Julieanne Conard’s Special Offer

Julieanne's Special Offers

The Essence of Life - Your Energy of Self-Healing and Self-Love

What if it's "Not" another diet?

What if there's absolutely "No"Surgery involved?

And what if once you lose the weight it stays off?

Are You ready to experience these Beautiful Energies which will connect You to your inner Beauty and Uniqueness?

Or as Alcazar says “Are you ready for your own Inner Blossoming?”

Learn how to use Your Own Essence of Life Energy for Self-Healing, Self-Love, Rejuvenation and Experiencing a Coherent State of Wholeness

Release Stress and Enter into a Deep Sense of Love and Joy!

Radiate the Essence Energy to assist others with their Healing Process

A Miracle Healing for My Broken Toes

"I wanted to share my miracle with the Essence of Life. Yesterday I broke three toes and my foot turned really black and was throbbing and very painful. I lay down, called in the Essence and built a large Essence energy field. At first, I could feel the energy everywhere except in the injured foot, all I felt there was pain. But after about 15 minutes, I could feel a shift and the feeling of the Essence was there and the pain was lessening. Before long I realized that the foot no longer hurt at all and by the time I finished the meditation, the bruise that had been so black was barely visible! The toes appear to be completely healed as I can move them all around with no problem and I even went on a 45-minute walk with no pain or stiffness. I am feeling so very blessed for this gift of the Essence of Life!" ~ RHONDA P.

Essence Meditations Help My Husband's PTSD

"I Love the Essence meditations. My husband has military-related PTSD and is not a very calm person. Whenever I do the meditations, he is his calmest and happiest for the next several days afterward. I think my doing the meditations are great therapy for him!" ~ DORIS J.

About the Essence of Life


The Essence of Life Energy Is a Unique Energy that summons Spirit into the physical form, into Your Body according to Alcazar……..

“Beloved Ones, We Greet Thee, 'Tis Alcazar, The Essence of Life is a very unique energy. When you learn how to call forth the Essence of Life, you are actually summoning spirit into the physical form, into your body. As you do this, as you familiarize yourself with this process, you can receive and then guide the Essence of Life to different parts of your physical body, bringing balance. Dissolving old limitations that may be held within the physical and energetic body in those different areas.

Beloved Ones, this is one of the direct ways of calling forth balance, healing, love of self. These energies can also work on the mental and emotional bodies, and so stress can be simply dissolved from your being within moments, if you direct the Essence of Life into your energy field.

There are so many possibilities and potentials, there are several layers, so to speak, of the Essence of Life. It can be used to assist others in their healing also, and we hope to show you how you can benefit in many ways with this beautiful energy.”

Package A

Item 1
The Essence of Life - Energy Training

Value: $254

7 Videos & 32 MP3s
Total Runtime: 10 Hours

Reclaim and Energize the Essence of Life within You

The focus of this Essence Training is to teach you how to generate a strong, visceral Essence energy field for yourself - anytime, anywhere.

You'll be able to use your own Essence energy for self-healing, self-love, rejuvenation, deep relaxation, and entry into a 'coherent' state of wholeness.

You'll discover that you can radiate Essence of Life energy, and people will feel it!


Session 1: Awaken the Essence of Life Within You

 Catalyze the reawakening of your Essence energy. This is the first step in being able to generate an Essence energy field for yourself.

Watch as the energy of self-love and self-appreciation opens the doorway for more of your own Essence to flow.

Session 2: Cultivate and Direct the Flow of Essence

Learn how to focus the Essence energy into specific areas of the body, and how to amplify the Essence energy, allowing it to go deeper.

Create a self-generated Essence 'cocoon' of energy, an aura-shaped bubble in which deep relaxation, self-healing, self-love, a felt-sense of rejuvenation and wholeness, and a feeling of connection to your own Beingness - simply occurs.

Session 3: Dissolve Discordant Thought and Energy Patterns

Receive guidance on how to use the Essence energy and your own awareness to simply and easily dissolve limiting physical, mental, emotional, and energetic patterns in the moment when they come to the surface for you.

Empower yourself to use your Essence of Life energy as a powerful self-healing tool.

