Awaken! Dr. Jean Logan’s Special Offer

Potent Healing Energy of Glyphs

Experience Healing For Yourself and Your Pets through Dr. Jean Logan's Powerful Glyphs

Have you ever been sad and depressed?

Are you experiencing pain or dis-ease in any part of your body?

Do you feel you should probably do a detox but don’t know where to start because there are so many different opinions about it?

Have you had any vital organs surgically removed?
Would you like to be empowered to assist your precious pets in having better health, a better emotional state, and in general total Well-Being?

The glyphs work through impulses that are electrical charges. These come from an outside source. The source is the Central Sun. The Central Sun receives the directive from the Glyph which in turn activates a pulsation. This pulsation is emitted on a regular basis as long as the glyph exists. This is why I recommend destroying the glyphs when you are finished with them. This deactivates all impulses. The glyphs should be respected as sacred.

Where do these glyphs come from? Watch this Video to find out!

Glyph Removes Implants (This person works for a big name pharmaceutical)

“I used the implant removal glyph on Alex and my two older sons yesterday. I print a whole sheet for each of them and folded it over their pictures, front and back, and it seems to work very well. I did it at work and left them there overnight when I left. Alex reacted very strongly to this work and last night was rough. I removed the sheet from their pictures this morning and put something else on. I am sitting on the implant glyph right now at work and it seems to be working, as I am starting to feel much better in minutes, like having a very pleasant gentle breeze passing through me. Very good. By the way, I printed two sheets in black and white by accident and they seem to work also. Other healers informed me before that Alex had lots of implants. They became active during the first 3 months of his life and caused severe problems and hindered his growth. I paid one healer tens of thousands to remove them and he said he did. But last night I realized almost none was removed by him. The glyph removed all of them in about 8 hours. (I used my pendulum to check.) I will use this glyph again next week. This is a really powerful glyph. Sometimes ago I removed an implant from my oldest son’s third eye. I tried to teach him meditation but he couldn’t do it because he would get very bad headaches when doing it. So I tried to remove whatever was in there one day and it took me a whole hour to do it and it almost knocked me unconscious during the process. I purchased the “Unlocking” ebook again yesterday so I can print as many sheets as I need to. I will save my hard copy book. Keep up the good work! I am very grateful.”

Best regards,

~JW (Alex has Cystic Fibrosis)

These glyphs will lift that veil of why you are here and the answer will come shining through. Plus, hundreds of people and their animals using these glyphs have received healing on many different levels.

These glyphs have been given to us by the Divine in order to speed our transition into the next dimension. They are empowered in a sacred ceremony with the support of the company of heaven to assist in energizing them.

Ten years ago I did not know what my purpose was. I was overwhelmed by fear and depression. Then I was guided to create these symbols that literally pulled the sadness of fear right out of my body. The more I used them the better I felt. Suddenly, it was like the door opened and the light came on. I suddenly knew exactly what my purpose is. This was the greatest feeling in the world.

Since then I’ve been inspired to write four books which have assisted people around the world in healing themselves and their animals!

These four books provide a comprehensive methodology to restore balance and wholeness to your mind and body and our planet, easily and inexpensively.

Unlocking the Power of Glyphs

One of the most unusual books ever written, this is a collection of remarkable small drawings called glyphs that are Divinely guided and empowered by the company of heaven and energy from the Central Sun combined with prayers, intentions and blessings that have a strong healing ability. Many of the glyphs are capable of drawing out negative emotions that hold people back from achieving their goals, while others can transmute toxic matter from the body to Light. Other glyphs can transmute pathogens, heal damaged nerve bundles, and speed the healing of damaged tissue. Some glyphs also remove fear, anger, sadness, depression, and heartache. There is also a glyph that will remove toxic matter from the body easily while you sleep, including heavy metals and all chemicals. There are glyphs to repair damaged nerves, heal injuries and remove blocks to your abundance.

