Clearing Blocks to Greater Wellbeing, Abundance &

4 Deep Healing Webinars for Emotional (Samskara) and Karmic Clearing:
4 Comprehensive Healing Sessions to Heal the deep emotional and mental scars, as well as Karma related to that emotion.
Here is the truth, behind every physical ailment and mental health issue there is 100% of the time an emotional connection, most likely a Karmic one, as we repeat patterns lifetime to lifetime till the lesson is learned.
These four unique and powerful healing webinars will clear deep emotional scars (Samskaras) and karmas of heartbreak, anger, sadness, and fear. As well as bring in a unique emotion template for a healthy and balanced emotion for each webinar.
4 Quantum healing sessions that will integrate:
- Sacred Activations; energy from source that clear 100’s of belief systems on the cellular level, and DNA level
- Arcturian frequencies to clear the Samskara and karma that hinder you, and bring in good luck karma
- Arcturian template of the healthy and balanced emotion
4 Samskara and Karma clearing quantum healing webinars to:
- clear vows, contracts, promises and oaths
- clear emotional and mental patterns
- clear self-sabotaging karma from 34 lifetimes
- clear from the maternal and paternal lineages
- clear any traumas around the emotion
- bring in good karma
- bring in healthy and balanced emotions
(61 min)
- Sacred Activation to clear vows, oaths, and contracts of suffering from heartbreak or betrayal
- Sacred Activation to heal the heart of pain and suffering from a broken heart
- Samskara frequency to clear emotional scars of heartbreak from 22 lifetimes
- Samskara frequency to clear emotional scars of heartbreak taken on from the maternal and paternal lineages
- Clearing karma of trauma related to heartbreak and/or betrayal
- Good luck karma for all things love and joy
- Emotion frequency template of love, forgiveness and worthiness
(50 min)
- Sacred Activation for ultimate release of anger, rage and guilt
- Sacred Activation to unmask suppressed emotions
- Samskara frequency to clear emotional scars of anger and rage from 25 lifetimes
- Samskara frequency to clear emotional scars of anger taken on from the maternal and paternal lineages
- Clearing karma of trauma related to anger, rage and resentment
- Good luck karma for inner peace and stability
- Emotion frequency template of contentment, peace & emotional balance
(60 min)
- Sacred Activation to clear sadness and grief from the lungs
- Sacred Activation to instill true sense of happiness
- Samskara clearing frequency to clear emotional scars of sadness from 29 lifetimes
- Samskara clearing frequency to clear emotional scars of sadness taken on from the maternal and paternal lineages
- Clearing karma of trauma related to sadness
- Good luck karma for joy and emotional stability
- Emotion frequency template of joy and happiness
(53 min)
- Sacred Activation to get your power back
- Sacred Activation to clear fear of change
- Sacred Activation to clear fear of being seen
- Samskara frequency to clear emotional scars of fear from 34 lifetimes
- Samskara frequency to clear emotional scars of fear taken on from the maternal and paternal lineages
- Clearing karma of trauma related to fear
- Good luck karma for courage and presence
- Emotion frequency template of courage, present moment and self-confidence
What are Samskaras
Samskara is a mental imprint, an emotional scar that delves deeper with repetition, over lifetimes. Samskara is an emotion that gets imprinted, and sinks below the threshold of normal consciousness. It sinks down deep into the region of the subconscious mind and impacts your actions and choices (subliminal action) and becomes a Samskara. Samskaras are deep impressions created over lifetimes of patterns that get embedded in your brain from repetition, usually in an unconscious manner. Samskaras are the fruit of many lifetimes of Karma.
What is Karma:
Karma translates into “to act”, and is the fundamental causal law by which good or bad acts decide the future modes of an individual’s life. Karma is the law of cause and effect. There is an effect from every action we take. We all have a karmic debt that exists from our current and past lifetimes that brings forth an effect. Ailments, lessons in life, and how our life unfolds are decided by past Karma. We accumulate so many karmic seeds over lifetimes.
Package A:
70% OFF
Value: $444
70% OFF

2 Powerful and Transformative
Healing Sessions for Prosperity, Abundance and Wealth
2 Quantum healing sessions that integrate ISA Money Light Codes, ISA Money Energetics, and ISA Light Codes to clear the way for an overflow of money, wealth, and abundance. Each money healing webinar will be a meditation that will take you to your personal money chamber, and all the ISA Money Light Codes will be run while you are in the money chamber. This series is not just about money, but also expanding you in wealth of whatever you desire. Wealth of love, health, aligned people, joy, inner peace, and yes money and prosperity is in there too.