Session 4: Radiating The Essence of Life to Others

Learn a super-simple method for radiating the Essence of Life energy to individuals, and to large groups, whether they are with you in the physical or on the other side of the world.

Explore with the group and see what happens as we all generate the Essence of Life energy and radiate it to first each other, creating a Quantum, coherent energy field, then to send Essence energy to Gaia, and to humanity.


Receive three guided Essence meditations to boost your daily self-love and feeling of flow, channeled just for those who have completed the Essence Training.

1.) Morning Essence Rejuvenation - Start Your Day Vibrant and Centered in Your Beingness

2.) 10-minute Essence Break-From-Your-Day - Dissolve Stress, Return to Self

3.) Evening Essence Meditation - Sleep Soundly in the Energy of The Essence of Life

“Beloved Ones, You are invited to re-claim the Essence of Life within you,to discover that you can use this Essence of Life, this Source energy, to directly dissolve limitations: that which has been holding you back. To discover that you can use this Essence to soothe yourself when you are in need of assistance, to heal and bring balance directly from within you.

There is a great truth in the saying that water is the most powerful force. This Essence is like the water that can wash away cliff faces - this Essence can wash away all that is not truly your own Self. Then, from this place of refreshment, from this place of Inner balance, peace, knowingness - many of your own gifts - bestowed upon you by your own multi-dimensional nature - can begin to blossom.

This training will be the first step. We have yet to illuminate the path, or even the next step on this pathway for this one Julieanne. There must first be an inner blossoming that takes place. Are you ready for your own Inner Blossoming?” 

- Alcazar

The Essence Is Such a Healing Energy

"Just wanted to say thank you for the two last new programs, as each meditation is a jewel for my soul. I could heal a painful contracture in my shoulder just doing the Essence self-healing meditation. A week ago, I could radiate Essence to my sister who had a painful bone problem, and she is so much better." ~ VIVIANA

A Cyst Healed Overnight

"I have worked with healing energies for many years and there is simply no comparison to the Essence of Life as it brings about miraculous change with ease. A most amazing thing happened to me last night. About 18 months ago my left cheek slightly caved in leaving my face slightly lopsided. I was never happy with this but last week I eventually reconciled myself to the fact that my face will never be perfect. And immediately intuition told me the cause of the problem, a cyst that had grown alongside my left jaw. Last night I gave the Essence a couple of jobs to do whilst I slept. The first job was to clear all remaining MRSA bacteria from my body (as I don't wish to be a carrier), and the second job was to dissolve the cyst. I awoke this morning at 5 am to discover a deep healing taking place in the area of my cyst. When it stopped (a couple of minutes later), I checked to discover that the cyst had gone completely. Amazing. I feel so blessed."~ STEVE

This Stuff Really Works! My Pain disappeared Completely!

"I wanted to let you all know that this stuff really works!!! I had been having discomfort in my wrist for some time. During the first webinar period, one day my wrist started to throb with extreme pain that was not showing any signs of letting up. I decided to work with the Essence sending it to the area. Within three hours, the pain had disappeared, and it's never returned. I've tested it by doing all the things that used to aggravate it (opening tight lids, chopping hard vegetables, etc.) but no pain!! Can't wait to do more exploring with this wondrous energy." ~ ASHARA L.



The Essence of Life is a source energy - an energy that flows from Spirit to animate life in the physical form. Because it is a Quantum energy, instantaneous healing or re-balancing can occur on all levels simply by basking in this energetic. Alcazar, the guide of The Stargate Experience, began to teach Julieanne how to re-access and cultivate this energy in 2013. Two years later, once she mastered the creation of a near instantaneous abundant flow of The Essence of Life, Alcazar asked Julieanne to teach others how to access and cultivate The Essence of Life within their own energy fields, and how to use this energy for deep relaxation, self-healing, and self-love.

The Essence of Life energy is a facet of Source energy that constantly is available as it flows through from your Beingness into the physical. When you learn how to cultivate it, you can create a very strong Essence energy field - anytime you wish. The Essence energy feels soothing, beautiful, energizing, and naturally “youths” or rejuvenates, your body as it vibrates your energy field.