Sacred Symbols of Light

A manual containing 34 empowered symbols that can: resolve malignancies, restore organs and glands that are diseased, resolve eye diseases, regenerate bone and cartilage loss, remove harmful vaccinations and repair their damage, remove etheric implants, resolve neurological problems, remove stagnant lymph, remove toxic matter from the body including kidney stones, healing for the heart and lungs. There are glyphs that will heal the female and male reproductive systems and provide the codes and keys for restoring surgically removed organs. It also contains instructions in using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

Symbols of the Dawn

Contains symbols that provide powerful scalar energy healing, sacred healing codes, repel negative influences, healing the appendix, purify water, Akashic Record assistance, colon cleanse, regeneration, remove diabetic markers, heal brain injuries and deficiencies, restore collagen to facial tissues, heal dental issues and many glyphs to resolve issues we deal with in regards to the insect world. There’s a glyph to help us clean and heal the earth and waters of the earth.

Sacred Symbols of the New Age

Contains symbols that provide: Remove Nano Technology, Resolve All Viruses, DNA Modification, Morning After, Remove Tattoos and Scars, Repair Mercury Damage, Repair Lead Damage Flowing Fascia, Remove Trauma and Shock, Diuretic, Blood Purification, Resolve Tinnitus, Disable Tracking Devices, Resolve Hip Dysplasia, Repel Spiders Nutritional Balance, Remove Blocks to Enlightenment, Balance of the 5 Chinese Elements and more.

Glyph Resolves Rotator Cuff Injury

“I have been blessed by God after using your healing glyphs for a number of ailments. In particular, I used the Cellular Repair glyph to treat my rotator cuff injury… I injured my rotator cuff while lifting two really heavy boxes of paper at work. After a bit of research, I determined that ligaments and tendons, in general, were related to the root chakra. So, I actually used the Cellular Repair near my root chakra, at the base of my spine. Since the root chakra governs physical energies, and mine were nearing complete depletion from working 12+ hour days - sometimes 6 days a week, I believe that my rotator cuff injury was a warning that I was over-doing it; but it also gave me an opportunity to regain some much-needed balance in my life. In order to recover, I was advised to stay at home and rest, which ended up being about six-weeks; but even after my doctor released me to return to work, I still had pain and I did not have my full range of motion in the affected area. And then it occurred to me, after a particularly dissatisfying physical therapy session in which I performed most of my exercises without any supervision that I should use the Cellular Repair glyph: After treating it overnight, the pain was gone and my full range of motion had returned. It was so miraculous that my physical therapists thought I faked my injury - or so it seemed. And I had no doubt that, by the grace of God, it would heal me. My spiritual healer, Sakara Kamillisa, recommended that I use the glyphs to address parasites that she sensed in my brain and other areas. After treating with the Parasites glyph for the prescribed time, the parasites were gone. I have shared my story with a number of others, encouraging them to make a donation and try the healing power for themselves. Thank you so very much for all the work that you have done and continue to do.”

~ Tifarah Thomas

Dr. Jean’s books contain glyphs that can apply to your animals’ health:

These are found in Book 1: “Unlocking the Power of Glyphs”

✨Kidney and liver problems
#4 Detoxification, #15 Parasites
All rescue animals
#18 Heartache, #5 Fear, #13 Sadness
All pets and children - #9 chakras
Quarreling among pets or children
#5 Fear, #6 Resentment Anger #46 Love
Minor Injury, burns or blisters
#73 Cellular Regeneration
Fear, Sadness, Heartache, Guilt, Love
Nightmares and Insomnia
Fear, Guilt, Heartache, Anxiety and Ancestry issues
Fear of thunderstorms - Fear and Anxiety
Detoxification and Antibacterial glyphs
Fever - Antibacterial glyphs

Several Books:

Seizures, Older dogs with dementia, Detoxification, Neurological Healing and Brain Injury on Crown, Nerve Damage, Brain Injury
Book 1 - Neurological Healing, Book 2 - "Sacred Symbols of Light" and Brain Injury, Book 3 - "Symbols of the Dawn", Book 4 - "Sacred Symbols of the New Age"

Animal Testimonials

Seizures Eliminated!

