Are you feeling lost, less hopeful than normal, confused or not thriving the way you know you are meant to and want to?
Have you tried other pathways/modalities/tools and found that they just haven’t worked?
Have your finances been illogically deterred?
Are your relationships filled with drama, trauma and have become distractions from your own well-being?
Are you at your wits end and feel like you’re moving boulders uphill to even stay on track with your dreams, heart’s desires and your life’s purpose?
With these experiential tools you can profoundly and dramatically create shifts, up-leveling and transformation that “sticks” because it’s alchemical and at the core level of your beingness. These tools are like “training wheels” to assist you in learning and then doing them on your own.
These tools give you the ability to go from surviving to thriving should you choose to remain engaged with the work that builds upon itself.
Deb has had many, many experiences of Activating and bringing people “back online” so they can thrive and experience joy agai
The possibilities for Your Transformation are endless!!!
Experiential Tools
Clearing Your Field 101
This is THE FOUNDATIONAL experiential tool for EVERYTHING Deb and Scott engage with. Deb engages you in breathing, identifying phrases, creating a relationship with your energy field and focuses on Chakras 1-4 (Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral / Creation and Root). You will gain insight as well as learn how to clear these vital energy centers. It provides you with the foundational awareness and abilities to build upon in the progression of mastering becoming an Untouchable.
This is an mp3 Digital Download.
Essential Engagement. Words alone cannot stress the importance of understanding AND engaging with fortitude and power of this subject and teaching. Your life literally could be dependent upon whether you proactively engage with these teachings or not... Deb’s did for three solid years of "hell on earth" experiences. This experiential tool and Activation will provide you with the foundation information, words, energy engagement and chakras 1-4 clearings. This is your foundational practice to begin your journey of becoming Masterful at Clearing Your Field, standing in your fortitude as an Activated and Empowered I AM Presence bering, as well as becoming an Untouchable.
You will learn about your energy field as it relates to “real estate” so to speak. You will learn how to begin INVOKING your Highest Good. You will also learn terminology that will be used in subsequent progression of this and other tools. This Clearing Your Field Tool is a prerequisite for every webinar, class, retreat and private session that is offered by Deb or Scott.
This video is from the Waking Up With Deb website from 2015... Deb's been talking about infiltration since 2010. And teaching people how to Clear Their Fields since 2011.
More insight and Details About Clearing Your Field...
This is an EXPERIENTIAL TOOL - it's not a meditation - which means that the communication, phrases and words are intended to be learned via this "training wheels" tool.
There is Activation*** energy coming through so you should NOT be listening to this while driving. The best way to engage with this tool, is a quiet space by yourself (even in the bathroom if you have to!) as if you were going to meditate. Your brain isn’t currently (most likely) not hardwired for this kind of information or Activation, so you’ll no only be forging new neuron pathways, but also infusing more Light in to head and body than normal.
Here's some of what you have to look forward to:
***Be prepared to become drowsy and / or sleepy the first couple of times you work with this tool. AND please see the information about “Understanding Experiential Tools & Activations” (link from here).
Clearing Your Field 102 ~ Upper Chakras
This is the next step FOUNDATIONAL experiential tool for EVERYTHING Deb and Scott engage with. Deb engages you in breathing, identifying phrases, creating a relationship with the Gateway or your (precious) Heart emotional center and Heart Chakra. Focuses on Chakras 4-7 (Heart, Throat, Third Eye to Crown). You’ll gain more insight and clarity about your energy field, that will be built upon in the progression of mastering becoming an Untouchable.
This is an mp3 Digital Download.
3 hour Experiential Webinar “Transcend the Matrix Level 1”
The Live Webinar is over; however the replay with powerful clearing will be sent to you.
Discover How Your Abundance, Incarnation Destiny, Joy, Spiritual Partnerships, Well-Being AND Trust and Faith in God Has Been Hijacked through the Hidden Energetics of lthe Matrix with immediate solutions.
Do you feel like many of your days, weeks, years are “GroundHog Day”?
If so, would you like to know why this is occuring as a collective experience and HOW YOU CAN IMMEDIATELY BEGIN TO SHIFT YOUR EXPERIENCE i.e. your entire life?
Do you feel like everything you try, each new direction, still leads to major challenges and your hearts desires not aligning with Grace and Ease?
If so, would you like to know what the probable cause is and how you can powerfully and immediately begin to shift your life experiences?
For 2 decades, Deb had been telepathically communicating with Beings of Light that she refers to as Guides, but in actuality are Beings of Light Partners. In 2010, there was a change of events and Deb’s telepathic communication with her Being of Light Guides shifted to an entirely different type of communication that went into “Discovery” of how Humanity’s Great Awakening has / had been hijacked. Additionally, she’s an “Activator” bringing forth high vibration energetics, working with people’s individual holographic fields to re-calibrate and re-code for the new Betterment of Humanity Timeline and Unified Field of Light she and partner Scott have been working with for several years.