The Essence of Life has the inherent property of dissolving imbalances effortlessly as it moves through your body. It contains within its flow the perfect blueprint of physical, sensory, mental and emotional vitality. As one basks in this energy, an emergent, tangible sense of one’s true Self, or Beingness, effortlessly begins to arise. This energy brings you back to your true state: effortless, flowing, and free. Many people experience a feeling of bliss while immersed in the Essence of Life.

The Essence moves like nectar, and holds you on a physical, mental, and emotional level so sweetly that you begin to release whatever’s being held, and the holding pattern.

This happens gently and effortlessly as you are coaxed into deeply letting go of whatever is not the “real you”.

And so in this way the Essence energy work offers a ‘reset’ with source energy - resetting you to your natural state, which is a blissful relaxation, an energized flow of life force energy.

On a mental level the Essence energy can help to dissolve disruptive thought patterns that repeat, causing cycles of misery. It’s as if the Essence surrounds the mental thought patterns, helping them dissolve like the dispersing of a cloud. What’s left is a sense of spaciousness and the freedom to choose the thoughts one wishes to embrace.

On an emotional level the Essence can also surround hard, stubborn or difficult feelings with its gentle embrace. Emotions are then soothed, acknowledged and honored while being held at that higher vibration. This allows them to be easily seen, understood, and dissolved - they no longer control you.

On a physical level the Essence seems to move like water, dissipating and eroding aches and pains as it percolates deeper and deeper into the tissues, bones and organs. Again, Essence energy surrounds the imbalance, gently loving it back into a more perfect balance.

The Essence energy is one that must be experienced in order to be understood. As a Quantum energetic, it flows with an intelligence of its own, but also responds as you use your intention to direct it toward certain body areas or mental or emotional patterns.

Once you discover how to connect to the Essence, you never lose the ability. Every time you work with the Essence your connection gets stronger and happens more swiftly, and becomes more effortless. Many report reaching a level of mastery where the moment it’s invited the Essence of Life instantly and brightly flows through the whole body and energy field. This sometimes happens quite spontaneously - and it’s a total delight.

The Essence of Life is also a portal to “home” - to awakening - to the beyond. Because of this, it also accelerates the re-accessing and re-remembering of your own innate spiritual gifts and abilities.

Julieanne is a Beautiful Soul who is bringing forth these Essence of Life Energies. Here is her fascinating Personal Journey Toward The Essence of Life

The Essence of Life was first brought to my awareness by a beautiful female channel of Kryon, who began a late December 2012 session as such:

“Greetings Dear One I am Kryon of Magnetic Service,

The energy speaks to one who recognizes what choice is, what quality of life is, what abundance of life force in all its shapes, colors, and sounds is all about....

There is an attribute within you that has yet to evolve and expand itself… And this attribute we are going to call The Essence of Life.”

The whole session was about The Essence of Life, and I was captivated by the power of Kryon’s words and the energies that they hinted at. Still, it came as a surprise when, three months later, in the process of working with Alcazar to heal traumatic impacts from my childhood, The Essence of Life found me.

To explain this, it’s important first to understand this: The Essence of Life is a Source energy, and one way that this Source energy flow through our physical bodies is as sexual energy.

What Alcazar helped me to realize was that due to a huge and sudden shock, as well as rejection and fear that I felt from my parents and deep personal shame - I had disconnected from my own sexual energy when I was a very small child.

Alcazar explained that this sexual energy is one of the most misunderstood energies within humanity. It’s often denigrated as dirty or sinful, when in fact it is inherently beautiful and healing - a vital part of our life force energy. Alcazar helped me to understand that one cannot shut down one’s own sexual energy without also closing the door to The Essence of Life.

A major aspect of my healing came from honoring and appreciating my own sexual energy - and inviting it to flow again. And, interestingly, when I did this, I found that the quality of appreciation and love kicked the sexual energy into its higher octave. The Essence of Life then began to flow into my body and energy field, demonstrating its natural ability to dissolve imbalances on all levels. Alcazar guided me in this process: to focus on The Essence of Life - to invite it to flow up my torso, into my arms, down the legs - and slowly slowly throughout my whole body.

As the Essence flowed areas of pain or tension would come into my awareness, and Alcazar would guide me to connect with my innate intelligence - the smart body - to sense the deeper cellular memory that was being held.

