Kelly Hampton’s Special Offer

Kelly Hampton's Special Offers


Everything for your ASCENSION from the Angelic, Ascended Masters, Mother Earth and Interdimensional Realms! Including intro training in all 3 Star Healing Intergalactic Family Systems.

Choose a partial immersion into your evolution with Package A or experience it all with Package A and B Combined.

Over 13 MP3! 8PDF! 4 Coupons! 2 for Kelly’s Online Ascension Training, 2 for Sacred Journeys with Kelly in 2018 and a 2 month Ascension Alchemy Coaching Call plus live time with Kelly in the combined package! This is specially priced offering and offered for a limited time!

Package A

Item 1
60 Min. Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™
Healing Private 1-on-1 Remote Session

You are invited to join us for the most transformational healing on the planet with live time with the founder!

(*First or second attunements)


Gloriously celebrating year 4 since the inception of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ for the human body when Archangel Michael first shared the system with Kelly and said that it was time for a new and powerful 5thD healing system for the planet! Thousands of lives have been touched, some miraculously, all over the globe as a result of experiencing this NEW Advanced Healing system.

“This magnified Ascension healing system for those of you yet to know of it are among the strongest blue ray healing frequencies at this time on your planet. This is shared with loving grace from my Mother/Father God. This is not my wisdom. In other words, it is the wisdom from divine almighty Creator. I advise the consideration of it by all those doing light work, and for all living beings of all matter, all generations up to age 90. Removing implants and codes that were placed to limit your life experiences and other forms of layers of untruths are energetically transmuted in these Star Healing sessions and returned to Source.”--Archangel Michael

Experience this safe, non invasive magnificently beautiful 5th D Healing cellular healing system and have benefits extend decades from now as a result! This work “upgrades” your mind, body, spirit multidimensional expanding you to your magnificent 5-D and beyond. Join the thousands of individuals all over the world who have already experienced this ground-breaking modality since 2010 with this special offer.

Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ may be given up to 3’x for the same set of conditions per AA Michael and certain conditions do require more than one attunement for maximum healing benefit. YOU WILL HAVE GREATEST healing benefit if you also combine it by integrating Archangel Michael’s New Ascension system for home space clearing and elevation--Ascended Spaces. If you have already experienced 60 min. of Star Healing, please select the download labeled SECOND ATTUNEMENT FORM (not the first attunement form). Each subsequent hour long session is upgraded from the previous one. Some individuals come back to the system with no health concerns only to get greater knowing and see visions of Atlantis, receive keycode activation, time travel and more.

The multidimensional energies affect each person at a very deep level. Many people find themselves experiencing:

  • mail-forward
    Reduction or elimination of skin cancers/tumors bone spurs
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    Dissolving of past life karma and fears
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    Improvements in Circulatory disorders
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    Spontaneous activation of inner vision and psychic abilities
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    Clairvoyance enhancement
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    Immune system dysfunction
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    Asthma and other respiratory conditions
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    Carpal tunnel syndrome
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    Ringing in the ears
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    Soul traumas from abuse and other emotional damage
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    Addictions, compulsions, Fears, phobias
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    Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
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    Body aches and pains including arthritis and slipped disks
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    Sleep disturbances, Depression, memory loss
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    Migraines, gallstones and kidney stones
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    Hearing loss, infections, nerve damage
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    Overindulgence in food and alcohol

In addition, many are traveling to their original 5th d. homes experiencing bliss, peace and calm, accessing stargate energies, receiving key code activations,receiving angelic sacred symbols having implants and attachments removed.

Here is what others have said about this amazing powerful 5thD New Pleiadian Healing System For the Planet Given to Kelly

What People Are Saying

"I could not feel anything but peace and love, this overwhelming love and beauty. Later in the evening, I saw a bird flying not far from me. It was showing me his wings and I heard ‘Unfold your wings’. I feel the energy is different. This healing is very powerful."

~ Janet T.

"During my 2nd attunement Star Healing session with Kelly, when she first placed the nautilus shell on my navel, I did not feel much. But as soon as she started the upper journey, the real trip began. I felt myself lifting up very gently, then I could actually see myself lying on a large nautilus shell and it was carrying me out into the galaxy. I felt myself going through a stargate portal or perhaps a wormhole out near Sirius. It was not all fast with lights flying by me as they show in the Stargate movies, but a very gentle rocking movement, like floating on a gentle sea. Almost immediately I found myself moving into a healing cave on a planet with 8th dimensional energies. I could see golden spires coming up from the floor and going down from the ceiling like giant shimmering stalagmites and stalagtites. They moved out of the way and then closed back in around me as my nautilus magic carpet entered the space. Even though Kelly indicated to me that we needed to move on to another part of the attunement, I told her, "No problem. I can stay here in the cave and be back in the session with you. I am multidimensional." I did stay out in that cave for most of the day soaking in the energies of the golden light."

~ Gwendolyn Hill, Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Practitioner, age 63, Belen, NM

"My post traumatic stress syndrome which has debilitated me in so many ways over the years, including depression is gone! I am again joyful. Oh, and gold energy comes from your eyes. I saw it when we were doing our sacred closing ceremony. Blessings!"

~ John Schulz

"More powerful than The Reconnection"

~ Linda Pullano. Certified Star Healing Practitioner

"Wow.....Wow!!! My goodness !!! My Therapeutic/Healing Journey with Kelly Hampton and AA Michael was/is an opening to good life! An Invitation to Dance....The Dance of Life!!!
How I Thank you AA Michael... How I Thank you Kelly..? Is there any describe your Love and generosity ..Is there any word to describe The Love, my Love, the gratitude, appreciation, and the beauty that I am filled with"

~ Erietta, Australia.

"Please thank AAM for me. I am so grateful! Things have shifted tremendously. My
prayers have been answered. I am on the path I have always dreamed of, and with
such amazing support that I yearned for all along. I am filled with SO MUCH JOY. It is all behind me and part of my experience now. Thank you for all you do Kelly"

~ Lenah Z. USA

"This has been one of the most remarkable, energetic healings I have ever had.
It has been so very helpful on every level. Sending Love and Light to YOU and AAMichael!"

