Spring Series 2024 – Debora Wayne

Experience HighSpeed Healing™

Rapidly Release Chronic Pain, Fatigue, Insomnia, Trauma, Binge-Eating, Anxiety & More!

The HighSpeed Healing™ Breakthrough

Gain an entirely new understanding of health and healing & discover why you may be looking in the wrong place to solve your health puzzle. Experience for Yourself why thousands worldwide have reported Finally getting their energy, health, and life back on track... even when nothing else worked!

Your HighSpeed Healing™ Breakthrough Bundle Includes:

Debora Wayne's #1 Bestselling eBook, Why Do I Still Hurt? Rapid Relief for Chronic Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Trauma & More

VIDEO MASTERCLASS where you can experience for yourself the power of HighSpeed Energy Healing Frequencies

NO COST INVITATION to Debora's next LIVE HighSpeed Healing Zoom call.

Exclusive Offer Just for the Jazz Up Community!


The Pain Free Living Program®

Debora Wayne's World-Renowned Pain Free Living Program® E-course and gain direct Live Access to Debora's personal help when you enroll in her Live Group Calls!

The Pain Free Living Program®

is an Exact Step-by-Step Health & Healing System Combining A NEW Understanding of the Invisible Energy Field (Biofield) AND the Hidden Root Causes of Pain & Symptoms and How Healing Really Works

(HINT: it’s not what you’ve been told)


Debora's Revolutionary Method known as HighSpeed Energy Healing™

Her Highly Effective Companion Worksheets that include Self-Care/Self-Clearing Techniques

Gain Direct Access to the world’s leading Energy Healing Expert to Help You Find and Finally Release the Hidden Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Energetic Reasons for Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Trauma, Battles with Food, Weight, Binge-Eating, and other Chronic and "Mysterious" Conditions.

Thousands of participants from over 160 different countries have reported a wide range of healing results from Debora's Pain-Free Living Program®.

Here is a small list:

  • Chronic Physical Pain
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  • Chronic Joint Pain & Inflammation
  • Insomnia
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Chronic Migraine Headaches
  • Immune Weakness
  • Binge-Eating, Digestive Drama, Weight Issues
  • Trauma and Abuse
  • Addictions
  • Relationship Pain
  • Unexplained ‘Mystery Pain’

The Pain-Free Living Program® is not simply another ‘Do It Yourself’ recorded program with tons of information to wade through – hoping what you’re learning will work.

This is a world-class experiential program and many participants have reported noticeable results often starting in the very first week.

You’ll have access to the EXACT toolkit for releasing pain & symptoms of all types including “mystery” symptoms where nothing shows up on diagnostic tests.

The Pain-Free Living Program® Is Designed To Help You Release Pain & Get Your Energy & Your Life Back On Track in the Safest, Fastest, Non-Drug way possible!

Exclusive Offer Just for the Jazz Up Community!

$250 OFF


DISCLAIMER: The information and materials contained herein are designed for educational purposes only and may not be reproduced in any manner or format without specific written permission from Debora Wayne, LLC. This information is not designed or intended to provide guarantees of any kind nor to be considered medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. Debora Wayne LLC, The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute™ and any and all associates of Debora Wayne LLC, and/or The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute™shall not be responsible or liable for any medical, financial, or other claims inferred from these materials. You are solely responsible for continuing with your own medical treatment and care. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control.

My life has changed in every way.

I had diabetes and had been insulin dependent for 30 years taking 2 different kinds of insulin.

After simply attending Debora’s one-day online event, my blood sugars began to drop dramatically.

In 6 short weeks, I no longer needed one of the insulins at all and I have lost 20 pounds without changing what I eat!

(Last Update: she has lost 90 pounds and needs no insulin at all!)

I had at one point been in a wheelchair because the pain was so severe, and now I can walk 2 miles at a time!

I feel better than I have in years and the numbness in both of my legs is entirely gone!

L.W., California

It’s not an understatement to say that Debora Wayne has given me back my life! I had been very ill for almost six years with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The illness forced me to leave my dream job and retreat into rest.

I tried dozens of other doctors, practitioners and healers without significant or lasting gains. 

After the first session with Debora, I became energized and vital in a way I hadn’t felt for six long years!

Miraculous things happened… insomnia went away… I’m participating in activities, exercise and work again… I feel more peace and joy than I have in years!

Debora’s work is extraordinary. Her sessions healed me of an ailment doctors called incurable, and I feel like I’ve gotten a second chance at life. I’m so grateful to Debora’s unsurpassed skill, caring and insight.