"Homer, a 75 pound pit-bull/boxer mix began exhibiting seizures in at 2 years of age. We ran to the E.R. at one in the morning where he had 3 seizures in a row and each one was more unbearable to witness. We learned that any choice of medication conventional or holistic wasn't going to eliminate the seizures but merely prolong the episodes in between. Feeling desperate…I reached out to Dr. Jean as I had read about the use of healing glyphs for a dog experiencing seizures. It has now been 8 weeks to date, the longest ever, Homer has been seizure free! I can see how it could be hard to believe that the glyphs work because of how effortless the application is."

My cat is doing well after being paralyzed from a heart attack

“A year and a half ago my cat Merlin was left paralized following a heart attack and we had a 30 min session. I bought the 3 books and used the glyphs... Normally they put the animals to sleep as the vets do not think that the cats will survive. I still have a teddy bear carrying the glyphs for him and he is doing well. Thank you Jean!

Glyph saves dog from being put to sleep

"My friend, Janice, was very distressed late one evening because her beloved dog, Abby, was in pain and unable to lie down, eat or do anything other than stand next to her and shake. She had decided to take her to the vet in the morning with the realization that Abby would likely have to be put to sleep as it appeared Abby had a kidney disease. She placed a block of the appropriate glyphs on Abby and one under Abby after getting her to lie down. Janice also put a few drops of Peace & Calming Essential oil blend on the pads of Abby's paws. After about an hour, Abby got up and went in the kitchen to drink water; her tail was up and perky again after being droopy and tucked under her body. When she woke up in the morning after a night with the glyphs, Abby returned to normal eating and drinking. She was fine and able to go out for a walk. That night I tested Abby using my pendulum and found there were parasites in the kidney area. Janice began working with the Parasite Glyph and amusingly, Abby began administering her own program as she would lie on the glyph for a half an hour and then move to another spot. Soon she would return to the glyph and this pattern persisted for the evening. Two weeks later, Abby is still fine, but the glyph is still in her doggie bed. still."

~Sakara Kemilla

What People are Saying

Man gets Relief from Pain

"I have a friend in northern Virginia who is very overweight and needs hip surgery but they won’t do it because of his weight and he was suffering from a lot of pain to walk. I sent him a glyph (Glyph 73 - Cellular Repair) and he could not believe the relief it gave him! ~ Sakara (USA )

Severe Panic Attacks

"I have severe panic attacks and the healing glyphs have helped me. I really think they are amazing and I appreciate what you do." ~ Marisa (Canada )

Glyph Restores Man's Virility

I have just recently been introduced to Jean Logan's book, Unlocking the Power of Glyphs. Having never heard of this modality of healing before, I quickly scanned through the book checking out all the different purposes for which the glyphs can be used. One in particular really "jumped out" at me, which was titled Repair Damaged Nerves. I had felt for years that I had possibly done nerve damage due to past substance abuse, namely crystal methamphetamine and cocaine, the aftermath of which left me severely unable to focus, and it took a couple years and much energy work to come out of anxiety mode. I worried about almost everything and generally had trouble just keeping on top of my game in life.

I put the glyph above my eyebrows, which is the third eye chakra, read the affirmation for this glyph and laid back for about 15 minutes. I could feel lots of intense energy as if a loving hand was holding the glyph down. After about 15 minutes I got up as it was the middle of the day and I had an on-line class to attend. I immediately was aware that I had energy but it was a calm, focused energy which I rarely had felt before trying the glyph. I found that I was alert but calm throughout the class, and then this feeling maintained until I went to bed.