ISA Money Light Codes are rooted in using energetic frequencies to facilitate personal transformation, particularly in the realm of financial abundance and alignment. These light codes are energetic templates that are accessed and utilized for healing, growth, and manifestation.
Outcomes from receiving ISA Money Light Codes:
- Letting go ancestral fears, patterns or limitations that were passed down through generations, freeing yourself from unconscious limitations that may be hindering your financial abundance
- Reprogramming belief systems, deeply ingrained patterns of thought and perception that shape your reality and influence your experiences. These will be reprogrammed, replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones that support greater prosperity and success
- Upgrading environment with higher vibrational energies, both the physical and energetic environment will be upgraded to support greater alignment with abundance and prosperity
- Influencing DNA for money alignment which will make energetic changes at the fundamental level of your being by activating the dormant potential within your DNA related to financial abundance and alignment
- Freeing from Collective Consciousness Fears, releasing fears associated with the collective consciousness, you can liberate yourself from societal conditioning and align more fully with your own truth and abundance
2 Money Healing Webinars to:
- heal past life traumas around wealth and money
- disconnect you from the collective lack and scarcity beliefs
- release fears around scarcity and the future
- clear money blocks
- clear money stories that you tell yourself
- dissolve limiting money beliefs
- bring in financial abundance
- bring in an overflow of prosperity
- expand your worthiness to receive wealth
- connect abundance consciousness
Part 1: Deep Money Healing
(43 min)
Part 1 includes ISA Money Light Codes, ISA Money Energetics and ISA Light Codes related to money to:
- enable you to be an awesome money manager
- dissolve shame associated with money
- activate feeling safe to shine your light and make a lot of money
- dissolve being too old or too young to make a lot of money
- install hope around money
- expand worthiness of money and love
- expand worthiness of having a constant money flow
- activate money and spirituality to co-exist in daily life
- activate worthiness of handling massive success with grace
- activate receiving financial abundance
- activate an overflow of abundance and prosperity
Part 2: Deep Money Healing
(1hr & 14 min)
Part 2: Includes ISA Money Light Codes, ISA Money Energetics and ISA Light Codes related to money to:
- clear waiting for the right time to make money; right now is the right time to make a lot of money
- dissolve having to work really hard to make a lot of money
- dissolve fear of success
- instill money detachment
- clear financial overwhelm
- expand worthiness of being at peace with having a lot of
money - align with the energy of wealth and abundance
- activate worthiness of attracting wealth, abundance, and wellbeing
- release blocks from receiving prosperity
- activate abundance consciousness
- expand in manifestation and worthiness
- release fear of success
- release fear of failure and losing it all
Package B:
(Includes Package A)
75% OFF
Value: $777

A 45 Minute Medical Intuitive session with Ella Isakov
An Online personal energy healing session that can be used to heal an ailment, a mental health issue, or trauma. The personal session can also be used to clear money blocks, and scarcity and lack beliefs.
A lot is cleared, regenerated and transmuted in these sessions resulting in great energetic shifts in the body and the field of the person; resulting in a sense of greater ease, balance, and well-being body, heart, mind, and spirit.
It is an expansion of your consciousness and a raising of your vibration.
Through Sacred Activations, Galactic frequencies, and Ella’s powerful team, we will transmute and bring healing to whatever issue you need support with.
This 45-minute session is a wonderful gift for all parts of your being, so you can feel lighter, clearer, and freer within, and outside of your being.
I have been receiving regular Medical Intuitive sessions with Ella for the last year. I was guided to get a Healing Methods session with Ella instead of a Medical Intuitive and all I can say is just WOW. The session was so powerful yet gentle. It gave me the energy to get work done on the weekend as I had a major deadline to finish before heading out to a week-long conference/training. I had more energy and felt calm and peaceful If you have a chance to get a healing method session from Ella, jump for it because you will not regret it. I do not let just anyone in my energy field and Ella is one of the few trusted ones. Thank you, Ella, for another awesome session, and looking forward to my next one.
