![janet circle](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/05/janet-circle.png)
Regenerate Your Body
Enter a New Era of Healing
Are you ready for your upgrade?
Are you ready to receive the amazing state of health that is your birthright?
![Janet Doerr - Time to Heal](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Janet-Doerr-Time-to-Heal.jpg)
Heal chronic conditions, step beyond your current health experience, and revitalize your physical, energetic and emotional being!
Make every part of yourself new again!
Shift energies of weariness and discouragement, and release frustration over health experiences. Release the underlying energies from ancestral and other timelines. Restore your faith in your ability to heal yourself and actively create the state of health you are ready to enjoy.
•RESTORE and REBUILD Strong, Flexible, and JUICY JOINTS.
•RELEASE the energies that may be interfering with getting a good night’s sleep.
•REVITALIZE your Physical VISION and HEARING while activating your inner hearing and seeing (Clairaudience and Clairvoyance).
•RELEASE trauma and stuck energies in Teeth and RESTORE your PEARLY WHITES.
•RECREATE RADIANT SKIN, Lush HAIR and Supple and Strong NAILS.
•RECONNECT with the language of the PLANT KINGDOM for natural healing.
•REMEMBER that your body comes equipped with powerful abilities to heal and REGENERATE.
In this powerful special offer, Janet was guided by Spirit to focus on key energies affecting the health of this community. Janet will help you transmute and clear the energies in your field that are limiting your experience of extraordinary health. She will share the healing wisdom she has gained on her journey; share her powerful intuitive and energetic healing gifts with you; and activate your ability to transform your health and supercharge your energy and vitality!
![Angie 21 package a](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Angie-21-package-a.jpg)
Regenerate Your Body
Enter a New Era of Healing: 5-Part Video Webinar Series. Janet provides links to video access, audio recordings, and a PDF of each session.
In this powerful, five-part interactive webinar series you will learn how to address and shift health concerns common in a phase of transformation.
This comprehensive five-part, interactive audio-visual program includes recordings of two hours of instruction in each session. In addition, each session includes recordings of the Q&A portion of each group call. In each session, Janet does energy activations and takes calls for an additional one to two hours in each session. This Package A program includes a total of 19 hours of instruction, energy activations and Q&A with medical intuitive, Janet Doerr.
Come release and transmute the underlying energies that may be holding health conditions stuck in your field. Learn the numerous remedies you can use to shift each area of focus or concern. Hear related stories of successful healing using foods, herbs, energy and gemstones. Then listen as Janet helps callers uncover the unique energetic or emotional root causes of health experiences. Receive the information on natural remedies Janet is guided to share and notice how other people’s questions and Janet’s answers will also benefit YOU!
Janet provides:
•Web links to the replays of all five sessions of interactive audio-visual programs
•Downloadable access to the Mp3 audios of each session
•Downloadable PDF access of the visuals presented in each session
Session One: Receive the Sacred Gift of a Good Night’s Sleep!
Clear the energies of fear and trauma from other timelines about being harmed when asleep. Release any sleep curses placed on you in past lives! Learn how to adjust your body chemistry so that your body falls easily and deeply to sleep, and remains so through the night. Partner with the plant and mineral kingdoms to support getting deep and restorative sleep. Learn the energetic root causes of sleep disturbances and how to harmonize those energies.
You will learn:
- The emotions and energies which could be interfering with a good night’s sleep, and how to release them.
- The minerals you need more of to ensure a good night’s sleep and their best food and supplement sources.
- Herbal choices and remedies for supporting deep sleep.
- Crystals and gemstones to create a protective and supportive haven for sleep.
- How certain aspects of room arrangement can create restful sleep, and others that can disrupt sleep.
- What your body needs if you have restless legs, or leg, muscle or toe cramps at night.
- Solutions to harmonize sources of energetic interference with your sleep.
- The common food intolerances and eating patterns which can disturb sleep.
- How to request angelic assistance to provide guardians for your dream time.
- Listen as Janet takes callers from the audience and provides individual support. (recorded)
Janet leads a group energy clearing process to clear fear and trauma from ancestors or other timelines about not feeling safe when asleep. Janet clears any sleep curses which were placed on you or your ancestors in any other timeline for such things as refusing to marry or have sex. Janet takes calls and provides individual readings to clear root cause and intuit the appropriate remedies for each caller.
