Awaken! – Barbara Canal’s Special Offer

Becoming Whole: The Journey To Wellness & Joy Is Coming Into The Body

3 Divine Love Language Energy Recordings:

Each recording has an intention and works accordingly to the needs of each person. The energy is Love-Intelligent and knows what to do, remove and re-wire for each person.

Through these recordings you will keep releasing conditioning, transmuting denser energy and activating Higher Perspective.

These Compassion Transmissions actually integrate the qualities of compassion which are needed for our healing and evolution and integrate the qualities of Buddha consciousness and Christ consciousness.

They are extremely powerful and incredible loving and embracing transmissions which can listen to at any time, even during sleep or to assist you to relax in challenging moments.


  • Expanding your Consciousness
  • Becoming more aware and seeing
    and removing limitations
    (beliefs, imprints, conditionings)
  • Aligning with Truth and Essence
  • Becoming more Whole & Integrated
  • Re-wiring of your Energy system
  • Retrieving parts of your Spirit
  • Activation of gifts, talents, intuition



Package A:

~ 3 Compassion Energy Transmissions
BONUS: Divine Mother MP3

Value: $165

53% OFF

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


*No Refund Policy.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Masterclass with Divine Love Language Activation:
Manage your Energy - Guide to Keeping your Energy in Order

2 hour group session - Presentation & Activation on understanding energies, energetic protection and sovereignty.

Presentation with a clear structure of how to manage your energy in a simple, clear and direct way. Filled with effective and understandable techniques.

The New Time energies are clear, direct and simple; so that we can start evolving from a place of Sovereignty and Truth.

This presentation contains key exercises and tips on energy protection and maintenance:

  • How to keep you energy field in order
  • How to keep your energy field clean
  • How to resistance to your benefit
  • How to handle energy thieves or negative people
  • How to attract positive people and situations
  • How to understand the energy around and work with it
  • How to deal with problems on a consciousness level


  • Clear, quick & simple exercises for working with your energy
  • Awareness of the energetic reality
  • Empowerment & Owning Yourself
  • Clarity
  • Determination
  • Alignment with Purpose and Consciousness Integration
  • Commanding your Space on all Levels (physical, emotional, mental, Spiritual)

You will receive a PDF presentation and we will have a 2 Hour Group Online Masterclass to review all the information, practice and questions.
The date will be July 21st at 12PM PST - If people can't make it it will be recorded or another time will be arranged for them.

Package B:
(Includes Package A)

Value: $265

45% OFF

~ Masterclass with Divine Love Language Activation:
Manage your Energy - Guide to Keeping your Energy in Order

BONUS: Divine Mother MP3

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


*No Refund Policy.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

An Online Personal Energy Session in which we go into the priority root cause of what is limiting and holding you back. 

A lot is cleared, regenerated and transmuted in these sessions resulting in great energetic shifts in the body and the field of the person; resulting in a sense of Clarity, Peace, Sovereignty, Balance and Alignment. 

It is an expansion of your consciousness and a raising of your vibration.

Through kinesiology I will be able to identify which key blockages/trauma/issues are the priority to unravel; we will then transmute and bring healing and closure to it.

Each session is a recovery/retrieval of parts of your True Essence, allowing for Spirit to come into your cells, crystallizing and activating your gifts, talents and innate wisdom to activate.

Package C:

(Includes Package A & B)

Value: $466

40% OFF

~ 1 Hour Online Personal Session with Barbara Canals
BONUS: Divine Mother MP3

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


*No Refund Policy.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Special Offer

Package A:

Value: $165

53% OFF

~ 3 Compassion Energy Transmissions

BONUS: Divine Mother MP3

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


*No Refund Policy.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Package B
(Includes Package A)

Value: $265

45% OFF

~ 3 Compassion Energy Transmissions
~ Masterclass with Divine Love Language Activation:
Manage your Energy - Guide to Keeping your Energy in Order

BONUS: Divine Mother MP3

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


*No Refund Policy.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Package C
(Includes Package A & B)

Value: $466

40% OFF

~ 3 Compassion Energy Transmissions
~ Masterclass with Divine Love Language Activation:
Manage your Energy - Guide to Keeping your Energy in Order

~ 1 Hour Online Personal Session with Barbara Canals

BONUS: Divine Mother MP3

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


*No Refund Policy.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

AuraTransformation was the best decision I could have made for myself! Before I felt lost in my mind and my body felt foreign to me. It was challenging to feel balanced and I frequently said yes when I wanted to say no. My relationship with my family was also difficult.

After AuraTransformation, I feel so much more connected to who I am. That has been the greatest gift of this process. It now feels like I can manifest what I truly desire. AT brought me back to my true self and continues to each day. As a result, my family and I are doing better, I am in a loving relationship, got promoted at work and my body feels so much more energetic.

In addition, working with Barbara is a dream. She's attentive and caring and holds such a beautiful space for healing and transformation.”