Usually a memory would arise: a moment when I couldn’t cope with what was happening or didn’t allow myself to vocalize my truth to someone. Sometimes I would simply get a sense of “I need love” from my body, and Alcazar would guide me to send love - simply with intention.

Once, Alcazar helped me to remember a past life as a priest - an experience of being stabbed in the back while attempting to prevent a church from being robbed. The key to recalling that past life memory was as simple as tuning in to a particularly knotted area of my back and Alcazar asking me, “What does it FEEL like happened there?” My response, “It feels like I was stabbed in the back…” Spirit has a way of helping us to remember what we already know!

After the underlying truth, story, or feeling was found and expressed, the physical pain could be released. Alcazar guided me to surround the area with the Essence of Life energy. It felt as if the Essence teased apart the condensed sensation of pain until, slowly slowly, the pain dissolved completely.

What was left? The Essence of Life in all its sparkling radiance and perfect balance!

Item 2
Essence of Serenity

Value: $147

12 Videos & 36 MP3s
Total Runtime: 10 Hours, 30 Minutes

Discover and experience how you can activate, dive into, use and radiate the energy of Source - The Essence of Life Energy

In this Serenity of Life program there will be a focus on your inner ability to call forth the Essence of Life energy as a resource, anytime, in any location so that you can, within moments, simply bask in this energy.
And in doing so, you will be uplifting your Spirit in the human body, you will be consciously connecting to your innate intelligence, inviting more balance, more beauty, more of the good stuff into your human experience.

Ah, yes, bring on the Good Stuff!!!

Read what Alcazar says about each of the
Four Sessions of the Serenity Program:

Week 1 - Heart: The Circulatory System and Self-Love

Beloved Ones, your circulatory system, through your blood pumping through your body, delivers the life-giving nutrients to every cell. We are inviting you, with this Essence of Life energy, to deliver the energy of self-love through the circulatory system into every cell of the body.

We wish to invite you for this whole week of your time to energize your circulatory system with the energy of the Essence of Life, to purify the blood using this simple method, to bring consciously, with your intention, a state of self love, of nourishment, of connection to gratitude and appreciation into your daily life.

Beloved Ones, this is an invitation, a calling forth of a greater sense of freedom that is already within you. And so, it is time to claim your own sense of self-love.


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    A daily self-massage routine.

Week 2 - Breath: Respiratory System and Self-Talk

Beloved Ones, so many of you find yourselves continuously reinforcing old, destructive patterns. You talk to your own self in ways that you would not dream of speaking to another. Beloveds, with this Essence of Life energy you can, within moments, catch these repetitive thought patterns and dissolve them.

We will be bringing you an energy of Spirit that you can visualize and experience breathing in - this Essence of Life energy - and as you breath it in, you are able to surround these destructive self-talk patterns with the Essence of Life, and you are able to dissolve them.

Beloved Ones, you can catch these thoughts, we will show you simple, and effective methods. The key is to catch them as soon as you become aware of them, and to replace them with a high vibrational energy field. And so, this is the gift that we wish to bring to you. But Beloveds, it is up to you, are you ready to bring this new awareness into your daily life?


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    Essence of Breath: Essential oil breathing and lung opening ritual (Guided by Nova Lee)
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    Ancient Yogic Breathwork: Pranayama exercises to enhance clarity and vitality in the body (Guided by Ben Blanchette)

Week 3 - Movement: Lymphatic System and Self-Care

And so Beloved Ones, did you know that you have, within the body, a method for eliminating the waste products of your immune system? This lymphatic flow, as it is called, is a beautiful metaphor for self-care. For, it is a passive system, it is up to you to move the body, and therefore, to circulate this lymphatic fluid. As it circulates it carries out the waste products.

And so, in this week we are going to invite you to focus on blessing the old programs of the past, to recognize, "Ah, this is not me, this is but a survival mechanism that is no longer needed".

We are going to invite you to, with your intention, energize and dissolve these old programs, to move them fluidly so that they can leave your system and be replaced by a replenishment.

This is a preparation for the week to come where the focus is embracing your inner gifts. And so, Beloved Ones, it is time to clear the way of the old so that you can embrace a new experience of being yourself.


