How the New Human Matrix Operates
Understanding how we fold in & out of the Quantum Field
When my oldest son was born, he began coming to me in my dream state to teach me how to
play in the Quantum Field for him. He was born with Down syndrome, and we later realized was
on the Autism Spectrum. He has been my teacher and guide in becoming the Evolved Human
that can hold Unity Consciousness.
There are many reasons why things take linear time to manifest aside from us not having our
own energy aligned with the desire. Even if you are fully aligned with the desired experience,
there can be a delay due to the state of chaos that energy waves come into when they are
forming new waves of energy. Remember your Mind has neuropathways that may be vibrating
in the field of lack without your awareness that those frequencies are there. That is why you
must be conscious of your thoughts. Your Body may be holding onto neuropeptides that were
released from emotions when you experienced lack in your tissues, so you need to be aware of
where there is flow or tightness when thinking about the desired experience. Your Ego may
have judged someone negatively for having the experience you wanted to have as a way to
protect the Body from having to feel the emotions of lack at some point in time and be emoting
vibrations of lack out into the field.
There are many layers to the frequencies that we radiate out giving the Universe mixed messages
that we carry from this lifetime and many others. But, with a little practice we can get all these
different aspects of your human container on board to shift to allow the greatest expansion of
Self Expression through you.

Quantum Transformation Portal
Offering 30 day Access to the Quantum Transformation Membership Portal
The foundational intention with this membership portal is one of Self Empowerment, Healing, and Quantum Transformation. My work and the way I share information is always a mixture of science and mystical offerings. It is important to me that we heal the entire Spectrum of Your Human container gifting you the ability to experience internal unity consciousness. Internal Unity Consciousness inevitably moves you into a flow state of Unity in the Quantum Field.
This is where the magic happens, lives change, people heal, and love flourishes with effortless limitlessness.
This is a space for Quantum Transformation. In this space you will learn how to cleanly access new potentials for your own healing practice and when working with others. The energy will be clean & inclusive of all our working parts.
45 minute 1:1
Personal session with me each month to attune your magnetic field to what you would like to receive, intuitive guidance, or whatever else your Soul is asking to receive
2 Large Group Classes
Include Q&A with space for you to share your gifts ~ these classes are held on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month @ 10am & 11am CT (these will be recorded & replay access will be available for the duration of your membership)
Access to all courses, activations, & meditations
Special Offer
Package: Quantum Transformation Portal
~ 30 day Access to the Quantum Transformation Membership Portal
~ 45 minute 1:1
~ 2 Large Group Classes
~ Access to all courses, activations, & meditations
~ Free Access to all New Courses during your Membership Period

“Good morning here Erica,
Yesterday I dove into the fresh relationship group call. It was powerful! The child...so much...beyond words again.
A beautiful healing journey as relationships became constellations...each one moving to his her star, like waves coming back to the ocean. Tide withdrawing back home. Myself becoming a Star, witnessing living all in such a perfect choreography. Before the sacred messiness of daily life here...differentiation in union...reverence...tuning forks...all this and that. An image feeling that stays as a magician tool :)”
- [Name withheld]
“I had no idea my mind could become so quiet and the internal struggle I’ve had with my ego telling me I’m not enough could be healed. I feel my ego as a beautiful expanded canopy around my energy field only allowing in what is in alignment with my heart. It feels almost nurturing and loving. I just didn’t know this was possible.”
- Beth Ann, Oregon
“Erica thank you for this out-of-this-world experience! I’m still integrating all the healing and absorbing all that light! Thank you for holding space for me!”
- Anastasia, Delaware
“Erica is an exceptionally gentle, patient and compassionate guide. She has a gift for creating and holding safe space by meeting her clients exactly where they are in their journey. In just a few sessions, Erica and I have released and healed layers upon layers of deep limiting beliefs, thoughts and behaviors that have held me back from my true self for many years. After each session with Erica I feel more embodied and more aligned with my Soul’s truth. She is so gracefully supporting me in the journey of remembering who I am and who I’ve always been, and I am beyond grateful for her support, light and love.”
- Adrianne, Houston, Texas
“Thank you for the amazing healing I received yesterday. I’m so grateful for the healing and clarity that always comes from working with you, Erica. The transmission was powerful and opened awareness in me that I’ve been asking for. Your humility, authenticity and courage to be on the cutting edge of healing and wellness are powerful healing tools. Thank you for sharing your gifts.”
- Kim, Houston Texas
“I have just finally listened to your audio on Instinctive and Intuitive Communication and I wanted to tell you how amazing it is. I feel like this audio brought it all together for me, and really shifted things. I feel more open to joy, and more willing to move forward into a life that I will enjoy, by bringing the gut mind, brain mind, and intuitive mind into connection.
Even just the beginning of the audio where you ask us to tune into the sound of our breath - that opened up so much for me and brought up emotion and awe.
Thank you so much!”
- Rosemary
“Yesterday, I took a great leap, actually, I’m still a bit up in the air, but I was able to let go of many false beliefs because of the many times I used/worked with your divine love and money meditations. I laid down with your divine love meditation, and this time, my heart cracked open and I saw a long scroll of paper unraveling itself. The paper was covered with all my misbeliefs: shame, self-loathing, original sin, you name it, I had it. Please know that your work is powerful and deeply appreciated. I listened, and continue to listen over and over again.”
- Julie, Florida
"Mere words cannot explain the spiritual connection Erica made with me and my daughter. She was able to give us peace and knowledge on how to connect spiritually. She taught us how to release negative energy and to have better communication.
Everything she was able to 'see' and 'feel' spiritually was true both personally and medically. I cannot express my gratitude for her and her ability to help others!"
- Shannon, Kansas
“In the short time that I have known Erica, she has helped awaken me to what has been in front of me always. She has given me tools to reach my children that work, when other methods have not. She has not only been working with us to heal our son, but our family.
Her guided meditations are very precise and even easy for beginners like us to go into meditation. Her knowledge is expansive, and she explains everything so well. Erica is truly a beautiful positive person. She not only teaches a way of living intentionally, but lives what she teaches. She is an angel living among us!”
- The Sampsons, The Woodlands, Texas
About Erica

Erica VanEaton is an Intuitive energy healer that uses sound, light, and quantum therapy techniques to access the entire matrix of the human for healing. The intention she holds is for Unification. She looks at healing and expansion of self-expression through the lens of wholeness, realizing that each aspect of the human was designed to work in flow with each other as Source Creator. She sees human containers as the bridge to Heaven on Earth and has a deep desire to help her clients know they are boundless infinite beings of light full of infinite potentials.