Deb has been provided with thousands of hours of communication that shed light on the hidden energetics of the current timeline / reality. One of the main subjects of focus is the events that took place on 9/11/01. This event was more than what has even been identified even by the “inside job” conversations. She has been given the details of how this event was the final “nail in the coffin” to shift us into an alternate timeline...a “down-trodden” reality that was not meant to be a part of our human collective experience. Through various means, humanity’s Free Will has been thwarted including effectively collapsing the Fields of Light that wwe are meant to be able to utilize like garden soil for our ability to Create Reality, align with aspects of Law of Attraction, Universal Law and much more.
In December 2013 Scott and Deb began their journey of spiritual partnership, as well as deep diving into very unique energetic and multi-dimensional experiences. Scott has been shown many aspects of this matrix and also has become masterful at recognizing the elements, as well as clearing the energies. He has a highly acute ability to “sniff out” and recognize the”off kilter” situations that often throw people into tailspins. As an Activated Divine Masculine male, Scott engages with compassion and heart that often isn’t combined with the wisdom and intelligence that he brings forth.
Let’s Get to the Heart of the Matter - YOU - Where Are YOU?
Most likely you are in the category “you don’t know what you don’t know” when it comes to the hidden workings and energetics of the Designed Assault Against Humanity Matrix. This makes it pretty much impossible to shift your experience… THAT CAN ALL CHANGE RIGHT NOW!
Can You Relate to This?
If you resonate with any of this, then you really will be able to gain momentum from this cutting-edge webinar:
The Good News!
Some of the details that will be covered are:
If you resonate with any of this, then you really will be able to gain momentum from this cutting-edge webinar. This collection of information and insights, along with the experiential tools, has never been brought forth in a publicly available webinar.
This webinar is filled with details that will mostly likely create many “ah-ha’s” for you as well as solutions and immediate relief as we shine light on the darkness that has manifested an un-level playing field for most of humanity, especially those that are “Code Carriers” and powerful Light Anchors”.
You will begin to be able to “make heads or tails” of the details and people in your life that aren’t working along with solutions of how to deal with them.
You will begin to recognize the elements of the Hidden Nefarious Energetics of the Matrix so you can clear them, as well as bypass the choices that further keep you engaged and HOOK you back in.
You will be Activated in many ways, including transmuting layers of the veil that is keeping you in a state of confusion and “fog”, as well as creating distortions from your Higher Self access and communication.
You will most like have a tremendous heart opening along with your “ah-ha’s” that will increase your vibration and move you closer to being able to create and manifest again AND align more easily with your Higher Self Communication Codes
This webinar will be the beginning of “being set free” as well as your exit strategy plan to dismantle from AND Transcend the Matrix!!!
It’s also a Level 1 webinar which will be the foundation work of more advanced teachings, Activations and up-leveling.
Clear Your Field, Up-level and Activate Your Soul’s Purpose by Transcending the Matrix
You will receive:
- Clearing Your Field 101 - mp3
- Clearing Your Field 102 - mp3
- 3 Hour Experiential Webinar "Transcend the Matrix Level 1"
Webinar is over; however the replay with powerful clearing will be sent to you.
Total Value: $354 – Life Altering $10k
Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:
Please abide by the TTM New Earth Seal of Integrity. Please be conscious of the energetic signature of being out of integrity in sharing this with those who have not purchased this or any of our tools and offerings. Creating a reality of INTEGRITY begins with each of us...choose wisely.
What People Are Saying
“I've been fortunate enough to have private sessions with Deb at various important turning points and moments in my life for more than five years.
Being able to conduct the sessions remotely make it very convenient and comfortable, and sometimes I get even more than I bargain for in the sessions, but its always on point and too the point, Dang it! Being able to listen to the recording later that Deb sends through, and review each session as often as needed makes it an extremely valuable self-training tool. Every time I listen to it I hear something new or I am reminded of something basic or profound (or anywhere in between) that I need to keep at the front of my mindfulness.
I cannot tell you how highly I value each and every private session, and in fact every interaction I have ever had with Deb, and as such I highly recommend you lock in at least one session with Deb. You're sure to find it to be a life-changing experience, like I did.”
- Helen ... Australia
“I have had several private sessions with Deb that were beyond description. I experienced very powerful physical and emotional reactions while in private session with Deb. She has been very accurate in pinpointing roadblocks in my spiritual development and has guided me thru these, sometimes with me kicking and screaming! It has been hard, at times, to let go of the old me in order to clear the path to who I really am. With the help of Deb, I am such a different person now and it's only going to get better! I am looking forward to what's next. It's gonna be great!”
- Jan W ... Arizona
“I guess i have just been really scared because each activation has really sent me through a loop... this last activation on 12/21 I felt really good the whole rest of the day and even into the next then on the evening of the 22nd I was lying in bed and my whole body just started shaking all over and then…”
- Kristan R
“Hi Deborah. THANKS A MILLION for the completely AWESOME ACTIVATION that you gave me today! It was AMAZING! I thank YOU and God, the Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters, Spiritual Guides, my Higher Self and everyone else I didn't mention- from the bottom of my heart! I love and appreciate everything you told me in the Reading part, and also the activation is "mind blowing"!!!! I know it will affect my life GREATLY!”