Session Two: Juicy Joints
![janet doerr - joints](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/06/janet-doerr-joints.jpg)
Identify and release the emotion and stuck energies held in your joints. Receive the deeper messages from your body and expand into a greater version of you. Activate your body’s innate abilities to heal and regenerate healthy joints. Partner with the plant and mineral kingdoms to bring the spring back into your step!
Come Learn:
- The messages your body is holding in your achy joints and how they will help guide you to your brighter future!
- Receive the specific messages your body has for you.
- The 7 ingredients in Janet’s Juicy Joints bedtime snack that will help you rebuild your joints while you sleep!
- The enzyme which lubricates joints and rapidly reduces joint stiffness and discomfort.
- The vegetables you may wish to avoid or limit for greater joint comfort.
- How this specific “body constitution type” can manifest joint discomfort and how to bring this back into balance.
- The foods that light the fire of inflammation in joints.
- Gemstone allies to reduce inflammation and strengthen joints.
- The plants and herbs that helps clear uric acid waste in joints.
- How to work with your body elemental for 24x7 healing and regeneration of your body.
- How to invoke the company of heaven’s assistance to amplify your healing success.
- Listen as Janet conducts an energy process to repair DNA and amplify cartilage and joint healing.
- Listen to callers receiving individual support. (recorded)
Session Three: Restore Your Vision and Hearing while Activating New Powers of Perception
![janet doerr- vision](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/06/janet-doerr-vision.jpg)
![janet doerr - hearing](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/06/janet-doerr-hearing.jpg)
Would you like to have a brand new set of eyes? Get ready to see the world a lot differently! While your physical eyes are being restored, find that you now have much broader vision and new depths and dimensions of perception. Nourish your “new eyes under construction” with the perfect foods, herbs and energies. If your eye sight has not been the best, what is it that you haven’t been willing to see? What is it that you just haven’t been willing to hear?
In this recorded webinar, Janet delves into the emotions and energies that you may be causing your eyesight and hearing to not be their best.
Come Learn:
- The beliefs you hold that may be leaving you stuck with poor vision or hearing. Let’s release them!
- The minerals you need more of if you have vision and hearing issues, and the best ways to get them.
- How Janet healed her night vision (and how you can, too).
- When vision deteriorates, focus internally and provide help for this key organ. Then notice how the eyes heal as the health of this internal organ improves!
- Is that ringing in your ears, and the high-pitched sounds you now perceive, an indication of a health issue? Natural remedies to reduce any discomfort.
- Plant Kingdom allies to prevent or dissolve cataract tissue.
- The three unique berries which repair the physical eye, while opening the third eye.
- Could traumas in a past life be causing you to shut down your vision or hearing? Is there something you just can’t bear to see or hear?
- How to work with the plant and mineral kingdom to clear and prevent eye and ear issues (even in children).
- The gemstones to work with to improve both physical and inner vision and hearing.
- The nutrients to increase in your diet while you are building a brand new set of eyes.
- Janet leads an activation to repair DNA affecting vision and hearing, and activate clairvoyance and clairaudience.
- Listen as Janet takes callers and provides individual support and notice how the questions also provide you with assistance.
Session Four: Restore Your Pearly Whites while Collecting Your Pearls of Wisdom
![janet doerr - perfect smile](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/06/janet-doerr-perfect-smile.jpg)
Release the heavy energies that discourage you from happily biting into life!. Release any anger or tension stored in your jaw, transmuting it back to the light. Learn the natural ways to once again bring the joy of expression back into your life and restore healthy teeth and gums naturally. Strengthen your bones and teeth naturally, preventing or reversing bone loss you may have been told was an “inevitable consequence of aging.”
In this revealing session, Janet provides new insights about how to receive the messages from and heal your teeth and gums.
Come Learn:
- How to work with the energy of the Pearl to heal your teeth and collect the wisdom from your life.
- Let’s get to the root of the matter – uncover the deeply seated energies in unhappy teeth and gums.
- What are receding gums trying to reveal?
- The mouth is an energetic portal. How this awareness can help you avoid taking in other energies which are not in your highest and best good.
- The allies from the plant and mineral kingdom that can heal your gums, restore tooth enamel, and rebuild healthy teeth and jaw bone.
- How a single ingredient in your toothpaste (even your natural one!) may actually prevent your teeth from healing naturally.
- How to avoid this diet mistake which will silently steal minerals from your teeth and jaw.
- The crystals in the mineral kingdom to work with to strengthen your bones and teeth.
