Tom Paladino’s Special Offer – Healing Humanity – Energy Healing Fundamentals

Tom Paladino's Special Offers

Tom Paladino on Healing Humanity – Energy Healing Fundamentals
Plus the New Minerals and Precious Gems Program!

Scalar Energy is the fundamental force in nature that is responsible for assembling or disassembling all physical matter in the universe. Over 100 years ago, Nikola Tesla knew that his discovery of an energy that was not of the electromagnetic spectrum, could one day change the face of history. Tesla eluded to not only the possibility of free energy, but other applications that could perhaps a way to aid and abet human health.

Tom Paladino saw the value of Tesla's work and made it his mission to learn more about HOW we could use this "life force energy" to help others as Tesla would have done.

Scalar Light is an instrument developed by Tom Paladino that uses scalar energy to enhance the physical and emotional wellness of anyone, anywhere in the world. Scalar Light is able to deliver the informational "light intelligence" of Minerals and Precious Stones with tremendous benefits for human health and even emotional wellness.

This groundbreaking science is available to deliver these vital minerals and the intelligence of stones to anyone simply by using a photograph of their skin.

Reiki healers and other light and energy workers have known all along that you can influence the energy field of another and, bring about positive change within their "being" by changing the "information" that is sent into the person's energy field causing a positive shift in their energies.

Tom Paladino has been able to take this work a step further and is unique in his delivery of Scalar Light Energy. A photograph of your skin is all that is needed to deliver or broadcast Scalar Light to anyone, anywhere in the world. This light energy essentially "influences" the information your body receives and results can be felt quickly.

Scalar light is a sacred and divine, perfect energy that imparts instructions upon the universe. All instructions in the universe are initiated by this fundamental force that assembles and maintains the molecular structure of minerals and precious stones. Succinctly, sacred energy – scalar light – is the cause of the sacred geometry of all minerals and precious stones.


In fact, 99% of the mass of the human body is composed of the following six (6) minerals: calcium, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus and oxygen. Minerals and water are typically found in the soil and subsequently absorbed by the roots of plants. Hence, it is crucial for people to consume plants as a source of mineral-rich food.

The Scalar Light Mineral and Precious Stone Program assembles minerals inside the human body thereby offering the perfect delivery of minerals to benefit both mental and physical health. The minerals assembled by the Scalar Light Mineral and Precious Stone Program are found in mineral-rich, arable soil as well as mineral-rich, drinking water throughout the world.

Minerals are not only used to help us grow strong bones and teeth. Minerals also transmit nerve impulses, make hormones and maintain normal heartbeat. Any imbalance in any mineral, even those we need in very small amounts (trace minerals) can lead to weakened bones, fatigue, decreased immunity, and other signs of failing health. Many people today take minerals but unknowingly throw off this delicate balance. Why worry about taking supplements that don't break down properly, are costly or risk imbalances that could lead to poor health? 

Tom’s Basic Original Program

The program called Standard Scalar Sessions actually benefits and supports the body in a few different and amazing ways. The energy can be instructed to transmute or "break apart" the bonds that hold germs together.

We have found that once the causative agent of a disease no longer exists, that the body begins its own innate healing process. We have many solid testimonials and even lab tests that appear to indicate that a once-held pathogen no longer exists. It is our desire to one day have modern medicine agree that we might have found something that truly could provide an essential program for many suffering individuals.

Nutrients are also energetically delivered to enhance your nutritional status and you can see the difference in your hair, skin, and nails among other benefits. By virtue of receiving this directed broadcast of Scalar Light you will also feel the benefits of a realignment of your body’s energies as this "LIGHT" naturally reacts with your body's chemistry. You will find the experience to be quite uplifting and should enjoy much deeper and more meaningful sleep.

Some use the term meridians, Chakras, Qi, Chi, or Prana to describe this life force energy. Now you get to enjoy the benefits while you are enjoying your life with no office visits or inconveniences. You will be guided through the process each and every day as you will receive a daily healing notice. You can respond to this notice with questions or even provide us with your testimony.


With the purchase of Standard Sessions (special pricing for Judy's listeners) you can also receive the the MINERALS AND PRECIOUS STONES Program with no additional cost FOR 60 Days! Check out the benefits this user is experiencing with this new program!