- Sue F
I’ve experienced growth
“I just finished two weeks w/ Clearing 101. I’ve experienced growth. Two more weeks and then considering next steps. Thank you so much for publishing this. So sorely needed and at just the right time.
- Brett
Thank you for creating such a beautiful clearing
“I have been doing the clearing for a few days. As you already know and state on the end of the clearing… it creates such a sense of calm, I fall asleep. The first time I did it, I saw amazing symbology in ancient geometry, felt like I was levitating and was buzzing (my feet) when I finished. Now each time I have different effects and will start writing down what I see. Thank you for creating such a beautiful clearing! Blessings of light!”
I am actually able to have communication with my higher self and this enhanced my life
“I have just finished The Telepathic Training Course offered by Deborah Pietsch and want to give unqualified approval and recommend everyone take advantage of this course who has any interest in the subject. I would never have thought myself capable of some of the things I am now able to do. I am actually able to have communication with my higher self and other galactic beings of light that have so enhanced my life.”
- Cherie J
Vibration all over!
“That was powerful. I have this deep warmth and feel every part of me vibrating like I've never experienced. I don't understand it but I expect I don't need to. I look forward to tomorrow. Thank you. Love and light”
- Millie P
About Deborah
Deborah Pietsch comes via the world of Hollywood, as an award-winning producer, switching gears in 2010 to allow an additional ‘calling’ to reveal itself as a cutting-edge spiritual teacher, healer, telepathic communicator and Activator. Awakened in 1987, Deb was opened up like a “tin can” multi-dimensionally. She has gone through a decade of “Activations” which have accelerated her abilities to traverse dimensions 24/7, communicate telepathically, as well as understand unexpected situations such as infiltration, the hijacking of humanity’s great awakening, the energetic effects of 9/11, the reversing energies of the Law of Attraction and much more.
Private clients and students around the world experience profound alchemical shifts as Deb brings forth detailed and confirmed telepathic communication, unique teachings, insights, experiential tools AND high frequency Light to Activate their I AM Presence, 13 DNA Codes, 3rd eye and more. She masterfully clears blocks, entities and infiltration from people’s energy field, projects and homes. Through experiential tools, she empowers people to learn how to clear their own energy fields, re-calibrate, up-level and communicate with their Higher Selves and Beings of Light Guides. Additional teachings and Activations include establishing and anchoring your Free Will, Sovereignty and new status quo of well-being.
Says Deb, “Based on the revealings of the Designed Assault Against Humanity and the hijacking of the Great Awakening, this is foundational work for everyone on the planet who desires to awaken and transcend. It’s serious work and it’s is not for the mamsy pamsy!! The nefarious things that have been going on across the planet, just below the surface of ‘normal reality’, are affecting people’s daily lives in ways they have no idea about.”
In 2009 Deborah experienced another profound awakening with a visitation from a Light Being along with a week long ongoing telepathic communication of details that “humbly blew her away”. Many of the details communicated during that conversation have come to pass, as well as still unfolding. Shortly after this experience, Deborah unexpectedly went in front of the camera to start an iTV and radio show called, “Wake Up…Shift Is Happening TV!” She has interviewed many guests, as well as utilized this platform for Activating Unified Fields of Light and Reality for the Betterment of Humanity. The show has been down for several years and slated to re-launch in May/June 2018.
She developed the I AM Awakening Academy, as well as online retreats, such as “Creating Your Reality”, “The 3 Day Cocoon Retreat” and Project Leap Frog. Along with, Scott Bartle, her husband and spiritual partner since 2013, both have been providing details and information about the Deception Matrix for many years; all of which are just beginning to be revealed in the MSM. Deb and Scott are Way-Showers to teach people how nefarious aspects of the current reality, aka the Enslavement Matrix, are affecting people’s daily lives. They then provide the tools, teachings and Activations to shift their experiences and reality to be aligned with their client’s heart’s desires and aspects such as Soul Matrix Destiny. They spoke at the 2014 Conscious Life Expo together, have hosted several episodes of “Wake Up..Shift Is Happening TV”, and were guests on Sean Stone’s Buzzsaw. They also produced and hosted a panel show during the 2015 Superbowl that was a Counter Protocol of Light to the nefarious agenda of the half time show.
Highlights of her past includes decades of high profile clients in the entertainment & advertising industries, and in 2000 becoming Lisa Garr’s, The Aware Show, first producer.
Deb and Scott have been out of the public and working “behind the scenes” from January 2016 until April 2018, at which time, their new site launched with new shows, new retreats, new tools, teachings, speaking engagements and more. Having recently been called back to work in the public and media again, they are selling their Mt. Shasta spiritual retreat center to return to the belly of the beast of Hollywood. “It’s time to powerfully shift the collective consciousness and “narrative” back to a level playing field of LIGHT; bringing a new era to Lights, Camera, Action through profound transformation and good ol’ authentic Love!”