Janet leads an energy process to repair and activate DNA to speed mineral reabsorption into teeth, roots, and bone in the mouth, including opening the potential for replacing teeth by growing new ones.
Session Five: Magnificent Moods
![janet doerr - mood](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/06/janet-doerr-mood.jpg)
Disconnect from the energies of despair, giving up, confusion, hopelessness, lack, and depression, and replace them with faith, hope and optimism! Release energies and imprints from ancestors which create a haze in your energy field, preventing light from penetrating your field and brightening your day and spirits. Learn to “hack” the programming in your energetic field. Alter gut microbiome and brain chemistry and hormones to shift your moods and emotions.
In this supportive recorded session, Janet helps you transform your emotional state and moods and give you the tools to help you maintain more positive, upbeat, and optimistic energy.
Come Learn:
- Janet clears your field of any forms of off-planet or on-planet interference or entities, including any programs that may be siphoning off your energy and life force.
- To use the Ancestral Clearing Mp3 in this package to lift off layers of energetic haze and clouds that are preventing the light from brightening your day and your spirits.
- Five flower essences which will revitalize your subtle bodies, providing encouragement, greater ability to focus, boost your self-confidence and help you tap into your higher purpose.
- Information from the company of heaven which will help you maintain greater faith and optimism about the state of the world at this time.
- Ways to activate your gut microbiome to positively alter your emotional state.
- The toxins that are most affecting your happiness and mental clarity and how to safely release them from your brain and body.
- The minerals and nutrients your body needs more of to maintain happy brain chemistry.
- The gemstones and crystals which will lift your spirits, help you focus, and quietly help your body detox.
- How the energy in the water you are drinking may be having major impacts on your emotional state and how to shift that for the better.
- How wearing and eating foods and herbs of a specific color will brighten your energies.
- Gemstone allies which will absorb negative energies in your home or workplace.
- The food seasonings that will boost your self-confidence!
Listen as Janet takes callers from the audience and provides individual support.
Vibrational Energetic Support Package
Your Harmonious Body – MP3 (10 minutes)
![janet doerr - harmonious body](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/06/janet-doerr-harmonious-body.jpg)
This recording supports bringing the body into harmony. Janet invites you and your body and its many systems to come into harmony. This recording is designed to activate the consciousness that will guide balancing and harmonizing the physical body through nutrient intake, release of toxins, and balancing activity, as well as restoring harmony in the energetic, emotional and mental bodies. Best results will be obtained by listening to this recording daily for twenty-one days.
Allow Yourself To Play - MP3 (8 minutes)
![janet swinging](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/06/janet-swinging.jpg)
- There may be nothing more important to healing our bodies than to “lighten up!”
- Listen as you reconnect with the JOY of Play!
- Clear energies, beliefs, and programming you may be holding that stop you from allowing yourself to play.
- Remember that your “work” will be filled with so much more inspiration if you allow yourself to play BEFORE you work!
- Reclaim your JOY and set your inner child free to play!
Soothe Your Central Nervous System - MP3 (14 minutes)
![janet doerr - central nervous system](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/06/janet-doerr-central-nervous-system.jpg)
- Janet brings in energies to soothe and strengthen your central nervous system.
- Relax and enjoy the cooling and calming energies as all nerve fibers receive an energetic upgrade.
The energies on this Mp3 restore the coating on each nerve fiber of the nervous system, called the myelin sheath. The myelin sheath transmits light information throughout the body.
This Mp3 can be listened to while sitting or laying down. It can be played with reduced volume and on loop to support the body at any time nerves feel frayed and calming is desired.
Regenerate and Resurrect your Body - MP3 (3 minutes) & PDF
![janet doerr - love your body](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/06/janet-doerr-love-your-body.jpg)
Listen as Janet guides you through a powerful decree which you can then use to:
- Restore the Divine Blueprints of your vibrantly healthy physical body
- Restore the Divine Blueprints of your etheric body (which may be holding rips, tears, and distortions from your Soul journey over many timelines)
- Restore the Divine Blueprints of your emotional body, returning you to love, harmony and peace
- Restore the Divine Blueprints of your mental body
Print out the PDF to keep a copy of this powerful decree where you can use it once or twice a day, until you have fully restored vibrant health, and a peaceful, neutral, and balanced state of being. Janet guides you to add to the end of the decree the additional wording to set your intention and invoke healing any specific health concerns.
