Sittings With Cisco: What Horses Are Here To Teach Humanity About
Healthy Emotional Behavior

Introduction To Animal Communue-ication™

Have you always wanted to learn to speak with your animals?
We love our animals deeply. They are our furry children and beloved members of our
They love us unconditionally and can be our greatest companions. Our animals are such
an important part of our lives and we want to make sure that we take the very best
care of them on every level: physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.
However, it hasn’t always been easy to hear or know what they need to thrive. Until

- Does your beloved pet have some behavioral issue that you just can't get to the
bottom of? - Have you ever felt terrified, frustrated or depressed about an injury, health or
behavioral issue with your animal? - Would you like to save time, money and stress worrying about and dealing with
your animal’s issues and know directly from them what they are aware of? - Have you been wanting to experience or explore a more natural way to work
with your animal’s health issues? - Do you desire to have the deepest soul connection with your animal?
- Would you feel relief if your animal could talk to you?
- Do you want to learn a level of living from your authentic essence that is so
natural and instinctual? - Would you like to release your fear, anxiety, stress or overwhelm about your
own power?

“I wish you could talk. I know you are trying to tell me something.
But I can’t understand you.”

Dr. Allecia Maine, MA felt the exact same way. Until she learned the sacred art of Animal Commune-ication™.
For the last 26 years, she has been Professionally assisting thousands of clients around the world to heel their behavior and health issues naturally as well as assist with their end of life questions for an ease filled transition.
In addition, the animals asked Allecia to share their Soul Messages with their humans to assist their humans in healing their own hearts and mending their deepest wounds.
And now you can join beloved Animal Commune-icator and Animal Heeler™ Dr. Allecia Maine, MA for an eye opening, mind blowing, fun, experiential course that will teach you step by step how to reconnect with and develop your Authentic Commune-ication skills to have any question answered straight from your animal’s mouth.

Session 1: The Gateway To Commune-ication
Breath is the foundation of all life. Not only does it animate all beings with life, but it is the most powerful connector of communication between all beings. When our breath is In Sync and flowing, we are capable of many skills we didn’t realize we had.
This first session will cover how to properly align and utilize our breath as the Gateway to open-up and establish a pure and clear connection with our heart in order to enter into a space of timelessness in which our Commune-ication takes place. We need to establish a breathing pattern that allows us to access a sense of calm and peace within in order to most highly develop our intuition in Session 3.
Session 2: How You Uniquely Receive Information
All beings have the capacity to receive information on a deeper 6th sense level. The 4 main forms of receiving information are:
Claraudience: The ability to hear the unspoken
Clairvoyence: The ability to see the energy field
Clarsentience: The ability to feel the energy of the situation and translate it
Communion: The ability to be fully present, aware and receiving the truth of all information simultaneously with no mental thought involved
During Session 2 you will partake in several exercises that allow you to discover how you receive information and which one is most prevalent for you to utilize to communicate with your animals. This session is vital to becoming aware of how much information you have already been receiving from your animal and most likely dismissing or doubting.
Session 3: Letting Go of Mistrusting Voice In Your Head So You Can Hear The All Knowing One
Our intuition is the most powerful form of direct knowing we have available to us at all times. While we are not generally educated or supported in developing or trusting our intuition this is the place where we are able to most powerfully master our receiving abilities from Session 2 - which allows you to commune-icate most naturally and effectively with your animals.
This session is specifically designed to teach you how to let go of the chattering ego mind that will most likely want you to doubt yourself and your skills. The exercises in this session will assist you in becoming very clear on how to release the chatter and prepare you to enter the silence and stillness of a clear mind which is necessary for optimal receiving of accurate information.
Session 4: Understanding Emotions In Your Animals Which Are The Root Of Most Behavior and Health Issues
Most animals experience emotions similar to humans: happy, sad, disappointed, fear, concern, worry, doubt, frustration, unsafe, anxiety, stress and insecurity. These emotions can greatly contribute to behavior and health issues that our animals may be expressing. It is important that in communicating with our animals that we not project what we think they are feeling onto them but accurately listen to their truth.
Session 5: Readings With Your Animals
Most humans are conditioned to believe that animals are less intelligent than humans. Session 5 builds on session 4’s exercises that stretch us to release our cultured conditioning of animals being less than humans so that we can hold a neutral heart space to hear our animals with precision and clarity. You will also learn how animals can often mirror our unexpressed or pent up emotions and how to see what they are reflecting back to you in order to help you heal and grow.
Session 6: Deepening Your Commune-ication Skills: Your Animal As Your Mirror
Session 6 will give you more time to deepen your listening skills in order to grow your sense of self confidence in the information you are receiving. Each exercise is designed to build on the one before and strengthen your skills of intuition and clear communication.
This session will provide you with the opportunity to receive your animal’s awareness of why you two are together, the energy space they came to hold for you and the lessons they are here to share with you to assist you in your personal transformation.
Session 7: Pulling It all Together: Communing With Your Animals
It’s time to Celebrate! You are now ready to build a solid foundation of Commune-ication by exercising your Animal Commune-ication muscles every day.
This session will focus on Communing with Your Animals. This is a state of being that is directly connected to the Intuition of your Sacred Heart space. The sense of separation between us and them dissolves into the space of WE as you enter more fully into the energy of Oneness that we share with our animal companions and eventually All Life.