I slept very well that night and was completely relaxed. The next morning I woke up feeling really good and well rested. I got up and looked at the clock thinking I had overslept. It was an hour earlier than I normally get up. I felt so good I stayed up! Then something happened that was totally unexpected, and I was not looking for this to happen. I got fiercely sexually aroused. I had not felt this way since pre-meth days, and I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I had killed my sex drive by using meth. It was back all the way. I felt like a 20-year-old again. When I did finally have an orgasm I felt it through every fiber of my being! And you know how they say, the proof is in the pudding, well, I rest my case.

I have done what I consider to be a lot of spiritual and energy work. I consider the result I got from this first glyph that I used to be one of the most dramatic and powerful results of any modality thus tried. The glyphs do exactly what it says it does. I have used other glyphs and have had equally powerful if not more powerful results which I will also write about.

To Jean, thank you for bringing this to our world when we need it most. You are truly an instrument of Thy peace.

~ Dave (Miami, FL - USA

Package A

~ Four Powerful Healing Manuals as eBooks:
- Unlocking the Power of Glyphs
- Sacred Symbols of Light
- Symbols of the Dawn

- Sacred Symbols of the New Age

~ PLUS: Sacred Symbol of Mu eBook
- This is a Complementary download of the Sacred Symbols of Mu, a digital book of Symbols and a story about the ancient civilization of Mu, a continent that existed in the Pacific thousands of years ago. This book was written by Col. James Churchward.

Normally valued at $155.00

30% OFF

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


*No Refund Policy.

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(Includes Package A)

Programming Statements

The glyphs are programmed like computer programs. The programming statements, approximately 135, are texts that are used in the creation of the glyphs. These statements are offered to assist healers and persons who workshop the glyphs to provide them with additional information in their work of teaching others. There are many modifications made during the creation and upgrading of the Holy Ground Farm Glyph Gallery so there may be insignificant differences in the programming statements and the books.

Here is an example of one of the Special Instruction Programming Statements:

Programming Statement for Glyph #2 Trust

Immediately remove from the DNA and cellular memory any essence of fear of the unknown or fear of the future from the body and the aura. Remove from the DNA and cellular memory any and all criticism, given or received and complaining and its residual effects. Remove from the DNA and cellular memory feelings of “I am not good enough”, “I can’t”, “I want to die” and any essence of self hatred and judgement. Transition to Light any essence or thought forms, entities or demons involving the lack of self worth or any other negative perception of self from the body and the auric field, clearing any blockages of body, mind and soul. Employ the frequency of “I am perfect the way I am”, “I can do anything,” self confidence and trust in God and the Divine Plan and the frequency of patience. Incorporate the violet flame of St Germain to assist the user in transformation, releasing blocks and establishing trust. Balance the energies of the right and left hemisphere of the brain. Incorporate all intrinsic cellular systems to adjust to new frequencies. Establish a self renewing protective shield around the individual.

An Hour Consultation that can be divided up into two 30 minute sessions.

Jean has a PhD in Nutrition and has years of experience in healing and Spiritual and Nutritional Counseling, and Assistance with the Glyphs.

This gives you the opportunity to have assistance on a wide range of varied subjects. Consultation can be split into two 30 minute sessions.

Package B

(Includes Package A)

~ Programming Statements

~ An Hour Consultation that can be divided up into two 30 minute sessions.

Normally valued at $495.00

58% OFF

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


*No Refund Policy.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

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* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Monies received are sent directly to Dr. Jean Logan’s Holy Ground Farm charity for children. No refunds because of digital nature.

100% of Dr. Jean Logan's proceeds go to the benefit her non-profit Holy Ground Farm which supports indigenous children in third world countries.

Special Offer

Package A

~ Four Powerful Healing Manuals as eBooks:
- Unlocking the Power of Glyphs
- Sacred Symbols of Light
- Symbols of the Dawn

- Sacred Symbols of the New Age

~ PLUS: Sacred Symbol of Mu eBook

Normally valued at $155.00

30% OFF

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


*No Refund Policy.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Package B

(Includes Package A)

~ Programming Statements

~ 1 Hour Consultation

Normally valued at $495.00

58% OFF

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:


*No Refund Policy.