I’m sold on the Minerals and Precious Stones Program!

" As long as I can remember I have had very poor fingernails. I have tried everything under the sun from biotin supplements to keratin and collagen supplements. My nails still always split and peeled. Since I have been on the Minerals and Precious Stones Program (about 3 weeks now) my nails are growing much stronger and have not been peeling! This is so exciting for me also because they seem go be growing more quickly. I am impressed. " ~ Sandra

Package 1

1 Person
plus Two Months of the Minerals and Precious Stones Program

Total Value: $175.

16% Off

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


Package 2

A Group of 2 People
or Combination of People and Pets ONLY
plus Two Months of the Minerals and Precious Stones Program

Total Value: $225.

17% Off

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


Package 3

A Group of 3 People
or Combination of People and Pets ONLY
plus Two Months of the Minerals and Precious Stones Program

Total Value: $300.

18% Off

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


Package 4

A Group of 4 People
or Combination of People and Pets ONLY
plus Two Months of the Minerals and Precious Stones Program

Total Value: $350.

18% Off

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


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NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Package 5

A Group of 5 People
or Combination of People and Pets ONLY
plus Two Months of the Minerals and Precious Stones Program

Total Value: $400.

18% Off

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


Package 6

A Group of 6 People
or Combination of People and Pets ONLY
plus Two Months of the Minerals and Precious Stones Program

Total Value: $450.

18% Off

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


Package 7

A Group of 7 People
or Combination of People and Pets ONLY
plus Two Months of the Minerals and Precious Stones Program

Total Value: $525.

19% Off

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

What People Are Saying

After 30 years with Herpes Virus, a clean bill of health!

“Following Tom’s scalar energy treatments I have a clean bill of health confirmed by my PCR blood/lab test registering negative for carrying the herpes virus. I’m probably as cured as I’ll ever be after having the herpes virus for over 30 years. All thanks go to Tom Paladino who is facilitating Nicholas Tesla’s scalar energy invention by administering remote scalar energy treatments. Additionally in affirmation, Mr. Paladino‘s scalar treatments have also allowed me to reduce the dosage of my rheumatoid arthritis medications in half, 50% less, whilst still receiving the pain relief I need without having to consume more medication-Impressive. Thanks you, Tom!” ~ Aaron

​Food Poisoning...Fabulous results with my body!

​“I live in Las Vegas. I had been battling a nasty case of food poisoning for at least 8 months. 2 different doctors diagnostic me with IBS and prescribed 2 potent antibiotics that I was supposed to take for 15 days.They also advise me that I was a great candidate for the pink pill which I was probably going to have to take pretty much for the rest of my life. Not wanting to poison my body and weaken my immune system I never fill the prescriptions, instead, I started looking for a "Natural" cure. After a few weeks I got it under control with the help of different teas, however I had to give up coffee, any kind of spicy food, chocolate, citric fruits, etc. Before I got sick I always had a very flat stomach, I am very active, practice yoga 3-4 times a week etc.,but after I got sick my clothes didn't look the same on me. I was soooo frustrated!!! Then... I found Tom Paladino. I have to admit I was skeptical at first, very skeptical, but I was also very desperate so after thinking about it for about a week I decided to give it a try. From the very first day Tom started working on me I noticed and felt the difference. I had boundless energy,I stated to sleep better, the inflammation on my stomach started to go down. In a week, A WEEK, I was able to eat all of my favorite foods and wear all my yoga wear. For the first time in months I wake up in the morning and I feel normal, no stomach burn, no heaviness, I still can't believe it! Tom and his Scalar Energy really, really, really work!!! I am forever thankful to Tom for bringing this technology forward and making it available for everyone, so much happened to my body that first week is too long to put it all here but if you have any questions or want to speak to me regarding my experience with Scalar Energy contact Tom, he's got my number and email and I will be more than happy to answer any questions. I feel blessed for having found Tom when I was just about the end of my rope and almost knocking at my Doctor's door. SCALAR ENERGY ROCKS!!!”

​Herpes 1 and 2 now gone!