PACKAGE B - Items 3 & 4
Includes All of Package A PLUS
TWO ADDITIONAL Recorded Masterclass Sessions With Janet
For each session, Janet provides:
•Web links to the replays of all five sessions of interactive audio-visual programs
•Downloadable access to the Mp3 audios of each session
•Downloadable PDF of the visuals presented in each session
Session Six: Restore and Revitalize Hair, Skin and Nails!
![janet doerr - hair skin and nails](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/06/janet-doerr-hair-skin-and-nails.jpg)
In this empowering recorded session, you will learn how to turn back the clock of time and regenerate and rejuvenate your hair, skin and nails. Release beliefs systems about how your body will wither and deteriorate with age. Choose and create lush hair, supple skin and strong and healthy nails! Total session is 4 hours in length.
Come Learn:
- Our skin is our energetic boundary with the world. Issues with the skin may mirror issues with our boundaries. Listen as Janet takes callers and helps clear underlying energies.
- To identify where you are allowing anyone or anything to feed on your energy.
- The internal organ to focus on that has the greatest impact on the health of the skin.
- The decree to use to rejuvenate your hair, skin and nails!
- Our skin is the body’s largest organ of elimination. Issues with skin health can give us deeper insights into the state of health, or toxins, that lie within.
- The allies in the plant and mineral kingdoms which will help you restore you restore a full head of hair.
- Thin hair can provide information about toxicity in the brain.
- Safe and effective ways to gently release heavy metals from the body and brain.
- The root cause of nail fungus and how to heal it.
- The unique types of fats and oils our skin and nails will thrive on.
- Restore your natural hair color and say good bye to gray hair!
- A non-toxic hair restoration product while you restore your hair color from the inside out!
- Janet leads an energy process to repair and activate DNA that affects collagen synthesis responsible for hair and nail growth and elasticity in skin tissues.
Session Seven: Learn the Language of the Plant Kingdom -- DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURES
![janet doerr - plant kingdom](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/06/janet-doerr-plant-kingdom.jpg)
This illuminating session will help you awaken your conscious communication with the Plant Kingdom. Come learn how to start noticing the messages of the Plant Kingdom. Learn more about how Nature provides us clues which help us know which plants and herbs are designed to help which parts of our body.
Which are there to help us know how to work with plants and herbs to improve our health. Open up to listening to and learning from the Plant Kingdom.
Come Learn:
- How plants give us clues to what parts of our bodies they are intended to help.
- Which plants will help so many of our small round body parts (our eyes and many glands).
- How my drive by an old orchard brought me powerful insights into how this tree’s nuts can heal chronic fatigue.
- How these fruits and vegetables make it clear that they heal eyes.
- How this tree shows us it doesn’t let anything use its energy and how that can heal us of a troubling condition.
- The tree that sheds its needles in the Fall and how to enjoy its essence. This potent essence helps us shed old views of who we are to allow a new version of ourselves to emerge.
- How these herbs and vegetables show us so clearly they will help us build strong bones.
- Which vegetables contain grounding energies, and support the root chakra.
- How these plants that grow in tough conditions help us tough out our own difficult times.
- How these fruits and vegetables even “bleed” to show us they are good for heart and blood health.
- How the light green color of these plants show us the vital bodily secretion they support.
- Why noting and then eating the foods and herbs that are in season can give us more perfect health.
- Listen to recorded callers and Janet’s intuitive readings and energy support.
PACKAGE B - Item 5
The Fountain of You-th: Reset Your Age - MP3 (12minutes)
Restore your vitality to levels you have dreamed of! Stop the aging process and start youthing!
Release belief systems about aging. Reconnect with the truth that the body is designed to be healthy to 120 years of age. This MP3 is intended to reset your energetic system to increase telomere length, repair damaged DNA, release unhealthy cellular memories, and restore your vitality! Return your body to the state where healing and cellular regeneration occurs.
This recording contains background frequencies from deep within an old-growth grove of redwood trees, some of the longest-lived trees on the planet.
This recording is best used sitting, standing or lying down and may be played on silent or on loop to improve lung function as you sleep.
PACKAGE B - Item 6
Reduced Price Individual Session
Receive a $100 off coupon for a Private Individual session with Janet, off her normal rates (an effective 33% discount). Coupon redeemable with purchase of a one-hour private session when purchased directly from Janet. Coupon is good for 180 days, and has no value unless redeemed.