- You desire to have a deep soul connection with your animal.
- You want to release your fear, anxiety, stress or overwhelm and want to explore a more natural way to work with your animal’s health & behavioral issues.
- You are ready to deepen your connection to your intuition.
- You want to learn a level of leadership that transforms your relationship with your animal.
- You love your animals and feel like you’ve been able to sense what they are feeling or hearing, but have been having a hard time trusting yourself.
- You are an empath or highly sensitive being who knows you are aware of other’s thoughts, feelings and emotions. You have had to shut down your awareness because it was not acceptable or dangerous and may have developed a habit of not trusting yourself and you are ready to stand in what you know.
- You are ready to deepen your Earth Walk and learn to Commune-icate with all life.
- You want to transform your animals behavior naturally and effectively by addressing the actual root cause of their issues.

"Allecia this book is wonderful! It resonates with me so much as it is very similar to what my mustangs continue to teach me
I have read hundreds of books, attended clinics, watch dvds and online classes and it is all about what to do to the horse rather than how to be with a horse. Im glad to see THIS book finally written!
There is such amazing wisdom in your book to help others experience not only horses for the amazing beings, partners, teachers that they are, not only about riding but also about finding our true selves hidden under all the fear based behaviors we've learned that can become clear as day and faced around the horses.
I laugh now when I hear horse training as they already know. Its us who's there for the learning. Your book brings much clarity to this! It will change horses and their peoples lives for a much deeper experience once we see the horses as much wiser animals than what many have been taught to believe. Bravo!"
- Kate C in NYS
"Sittings With Cisco was amazing. Loved every bit of it I think it will benefit so many people not just horse people."
- Danna, AZ
"Dear Allecia,
I just want to thank you so very much for writing and sharing "Sittings with Cisco"-- it resonated soooo much with me! I honestly do not think there was a page where I wasn't nodding my head and saying "yes!" while reading and completely identifying with your feelings. I am still raw and the tears still flow even after two days (they are flowing as I type now).
Cisco reminds me so much of Warrior in the behavior and mannerisms you described! And, I too, am a Type A who needs to read/research/watch everything I can get my hands on BEFORE going out and doing it for fear I will do it wrong and fail. Me "not being enough" was literally beaten into me so trying something new that has a high rate of failure due to lack of knowledge and simply because I am "not good enough" is something I am rarely comfortable attempting.
And God forbid that I do something wrong so that my horses do not like me anymore! I do not take their rejection easily at all. I am sure you have heard this MANY times but I truly feel as though you and Cisco were speaking directly to me and that the book was written just for me (not from an arrogant standpoint, obviously). The hardest part of the book to read was Cisco's death, btw. I couldn't finish it and had to come back to it after I pulled myself together.
I honestly cannot tell you exactly why his death physically hurt me since I had never met him--maybe because there is one less beautiful soul on this earth. Maybe because he reminds me that someday I will probably experience the death of the beautiful souls of my boys (their physical bodies, not their souls) and that would be absolutely devastating to me like it was for you.
I can go into more detail feedback-wise at a later date, I truly just wanted to thank you for sharing your amazing gift with us.
With much appreciation,"
- Brenda Heinz
"I love your story!—you are so honest, vulnerable, candid, laugh-out-loud funny, and coming from a heart space.
What I like best is your dual relationship with Cisco in both the worlds of conventional, physical training and psychic communication."
- Beverly Kane, MD
"I finished reading your book last night and I absolutely loved it!
As a dog professional that has always struggled to “fit in” with the dog training community given the fact that I don’t train, your approach to your relationship with this horse is the magical experience I’ve always wished to share is possible with people and their dogs. Relationship, connection, listening and setting safe, clear kind boundaries to keep our animals safe is the key.
You demonstrated beautifully how we are always learning more from them than they are learning from us! I .admire you and your courage to follow your hear evet when it didn’t make sense in your head.
I’ve experienced firsthand how incredibly gifted you are when I hired you to work with me and my dog with your long distance In Sync Body Assessment technique so it was really fun to get a behind the scenes look at the journey you took in getting to where you are today! Lot’s of hard work, fearlessness and being true to yourself paid off not only you but for all the animals lives you continue to enrich.
It was such an enjoyable refreshing read and I thank you for sharing it with me to review!"
- Pat
"So can’t stop thinking about your journey with Cisco just got home and took out dogs for a long walk and wanted to share this with you. You wrote your beautiful journey with Cisco so well that I could actually envision it like a movie was playing in my mind. So beautifully written. Well done."
- Dolores. PA
"I love the book! I often say, "it's not about your horse, it's about you". Cisco's brilliance in sharing with you ways to improve your well-being and the positive impact that will have on your relationship with him was priceless. My favorite was your discussion about baggage and how when you come to the barn and bring it with you then you leave, although you feel better, he is now left with your bags. WOW did that give me moments to think about and some apologies to a variety of horses I need to send out.
Your insights are meaningful and most importantly, through this writing is a pathway for people to learn a different way of being with their horses that without question will improve their connection and relationships and ultimately improve the lives of horses.
We all know that is the best part in my eyes."
- C. Nichols, The Medicine Horse Project, NV

Dr. Allecia Maine, MA has a 30 -year background in health and healing, from fitness to nutrition to body alignment to Animal Communication. Her gift of reading energy allows her to assist hundreds of animal clients and their humans from all around the world each year.
As an Emotional Physicist™ and Animal Heeler™ she takes a multi-dimensional, quantum science approach to working with beings and bodies to assist in being able to see the issue from an Eagle’s eye perspective to a molecular level to gain a deeper understanding of the true nature of what the being is experiencing and how best to resolve the issues.
She works with complex health, behavior and energy issues by addressing all facets of the issue using her highly refined intuitive skills.
Her work has been featured in the upcoming book, Soul Dog, The Daily News, Animal Fair Magazine, Aspen Magazine, The Snowmass Sun, The Summit Independent, The Santa Barbara Independent, Earth Save and Satya. She has appeared on Fox and Friends, News1, Aspen 82 and Grassroots Aspen TV.