Fall – Winter Series | 2023-2024 | Elysia’s Special Offer

Unlocking Mystical Realities: Creating from within the Quantum Field with Sacred Soul Symbols

21 Day Journey Through Sacred Soul Symbols!

A unique opportunity to experience the potent frequencies of Sacred Soul Symbols, as we journey through 21 clearings and activations utilizing these multidimensional technologies and healing tools to dissolve painful patterns and create a new optimal reality.

Day 1

We will create a powerful container to work within, and set individual intentions for what you are dissolving and what you are calling in for the 21-Days using the Vessel Symbol

Day 2

Working with the intentions you set in Day 1, we will use the Root of the Issue Symbol to begin unwinding your blocks to creating this desired experience in your life

Day 3

Bringing the healing into painful patterns that are keeping you stuck and trapped in unwanted experiences using the Pattern Disconnect Symbol.

Day 4

Taking the healing into your ancestral line, we will use the Family of Origin Symbol to dissolve trauma, patterns and programming you took on through your ancestral lineage that are affecting your ability to bring the intentions you set in Day 1 to fruition

Day 5

Bringing the healing into your Emotional Body, we will work with the Emotional Body Symbol to clear out old, dense emotions that are preventing you from rising up into a higher frequency, and activate positive emotions in your field

Day 6

Now bringing the healing into your Mental Body, we will work with the Mental Body Symbol to clear outdated beliefs, thought forms and loops of fear, activating positive, supportive new beliefs.

Day 7

Going deeper with the healing, we will work with the Inner Child Symbol to bring profound healing to this aspect of you.

Day 8

Taking all of the healing throughout time, past, present, parallel and future timelines, into all soul incarnations, throughout your DNA, using the Spirals Symbol

Day 9

This healing is using the Release Symbol to further dissolve remaining trauma, dense trapped emotions, outdated programming, and stuck patterns and pain traps.

Day 10

In our final clearing-focused healing, bringing in the Attune Symbol which uses vibration to dissolve dense frequencies from your physical body and energy bodies.

Day 11

Working with the Reset Symbol to create a new energetic setpoint, preparing you for the activations to come, to create your new reality.

Day 12

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes of your past painful experiences and patterns, the Rise Symbol will support you as you rise up into a higher version of yourself

Day 13

The Connect Symbol is featured in this healing, to connect you to the most optimal people, information and opportunities, to guide you into your highest timeline

Day 14

We will activate the Possibilities Symbol in your energy field, working with your individual intentions, to call in divinely aligned possibilities.

Day 15

Today we work with the Divine Aspect Symbol to connect you more completely with the highest aspect of your soul, to ensure what you are co-creating is truly aligned and in your highest good.

Day 16

Bringing in the Install Symbol to activate and install the belief programming and pure intent required for creating your intentions into your physical reality.

Day 17

Activating the Calibrate Symbol to calibrate to your desired intentions, all the way down to the cellular level.

Day 18

The Frequency Finder Symbol will locate and activate within you the frequencies that are an energetic match to your desired intentions.

Day 19

Connecting you with and activating the Wishes Fulfilled Symbol, which brings in the specific energetic codes connected to your aligned desired intention.

Day 20

Prepare to move into the next level of your life experience with the Quantum Leap Symbol.

Day 21

We will work with the Attune + Illuminate & Create + Anchor Symbols to attune you to CREATING your intentions NOW, sending those signals out into the quantum field, and anchoring into your 3D, physical reality.

PLUS a bonus of 3 Live Calls!

Dates of Three Live Sessions:
Call 1 Thursday February 22 @ 1pm PT
Call 2 Saturday March 2 @ 11am PT
Call 3 Wednesday March 13 @ 1pm PT

Special Offer

21 Day Journey Through Sacred Soul Symbols!

Recordings will be released daily for the full 21 day experience

$ 97

$ 297

Wow! The inner child Sacred Soul Symbol brought in a profound awareness that runs right through the lineage I never had a realization of before.
It’s a huge deal of healing and rewriting those family wounds and patterns - given the trauma and abuse that I experienced. I love these symbols and seeing them work in everyday life!!!

Sherry Lynn

This quantum leaping happened within seconds and then I slept for an hour immediately!


A truly extraordinary visionary experience with these symbols!


I am experiencing some PROFOUND changes throughout this 21 day Journey with the symbols


I experienced some hefty cleansing, unhooking and rearranging in the genetic blueprint…. These symbols!!! There are no words!!!


I just love how much has opened up for me! These symbols truly have helped me so much with transition and healing.


These symbols contain such High Wisdom!


I can't recommend Elysia Hartzell enough!!.. She has the most beautiful loving heart, packed with a mighty healing wand!! She will get you out of dark places,..I feel so blessed to have met her. I feel ready to conquer all my blocks!


Elysia is not only a compassionate healer but she has been an incredible mentor for me over the last year. She has been a major catalyst in changing my life and business for the better. If you have the incredible opportunity to work with Elysia, don’t think twice, just do it!


About Elysia

Elysia’s natural vibration of loving acceptance and soulful compassion opens the door to deeper connection of your soul and the gifts and abilities that you are ready to express. Elysia cracks the codes of self-love and self-worth on multidimensional levels so you can be free to be your true self. Elysia’s clients have taken their lives to new levels by training with her to become empowered as healers themselves through her Sacred Soul Alignment modality certification.