Includes All of Package A and B PLUS
90-Minute Semi-Private Group Energy Healing Session with Janet Doerr
4 participants per session
Complement this powerful and generous healing package with personal help in a Semi-Private Group Energy Healing session with Medical intuitive and Master Energy Healer, Janet Doerr.
Receive the insights which will help you transform your health or life experiences!
Bring your question or area of focus.
In your semi-private session, Janet will first lead a group energy process of approximately 15 minutes, tailored to the needs of the four participants. Janet will then provide you, and each participant, with individual intuitive support and laser energy healing. (Each person will receive 15 minutes of individual support).
The magic of semi-private group calls is that each attendee receives messages and energy healing from listening to questions and Janet’s work with each of the other attendees. Energy shifts can be remarkable, as groups are guided to come together to maximize the healing for all.
Janet then ends each semi-private group session with a closing energy process.
Semi-private group sessions are held over the phone or Internet Web Call using a conference service. All sessions are recorded and access to the recording is provided following the session.
VALIDITY DATE: The right to receive a semi-private group session under this offer expires five months after date of purchase. If the purchaser has not scheduled and attended their session within 150 days after date of purchase of Package C, the session is forfeited. Please be sure to schedule your semi-private group session to receive the gift of working with Janet!
Special Offer
Package A
~ Session One: Receive the Sacred Gift of a Good Night’s Sleep!
~ Session Two: Juicy Joints
~ Session Three: Restore Your Vision and Hearing while Activating New Powers of Perception.
~ Session Four: Restore Your Pearly Whites while Collecting Your Pearls of Wisdom
~ Session Five: Magnificent Moods
~ Vibrational Energetic Support Package
- Your Harmonious Body – Mp3
- Allow Yourself To Play – Mp3
- Soothe Your Central Nervous System - MP3
- Regenerate and Resurrect your Body – MP3
Total Value: $810
88% Off
Special Offer Price: $97
Package B
All of Package A, PLUS!
~ Session Six: Restore and Revitalize Hair, Skin and Nails!
~ Session Seven: Learn the Language of the Plant Kingdom -- DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURES
~ The Fountain of You-th: Reset Your Age – Mp3
~ Reduced Price Individual Session
Total Value: $1150
87% Off
Special Offer Price: $147
Package C
All of Package A and B, PLUS!
~ 90-Minute Semi-Private Group Energy Healing Session with Janet
Total Value: $1238
82% Off
Special Offer Price: $227
![Rave Reviews](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Rave-Reviews-1.png)
Released ancestral grief and darkness from my lungs and heart
"I would like to thank Janet for the amazing private session. I released so much grief and darkness from my lungs and heart 2 days ago all from my ancestors. I feel so much more empowered and energized. Janet is a Master !!!! I feel like a different person today and yesterday. I have been downloading codes and symbols for the past 2 nights after working with her. I have so much more energy and so look forward to the sessions. I feel she can help so many people. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to share my incredible healing. Blessings."
- Sandra H.
Back Pain Reduced by More Than Half
"My personal reading was amazing. I have had lower back pain for more years than I can count. Finding out that it comes from many past generations of trouble with child bearing from both sides of my family surprised me. I have had my own issues with that. The back pain which has been at a 9 or 10 for as long as I can remember, has been cut to a 4. Bringing in the angels and my guides to help stop this negative progression is life changing."
- JOANN WAGNER, Manitou Springs, Colorado
Grief, Resentment and Suffocation Literally Lifted from Lungs
A whole big chunk of grief, resentment and suffocation was literally lifted from my lungs... I didn't expect such a huge shift!
"I'm very happy to be working with the amazing Janet Doerr! I had my session with her and this came as a big surprise to me: a whole big chunk of grief, resentment and suffocation was literally lifted from my lungs... I didn't expect such a huge shift! Not only was I giggling away (after coughing, crying, blowing my nose, spitting... sorry!) but I noticed I was less out of breath, more willing to move and enjoy my body, and generally in a very uplifted mood even when outward circumstances prove to be challenging: THANK YOU dear Janet!"
- Caroline S., France
A major lawsuit promptly settled in my favor.
"Janet's work is amazing. Following a deep clearing and reset of energies from suffering to blessings, I had a major lawsuit promptly settled in my favor. I am eternally grateful for Janet's wonderful work. Her superlative intuitive skills, grounded in practical wisdom and sensitivity, are the "tops"."