~ Lyn Benedict, USA

"Wowie Zowie, I'm amazed at the level of frequency in the healing. People need to hear about this modality and have the opportunity to try it for themselves! Abundant blessings "

~ Laura Dillard

"(After one session) My insomnia is very much improved. Digestive problems are very much improved. I do not get acid reflux as frequently as I used to. Mental Chatter- there has been a remarkable shift in my ability to stay focused, meditate and not be sidetracked by nonsensical mental chatter. Release of Hurt and pain- I go to sleep doing my love and kindness activity. There is also no charge when I think about the people that have hurt me in any way. I also find that sometimes when I am doing that practice and certain names come up I find myself offering Love, Kindness (as suggested in the healing) and forgiveness to that person. I also find that things that may have triggered me to react in the past no longer have the same effect and even if I do get a bit angry I am able to get over it very quickly. I am also able to speak my truth easier without fear of confrontations or backlash and this helps in letting things go much faster and easier. I am also able to listen to criticism without becoming defensive and find that I am more compassionate and less judgmental of others and even myself."

~ Barbara Ward, Canada

"Like a miracle!!!"

~ Lucero Ackerman USA

"I have two ruptured cysts on my back and both of them have shrunk. They were smaller the next morning and have stayed at the smaller size."

~ Danamarie I.

"I went up in the elevator when you did the Journey. The doors opened and there was
a gold round temple with a clear solid quartz bed inside in which I laid on. It was very peaceful."

~ Julie, Denmark

"This has been one of the most remarkable, energetic healings I have ever had. It has been so very helpful on every level. Sending Love and Light to YOU and understanding of my purpose."

~ Christine, UK

"The ringing in my ears is not as high-pitches as it was. In 24 hours, this healing has accomplished more for me than years of consultation of traditional doctors!"

~ Guillermo, Canada

Item 2
Save $250 on
First attunement training for children and adults

Attention all energy healers with experience! Join Norah Ramsay along with the other certified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™practitioners around the world by redeeming Kelly’s special offer today. Enhance your present healing practice by embracing one of the most powerful Magnified Healing Systems on the planet. Help activate the Merkaba Light body for your clients, impart cellular peace and calm, restructure your client’s DNA to its original 5thD form, and much more.

Your online course training can be learned at your own pace from the comfort of your home or your favorite coffee shop! This home study online course is perfect for healers who are unable to attend one of Kelly’s live intensive workshops.

Upon registration, students will be emailed the code to access your online course. Upon completion of your training, a certificate of completion will be awarded as the highest notification of your accomplishment as a magnified healer in one of THE MOST POWERFUL HEALING SYSTEMS ON THE PLANET!

Yes! Sign me up~

Read what other certified practitioners are saying about Kelly’s online course-

“After seeing you shapeshift into Archangel Michael, Christ, then Ashtar, the Galactic Commander, I don’t know who you are, what planet you are from, but I am soo glad you are here! I am proud to be a Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM Practitioner!"

~ Poco Taylor, Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM Practitioner

“I have studied and experienced many healing modalities before Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™. I was interested in trying something new and I felt guided to learn a different method of energy healing. Thank you Kelly for providing me with the opportunity to become a certified practitioner!”

~ Naseem Hajizadeh, Certified Star Healing Practitioner

"The most powerful healing system I have experienced in my 45 years as a healer."

~ Gwendolyn Hill, New Mexico. 2013

"I have taken different healing classes, but nothing to compare to Star healing. First I had a Star healing, and knew that I needed that energy around me all the time. Just over a month later I took the classes. Kelly is the most amazing teacher, and the class & the energy just flow. Kelly does not hold anything back. She wants you to learn every aspect of Star Healing, and there is no reason that you cannot walk out of that class and running! To access this energy and pass it on to others is the most amazing gift anyone can give themselves.You will not be sorry if you take this wonderful opportunity. Thank you Kelly,"

~ JoAnn Seckus, Certified Star Healing Practitioner, Chicago, IL

"As my training to become a certified Star Healing practitioner approaches its end, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for this wonderful program. Never has a teacher been so available and almost all the time ready for me, for my needs and my questions. Instead of travelling and paying expensive Hotels, I enjoyed the best, most customized training ever, but online.I would like to let every aspirant know, what a skillful and engaged teacher you are. You taught not only the techniques, but you conveyed in an authentic and inspiring way, your love and appreciation for this new, special healing method and its creator, Archangel Michael. I truly wish that many people sense the profound uniqueness of this opportunity to accessing and learning the Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Method, especially in this easy online way. Again, thank you, Kelly,"

~ Ellen Simon, Certified Practitioner

Item ​3

sent as mp3’s to listen to again and again

Value $89.00

Over 1 hour of angelic spiritual wisdom from Archangel Michael. You will

  • mail-forward
    Learn how to elevate your practice of self awareness
  • mail-forward
    more about angels
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    how to wield Archangel Michael’s sword of love and kindness to change any negative situation
  • mail-forward
    the 8 spiritual laws of the Universe
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    the importance of superfoods and the role they play in your life
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    how to heal using color and shapes

Item 4
Developing Your Intuition

Value $89.00

Over 60 minutes of spiritual guidance on how to develop your intuition, connect with your guides and angels and so much more! Who's’ your teacher? Our friend, Archangel Michael.

Item ​5
60 Minutes of REVOLUTIONARY ANGELIC Wisdom to heal your Pets and Improve Telepathic Connection. Animals are Ascending too!

immediately available to you as an mp3

Value $89.00

Be among the first on the planet to access live channeled introductory teaching from Archangel Michael about this revolutionary NEW 5th D Ascension healing system for your small animals (dogs/cats). It is an extension to STAR HEALING INTERGALACTIC ENERGY™, for individuals and Star Healing Equine™ for horses. Learn how you can provide some of the same energetic healing techniques from this ground-breaking system as well as learn other angelic teaching to help you understand your animal friends more completely through this 60 min. audio to add to your listening library.