- Anonymous

When Barbara transmits her link to high-vibrational Light Beings, translating this energy into languages and sounds it takes me to a blissful, safe place where I feel my soul belongs …. it fills my whole being with deep unconditional love … I find myself shedding tears of immense gratitude. Thank you Barbara for sharing your connection with us and passing on this incredible energy.

- Anonymous

Barbara's transmissions are a very special experience she channels such a powerful energy, you can feel it getting into you, you can see colours and shapes or your body shakes liberating old blockages, you can also feel your chakras getting in tone, but nothing I can say can compare to the actual experience it's just magical.

- Anonymous

As soon as I heard Barbara’s voice I got a smile on my face. Felt in good hands and somehow I had the imagination of Little People being with me with a loving happiness. I relaxed during the session and my inner eye watched what happened to me. I felt lighter, happier already during the treatment. After I got up and looked around I realised that the world looked different for me. I felt so happy, could not stop smiling around and all my sadness was gone. It was such a nice feeling that last longer. In the morning of the next day while going to the seminar again I was joking and totally happy… Thanks, Barbara for this wonderful change and fantastic well-being!

- Anonymous

The healing sessions with Barbara allowed me to connect deeply with life events that haunted me to find a space of peace, openness and security. I was a little hesitant about the first session having never tried anything of this kind before, but Barbara's approach is gentle and encouraging allowing me to feel completely comfortable and at ease. I felt a big shift even after just one session, that something had changed forever in a very positive way.

- Anonymous

“I first discovered Barbara during a summit where she discussed her energy transmissions, and conducted one for all who were listening. The experience was so powerful, I immediately took advantage of her special offer for additional sessions, and in so doing learned about Aura Transformation (AT). After careful consideration, I knew AT was the next step in my spiritual evolution, and that Barbara was exactly the right person to take me through the process. All I can say is WOW, what an experience. Barbara’s gentle, loving nature put me immediately at ease as she guided me through each stage of AT. I felt incredible energy throughout the process, and experienced firsthand Barbara’s ability to tap into universal guidance. While I am not even two weeks post transformation, I already feel more centered, grounded and peaceful. I look forward to what will unfold as the crystallization process continues, and I am so grateful to have Barbara to support me in my journey. (AuraTransformation Testimonial)

Your channeled transmission was so all encompassing. I felt changes throughout my body but especially from my knees down where a profound feeling of coolness occurred. Your beautiful light language message brought me to tears as you ended the transmission. Thank you so much for this gift of healing and enlightenment.

Barbara Canal is a pure source of Divine Love and Spirit. Her Light Language Transmissions speak directly to my heart and activate me on all levels. Her transmissions are full of multidimensional codes and frequencies from Spirit that are highly beneficial and bring about a sense of peace, clarity, and wellbeing within me. I very much appreciate Barbara’s Light Language Transmissions for all that they do in assisting me to expand my consciousness and to bring about a greater balance in all that I do.”

- Anonymous

“At first when I experienced Barbara’s meditation, I was unsure of what to expect. I went in blindly, not knowing anything about light language. I enjoyed her intro because Barbara is authentic and truly wants to help us. As her meditative sounds flooded my ears, my initial reaction was to question it because it was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. But I figured I was already in the moment committed, so I might as well be open to whatever happens. I relaxed and just allowed the sounds to surround me. After a few moments, I felt strong tingling energy moving throughout my body and all thoughts left my mind. I felt like I was in a deep meditative state, conscious yet elsewhere. Then suddenly the session was over, and this relaxed state continued. That was the first time in years that I felt not in my head but instead I was just being, calmly, happily, naturally. It was like I was a child again carefree, with no worries and with trust in the universe. And this is how I felt even after weeks of being bombarded with terrifying news of the coronavirus, and I also had just experienced deep family loss. I am so grateful Barbara is sharing her gifts with the world. We need more people like her right now.”

- Anonymous

I had my first session with Barbara as I’ve struggled with feelings of anxiousness. Being completely new to the concept of healing, I had no expectations, but I was positively surprised when Barbara during my session managed to tap into points in my body where dark energy was harnessed and help me release this energy, leaving me feeling lighter. Apart from being talented, Barbara also has a very pleasant and professional demeanour making my session very intimate and safe. I can warmly recommend her treatment as my session was truly magical and liberating.

- Anonymous

About Barbara Canals

Barbara Canals works with the New Time Energies which are High Vibrational Dynamic, Love-Intelligent and Balanced energies. The energy knows where to go within the body and cells of each person. She transmits these energies through the Languages of Light and through AuraTransformation (a touch based method to Crystallise the Aura, the body and for Embodiment of Spirit/HigherSelf).

Her mission is to bring forth the New Time Energies to people that are ready to step into this Golden Age being fully responsible for their own energy, embodying their Spirit, expressing their Dharma/mission and living with Balance on All Levels.