- Karawyn, California
After decades of working on this, I have now been able to hold compassion for (name withheld)
"Dearest Amazing Wonderful Janet, I want to express to you my most loving gratitude for the time you spent with me; as it turned out to be a very key encounter for me. I have shifted, and am more at
peace. I now find things that could be annoying just cause me to shrug. After decades of working on this, I have now been able to hold compassion for (name withheld), and I am so relieved to be able to think of her in this new way. I realize just how profound and resonating your words were about this!!!
Every Blessing and Great Love to you."
- Joie, California
I knew something was wrong with my liver. With Janet’s help, my liver is back on track and functioning properly.
"I was also able to release lots of energy that was blocking my communication with Spirit. I am very grateful!!"
- Mary, San Diego
The swelling of my body went down and the pain in my ankle when way. I was sobbing from the Bliss and gratitude. I already knew at that moment that I was HEALED!
"As an energy healer I've witnessed a lot of miraculous healing of others, but I have never had a chance to experience my own... it was a true miracle for me!!! Working with Janet was gentle yet powerful and full of compassion. She got to the root of the cause, and facilitated an immense shift with ease. I think that anyone who received a session with Janet would be blessed and benefit in many different ways! Regardless in what area you may require help - Physical, mental, or spiritual. Janet would be the right person to work with you!"
- Crystal Randhir Priya Kaur
The information you gave me about my body was spot on!
"What an amazing session I had with you yesterday! I woke up this morning still vibrating from the energies that I received and the information you gave me about my body was spot on. What I love about Janet is that she will guide you through exactly what your body needs to heal itself through her incredible intuitive abilities and guidance from the Archangels as well as your higher-self, guides and Angels. And to top it off, Janet is so kind and loving. When we spoke I felt as if I had known her all my life and we were best friends. We covered so much in so little time from nutritional needs, to past life traumas and healing them and to clearing the root of a current issue my body was going through that is totally gone this morning. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so grateful for having met you. Your gifts and your knowledge are so empowering and truly a blessing to us all. Much love to you."
- Barbara Mitchell
Cleared the blocks in my throat chakra.
"I just had the most amazing and wonderful session with Janet. I feel I've had problems all my life with my throat chakra. I have been aware all of my life that I’ve had great difficulty not being able to form words properly, not wanting to speak up, choking on my words, pronunciation, not being able to say what I feel and not speaking my truth. Janet discovered it was coming from my experiences in my past lives. We worked through it and she cleared the blocks with the help of Archangel Michael. I feel truly blessed and so wonderful right now. I highly recommend having a session with her. She is a gift from God."
- Alexandra
I can now “travel by car without the discomfort and anxiety I had been feeling.
"Our recent session was a great success. It is wonderful to be able to travel by car without the discomfort and anxiety I had been feeling. And where you cleared my throat and my spine, I can now do more on certain yoga poses than before. Chiropractic adjustments for many years didn't do the trick. You are the greatest."
- Carol, New Jersey
Implemented Changes and Felt the Miraculous Benefits
"I am incredibly grateful for your presence in my life. We met through divine synchronistic circumstances and I've not been the same since. Your presence has changed my life and physicality in beautiful ways. I immediately implemented the changes and felt the miraculous benefits. My skin is clearing up and has a new, healthy glow to it. I have lost weight and feel fantastic. My hair is healing itself. Thank you so very much Janet for taking the time to share your amazing intuitive gifts with me. With immense gratitude and love, Jackie."
- Jacqueline Schaeffer
About Janet
![Janet 70 R-cropped-again-Flipped](https://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Janet-70-R-cropped-again-Flipped.jpg)
Janet Doerr is a Medical Intuitive and Master Energy Healer.
Janet uses her multi-dimensional gifts of perception to uncover and then clear the energetic root cause of her client's health issues. Janet works with people in an empowering way to identify the underlying energies which can include suppressed emotion and limiting beliefs, ancestral energies, traumatic experiences in this or other timelines, oaths and vows, and attached entities.
Janet clears discordant energies and restores her client’s Divine Blueprints.
People who work with Janet report rapid shifts in health conditions, reduction in pain, regaining a peaceful state, improvements in relationships, and feeling more empowered.
To achieve these powerful transformations, Janet works with many beings in the non-physical realms including Archangels, Ascended Masters, Goddesses, and Galactics, including the Arcturians and Pleiadians.