Item 6

Retail Value: $125.00

pdf Guide Book and 60 min. mp3 to support you for immediate learning

Along with step by step instructions pdf

This is not feng shui, not smudging but an easy, powerful system that uses energetic techniques, crystals, oils and other new angelic teaching to detoxify your homes and create abundance given to Kelly in 2011 by Archangel Michael! It is the companion piece to Star Healing Intergalactic Energy to maximize abundance in your lives. Instant download of the divinely given guide book along with 70 minutes of audio support from Kelly to help you immediately begin to detoxify your home space and create abundance.

Read what others have experienced by using AA Michael's divine and easy system given to Kelly in 2011 for detoxifying your homes and small offices:

"I wanted to say that since I have done the Ascended Spaces, the kids are playing together joyfully and I can hear them laughing together. This is so warming for the heart! More so than ever before, there has been less fighting between them. So grateful for this! I love it that it actually feels sacred in our surroundings. I just feel so blessed to have come across you....I feel confident that AAM lead me to you or if not him, another guide, angel or loved one through the veil did. Life has been magical!"

~ Melody, Tharp

"It works wonderfully. We used it to sell a home! Was on the market for 7 months before I could get my beloved to use the program, when he finally did, we started getting offers and after one fell through I reminded him to keep his thinking elevated, we got a bit next day and it sold that week! Closing was in a week! Woohoo! Kelly, you ROCK! As does Archangel Michael, of course!"

~ QiaJenae Hamilton

"My space feels 10 times better than before. I am not afraid of my own closet anymore. It is also so nice to see my son this happy and unafraid. Before, getting him to sleep was always difficult but last night (after the attunement/clearing), he just rolled over and fell asleep. He is so much calmer."

~ Nancy, B.

Item 7 & 8
BEYOND 2012: VOLUMES 1 & 2

Retail Value: $125.00

Over 2 HOURS of recorded spiritual wisdom. Among your teaching recorded from live lecture answers to these questions: what to expect in the years after 2012, what about life on other galaxies, what does Ascension mean, who are Pleiaidians, where is your soul home, what is meant by the 5thD, learn self healing techniques, what is Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ of which Kelly is the founder and more~

Item 9
Archangel Michael’s

Retail Value: $150.00

This teaching is like experiencing a 2 hour live intensive workshop with Kelly. This level 1 online learning is for anyone who wishes to assist in healing their animal companions through a safe, REVOLUTIONARY 5thD (magnified) energy system given to Kelly in 2011 as an extension to Star Healing Intergalactic Energy for the human body!

“Each of you may continue to pick up an old textbook. I invite you to pick up a new one.”--Archangel Michael

“Star Healing for Small AnimalsTM uses the same 5th dimensional source of energy, the Star or Pleiadian Galaxy as its source as does the healing system for the human body. Many if not all conditions that plague cats and dogs primarily, can be totally eliminated or improved. (any small 4-legged critters:)) As implied, any and all health concerns even the most grave, can be made more whole, more well, if not lessened or eliminated through this system from the Star Family. Unless a pet has made a contract to experience an illness for their learning, we, the collective consciousness of angels, as well as the high council, feel that as a result of the healing frequencies coming to Mother Earth, and because of the heightening vibration of many on the planet, that the small animal kingdom will be served more fully and more completely by this system than at any other time in mankind’s history. Let me go on to say that some of the older cats and dogs, are allowing for new healing systems like Star Healing for Small AnimalsTM to expand across the globe through their telegraphic communications. Just as many humans are expanding their consciousness telepathically, so are your animal friends. Many of them, have told us through this telepathic communication that they are excited and ready to experience a pain free, peace and calm existence upon which to live as a result of being in this 5th D, Pleiadian energy. More animals, just like humans are entering in with higher vibrations and they simply respond better to a healing system that is advanced enough to help them. Most small animals, dogs/cats under the age of eight have entered in with higher vibrational needs, and thus making them similar to the “Aware” children like the Indigos, Rainbows, Crystalline, and Atlantean souls. This does not mean, however, that small animals over age 8 will not also benefit from cellular peace and calm--they will. Higher vibrational species of plants and animals are also on your planet presently since the Ascension and will continue to arrive. In the sense that there are more powerful energy sources like Star Healing, it’s a bit like comparing apples to oranges.”—Archangel Michael

Learn from the comfort of your own home, on your own time frame from the angelically channeled guide book (instant download) Your independent learning course may be further supported through an online reporting form and includes a place for questions to email to kelly. The form (instant download) may also be used to monitor and report the improvements in your animal friends. Some tools are required for the full implementation of this REVOLUTIONARY magnified healing system from AAMichael. The tool list is presented in the introductory level 1 manual. Your online independent learning includes up to one month of online support with Kelly for any q’s you may have arising from this REVOLUTIONARY healing system.

Item 10
Understanding Rainbow, Indigo, Crystalline, Atlantean Children and Young Adults

Retail Value: $89.00

60 Minutes of Archangel Michael’s wisdom to to add to your listening library. THROUGH ARCHANGEL MICHAEL YOU WILL LEARN:

  • mail-forward
    Traits and behavior that each of these soul types exhibit
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    How to determine if you are the parent of a Rainbow, Indigo, Crystalline or Atlantean child or young adult
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    Why they came (and continue to come) to Earth and their global purpose
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    Ways you can support their missions/soul purposes rather than diminish them
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    What Michael advises about medication
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    What nurtures them as a collective group

Why Archangel Michael says STAR HEALING INTERGALACTIC ENERGY is THE healing system for them and how this powerful revolutionary energy healing system given to Kelly in 2010 can help them integrate more completely into the frequencies on Earth including improving social interactions, success in traditional school settings and more and why AAMichael says, 

"These souls know this healing system as they know their names."

Item 11

Retail Value: $20.00

This is Kelly’s second book from Archangel Michael following INTO THE WHITE LIGHT: THE REVELATION OF ARCHANGEL MICHAEL released in 2003 which is available in paperback and ebook. “In the immediate time past 2012, as a result of shifting, renewing, globally conscious energies, the​​​​re will be less war, less famine, less hatred, less poverty, fewer diseases. When you read about, when you hear conjecture and speculation about 2012 and beyond, which says that the world is coming to an end, I would agree to that with this point of distinction: the world as you know it is coming to an end. -Archangel Michael.