​“I want to thank you again for this work in helping me to completely eradicate Herpes 1 and 2. It has been over a year now with no breakouts whatsoever....and to know its gone forever is a miracle after 40 years of suffering. I still can’t believe I am healed of this terrible disease. It a miracle!

I am currently back on the scalar now for several months...since I want to keep strengthening my immune system and notice that I have not gotten the colds and flu bugs so many people are getting these days.”

​Irritation in my intestines vanished in a month!

“Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity…..
Here below is my feedback regarding the four weeks.

Week 1: I was not sleeping well, thirsty at night, finding it difficult to get out of bed and feeling tired during the day.

Week 2: My sleeping improved, night thirst vanished, still finding it difficult to get out of bed and still tired but better than first week.

Week 3: All symptoms of first and second week vanished. Had more energy and almost back to normal. This being said I experienced irritation in my intestines but I believe not due to treatment since at times I get this discomfort with I combine certain foods such as cheeses etc…

Week 4: All is well besides treating my intestines with natural remedies. My energy is good.

Thank you so much and please keep me updated of your new developments. Cheers from Montreal” ~ Randa

​I am not overweight anymore and the wart on my face is gone! (plus I’m glowing with my “new”skin!)

“Well, I have always been an impatient person. I put some cream on my face and expect to see perfect skin the morning! I wake up excited and run to the mirror. I start on an exercise routine and at the end of three days, I think I should have bulging muscles.

However, I went into this knowing that it would be going for a year. I chose the year because I wanted it to have time to work and I also know that it usually takes about three months for the body to make significant changes. I wanted to give my body time without my impatience.

I have both the natural foods therapy and the standardized scalar treatments going on. I have remained impatient without lots of expectations for the first month–yet I remain vigilant and hopeful. I have noticed three things.

– I do not have an overwhelming appetite. I simply don’t crave much at all. Now, I am not overweight; but I have always had to “be careful” and watch what I eat in order to maintain that. However, I simply have found that I have relaxed and don’t worry about it all the time and yet, my relationship with food just seems healthier.

– I have had a wart on the side corner of my nose that is pretty unnoticeable to everyone else, but it really bothers me. It seems to be shrinking and actually coming off. I scratched it and it was like the top layer just flaked off. It is definitely smaller. I have tried to get rid of it with wart medicine before and it just would not go away. I am very pleased about this because it makes me realize that the virus or whatever that caused it is being killed.

– The skin on my face is smoother. The skin just looks healthier and fresher.
Well, those are my observations. I am sure there are more signs but I have made a deal with myself to take this experience for what it is, to believe that my body is getting healthier in ways that will impact me and increase with time, and then to allow the process to continue without being impatient. I want to be fair and honest and yet not make any false claims.

I am very excited about what I see so far. The wart going away may seem like a tiny thing but it is huge to me because it lets me know that the treatments are working on the inside and getting rid of the base cause. I have tried to get rid of that thing for several years but this time it is quietly leaving on its own. Thank you.” ~ Wanda

​Just went cold turkey on chocolate!

​“Thank you, Tom, for this great opportunity to try your nutrition scalar.

I’m feeling great. I was wanting to cut back on my chocolate intake for several months, but couldn’t get myself to do so. During this trial, I just went cold turkey, no problem. No doubt I will have chocolate again. But it’s nice to take a break from time to time, and I really think having more nourishment in my system made it easier for me to do. Thanks again. God Bless.”

​Clearing up my sinuses!

“Dear Tom Paladino,Your treatments work like a Miracle for me!For the first time in many years I can breathe. My sinus is clearing up and my throat and my lungs are much better.I feel lighter and I am getting stronger every day.I have reordered the program and I will be staying on the program till I am completely healed.You are a Blessing to me. Thank you so much”  ~ N.R.

People around me are getting sick all the time - I have caught NOTHING.

"Hi Tom,I have been receiving your Scalar Energy treatments for going on 4 months now and want to report how well I'm doing.I have had Lyme for over 14 years, so you and I agreed that I need to be treated for at least a year.I realize I'm in this for the long haul. But in the short term I have noticed some very encouraging things that I attribute to the Scalar treatments.I feel good both physically and emotionally when I'm receiving the treatments. I travel a fair amount and am exposed to lots of stuff - and I haven't even gotten a cold since beginning treatment. People around me are getting sick all the time - I have caught NOTHING. Because my system is weakened by the Lyme, it is very unusual to have me feel so good and not catch stuff.I wish more people were open to trying these wonderful treatments. It's absolutely amazing.Thanks for sharing your gift with the world. God Bless!"