I joined the money healing webinars. Well, my concrete examples actually started before the 6 weeks even began. After the first free webinar, I was gifted money for helping a neighbor with her dog. Every couple of weeks she would give me a $100 bill for letting her dog out when she was at work. These ISA Money Light Codes and Activations are able to somehow shift our beliefs around how we feel, interact, and manifest not only money but also around accepting abundance, love, and help from others. Thank you, Ella, for helping us transform our relationship with money and abundance.
Anne ● San Francisco
WHEN: Thursdays, June 13, 20, 27 and July 4
TIME: 7 pm – 8:15 pm EST
HOW LONG: You will get the recording for 60 days
Please join me for this insightful, deeply clearing, and healing 4-week series that will expand and empower you to trust your senses and understand that the knowing is within.
The truth is that everyone is intuitive. Yes, you are as well. There are many factors that have blocked us from tapping into all the innate ways that we can get information, know the truth, and understand ourselves on new levels. Past life & this lifetime of traumas, conditioning, and low-vibration emotions & self-sabotaging behaviors are some of the reasons our clairs are dormant or blocked.
This will be a unique series, as there will not just be insight and healing to expand each of the 4 clairs, but there will also be information on contributing factors that greatly contribute to the strength of each clair, and specific energy healing to clear that as well. In short, these 4 weeks will not only expand all the ways you can sense the world around you but also sharpen the attributes needed to fully expand into each clair.
Outcomes for these 4 weeks:
- Thinking will quiet down to a very high level
- Deeper level of consciousness, clairvoyance, and connection
- Flushed out shadows; clearer physical and subtle bodies
- Greater flow in the 4 clairs; clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance
- Amplified trust in what you hear, see, and sense
- Less fear, self-doubt, and self-judgment
- More inspiration, ideas, and clarity into the future
- Self-trust in inner knowing and choices in everyday life
- More attuned and aware
Each Thursday will include:
- a short talk on the clair of the week, the virtue that will be heightened (ex. honesty), and the emotion that will be cleared (ex. fear)
- 2 Sacred Activations to clear any vows, contracts, curses, and any emotions specific to that clair
- Deep energetic Cleanse of all your bodies of vows and oaths, belief systems & emotions that are hindering the clair
- Frequencies:
— Karma Clearing Frequency: clear past life karmas that are hindering you from opening up fully to all your senses
— Advanced DNA Activation: to upgrade your DNA for the clair and the emotion of the week
— Higher Clairvoyance Frequency: Do a deep amplifying of all aspects of that clair
— Metatron Scroll Frequency: to get a full download of packed information on how to proceed with the clair of the week
(Thursday, June 13 7- 8 pm EST)
Clairvoyance is the psychic ability to perceive information or images beyond the physical senses. Individuals with clairvoyant abilities may receive visions, symbols, or scenes in their mind’s eye, which can provide insights into past, present, or future events. For example: Seeing vivid images of a future event or visualizing symbols during a meditation session.
(Thursday, June 20 7- 8 pm EST)
Clairaudience involves the psychic ability to hear sounds, voices, or messages from spiritual sources or entities beyond the physical realm. These auditory perceptions may occur internally within the mind rather than through the physical ears. For example: Hearing the voice of a departed loved one or receiving guidance from spirit guides through inner auditory impressions.
(Thursday, June 27 7- 8 pm EST)
Clairsentience is the intuitive ability to sense or feel energy, emotions, or vibrations from people, places, or situations. Individuals with clairsentient abilities may pick up on subtle cues or gut feelings that provide insights into the energetic dynamics of a situation. For example: Feeling a sudden sense of unease in a particular location or experiencing strong emotions in the presence of certain individuals.
(Thursday, July 4 7- 8 pm EST)
Claircognizance is the psychic ability to receive knowledge or information instantaneously without any logical explanation. Individuals with claircognitive abilities may have sudden insights, flashes of inspiration, or a deep sense of knowing about a situation or topic. For example: Knowing the answer to a question without having prior knowledge or receiving intuitive insights about future events.
These four clairs represent different ways in which individuals may receive intuitive or psychic information, and many people may have a combination of these abilities to varying degrees. These 4 weeks will clear the blocks and imbalances, and expand your capacity to utilize each of these clairs in your personal life, and beyond.
I am here if you have any questions on these 4 weeks. You do not need to have a healing practice to benefit from these 4 weeks. This series will bring you greater awareness, clarity, inspiration, and full trust in yourself, in all facets of your life.