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    Yoga and massage for lymph drainage Skin dry brush routine, a glowing new you (Guided by Nova Lee)

Week 4 - Spirit: The Pineal & Pituitary Glands and Self-Illumination

Beloved Ones, each one of you has within your biology an in-built Stargate. You have an access point which, when activated, can allow you become aware of your True Self, to become aware of the skills and abilities that, without exception, each and every one of you has inside.

Beloved Ones, for many of you these skills and abilities lie dormant. They can only be accessed when you reach a certain level of awareness. And so, in this final week of the Essence of Serenity program, we wish to bring to you an energizing of your pineal and pituitary glands.

We wish to flood the gates, so to speak, with the energy of the Essence of Life, for it is an inherent property of this Source energy, that it begins to dissolve all that is not your true nature, and as all that is not actually, deeply, and truly yourself dissolves in this energy, your True Self emerges.

You find yourself in a state of consciousness where you are able to connect to the vastness of all that is, to that location in the Quantum Field without space or time, where you can draw forth gifts from the Beyond, be they healing skills or abilities, manifestations or creations that you wish to draw forth into your life, or simply a new sense of Beingness infused into your moment by moment life experience.

Beloved Ones, the wellspring of Spirit is within you, it is time for you to learn how to access it so that at any moment you can replenish Self with the gift of who you truly are.

And so, we invite you to experience this program and to gently nudge yourself into a state of greater self-acceptance, self-love, and freedom.


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    Essential oil acupoint self-treatment

Package A

19 Videos and 68 mp3s and a Private Facebook Group
(Great group of loving, supportive people!)
Total Value: $ 254


Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


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What People Are Saying

Radiating Out the Essence Energy Is Remarkable

“Yesterday I was celebrating the Jewish holiday at Temple and was practicing building the Essence and then tried radiating it to the congregation. It felt beautiful and powerful. A woman was bringing her baby granddaughter along the aisle. People were saying hello. The baby shrank back and stuck closely to her grandma. Then she came to me. The baby leaned over across my husband and put her arm around me pulling me closer and closer. She didn't want to let go! Everyone noticed. It was remarkable. I have never met her. She felt the energy. I am sure. Sometimes my cat likes to get close too." ~ ANONYMOUS

​Felt Strong Connection to My True Self

“Beloved Julieanne, I found the Day 1 meditation with Adama and the Beings of Telos and the Crystalline room incredibly powerful and activating my own Essence of Life very strongly and how incredibly synchronistic, I was doing the meditations today, Saturday, at the time of the solar eclipse for the second time and wow, incredibly invigorating. I felt a very strong reconnection with Self, with coming home to true Self." ~ AZRI S.

​Waiting over 30 Years for This!

"Thank you, Julieanne. I have been meditating a long time — over 30 years. This course is so refreshing. It is the meditation course I always wanted." ~ DIANE R.

​Warm Vibrations and Calming, Energy Flowing

"Very warm vibrating feeling in 1 & 2 Chakras. I saw water like selenite crystals bars look like except it was flowing up inside my body from the pelvis chakras. I have been lifting too much and I sent this energy into both shoulders visualizing it separating into two energy flows going into both shoulders. Hmmm… they do feel a little better now." ~ DARRELL H.

​We Can Evolve to Be Full of Joy

"Joy, gratitude and appreciation is what I feel right now. I connected with source and experiencing this moment I share all that I feel, there is love, unity, light, peace, divinity that is who we are, our identity is the beauty of the flowers, the sound of the wind in our face, I can see every human being transform, full of joy, evolve through a new life." ~ MIGUEL A.

​Such Joy to Connect with the Dolphins and Whales

"That was SO lovely! Gentle tingling all through my body… happy tears with the dolphins and whales, playful energy and various intensities all through the meditation in my third eye. Looking forward to doing this with you again… so much love and gratitude, Julieanne." ~ TREVOR

​Coming Home to ME

"June is coming back to June. About to listen to the replay. Was so Wonderful. My whole Being has kicked in and healed. I feel I have come home to Me. Thank you. Bring me MORE. I love You." ~ JUNE V.

​Uplifting, Lovely Energy!