​I have lost weight in addition to the changes in diet to 75% vegetables

"Thank you so much, I am doing really good actually. I started eating healthier the first week with less carbs and more vegetables and fruit, cut back on snacking the second week, started eating more vegetables and eliminated 99% of junk food this past (third) week. Today I noticed that my angioedema is better, even though it is still present. (I have a severe case of angioedema where my body will swell up with water weight in my stomach, on my back, neck, throat, sometimes face, lungs and heart. It is very dangerous as a condition and can be deadly. I noticed today it is finally a lot better when I woke up and I don’t have to take my diuretic first thing in the morning.)

Ever since I started your basis scalar sessions along with the hormone scalar therapy, I have noticed that my body seems to be eliminating toxins constantly through my lungs… i have had to brush my teeth like 6 times per day. It is like I have morning breath all day (very unusual for me) and my breathing has been slower and more rhythmic (such as when I am normally asleep.) This may be why I have lost weight in addition to the changes in diet to 75% vegetables. So, Wow! I look forward to my final week. Seeing what happens!”

​It’s making me want to give up eating meat

​“I have been on this for 4 weeks now I do feel well I have slept well and had more energy. I also think it’s making me want to give up eating meat. I used to enjoy a burger and beef lasagna before but now I just can’t enjoy these things anymore plus just the smell of them cooking makes me feel sick.

I have recommended it to family and friends but up to now they have not said if they have tried it. Once I get more financially stable I will buy more scalar energy because I think that is great, I would also like to try the fat one also but I am trying to heal my thyroid first because that makes me put weight on plus normally it makes me very tired but over these four weeks that has not been a problem.

Well all the best and I also feel the whole world will one day benefit from this. Tesla was a great man and so are you. Thank you and bless you”

​Eating less sweets and improved sleep

Calvin seems to be eating less sweets! 2 years ago i had a reaction to amoxicillin clavulanate and got very sick. What i can eat is still limited. This week I’ve eaten foods i thought I’d never eat again. My sleep has improved and i seem to have a little more energy.” ~ Janet

​Foot Fungus almost completely gone after 19 years!

“I have the photos of my foot fungus. I wanted you to see the improvement and almost completely gone pictures from just 3 weeks of Scalar. Thank you so much as I have been suffering daily for over 19 years with this itchy fungus that made holes between my toes. God Bless you to spread this good news of remote scalar healing all over the world!
Thank you.”

P.S. This fungus is like athletes foot but worse, called I think Hollie rot, on my ankles, side of feet and all of sole; it’s itchy and terrible, oozing clear liquids, nothing helped for 19 years.” ~ Susan Wolding

​Healthier food choices

“Hi There, hello and Thank you! I have felt like I am making healthier food choices day to day and feel more content.” ~ Georgina

​My digestion better, belly got smaller, eye floaters are disappearing!

​“The second week was really great! My appetite has decreased a bit and I’ve noticed that I mainly choose fresh vegetables to eat (I have been a vegetarian for 16 years so I have always eaten lots of veggies.) Also, my eyesight got definitely better this week, the floaters are disappearing from my eyes too. My digestion is better, and my belly size has decreased too. I think some inflammation has disappeared from my digestive system, intestines.”

About Tom

Tom Paladino's research and work with the scalar energy began during his undergraduate years. He was inspired by various scientists i.e., Hieronymus, Moray, Priore and especially Nikola Tesla, as to the existence of an energy that is not of the electromagnetic spectrum.

After years of experimentation and modification, Tom Paladino has developed a technique using scalar energy that appears transmute pathogens quickly and painlessly. He calls his technology “Scalar Light”.

Scalar Light is a modality that positively interacts with the human “BIOFIELD” resulting in pro cellular wellness and supporting all body systems. This would include mental/emotional as well as overall physical support. The human biofield is a recently recognized energy field that surrounds and pervades all living things according to the National Institute of Health with currently over 200 articles of research to date.