Read what others are saying:

"I really loved this book and Kelly’s first one Into the White Light. I didn't want to put the book down not even to go to the restroom. It was wonderful to have all my feelings and thoughts get a conformation. A must read! I say if you read only one book in your life it needs to be this one. Just a wonderful read and I felt hopeful, loved, very positive and a high vibration feeling almost like a buzzing feeling. I just can't say enough wonderful things about this book you just have to read it for yourself. I have just ordered 3 more of each book for my friends and family. I did meet Kelly at a Mind, Body and Spirit Expo and it was the first I had even learned of her books and I was drawn to get them. The last thing I can tell you is get it, get it and get it!"

~ Kelli Mitchell

"This book (2012) was the final message that has lead me to learn Star Energy Intergalactic Healing"

~ Barb, USA

"Potentially life changing energy experienced whilst reading this book! I highly recommend it to anyone who is open to seeing what is really happening around us and to us at this time."

~ Janine Ferreira

Item 12

Prosperity Harmonic Cluster from Archangel Michael

Are you already a feng shui practitioner? Do you sell real estate? Are you a stager? Have you been smudging your space and not noticing any significant changes in your life? Are you looking to add extra income to your already empowering space attunement business? Are you looking for something NEW AND EXCITING AND POWERFUL? SOMETHING FROM AN ANGEL? If you have answered YES! to any of these questions, then you are invited to join Join Barbara Iverson (and others) as an Ascended Spaces Certified Practitioner!

Save $100.00 off Kelly’s online Practitioner Certification Course! Enroll today and learn from the comfort of your home and at your own pace! The course will include terms and guidelines, the practitioner’s version of Archangel Michael’s Practitioner’s training manual which will be sent to you as a pdf, require actual hands on practice by the student using Archangel Michael’s system in a minimum of 3 volunteer homes, an online reporting form submitted afterwards to help ensure mastery of this effective, EASY, Angelic system for creating abundance in the lives of others and to track your progress. Kelly is available for online support up to 2 months. A certificate of completion emailed as a pdf will honor your work in this revolutionary Ascension-based home system The tool list (tools not included) and course terms will be emailed to you after registration. Your contact info will be added to Kelly’s web site upon completion of this course to join the other Ascended SpacesTM Practitioners Worldwide!


Package A

You will receive: 

  • mail-forward
    60 Min. Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Healing Private 1-on-1 Remote Session
  • mail-forward
    Save $250 on Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Practitioner Certification Online Course
  • mail-forward
    Celestial Tapestries Volume 1
  • mail-forward
    Developing Your Intuition Connecting with Your Guides and Angels
  • mail-forward
    60 Minutes of REVOLUTIONARY ANGELIC Wisdom to heal your Pets and Improve Telepathic Connection. Animals are Ascending too!
  • mail-forward
    Ascended Spaces™ An Easy, New, Ground-Breaking Ascension Space Attunement System From Archangel Michael for Creating Abundance!
  • mail-forward
    Beyond 2012: Volumes 1 & 2
  • mail-forward
    Archangel Michael's Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Training Manual for Small Animals Introduction/Level 1 Telepathy & Beginning Techniques
  • mail-forward
    Understanding Rainbow, Indigo, Crystalline, Atlantean Children and Young Adults
  • mail-forward
    Beyond 2012: The Truth from Archangel Michael
  • mail-forward
    $100.00 Off Ascended Spaces™ Online Practition Certification Course

Total Value: $1300

89% Off

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:



Package B

Includes all of Package A


Item 1​3
Discount Coupon for
$75 OFF
Kelly’s Sacred Journey to Glastonbury England and
St. Michael LeyLine Retreat June 4-10th 2018

Experience some of the most powerful sacred sites on Earth!
Join us for this sacred pilgrimage to Stonehenge, Glastonbury - the Isle of Avalon,
Avebury, Silbury Hill, possible Crop Circles, of course, St. Michael’s Mount and much MORE*

“After having lead several sacred journeys to Mt. Shasta, CA I have been guided to lead more retreats in other lands. During this sacred journey we will work with transformative energies of sacred sites along The St. Michael Alignment ley lines that criss-cross Britain. I'd be honored to support you to manifest your dream of traveling to England, and will assist you in creating the experience of a lifetime.”--Kelly Hampton.

$75 USD or USA equivalent. To redeem this special offer, kindly forward your package purchase receipt to To learn more details, subscribe to Kelly’s newsletter for this and other updates at Offers may not be combined. *Tentative schedule.

This  sacred journey will be limited to 15 people! Begin making your plans now for the journey of a lifetime.

Item 14
$75 OFF Kelly’s Alchemy Weekend Retreat and Sacred Journey to
Sacred Mt. Shasta, CA Aug. 2018


"Who wouldn’t want to be nurtured by a powerful and loving Mega Angel for 3 days, in pristine Nature with all vibrant elements? Mt. Shasta was a journey of Oneness, bridging Earth and Heaven. The exercises, visualizations, invocations, energy work, etc., created a deeper level of connection to our Higher Self and as Humanity which we are, a higher involvement in the service the Planetary Guides and Protectors are performing during this Great Shift."--Catherine, retreat participant


$75 USD or USA equivalent. The 2018 retreat will be limited to 20 people to help you have the most personal experience ever! Registration opens Jan. 31st, 2017. To redeem this special offer, kindly forward your package purchase receipt to To subscribe to Kelly’s newsletter to receive all updates and 2 more FREE gifts visit

From Kelly’s Mt. Shasta, CA retreat summer 2017

Item 15

You may also redeem towards a remote mediumship session, connecting you safely and powerfully word for word with loved ones or animals who have made their transition

Value: $198.00

Would you like to know your soul purpose? Do you wish to be called to serve in Archangel Michael’s lightworkers army? Are you curious where you soul home is? When your infinity partner is entering? Would you love being lead through a private healing meditation from Jesus for your and your family? Do you desire connections with those on the other side for intense healing? You may choose to split your session between an angelically channeled reading with a mediumship one. Once Kelly’s office is notified of your purchase someone will email you to schedule a suitable time from anywhere in the world via landline or skype. You decide how this 1 on 1 live time with Kelly will BEST SERVE YOU! Kelly has opened up her schedule just for JAZZ UP YOUR LIFE. Be sure and add kelly to your skype contacts as kelly.a.hampton. You will receive an mp3 replay.

