Fall – Winter Series | 2023-2024 | Cynthia’s Special Offer

Spiritual Ascension through Hand Analysis

Ascending Through Hand Analysis

There are 11 Portals on Your Hands

1. Portal of Willpower

2. Portal of Ancestral Lineage

3. Portal of Chosen work, duties and money

4. Portal of Creative Expression

5. Portal of Higher Truth

6. Portal of Soulmate love and healing

7. Portal of Potential Co-creation
8. Portal of Karmic Neutralization
9. Portal of Inner Strength and Self Knowledge
10. Portal of Collective Willpower
11. Portal of Change

Your hands are mirrors to your soul. The science of hand analysis has been around for over 5,000 years and for good reason. The information in your hands can help you to make better decisions, discover your Life Purpose, opportunities for growth, what talents you have or could develop, your personality archetypal influences and how you interact with the world. Now that we are in the time of ascension, knowing what your hands have to tell you is more important than ever because they show you exactly what you need to know to raise your vibrational energy. You deserve to claim your true abundance as a multidimensional being! Let your hands guide you as no other modality can do! It’s your time to manifest a life of abundance and miracles by living your authentic soul’s mission, which is embedded right in your own hands!

Item 1:

3-months membership to Portals of Abundance

This membership is for spiritual individuals who desire some assistance in achieving higher levels of abundance, clarity and joy in their life path. The membership includes 4 portals:

Channeled Training & Energetic Attunements (changes each month)

Receive the latest training from my guides and raise your vibration in the process. I channel messages from the galactic and angelic realms, receiving advanced guidance that they want me to share for "those with ears to hear." It's all about your spiritual ascension!

Live Group Tarot Readings (replay available for one month)

Participate monthly in our group tarot readings. When I use tarot and oracle cards, I connect directly with your Higher Self to assist you in moving forward in your life. I use my own deck of Palmistry Tarot cards and choose from my collection of over 50 other decks to answer any of your life’s questions.

Live Group Hand Readings (replay available for one month)

Stay on track with your life by participating in our monthly group hand readings. Your hands are the mirror to YOU! They are one of the best ways to understand your energy and to make better choices in your life. And they change as you change! Come and ask questions and interact with the group.

5 Mini-Manifestations (targeting different intentions each month with an energetic attunement)

These short manifestation attunements help you change your vibration to align with various types of abundance. I will choose 5 for you each month. Here are some examples:

  • Increase your intuition
  • Sleep better
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Tap into more money abundance
  • Gain more confidence

These will rotate each month!

Item 2:

Book: The MOJO of Multidimensional Manifesting

Cynthia’s new book just launched in November! Are you ready to embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary? In The MOJO of Multidimensional Manifesting: Unlocking True Abundance Through Spiritual Ascension, Spiritual Mentor Cynthia Clark delves deep into the realms of the extraordinary, exploring what it truly means to be multidimensional so you may manifest with greater ease, in mojo with your soul and highest potential. Uncover the mysteries of why we forget our true essence and the path of ascension that beckons us towards higher consciousness.

Within these pages, Clark answers pressing questions: What transpires before we incarnate? Who are our spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters? How do you discern genuine transmissions from higher beings? She shares direct channelings of the benevolent E.T.’s, including the Pleiadian Council of Light and the Arcturians. This book also sheds light on profound aspects of life, addressing the enigma of suffering, the existence of malevolent forces, and the aftermath of tragic choices. Discover the intricate web of karma, how we are never victims and why some souls willingly choose trauma.
Relationships are explored too, from the golden rules that bind them to the powerful keys for healing them. Dive into the depths of your own shadow self, decipher soul contracts, and differentiate between twin flames and soulmates. Open your Akashic Archives to glean ancient wisdom, and embark on a journey to find your purpose, not only in life but etched within your own fingerprints. Learn practical tips and manifesting tools that are fun and engaging, maintain a positive mindset, and embrace adaptability.

Throughout, you'll be guided by the Cosmic Heart, learn the significance of gratitude, and understand the profound connection between love and ascension. Raise your vibrational set-point just by reading this book. Encounter the transformative violet flame and recognize the presence of love interventions. The MOJO of Multidimensional Manifesting isn't just a book: it's your portal to limitless potential. Venture beyond the veil of illusion and discover the incredible power of your multidimensional mojo so that you can manifest your dream life of abundance and miracles.

Item 3:

Access to Cynthia’s private Mojo membership site with hours of free video training

Here are some samplings of what’s inside:

  • Knowing you are a magical manifester
  • Ascension secrets
  • 9 ways to raise your vibration
  • The 8 essential intentions checklist
  • Your hand and fingerprint portals
  • Heal and align with ideal relationships
  • 5 keys to great palm and tarot reading

(includes Package A)

Item 4:

One 60-minute one-on-one hand analysis session with Cynthia

Cynthia will have you upload digital photos of your hands and she will read everything from your fingerprints to your major and minor lines. You will receive clear guidance to who you are, what your Life Purpose is, what are your personality archetypes, how you think, how you feel, what your talents are, health indicators and more. Any questions you have about your life, Cynthia will discuss with you in a caring and compassionate manner. After all, she wants you to live your best life! Sessions are done in Zoom and recorded so you can listen again.

Item 5:

5 Guided Meditations and One Video Lesson

Magical Manifester Meditation

The first essential intention is knowing that you are a magical manifester of any abundance. This guided meditation aligns your energy to this important knowingness.