"This lovely energy seems to be available to me as I call for my Innate Intelligence to bring it. A breath away as you quoted. My vibrational frequency has risen most wonderfully." ~ CLARE R.

​Heat and Chills

"Fantastic experience! I had 'God Bumps' with chills as we went to a higher level. Also waves of heat as my body adjusted to the frequency. Thank you and much gratitude to you for sharing your wisdom." ~ BOBBIE

​Uplifted and Able to Forgive

"After holding a lower vibration for over a year, I felt it lift away. Tears flowed while my eyes were closed. I was able to feel love toward all of the people with whom I have been annoyed. Thank you, Julianne, for your love and time." ~ ROSE

​Wow! Such Love and Energy

"Very powerful meditation! I deeply felt this Energy immediately and so I began to sweetly cry, completely overwhelmed by Love and Energy. Wonderful, thank you Julienne and thank you Spirit." ~ SILVIA

​Powerful and Pure

"It felt like shaktipat transmission. Pure consciousness energy vibration." ~ BARB

​I Dissolved My Anger

"Deeply peaceful with gentle energy in my body. To be more specific, I just used the Essence energy to mitigate my anger and it really worked!" ~ LIAT M.

​Brought gifts on all of physical, emotional, mental and energetic levels of great LOVELight!

"This is the most beautiful! I saw flowers blossoming in spirals within in the atoms in each DNA strand. It was soooo gorgeous. Afterward, jewels of all colors and highest vibrations rained down upon me; radiating and dispersing throughout my being bringing gifts on all of physical, emotional, mental and energetic levels of great LOVELight! Jules… I am so grateful for you and your radiant energy." ~ KAREN

​Essence of Life brings forth such Limitless Possibilities!

"I AM so enjoying all the many potentials this Essence of Life is bringing to all of us. I feel a sense of JOY with the connections, having this opportunity to evolve more within me." ~ PRIYA M.

​This was Huge for me!

"My inner fear is gone." ~ CARL

​Even Better Than I Expected

"Class 1 was even better than I expected. Feeling so at peace and so much gratitude for all the gifts being transmitted. Making use of the Essence of Life as often as I remember through the day. Thank you, Jules, and everyone who is part of this."

Package B
Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Youthing with the Essence of Life

You will receive the recording this session. The energies on the replays are just as potent as the live sessions. (and they are potent!!!)

The Youthing of Your Body, Your Being will be taken to a whole new level with the infusion of the Essence of Life. This is a very powerful energetic experience!

Alcazar comments on these experiences for Youthing with the Essence of Life Energy

A Message from Alcazar:

"Beloved Ones, we greet thee, 'tis Alcazar,

And it is our intention to share with you a deeper understanding of how the Essence of Life can be directed into your physical form to create an energetic of youthing, assisting the body to realign itself to its natural way of functioning.

In this first experience, we will be working with your brain-mind mechanism, for in fact, the main cause of aging and illness/dis-ease comes from the mind.

Your belief systems, your thought patterns that limit you create imbalance in the physical body… and so the first webinar is going to be focused on working with the unconscious programs that you have adopted over your life that are, in fact, creating tiredness, aging, imbalance in your body….

We will bring this Essence of Life energy to the very digestive system in your body… to create a rebalancing, and so your absorption process will start to function in a more beautiful way.

Also, we will be working on the very electrical system of your body, working with the nervous system… for very often, the signals that are received by your brain are distorted by imbalance within the very nervous electrical system. Again, these are created by life style and thought processes that you have become accustomed to, which are limiting you.

Beloved Ones this is a great advancement on the Essence of Life energetic. We are taking it to a whole new phase and we are inviting you to be the first to experience this new depth, this new evolution, this new revolution…. This will be the first time, the very first time that we have offered such a program with both this one Julieanne radiating the Essence and this one Alcazar coming through both Prageet and Julieanne guiding you into this state of wholeness….

Beloveds, you can reverse the clock in your aging process. This does have to do more with your level of consciousness, which is currently severely limited by those patterns that bring you down, those patterns that you run in your brain-mind mechanism on a daily basis…. We invite you to join us to uncover more of your lived experience of who you truly are. 'Tis time to dissolve the old, so that you can embrace the new you, the new human, the new blueprint for a youthful consciousness."