Read what others are saying:

"I just had a life changing angel reading with messages from the Archangels Michael and the Ascended Masters. It was very clear, and spot-on. Archangel Michael and I had a wonderful conversation in the reading in which it felt as if we were best friends and he knew exactly what plan of action would be for my highest good. All the angel messages that came through were accurate, clear, direct, and inspirational. After this session, my energy fields changed from feeling drained into feeling hopeful about life. Before the reading I was needing an energy boost and Archangel Michael provided that. An so please consider doing an angel reading with Kelly Hampton for she is kind, loving, and brings forth the Michael messages in such a loving way."

~ Gabe, Ohio.

"If you haven't had a reading/guidance session w/Michael via Kelly, you NEED TO. My specific questions were answered, AS WELL AS details about my life/me that Michael thought I needed to know about that were not a part of my questions.(So, if you are wondering, "is this real, possible?" The answer is YES.) Specific, relevant, expansive, beautiful, practical, and very accurate indeed. It's an experience I will never forget and has helped me tremendously. It has given me the direction, clear guidance, and courage I need to move through some major upcoming transitions. Can't wait for the next one! I think you are the best psychic I have ever spoken to -- simply beyond amazing with such accuracy and details. I was blown away!"

~ Alice Claire, D.

"Awesome call. Connection with my departed husband Michael, confirmation in the fact that he wants me to go on my cruise in March like we always used to go on. He is with the angels. xxoo"

~ Nancy L, USA

"That's was the best reading I've ever had. I appreciate your honesty."

~ Claudia C.

"Kelly and AA Michael are awesome! I not only got answers and validation about my life, I experienced the most profound healing after a message came thru from my mother, who has crossed over."

~ Gina Torinitio

"WOW!!! First time reading with Kelly, This lady is AMAZING! LOVED HER."

~ Celeste, London

"Receiving messages from my father was simply the best medicine of all ... as of earth he was a steady calm and kind man ... and I felt him. The comments he made -- the joke book was his as he loved corny jokes ... and the upside down umbrella his reference to me collecting pennies from heaven.... as that is one of the manifested physical signs I've received for years."

~ L. Earnest

"Awesome call. Connection with my departed husband Michael, confirmation in the fact that he wants me to go on my cruise in March like we always used to go on. He is with the angels. xxoo
Kelly and AAMichael, thank you so very much for the amazing messages yesterday! My heart was filled with so much love and peace after the messages from AAMichael. Hearing from my mother erased the pain I have carried in my heart since I was a little girl. The messages from her were so accurate that I knew it was her beyond a shadow of a doubt. My heart is filled with so much love and gratitude for you and AAMichael. You validated so much of what was ringing in my soul. I know I can now live my divine purpose. Thank you, Thank you."

~ Sandra K.

"A lot of people came through in my mediumship reading as there are many in my life who have passed away. However, each one validated the fact that is was actually them. Contact Kelly to contact your loved ones for a feeling of overwhelming love and connection."

~ Diana A.

"I received a 30 minute AA Michael Reading. I am a Mother who has struggled with other adults, the public school system, various sports coaches, and other children regarding my Crystalline son who is just trying to be himself, while I on the other hand, tried to mold him into something he was not. I desperately needed spiritual counseling and who better to give it than Archangel Michael. Many parents have gifted Indigo, Rainbow, Crystal and Golden Children and have no idea how to parent them. Some parents buy into society's labels however, I refused. I knew my child was like no other and came directly to earth to help humanity learn kindness. As a parent, I needed guidance so I could better parent him and he is better able to fulfill his life’s purpose. My reading was exactly what I needed and I plan to have additional readings, or as I like to call them divine guidance, as I need all the help I can get. Thank you Kelly for being this genuinely kind and humble witness as Archangel Michael stepped in and helped me out. If any parent is struggling with what others want your child to conform to, I ask that you please get some divine clarity and guidance in a reading."

~ Teresa L. San Diego, CA

Item 1​6
Visualization Tools and Teachings from Archangel Michael to Manifest Your Desires!

Value: $57

Angelic wisdom from Archangel Michael to equip you with new teachings to help realize all that you deserve!

sent as a pdf to add to your reading library.

Item 17

Not sure you can attend live Kelly’s Sacred Journeys in 2018 or you are looking to prepare for them? 

Desire to go deeper into personal transformation working with energy?

You’ve heard about the Ascension; even know what that means and are still feeling its effects (or not). Now what? Perhaps you are an awakening Star Seed and are seeking to do more energy work to help further the 5thD pure love vibration of Gaia, Mother Earth, but don’t know how? Perhaps you still see poverty, disease around the globe and want to positively affect change? Do you wish to know more about crop circles? Perhaps you are not a lightworker, but still interested in how you can personally, spiritually, and energetically grow and make a powerful impact in helping elevate the planet for yourself and others and connect with the universes?” Now is your chance.

You'll get to directly experience this advanced metaphysical training which will include live teleconference classes along with LIVE wisdom from Archangel Michael (and others of light representing Christ Consciousness), Mother Earth, Mother Mary, Merlin, the Council of 9 and others during this 2-month course. Each call also include a monthly blessings/healing transmission and replay link. You will also have the opportunity to be directly linked and continually supported for 12 months through Kelly’s inspiring Ascension Love Notes.