Package C:
(Includes Package A & B)
78% OFF
Value: $1,164
Rewire the Heart
A powerful 17 minute healing led by the Celestial Galactics, who are
advanced helpers associated with multiple planets, to connect and
expand your Heart Chakra with 11 steps of deep connections to other
areas of the body, and the earth
11 steps to connect your heart to:
- the back heart portal
- 12 lotus petals of the heart
- your Crown Chakra
- the center of your head
- the hand Chakras which will activate your healing hands
- the soles of your feet which will bless the earth
Special Offer
Package A:
Value: $444
70% OFF
Package B:
(Includes Package A)
Value: $777
75% OFF
Package C:
(Includes Package A & B)
Value: $1,164
78% OFF

Ella is a sweet, joyful and bubbly star being in human form sharing wisdom and light with the world. I took part in a 4-week series to clear karma, scars, pain from many lifetimes and it was very profound. I did have some physical and emotional reactions to the clearings, which showed me there was big work being done. I could literally feel things being cleared from my field that had been buried deeply, like we were digging them up to heal them once and for all. These were not shallow clearings, we were getting to the roots, so that real profound healings could take place. Needless to say, after the 4 weeks I feel so much lighter, like a heaviness I’d been carrying around for who knows how long has lifted. I feel much more hopeful and confident in myself and my path, which is huge for me. I’m also feeling much more aligned and seeing the synchronicities as proof that I’ve done something very good for myself. I’m so very great-full to Ella and her team of spirit helpers and angels for offering this work in such a crucial time on our planet. I pray everyone can receive this kind of profound healing. Thank you Dear Ella.
Thank you Thank u thank u!
The first week I felt the healing process deep inside my being when I joined live. I have embraced the month of November as my time of healing and I think that honouring this is very powerful. The 2nd week I fell asleep pretty quickly listening to the replay so I listened again a couple days later. Since then, I have noticed that some of my anger has cleared. I can't explain but I know. I am less reactive and can maintain calm more easily. This IS a miracle!!
Kimberly, Toronto
I did notice something last week afterwards but before the divine stillness.
I keep getting interviews but they are hiring other people. For months now, whenever I get these rejections I get really upset to the point of physical symptoms. Last week, I received two more. My whole mindset shifted. Oh well, their loss and forgot about it. Afterwards, I feel a deep inner peace, a knowing that everything will be alright and whatever is going on I can handle. If it doesn't happen it's not meant to me. I am also hearing guidance much clearer and feel confidence after.
Thanks! All because of you. We reconnected at one of the lowest points in my life in over 20 years. Totally meant to be. You're unique healing combinations are just what I needed to overcome and push forward on my own path.
Judy, New Jersey, NY
Ella radiates such heart and integrity, and intention to teach, as well as heal in her work. She welcomes and encourages questions, so that you understand the process, and how to best care for yourself during integration. She’s invested in her students, clients and work. She shows up thoroughly prepared with a loving, clear and grounded presence that’s welcoming, safe and refreshing. As a result, I have experienced such positive shifts. I am grateful! Thank you, Ella!
There has been such a profound change in my life since participating in Ella’s Samskara Healing and Divine Patterns to Stillness webinars. As she described it once—I’m giving myself permission to be unapologetically my genuine self. What a sense of relief and freedom that gives you. I laugh more. I make time to do the things I enjoy more and spend less time doing things I don't want to do. The spark is back for my writing. I have more energy to work through roadblocks and more energy for self-care. I am finally able to say no without feeling any guilt and without allowing anyone to shame me. It’s such a small investment for such a huge payout! Thank you, Ella, for doing the work and sharing it.
Cynthia, Nova Scotia
Every session I’ve done with Ella, whether a group or private session, has been invaluable. I HIGHLY recommend her work. Other than being a luminary star angel, the work itself is profoundly transformative. I feel so many energetic shifts and know this has changed my life. I’m so great-full to Ella for sharing this beautiful work with the world.
I received Arcturian frequencies from Ella at a time which was very tumultuous for me. I was dealing with something very difficult and couldn’t make sense of anything. So needless to say, Ella as usual whipped up her magic and sprinkled it all on me and it was so gentle and yet profound. I immediately felt a sense of peace within and that stayed with me for a while and the more I listened to the session recording, the more I felt calm. I am super grateful for everything that Ella uses to help her clients and friends cause it’s powerful stuff yet delivered in the most gentle way!
