Pathogenics: Dissolving Energetic Frequency
Pathogenic Light Language
If you have tried everything through the traditional Medical channels, working with many other healers and alternative health cures then chances using any of the modalities in combination with Light Language can help you get cleared using proven holistic pain-free, drug-free healing techniques!
It’s not a miracle cure, and you still need to consult with your doctor and medical practitioner – but Brenda can help accurately identify and assist the body to self-heal with the appropriate modality and download applicable Light Language.
There are many health issues whether long term, low level or recurring ailments may have a root cause in a variety of issues at a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, psychological and at psychic levels.
Pathogenics is the identification and removal of pathogens like bacteria, herpes, viruses, flu, fungals, parasites, miasms, metals, toxic poisoning that love to hang out in your body and make you very ill.

Brenda intuits the pathogens strength and energetic signature and then works to dissolve and clear its frequency so that it is not impacting your physical body.
Brenda says, "I have helped many listeners of Telesummits and radio shows, who were where you are Now get their issues resolved. I specialize in helping YOU with what your SOUL is requiring assistance with!"

PACKAGE A: Brenda’s Pathogenic Light Language Audios
1. Parasitic Energetic Imprints
Audio to assist clear out physical, spiritual, and collective energetic imprints that can create inflammation and pain in body.
2. Mold Energetic Clearing
Light Language Audio to assist clearing out layers and blocks of energetic mold and strengthening spirit “time to shine”.
3. Heavy Metal Clearing
Light Language audio to assist clear out heavy metal and transmute into “something beneficial”, recommended to use frequently.
Package A:
Includes ALL of Package A - PLUS
60 Minute One-on-One Session
In a 60 Minute Private Session, I can help you clear negative emotions and assist in healing chronic health and other issues such as self-love, self-care, relationship, abundance issues and manifesting miracles. I work with a multitude of modalities such as Emotion Code, Body Code, Medical Intuitive, Reiki, and will download a LIGHT LANGUAGE (of which a recording will be provided that you can use on an on-going basis to take your clearing to a deeper level) to assist with your healing.
My clients are sharing that having this additional to my private sessions is helping them see results taking place ten times faster than it was possible before (healing 10x).
BONUS: Personalized Pathogenic Light Language Audios
These Pathogenic Light Language audios will assist with your healing and help YOU to self-heal from physical, and emotional issues. Pathogenic fungal miasm clearing to inherited weakness or underlying predisposition to fungus such as emotions.
- Business Trapped Emotions Clearing
- Consciousness & Money
- DNA Money Abundance Download
- MB Abundance Support
- MB Money Related Joint Pain Clearing
- Persecution Blocking Abundance
- Procrastination
- Stories Phobias Blocks Moving Ahead
Package B:
~ Brenda’s Pathogenic Light Language Audios (Package A)
~ 60 Minute One-on One Session
~ BONUS: Personalized Pathogenic Light Language Audios:
- Business Trapped Emotions Clearing
- Consciousness & Money
- DNA Money Abundance Download
- MB Abundance Support
- MB Money Related Joint Pain Clearing
- Persecution Blocking Abundance
- Procrastination
- Stories Phobias Blocks Moving Ahead
Total Value: $480
59% Off
Special Offer Price:

Package A:
Package B:
~ Brenda’s Pathogenic Light Language Audios (Package A)
~ 60 Minute One-on One Session
~ BONUS: Personalized Pathogenic Light Language Audios:
- Business Trapped Emotions Clearing
- Consciousness & Money
- DNA Money Abundance Download
- MB Abundance Support
- MB Money Related Joint Pain Clearing
- Persecution Blocking Abundance
Procrastination - Stories Phobias Blocks Moving Ahead
Total Value: $480
59% Off
Special Offer Price:

Channeling Testimonial
"i had an amazing session with Brenda! She was able to connect with my (Pappy) great grandfather who raised my mom and my Uncle. The things she told me about him were right on. She was able to tell me the kind of person he was and things that made a lot of sense to me. I'm grateful for this session, the insight into my g-grandfather and the guidance to assist me and me in moving forward. Thank you, amazing Brenda. Keep up the wonderful work your doing"
— Nancy Hennessy, Utah
Dental Testimonial
"I’ve listened to the teeth cleaning twice now, and it’s been really amazing, felt energy moving from the top of my head to my teeth – at least managed to stay awake enough to notice that. I really like the recording where you talk with the music – at one point you seem to be harmonizing, singing with it, and that puts me in an altered state. Thank you!”"
— Michele Shenker, South Africa
Abundance Testimonial
"Thank you, Brenda for the Abundance class, for our businesses and our lives! It was powerful and I sensed an increase of Abundance in several area of my life at the end of the session"
— Janet Riganti, British Columbia
Abundance Testimonial
"I had an amazing zoom call with Brenda yesterday where we focused on Abundance in Business. I had a light bulb moment with Brenda’s suggestions on how I could achieve greater results with my Animal Healing using dowsing and other techniques. This has given me confidence to be more creative and to be able to visualize and manifest a positive outcome"
— Judy Morton, Australia
Skin Clearing Testimonial
"Hi Brenda, I wanted to thank you for your time developing a light language audio for clearing skin. My wife had been suffering from a rash that started on her chest and over a period of weeks, turning into months, it spread over her body. It itched to the point she would bring blood. Most uncomfortable. I personally would work on it and it would subsided but not go away. She used several products to no avail. After listening to the light language audio several times it started to improve and in a weeks’ time totally disappeared. Thank Brenda!!!"
— Eddie Masters, Florida
Pathogen Testimonial
"Staphylococcus Aureus came up today for my client who has had it for past 6 years: "Could feel tingling in hands and coolness in hands, was like myself and all of my guides “finally someone figured it out!” and grief how difficult it has been and not knowing how to clear it, what to do with it. Wow just wow Brenda!!! so awesome"
— Casey MacDonald, Alberta
Pathogen Testimonial
"Brenda worked on my son through me yesterday for anxiety. First what came up was e.coli...took a bit to clear and it will take 8 days to fully clear. Turns out, he’s been clearing for the planet on that one. Yeesh. Next she cleared aluminum poisoning....that one, I felt, too...lots of energy moving. Again, he was clearing for the planet. She talked to his higher self/soul to let him know he doesn’t need to do this, and to release agreements to doing this as it’s too much for his body.
I’m eager to see how this goes for him. I am so grateful! We have worked with him previously on clearing for everyone else and it’s obviously still going on, but what I didn’t know is it’s not just emotions he’s been clearing. I think this work is fantastic and opens up such a deep layer"
— Lisa C. Anderson, New York State
Abundance Testimonial
"Had an abundance healing session, and Brenda immediately picked up on a finger pointing curse that was blocking the flow of abundance in my life. She identified and released another dark energy that was holding me back from believing I was capable and worthy of abundance, and by the time our session ended, I’d gone from a low of 5 to a high of 8 on the 0-10 abundance scale. Thank you so much for sharing your energy healing gift with me. Your insights were 100% accurate"
— Paula McGrew, Minnesota
Chakra Clearing Testimonial
"I am always have been amazed about Brenda’s capacity to connect with Source and intuit the energetic blockages needed to be addressed in order to heal from the several issues I have. She is always spot on in her inputs. Thank you Brenda for helping me finding the blockage in my chakras!"
— Tonya Ayesha, Ontario
About Brenda

Brenda Lainof is an intuitive guide and assists in clearing negative emotions, chronic health conditions, emotional and mental self- sabotage that can block having a healthy mind, body, spirit, and healthy abundant business.
Once she intuits what is creating unease in your body, unease as to your business, Brenda energetically works dissolve layers and blocks of unease and low frequency vibrations.
Brenda works with numerous modalities and uses the most appropriate modality that it is required at the moment. Every client is different, and she scans as to what you are READY to clear, dissolve at a soul level to assist YOU to create a healthy mind, body, spirit and thriving abundant business!
If you have tried everything through the traditional Medical channels, working with many other healers and Business Coaches, then chances using any of the modalities will help you to get cleared and move into healthy prosperous mindset.