Our first call will have will focus on teachings around St. Michael’s ley line, probably the most famous ley-line in the world, running across England from the tip of Cornwall to the Eastern tip of Norfolk, passing through the prehistoric sites of The Hurlers, Glastonbury Tor (St. Michael's church), Avebury, and numerous other significant sites either named after St. Michael or St. George. Each class will be approximately 90 min. in length. Hear Archangel Michael describe Stonehenge, the Chalice Well, his Mount, along with working with Mother Mary, Merlin the Magician and others as we are lead. Expand yourself and heal the planet! You will be given alchemy exercises to involve yourselves in for ley line restoration and more. Each call will have time for Q and A. 

First Alchemy with Q and A:
Saturday, Dec. 9th

11am-12:30 pm CST
11am-12:30 pm CST/9am-10:30 PST
World clock to determine your time.


Healing Codes to Connect with the Fairies
Sent as a pdf

Another item:

From Kelly’s Divine Feminine Program:

Wisdom from the Blessed Mother

In this activation learn:

  • mail-forward
    Find out how Mary felt when the angel Gabriel appeared to her with the news of being with a child--a savior
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    Hear from Mother Mary about other apparitions in her life
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    Hear about truths and untruths in the Bible
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    Hear what Mary says about faith and sin
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    Learn about the Sacred Healing Garden
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    Receive support about the healing power of miracles
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    How to use rose petals energetically for healing
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    Hear from Mary about her visitation from Archangel Michael
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    Be comforted by her vibration and spiritual teaching

60 min./Value $69.00/mp3 Alchemy

  • mail-forward
    Be angelically guided to study Merlin the Magician and his Alchemy
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    Learn about the various types of healing winds including the Winds of Compassion and how to work with them
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    Be in the energetic company of a legion of angels to vibrationally accelerate your understanding of these teachings--including the Seraphim, the Dominions, the Principalities and Thrones
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    Be regressed to the ages of 4 -7 by Archangel Michael to erase any cellular dysfunction and transmute disharmony.
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    Experience and learn the tone for peace to send the peace vibration to anyone, anywhere--everyone-- in the world simply and powerfully.
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    Learn how to simply create an energy vortex to invoke the lower world.
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    Be given other sequences of harmonic codes to further harmonize your light bodies.
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    Be guided to make energetic peace rings by Archangel Michael for humanity.
  • mail-forward
    Learn what Archangel Michael calls the Keystones to Ascension.

Our second alchemy live call with Q and A will be:
Saturday, Jan. 6, 2018

9am-10:30 PST /11am-12:30 pm CST/1pm-2:30 EST
World clock to determine your time.

You will receive call in information prior to the call date and replay links will be emailed if you are unable to join live or to re listen again and again.


  • mail-forward
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    EXERCISES TO CREATE HEALING MATRIXES FROM ROCKS, FEATHERS, PLANTS AND MORE (within the instant downloads. Read in advance. Bring questions)
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    UNDERSTAND WHAT IS MEANT BY DISCLOSURE AND WHAT YOUR ROLE IS IN ELEVATING MOTHER EARTH (within the instant downloads. Read in advance. Bring questions)

also included in this course-


Value: $57

Through this powerful teaching as an instant pdf download Archangel Michael, shows you how using sacred geometry can build a bridge between you and the divine--specifically, the wisdom of the open chambered nautilus shell which spiral brings a deep state of grace from Source to the Diamond at the Center of the Earth (crystalline core) and its importance in AA Michael’s Star Healing Intergalactic Energy ™ system. The Star Healing system also extend to horses, and small animals. Each with its own practitioner certification online course.

“Gentle Giant” Teaching Instruction from Archangel Michael -

shared as an mp3 to add to your listening library

Value: $65

shared as an mp3 to add to your listening library

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    Expand your awareness through this introductory teaching by working to connect with the wisdom of the Redwoods in Northern CA
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    How are nature frequencies more uplifting than meditation?
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    Be introduced to energetic nodes and their purpose
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    Be encouraged to hug a tree and more!

Another item in this course:

Disclosure Channeling from Ashtar, Galactic Commander of Light

shared as an mp3 or pdf

Who is Ashtar?
What does he say about your personal involvement in upgrading Mother Earth?
What does he say about chemtrails?
What EXACTLY is disclosure?
What about dark forces? Do they exist?
You will learn the greatest weapon against dark forces and where we are in this unseen spiritual battle of light versus dark and other important messages for cosmic wisdom.
and more.

Another item:

Channeling of Gaia - Goddess of Earth

Mother Earth is the soul of our planet.
Learn what she says in this powerful channeling
about the next one hundred years

shared as an mp3 or pdf

Another item:

​Strengthen your knowledge of Rainbow energy. How to use it. How important it is in humankind evolution in this spiritual teaching from Archangel Michael.


Saturday, Dec. 9th
11am-12:30 pm CST
Saturday, Jan. 6, 2018

11am-12:30 pm CST/9am-10:30 CST

World clock to determine your time.

There is no other Ascension Alchemists Course taught by Archangel Michael (and others in the light) with this level of depth that you can easily access from the comfort of your own home. Since the angelic, ascended master realms and beings of light will lead us, topics are tentative and open to expansion. Replays will be available if you miss this series.

TOTAL Value of these 2 90-Min. LIVE COACHING CALLS with a master teacher and all the instant downloads: $500 or more~
PLUS Kelly Would love you to have Bonus #1

Immediately downloadable as a pdf for your learning library to read again and again.

Written in the same powerful, poignant prose as Kelly's last two books, Archangel Michael's voice (through Kelly) resounds through these pages with clarity and purpose. He gently educates readers about the animal kingdom - past, present, and future - to help us understand, connect with, and heal these profoundly sensitive, loving beings. He continues his teachings on such essential topics as ascension, Mother Earth, underground civilizations, intergalactic ancestors, Atlantis, harmonic codes, and energy healing while revealing many surprising truths about land, air, and marine animals. Finally, we learn the answers to many of our burning questions: what really happened to the dinosaurs? How can we help animals on the brink of extinction? How do animals find their way back home over great distances? And, most importantly, what can we do to help our animal friends during this great time of ascension? These answers and many more, lie within. --Chelsea J.

Kelly Would love you to have ANOTHER Bonus #2--

The training manual will be sent as a pdf. file sharing is kindly prohibited

Another REVOLUTIONARY Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ System--
This One to Heal Your Equines!