Thank you so very much Ella always so grateful for your help.
Every time I receive a Medical intuitive session from Ella I feel amazing. Let me tell you that Ella is one of the few people that I will allow and trust in my energy field. She is a very powerful and knowledgeable healer. I leave her sessions feeling renewed and energized. I always get what I need. Thank you Ella for another amazing session. It was just what I needed. If you have a chance to work with Ella, do not hesitate and take it. You will not regret it.
I have been working with Ella for a few months now on a weekly basis, and she is truly gifted. I always connect better with people who are genuine, warm, and transparent, and Ella most definitely embodies all of these traits and more. time I have been dealing with chronic debilitating ailments for a long time. Ella can hone in on the root so very quickly, and each session gets deeper and deeper. I find myself having lots to process after each session, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The medical intuitive sessions have given me so much clarity, a sense of deep compassion, and a greater spiritual connection. I feel myself on the right path to healing and honestly look forward to our sessions every week to see Ella’s face and see what will unfold. Thank you Ella for your gift. You are a powerhouse!!
Before the session, I felt tense, had a monkey mind, and all tangled up inside. During the session, I felt a very strong, clear connection to Ella even though it was done on Zoom and we are on different continents. What stood out was a general feeling of calmness, visualisations (different colours, visualising water seeping over the edge of whatever was containing it). I also had a strong connection to my chakras and an emotional release about the death of a loved one that I wasn't aware needed attention. After the session, I felt a sense of clarity. A spiritual reset. I felt that Ella removed the blockages which were on the surface (which she felt was self-doubt). I am sure that if we did more work, she would only go deeper. She worked on my SI joint issues, which has since gotten better.
Ella, you are home! I am in complete awe of how powerful and transformative your Medical Intuition/Sacred Activation sessions are. I am actually blown away by the positive effects of these sessions. Mentally I have much greater clarity, emotionally I am more balanced and compassionate towards myself and others, physically I am more grounded and embodied - and amazingly you helped me soften and eliminate cysts!! And spiritually I feel more aligned and in touch with my intuition. But that is not all or even the most significant gratitude that I have for your work - I am most grateful for your compassionate listening and understanding and your profound presence during our time together. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!
About Ella Isakov
Ella is a transformative Medical Intuitive healer, with clients in Canada, the United States, Africa, Australia, and Europe. Her journey of discovering and opening up to her spiritual abilities has been the work of a lifetime of training and service to others, of wondrous spiritual awakening moments, and a growing awareness and gratitude to the sacrifices and experiences of many past lives as a healer.
Ella started as an elementary school teacher in Japan and Russia before returning to Canada where she began her yoga teacher training, specializing in functional movement integration and Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. As she became more aware of her intuitive abilities, she branched into energetic healing, completing her Sacred Activations Level 1 & Masters Practitioner Training, and Medical Intuitive Training with Tamra Oviatt.
Today, Ella’s focus is her Medical Intuitive healing practice. She is unique in offering sessions that combine Sacred Activations with assistance from angels, beings from galactic realms, and her spiritual guides in the healing of organs and body systems. Ella uses subtle energy to help align the subtle energy body, its channels, meridians, and energy centers to help restore balance and harmony so that healing can occur whether it is physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual.
She is also a Trauma Intuitive, releasing held trauma from current and past lifetimes. Ella's work goes beyond her clients' physical issues to discover the root cause of the trauma.
Ella is blessed to be one of only twenty teachers in the world to be able to pass on the gifts of Sacred Activations with the Level 1 and Master Practitioner Certifications. For those wishing to advance their Medical Intuitive Skills, Ella holds the Medical Intuitive Practitioner Certification under the umbrella of Sacred Activations once a year.
Ella is also known as a wealth activator, using ISA Money Light Codes created by Patricia Elizabeth to unlock the divine money genes in webinars and private sessions, and she holds trainings to pass on the gifts of these powerful money codes.
Although Ella is highly sought after as a Medical Intuitive healer, and wealth activator, she continues to teach yoga, and is the only Restorative yoga teacher in the world to infuse Sacred Activations into her classes. She is also an active content creator and can be found on Instagram, and her popular YouTube channel with the weekly show "Inside Healing".