a way that I could understand.”

~ Kathy Jackson

​New Levels of Awareness and Stronger Confidence

“I am so appreciative of the beautiful session I had with Matt and ManTarA. First off, Matt is so easy to talk to. His energy is kind, loving and peaceful. I was instantly at ease just being in his energy field. Then when he channeled ManTarA all I can say is holy wow! It was amazing. The energy was deep and profound. As a light worker, who also channels light language, and has worked with many powerful healers I have to say that this work is absolutely filled with light, love and healing. I was pleasantly immersed in a loving embrace of supportive energy. During my session I was deeply moved, and at the same time relaxed, as I was taken to new levels of awareness. Afterward I felt a higher level of confidence, as well as a higher level of mastery with my light language. The energy that was transmitted and the light language that was spoken is high frequency, one that opens up new and deeper channels of healing, awareness and support that was felt in every cell of my body. Thank you so much Matt and ManTarA! I am so grateful for your healing gifts.”

~ Robin Chellis, Light Code Healing

About Matt

Matt comes from a very intellectual, left brained, training as a professional mechanical engineer. However he now finds himself as a conduit for the powerful transformational energies that flow through from spirit. Matt works primarily with a collective of angelic light beings known to him as ManTarA, using Light Language to create an energetic space in the quantum that invites clients to expand out of their limitations, release their discordant energies, and to connect with their higher aspects of Self.

While Matt’s amazingly powerful work with ManTarA is a relatively new phase in this life, it is not an overnight transformation. Through his dedicated and disciplined practice of traditional yoga and meditation over the last 20 years he has purified his energy system, strengthened his awareness and raised his vibrational frequency, which allowed him to reconnect to his higher Self and ManTarA. However he is still a down to earth, well-grounded guy that enjoys a good laugh, and his progressive transformation has unfolded while living, working and raising a family in our modern society.

Refund Policy of Judy Anderson and Associates, LLC and Judy Anderson: We truly love and appreciate all of our listeners and speakers. Please note that some speakers have their own refund/no-refund policies which we honor. For others if you feel that you cannot receive value from a package, we will issue a refund if it is within a 30 day period. Energetically, to honor the speakers and the time it takes putting the packages together for you, only 1 refund will be issued per person during every 90 day period. If any class or private session has been given, no refunds will be given. We appreciate and thank You for your understanding.


This information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns what so ever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH Judy Anderson & Associates, LLC, are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. Judy Anderson and Associates, LLC and Judy Anderson do not recommend, endorse or make any representation about the efficacy, appropriateness or suitability of any specific tests, products, procedures, treatments, services, opinions, health care providers or other information that may be contained on or available through our website or our broadcast shows. We are not responsible nor liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through our company. Any health, fitness and nutritional information is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health care professional because of something you may have read on our materials or heard on our shows. The use of any information provided by Judy Anderson & Associates, LLC, is solely at your own risk. Nothing stated or posted or available through any services are intended to be and must not be taken to be, the practice of medical or counseling care. For purposes of this agreement, the practice of medicine and counseling includes,without limitation, psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, or providing health care treatment, instructions, diagnosis, prognosis, or advice.

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