Finding the Cosmos Within Meditation

Connect to your cosmic and multidimensional self so that you can ascend your limitations and reach higher states of consciousness

Taoist Chakra Meditation

Balance your energy centers with this ancient Taoist meditation

Purpose Reconnection Meditation

This meditation helps you align your soul mission with your human embodiment.

Money Portal Meditation

This meditation opens your right Saturn finger (middle finger) portal to assist you with opening and activating money abundance.

Video Lesson: How to Read the Heart Line, Your Emotional River

Your heart line is one of the most important major lines in your hands. It shows you not only how much you feel, but also how you express yourself emotionally. It shows where you may have been wounded and what needs to heal so that you can move forward in your life with confidence and authenticity. Improve your relationships just by expressing your emotional self in the way that you were designed. In this video lesson, I will show you all the variations of this line so that you can discover what your emotional river is expressing.

Special Offer

Package A:

Value: $394.98


50% OFF

  • 3-months membership to Portals of Abundance
    ~ Channeled Training & Energetic Attunements
    ~ Live Group Tarot Readings
    ~ Live Group Hand Readings
    ~ 5 Mini-Manifestations
  • Book: The MOJO of Multidimensional Manifesting
  • Access to Cynthia’s private Mojo membership site with hours of free video training

I never knew how much my hands say about myself and how much of it is true. When Cynthia read my fingers and my prints, almost, if not everything, was very accurate, and shocking. I can now utilize this knowledge to help me throughout my life. I will not feel frustrated when I must continuously reclaim my power, because I know that it is my life lesson. I’ve always been confused on what career field I should go into but my hand reading has really helped me narrow my options, and I feel more confident about what I should do. That goes the same with decision making. I know if I’m mostly committed to something, do it! I am very grateful that I got my hands read, because I am aware of all this now.

Bryan S.

This palm reading was amazing! When Cynthia first said that she could read palms I kind of thought she was crazy. Then I let her read my palm and it is like she has followed me around my whole life and taken notes on how I think and act. I am so happy I had this done. I would say Cynthia is a pro at palm reading. I will definitely have my palm read again when I am older and my hand is more developed. This reading has made me notice things about myself that I probably would have never noticed by myself with the analysis she gave me. I will look at the negative things about myself and change them so I can live up to my full potential. Thank you Cynthia. This was AMAZING!!!

Andrew Lewis

I learn a lot from you in a very settled manner and the results are showing up already. You helped me to shift everything and to wake me up from some stagnant consistency of a repetitive (not so beneficial) pattern. I feel supported now and guided. I am starting to love my life again: life with a lot of unlimited possibilities to focus on, unknown tasks to explore & unreached heights to achieve.

Nataliya Gulla

I was fortunate to have Cynthia as a guest on my podcast Domino Thinking with Alison and was so impressed with her passion and knowledge I had a personal reading done and WOW she NAILED IT! I’ve had lots of readings done in the past but never like this. Scary accurate!! Highly recommend Cynthia in any capacity.

Alison Donaghey

I was amazed! Cynthia used hand analysis to understand her clients. Cynthia was able to describe me, my personality type and how I operate so accurately. She was able to identify what is holding me back and where I can improve too. She also identified the type of person who would be an ideal match romantically. This analysis is a wonderful way to start a coaching relationship as it makes you, the client, feel totally understood right from the beginning of the relationship. Cynthia is such a lovely gentle person too. Totally wonderful experience!

Tracey Burnett

Had my palms read by the best Palm Reader around. Learned a lot about myself, and the upcoming year. Call Cynthia, she is VERY accurate.


I feel like the words ‘thank you’ will never be adequate to express just how grateful I am for all that you’ve done for me, helped me see, and allowed me to welcome into my life. Ever since we first met last summer, I’ve felt such positive, good energy increasing in my life. I can’t thank you enough for guiding me in this path and helping me along. You have a beautiful gift, and I am grateful you have chosen to share it with the world. Please continue to do so as much as you can! You have touched my life in profound and meaningful ways, and I am grateful for having met you. Blessings to you.

Monique F.

The Hand analysis that Cynthia did for me was incredible! Cynthia's ability to give you information on your life lesson, and life purpose was amazing, and very insightful. The whole reading was right on! No matter where you are, on your life's journey, a hand analysis from Cynthia can be of great benefit. And it's fun too!

Dalynn Rohatsch

This advice I offer to all, if you are looking for a change in your life, or a more concrete view of what you have felt yourself inside to be all these years, then I urge you to have Cynthia use her wonderful gifts with the God’s marks on your hands. She can read you like a book, what we are is already present without our perception. Cynthia, I value your work, it is a priceless gift which you have given to me.

Nathan Griffith

Cynthia is absolutely amazing. She has an in-depth knowledge and unmatched skill in deciphering the hidden meanings of the lines on your hands. She presents the science of the information in a way that is easily understood.

C. Scuderi

About Cynthia

Cynthia has worked with over 7,000 people in the last 15 years to manifest all types of abundance. She meditates daily and channels messages from her spirit guides, Higher Self, the angelic and galactic realms. She is the author of Stories in Your Hands, Palmistry Tarot, Palmistry Inspiration Cards and the newly published book The Mojo of Multidimensional Manifesting: Unlocking True Abundance Through Spiritual Ascension. She uses her gifts in hand analysis, channeling, dermatoglyphic epigenetics and alternative healing to help others transform their lives and ascend spiritually. An entrepreneur since she was 24, a déjà-vu experience led her to study palmistry after selling her restaurant. Her multidimensional training programs not only help people manifest more abundance, but also teach ascension techniques to assist them in raising their awareness and vibration toward the higher dimensional realms. Cynthia lives in Sedona, Arizona, with her husband, Pat, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Kona.