The Stargate Project

Designed to Take You and Your Consciousness Beyond Where You've Ever Been Before

The Stargate is available to those on a quest to know themselves... To know the vastness that they are... The sacred geometry of the Stargate holds a consciousness, which enables multi-dimensional experiences for those who simply relax within its energy field.

The Stargate is an inter-dimensional doorway, entrusted to and created by Prageet in 1989.

It is a conscious geometric form containing several layers of sacred geometry, which creates a strong, multi-dimensional energy field. This benevolent energy field works in a very unique way. Each individual in the Stargate’s presence is recognized and assisted in the most appropriate way for them in the moment.

This can include healing and balance for the physical body; clarity of understanding and major insight for the mental body; and deep relaxation and stress removal for the feeling (emotional) body. Personal karma can be removed, psychic and healing abilities can be activated, and past life recall can be triggered.

Many people experience their guides in a very tangible way, often for the first time, feeling, hearing or seeing them. What is amazing for most participants is that these changes can occur simply by being in the Stargate’s energy field.

Very often various higher-dimensional beings are invited to bring their presence into the room.
The Angelic Realms, Nature Spirits, Star Families such as the Pleiadians, Arcturians and Hathors, Gaia, Ascended Masters, the Divine Feminine, and the Galactic Command are some of those that join us.

These beings are felt in a very tangible way, seen by those whose inner vision is open, and felt by all. As we are touched by the energy of these visitors, our vibration starts to resonate with theirs and incredible awakenings are possible.

These visitors have a very specific purpose. As our energy field begins to resonate with theirs, aspects of our DNA, which carry massive amounts of information and memories, as well as skills and abilities, held in a dormant state, are coaxed into awakening. This creates the possibility of changes without effort that are in alignment with your higher self and your life purpose.

Many years of experience, hundreds of workshops and thousands of participants have demonstrated that change happens simply and easily, with intention rather than effort. Physical healing does not have to take time, it can happen in moments. Old lifestyles can be replaced with ones of joy and higher purpose. Limiting relationships can be reinvigorated or drop away with ease, in honor and respect for the others contribution to your learning.

The Stargate is designed to support people in accelerating beyond the slow pace of 3rd dimensional movement, to quickly rise into a higher octave of their own beingness.

The Stargate Experience is based in Mount Shasta, California, with events around the world.’

“There is Nothing to Do.” Alcazar

"A Channeling from the Stargate's Guide, Alcazar"

It is then possible to increase the vibratory rate of the etheric Stargate (the consciousness of the structure). As this occurs, the etheric Stargate moves up through the dimensions. The energy fields of those present naturally continue to harmonize with these rising energetics. When the 12th dimension is reached, a greater sensitivity is accomplished, and into this 12th dimensional field benevolent beings can be invited.

The purpose of the Stargate is both personal and planetary transformation. As it works with individuals, it affects the morphic field of humanity. This is measured and balanced by Gaia’s energy presence. The intent is to support individuals to know themselves. This occurs as multi-dimensional frequencies are radiated, touching dormant aspects of the many-stranded DNA’s within each individual. This encourages the re-awakening of parts of the DNA.

The process of re-remembering, of knowing Self, is to live the total awakened DNA presence. This is enlightenment. The DNA holds the key to who you are, who you have been, how your physical structure works – your part and purpose in the Universal scheme, and your ability to communicate directly with Spirit, or to be more correct, to manifest Spirit within Self.

Package B

Includes everything in package A
Plus!!! Youthing with the Essence of Life Webinar
Total Value: $ 504


Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


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About Julieanne

Julieanne joined the Stargate project in 2012, and became a partner in the Stargate Experience after discovering a profound connection with the Stargate’s guide Alcazar, first brought forth by Prageet. The Stargate is an interdimensional doorway facilitating healing on all levels, DNA reactivation, and the awareness of one's Quantum Self. Alcazar has assisted her in accessing and teaching a source energy of self-healing and self-love known as The Essence of Life.

Together Prageet and Julieanne have shared The Stargate Experience with many thousands of people in different countries around the world. The Stargate Experience is currently based in Mount Shasta, California.