Brenda’s Special Offer – MedBed Light Language Healing

MedBed Light Language Healing

Brenda works with numerous modalities and uses the most appropriate modality that is needed at the moment. Every client is different and she taps into you as to what you are READY FOR!

If you have tried everything through the traditional Medical channels, working with many other healers and alternative health cures then chances using any of the modalities in combination with Light Language can help you get cleared using proven holistic pain-free, drug-free healing techniques!

Brenda shares inspiring insights on connecting to the MedBed and the emotional and health benefits it can facilitate.

Special Offer

Package A

(MedBed Light Language Audios - $200 Value)

~ MedBed Dental Cleaning

MedBed clearing trauma past

dental surgeries and procedures;

cleaning and polishing the teeth

~ MedBed Heavy Metals Clearing

MedBed audio to scan, detect

and dissolve heavy metal

throughout the body

~ MedBed Negative Affects Vaccination Clearing

MedBed scan, detect, dissolve

emotional trauma and

energetically clearing toxicities

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:

$77 ONLY

62% OFF

*No Refund Policy.

Package B

All of Package A PLUS!!!

~ MedBed Light Language Audios

~ 60min One-to-One Private Session with Brenda

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:

$197 ONLY

Value: $561

65% OFF

*No Refund Policy.

"I was also really stressed about it all yesterday and so last night before going to sleep, I put myself in the "Medbed" and this morning woke up feeling refreshed and very relaxed. Today looking through my news feeds has not really affected me and I still feel good. The Medbed really works!"

- Melanie Lewis, Australia

"Hi Brenda, I wanted to give you a quick update. Thanks to you my left arm feels more normal, all that’s left is the thumb. I also tried your layers method on my lower back. I have this chronic nerve pain in the lower right back near my pelvis for more than 20 years. I’m so amazed that it’s diminishing! I can walk normally without favoring my right leg and I feel so much more balanced. This is a huge improvement for me. Thank you for the insights!!

- Rimi Yoshida, Singapore

"I had my session with Brenda and after deciding what the priorities would be, determined to go back to some basics and support the Endocrine system. We did the MedBed and some light language. It increased already to 10% more vitality. I felt a shift and I felt like I was in my 50’s instead 65. I feel I am absorbing my herbs more now, at peace and calm again this morning, and throat and thyroid have improved another 6% overnight. I will listen to this twice a day for the next while. I encourage all of you to do a monthly maintenance with Brenda and get your Endocrine System checked and boosted right now. Self care and self love! We are not finished this year yet and the World and Earth need us more than ever!

- Denise DeLeau, Canada

"Brenda kindly worked on my energy with Pathogenics and found a pathogen that wasn’t even related to my energy, I found that to be so fascinating... it actually was something from my partner that I was carrying to do with the urinary area, um he has mentioned some issues there - thank you so much Brenda for clearing that for me and my partners. Blessings!

- Vanessa Eagleton, Australia

"Pathogen evaluation finished about 1 hour ago. Immediately following the session, before we completed the call, I experienced waves of goose bumps. They started from my ankles up the front of my body and then up the back. Another ‘wave’ occurred less than an hour later. I looked up the virus and it’s symptoms and as a Body Code practitioner I checked if it was inherited by my children. It was so I cleared them and their children. This is very exciting. Thanks Brenda Lainof. I’ll keep you posted.

- Molly Nusom Bladerston, United States

"Brenda using Body Code and Light Language. What an Amazing combination of energy that brought my body back up 100% in the areas she worked on. Very Powerful and Grateful that this can be used together for truly fantastic results!"

- Penelope Creighton-Ward, Canada

"Just listened to the Light Language digestion, I checked the function before 60% after 98%. During the audio I got a rush that started at my head and traveled down my torso. Then a warming feeling in my gut area. A moment or two later had some gut movement. We will wait and see now. Thanks again!

- Eddie Masters, USA

"Brenda worked on my son through me yesterday for anxiety. First what came up was e.coli...took a bit to clear and it will take 8 days to fully clear. Turns out, he's been clearing for the planet on that one. Yeesh. Next she cleared aluminum poisoning....that one, I felt, too...lots of energy moving. Again, he was clearing for the planet. She talked to his higher self/soul to let him know he doesn't need to do this, and to release agreements to doing this as it's too much for his body.
I'm eager to see how this goes for him. I am so grateful! We have worked with him previously on clearing for everyone else and it's obviously still going on, but what I didn't know is it's not just emotions he's been clearing. I think this work is fantastic and opens up such a deep layer.

- Lisa C. Anderson, USA

"Brenda cleared a pathogen called TINEA yesterday for me and there was alot of yawning going on with both us during the clearing..this pathogen can cause itchiness which I've had on both arms...and now is gone! Thank u so much Brenda!

- Carmen DerKinderen, USA

"I had a pathogen clearing with Brenda today. It was very powerful, I felt nausea when she found that pathogen was affecting me on a psychological level creating blood and gore phobia. When she was clearing it I felt it drain via my legs and nausea disappeared. Thank you so much Brenda for your wonderful work!!!

- Shulamit Finklestein, Canada

"Staphylococcus Aureus came up today for my client who has had it for past 6 years:
"Could feel tingling in hands and coolness in hands, was like myself and all of my guides “finally someone figured it out!” and grief how difficult it has been and not knowing how to clear it, what to do with it. Wow just wow Brenda!!! So awesome!

- Casey MacDonald, Canada

About Brenda

Brenda Lainof is an intuitive guide and assists in clearing negative emotions, chronic health conditions, emotional and mental self- sabotage that can block having a healthy mind, body, spirit, and healthy abundant business.

Once she intuits what is creating unease in your body, unease as to your business, Brenda energetically works dissolve layers and blocks of unease and low frequency vibrations.

Brenda works with numerous modalities and uses the most appropriate modality that it is required at the moment. Every client is different, and she scans as to what you are READY to clear, dissolve at a soul level to assist YOU to create a healthy mind, body, spirit and thriving abundant business!

If you have tried everything through the traditional Medical channels, working with many other healers and Business Coaches, then chances using any of the modalities will help you to get cleared and move into healthy prosperous mindset.