RT, San Diego, CA

I finished your course and I hope more people take it! Well worth it based on the results. Hasta la vista to PT and my acupuncturist!

This program was well worth it. My pain went from a level 8 to between 0 and 2.

Prior to this program, I was waking up multiple times at night and getting a maximum of 3 hours of sleep. Now, I’m sleeping 7 hours a night. That was a significant improvement, which allowed me to heal.

I also lost about 10 lbs. and increased my exercise massively.

Before the class, I was only able to walk one block, now I take 3-mile hikes in the mountains.
I’m totally off all pain meds. The high speed healing for me was transformative.

Helen Elmallakh

I experienced a profound healing from Fibromyalgia with Debora Wayne

After 20 years of symptomatic pain, I could feel the sources of this autoimmune disorder being pulled from my body during her session.

The flare up I was experiencing has remained in remission since I received her gift of energy work.

I highly recommend anyone with Fibromyalgia, other related autoimmune disorders, or chronic pain, to seek her loving intervention.

Maryanne DeAngelo San Diego, CA

Before working with Debora, a CT scan revealed a cyst on my pancreas, and I suffered from digestive drama as well.
As a result I missed celebrating both Thanksgiving AND my birthday entirely!

AFTER working with Debora for only one month’s time, the endoscopic ultrasound revealed NOTHING on my pancreas, and the digestive drama I was experiencing cleared up!
Debora and her Pain Free Living Program® helped me to see the power of my thoughts and feelings and how they can affect the body positively or negatively.

Janet T., Kalamazoo, MI

Debora’s power was so great!
I had chronic fatigue and guess what? It’s gone!
I am so thankful and grateful, words cannot express?

Helen, Ichikawa, Japan

I had struggled with binge eating for years. The more I restricted and tried to control, the more I binged. I knew that there was a place just as there was when I was a kid where I didn’t have to restrict anything. I could just eat when I’m hungry and eat what I want and stay calm and thin!
Debora helped me get that back.
In the Pain Free Living Program I was able to challenge my limiting self beliefs and with the Biofield Energy Healing Sessions something lifted week after week!
As I was going into my final week’s session, I suddenly realized that it had been WEEKS since I had last binged. I couldn’t even remember when that was!
It feels so good to no longer be afraid of food but instead eat well, eat in moderation, and enjoy it! I hope that everyone can find this peace with food and not be afraid of food. Thanks Debora!

F.M. St. Paul, MN

In 6 short weeks I went from massive back pain and living in a residence that I disliked…. to packing over 100 boxes and moving into a wonderful new place!

….And all while working at a demanding job! I should also tell you that I never experienced the fireworks that many others did, but the change is remarkable and undeniable. Looking forward to more of that lovely Biofield Energy Healing!

YC – Technical Writer Calgary, AB, Canada

My skeleton realigned itself after our Distance Session just like when I’ve had hands on treatment.
That’s incredible…remote energy work that realigned my spine!!! Even my ankles are realigned. My back has felt great ever since the first session. The way a back should feel. My neck, shoulder, and low back pain are all gone.

Jim J., Simi Valley, CA

I was diagnosed with a prolapsed bladder condition which began changing immediately during our first session and now appears to be healed after only 3 sessions. An Injury to to my right foot which occurred seven months ago caused pain and numbness and this too appears to be healed now. My hip pain is also gone today and there is very little pain in my left arm. My right foot is coming alive again. Recurrent pain and numbness issues on my left side have also improved.

Lisa, Placentia, CA

I see the evidence of your beautiful gift in myself and my family every day. Thanks to you, my mom is pain free and once again enjoying life! The tremors in my hands that I suffered from have completely disappeared and my husbands tendonitis was resolved in his elbow and shoulder. You have been a true blessing to us all.

Sherri, Chula Vista, CA

About Debora Wayne

DEBORA WAYNE is the Founder of The International Chronic Pain Institute®. She is a world-renowned energy healer whose
leading-edge, non-drug method, known as HighSpeed Healing™, has helped tens of thousands in over 160 countries to rapidly release Chronic Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Battles with Binge-Eating, Chronic Fatigue, Insomnia, and many other "Mysterious" and chronic conditions.

A highly sought-after speaker, and #1 Bestselling Author of “Why Do I Still Hurt? Debora has earned degrees and certifications in Psychology, Hypnotherapy, & Chemical Dependency Counseling, has 35 + years of practicing and teaching Meditation, is a nationally recognized Glass Artist, a former professional Modern Dancer, Certified Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master, and leads the Only Practitioner Training worldwide in her proprietary method known as HighSpeedHealing™