Learn this safe magnified 5thD healing system from Archangel Michael as an extension to the other REVOLUTIONARY Star Healing Family systems.

Experience this safe, non invasive magnificently beautiful 5th D Healing cellular healing system! Given to Kelly in 2011 Star Healing Equine™ is as learnable as Theta Healing and The Reconnection for Animals. This system goes several levels higher in multidimensional healing.

Partial list of Conditions Benefiting from Star Healing Equine™

  • mail-forward
    Cataracts and other eye problems
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    Skin conditions including rain rot, dermatitis
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    Ear infections
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    Digestive problems including colic
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    Arthritis, muscle soreness, laminitis
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    Equine aggression, cribbing and other behavioral issues
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    Fractures and other wounds which are slow to heal
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    Teeth trouble including chewing, drooling, weight loss, and pain

Learn from the comfort of your own home, stable, ranch. or farm, on your own time frame from this comprehensive angelically channeled guide book sent as an instant pdf download to begin your learning immediately! Experience much of the same live intensive workshop training which Kelly conducts now as an online course! This teaching is like experiencing a 2 hour live intensive workshop with Kelly. Along with a tool list, guide book, your independent learning may be supported through a reporting which you may choose to use to monitor and report the improvements in your equine friends. Your online independent learning includes up to one month of online support after package purchase for any q’s you may have arising from this REVOLUTIONARY healing system.


Package B

You will receive: 

All of Package A


  • mail-forward
    Discount Coupon for $75 OFF Kelly’s Sacred Journey to Glastonbury England and St. Michael LeyLine Retreat June 4-10th 2018
  • mail-forward
    $75 OFF Kelly’s Alchemy Weekend Retreat and Sacred Journey to Sacred Mt. Shasta, CA Aug. 2018
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    Visualization Tools and Teachings from Archangel Michael to Manifest Your Desires!
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    BONUS: The Book of Animals
  • mail-forward

Total combined value of both packages: $2350

89% Off

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


Kelly is even offering us a 2-payment option on her combined package!

$124 today and $124 in 30 days for the combined package!

*Due to the live nature of this package, there are no refunds after any live time is conducted.

What People Are Saying

​I could go on and on, there is so much of value and good use in this book!

“Archangel Michael is at it again and I am so grateful! Through Kelly Hampton he has written another book, The Book of Animals: Wisdom and Healing from the Animal Kingdom from Archangel Michael, to help the world population understand and heal the animals on the planet! I enjoy the wisdom he shared, including the Harmonic Codes which will be so helpful, and are easy to use! I also appreciate the list of steps he gives to help our companion pets through this ascension energy shift. I could go on and on, there is so much of value and good use in this book! I know all who read it will enjoy and be blessed!”

~ QiaJenae, Chicago, IL

​I knew that this would give me a greater way to connect and convey their beauty and truth.

"I was reading the part from Gaia about writing love letters to our own mothers and grandmothers. I just sat out on the grass with this book. I kept stroking the grass and thanking Gaia for all of my happy memories in this yard. I thought about times we played touch football with the dog, too! I thought about the times when parts of the yard would freeze and I would play ice hockey with my brother. I then sent love into the earth and to the home’s foundation, and every corner of each room, and to every beam, bolt, wire and material. It was just beautiful! I knew that this would give me a greater way to connect and convey their beauty and truth. I cried with the part of the first whale to be used as food for humans. It just really struck a chord in my heart. I always believe that animals all have genuine feelings, but the message he conveyed to them was poignant and with such wisdom, I just welled up with tears. When I think of just the expansiveness of love and unending creativity it really fills me with awe. It also gives me great hope in what is happening now unseen and what will be!"

~ Anna Johnston

​Kelly is the most amazing teacher, and the class & the energy just flow.

"I have taken different healing classes, but nothing to compare to Star Healing Intergalactic Energy. First I had a Star healing, and knew that I needed that energy around me all the time. Just over a month later I took the classes. Kelly is the most amazing teacher, and the class & the energy just flow. Kelly does not hold anything back. She wants you to learn every aspect of Star Healing, and there is no reason that you cannot walk out of that class and running! To access this energy and pass it on to others is the most amazing gift anyone can give themselves. You will not be sorry if you take this wonderful opportunity. Thank you Kelly,"

~ JoAnn Seckus, Certified Star Healing Practitioner, Chicago, IL

​You taught not only the techniques, but you conveyed in an authentic and inspiring way, your love and appreciation for this new, special healing method and its creator, Archangel Michael.

"As my training to become a certified Star Healing practitioner approaches its end, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for this wonderful program. Never has a teacher been so available and almost all the time ready for me, for my needs and my questions. I enjoyed the best, most customized training ever, but online. I would like to let every aspirant know, what a skillful and engaged teacher you are. You taught not only the techniques, but you conveyed in an authentic and inspiring way, your love and appreciation for this new, special healing method and its creator, Archangel Michael. I truly wish that many people sense the profound uniqueness of this opportunity to accessing and learning the Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Method, especially in this easy online way. Again, thank you, Kelly,"

~ Ellen Simon, Certified Practitioner, CA USA

​The angel messages were accurate, clear, direct, and inspirational.

“I just had a life changing angel reading with messages from the Archangels Michael and the Ascended Masters. It was very clear, and spot-on. Archangel Michael and I had a wonderful conversation in the reading in which it felt as if we were best friends and he knew exactly what plan of action would be for my highest good. All the angel messages that came through were accurate, clear, direct, and inspirational. After this session, my energy fields changed from feeling drained into feeling hopeful about life. Before the reading I was needing an energy boost and Archangel Michael provided that. An so please consider doing an angel reading with Kelly Hampton for she is kind, loving, and brings forth the Michael messages in such a loving way.”

~ Gabe, Ohio.

​Specific, relevant, expansive, beautiful, practical, and very accurate indeed. It’s an experience I will never forget!

“If you haven’t had a reading/guidance session w/Michael via Kelly, you NEED TO. My specific questions were answered, AS WELL AS details about my life/me that Michael thought I needed to know about that were not a part of my questions.(So, if you are wondering, “is this real, possible?” The answer is YES.) Specific, relevant, expansive, beautiful, practical, and very accurate indeed. It’s an experience I will never forget and has helped me tremendously. It has given me the direction, clear guidance, and courage I need to move through some major upcoming transitions. Can’t wait for the next one! I think you are the best psychic I have ever spoken to — simply beyond amazing with such accuracy and details. I was blown away!”

~ Alice Claire, D.

​It was actually helping me feel really connected with my dad.

“During the session where you connected me with my dad, he had mentioned, “Would you like to play cards?”. I remember when he said it, I was kind of like whaaat??!! He never played cards or had any type of affinity for that and neither did I. But it really is funny how the universe works and delights us! At the time, I was taking an online course on creativity. I had pretty much forgotten that there were bonus items. About a couple of days after our session, I received a package from Hay House in the mail. It was a beautiful angel card deck featuring Angel Gabriel (the messenger angel). The moment I opened the package, I remembered what my dad had said and I laughed! What I began to do was call in my guides and Angels to do a ‘reading’, if there was anything they wanted to share with me. I also asked if my dad could be present. I would then have these communications with him through the messages from the cards. Normally, I would shuffle the deck and fan the cards out and intuitively pick them. Then I was getting the sense that my dad would want me to shuffle them but divide them in stacks. Sometimes, I felt he was urging me to just flip over the top cards of each pile, sometimes the bottom, sometimes both. It was actually helping me feel really connected with my dad. The word that kept popping up in my mind was ‘magical’! I do this sometimes after I journal if I’m wondering about what to do next, etc. I just wanted you to know I really appreciate your offering that.”

~ Anna Johnston

​I’m getting messages with numbers and letters a lot, and seeing little flashes of light! I received an answer from the council – in a beautiful, humorous way – and I received it double in the 14 days!

“Both the 1/2 hour session and Star Healing was so calming and reassuring – it also brought clarity and peacefulness. Kelly is heart-centered and very real. Hearing from AA Michael and also my dad and nana was comforting and joyful. I am still receiving the effects from it – I’m getting messages with numbers and letters a lot, and seeing little flashes of light! I received an answer from the council – in a beautiful, humorous way – and I received it double in the 14 days! I am also appreciating the playful humor! It can’t help but raise your vibration!”

~ Anna in East Windsor

​Oh, how Very Very Happy I am that I found you on-line!

“I am in complete thankfulness and awe about our session this morning. In AWE!! I wanted to share the following on today’s work: You mentioned when I was a French Maiden and France is so near and dear to my heart, I feel like home when I am there and since the moment I ever stepped into France it has always been, and I am going to Paris mid-April. You hit on so many of the wishes that I have been asking to be cleared of blocks that are keeping me from the divine plan. It was wonderful confirmation that all of the inner work is leading me on the right path and Oh how Very Very Happy I am that I found you online! I cannot thank you enough also for telling me about the Ileo sacral valve, inflammation and enzymes-It is so helpful to know what the problem has been in the past and how it is going to be fixed. Every Homeopathic I’ve worked with has tried to give m enzymes and they have not worked for me, the body needs to produce them! Many Many Blessing to you and AAM for the blessed light work! for the very deepest part of my being and my heart! Thank you again! The Very Best”

~ Mary M. Los Angeles, CA

​I got a raise! Plus I get so much more accomplished!

I do have two great things to report. First, I got a raise! I can’t help but attribute it to the Prosperity candles. And I’ve been able to focus and concentrate so much better at work and get more accomplished. And then Jax’s teacher at preschool told me Friday that although he has always been a happy child, she saw a difference in him last week, he’s even happier! So maybe the Joy candles are working for us. Our house does feel really good now. I appreciate everything you have done for me. I know it works…”

~ Shannon Trevathan

About Kelly

Kelly has become internationally renowned as the founder of STAR HEALING INTERGALACTIC ENERGY, as a gifted spiritual teacher, medium and channel. Kelly's three books “Into the White Light: The Revelations of Archangel Michael” “2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael” and “The Book of Animals: Healing Wisdom for the Animal Kingdom from Archangel Michael ” continue to bring her work to a worldwide audience.
Kelly regularly presents certification in several Ascended Pleiadian healing systems given to her by Archangel Michael. She is also also the founder of DOMINION, the new astrology system from Archangel Michael for our New Earth and Ascended Spaces for creating abundance through our homes. She leads sacred journeys globally and her popular Consciously Co-creating Podcasts are aired regularly and available free on her website, on intunes and on other social platforms. 

Disclaimer: We make no medical claims about our products. If you have a medical condition please consults a physician.

Refund Policy of Judy Anderson and Associates, LLC and Judy Anderson: We truly love and appreciate all of our listeners and speakers. Please note that some speakers have their own refund/no-refund policies which we honor. For others if you feel that you cannot receive value from a package, we will issue a refund if it is within a 30 day period. Energetically, to honor the speakers and the time it takes putting the packages together for you, only 1 refund will be issued per person during every 90 day period. If any class or private session has been given, no refunds will be given. We appreciate and thank You for your understanding.


This information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns what so ever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH Judy Anderson & Associates, LLC, are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. Judy Anderson and Associates, LLC and Judy Anderson do not recommend, endorse or make any representation about the efficacy, appropriateness or suitability of any specific tests, products, procedures, treatments, services, opinions, health care providers or other information that may be contained on or available through our website or our broadcast shows. We are not responsible nor liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through our company. Any health, fitness and nutritional information is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health care professional because of something you may have read on our materials or heard on our shows. The use of any information provided by Judy Anderson & Associates, LLC, is solely at your own risk. Nothing stated or posted or available through any services are intended to be and must not be taken to be, the practice of medical or counseling care. For purposes of this agreement, the practice of medicine and counseling includes,without limitation, psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, or providing health care treatment, instructions, diagnosis, prognosis, or advice.

© 2017 - Jazz Up Your Life with Judy - All Rights Reserved