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Antibacterial Glyphs Eliminate Discomfort of Infection

“I recently tried the anti-bacterial because I had an infection (sweat glands) and had to take pretty strong antibiotics. I was recommended to drink 14 of them for 7 days (or just once a day if I experienced any side effects from the antibio). Yesterday was supposed to be just my third time to take meds. What I did instead was to lay my hands on the antibacterial glyphs for ten minutes after saying the affirmation. The swollen area has now shrunk considerably and it's not even painful anymore (!!)”

- Nadine (PHL)

Power of the Abundance Glyph

“When I dowse to see what glyph to use - which is the only way I choose glyphs - and I am told to wear the abundance glyph, marvelous events occur. New clients, new opportunities, and my husband got a raise and his company said that they weren't giving out raises this year again (it has been 3 years since anyone has received a raise.) We live totally in the mindset of abundance so that to my mind isn't an issue for us, but it has really been fun to have these new channels emerge. I have had a very profound "glyph moment" using the cellular repair glyph. I had a clearing of sadness and grief through the use of this glyph. I think that it is through the encoding of healing the affliction, that cleared this for me. I have been carrying this for ten years now, and I know it is gone. Thank you so much!

- Barbara (USA)

Glyph Eliminates Eye Problem

“I had a terrible itching on the lower eyelid of my right eye. It was crying (tearing) and would not stop. We put some glyphs (Detoxification #4) on the front (shinbone) of my leg. In a few minutes the itching and crying stopped. I would like to study about this.

- Patricia Marquez (Cowee, NC - US)

Gallbladder Problems

For a few weeks I had been noticing some discomfort in my gallbladder area, which I ignored. Recently the discomfort became more intense. I was determined no doctor would be cutting me open to remove my gallbladder. I used a glyph (Glyph 32 - Stomach, Liver, and Gallbladder) from "Sacred Symbols of Light" programmed to dissolve stones in the gallbladder and promote healing. I placed a row of these glyphs under my rib cage on the right side along with a row of glyphs to transition bacteria (Glyph 10 - Bacterial or Viral Infection). For good measure I added a row of glyphs (Glyph 69 - Malignant Growths) to resolve any malignancy. I felt a strong reaction to all of these but was able to sleep through the night. The next morning I felt about 80% better. I continued to use these glyphs omitting the malignancy one after a couple of days. It is now a week later and I noticed at least a 95% improvement. As dissolving the stones may take some time I will continue to use the gallbladder glyph.


Glyphs Brought Healing and Relief from Chronic Pain

I have had long term chronic back pain and sciatica, and for the past year and a half some horrible frightening zapping feelings going on in my arms and hands. I am told it is due to pinched nerves in my upper back. Chiropractic adjustments have not really helped for more than a day or so, but I can say with confidence that since I started using the glyphs for resolving nerve damage and vertebrae support, I have experienced at least a 70% reduction in pain and hip instability, and at least an 85% reduction in the zapping feelings. I spend much less time laying down, and have resumed some "normal" activities and even some minor housecleaning. I am so very thankful that you had Jean on the first Online Healing Retreat - as I had started to lose hope that my body would ever function normally again. (And yes, I used all the emotional healing glyphs first before I started doing the detox glyphs, and then the structural related glyphs.) I will be keeping on with the nerve damage and vertebrae support glyphs, and will add others over time. (In the beginning I could only use them for about 15 minutes, but can now leave them on all day.) Bless you Jean for bringing the glyphs into being.

- Evelyn Brown (Canada)

Excellent Healing Book

“I heard Jean on a telesummit call a few weeks ago. I bought her package which consisted of a couple of her books and a few other things. I downloaded this book and began looking at all of the glyphs. I emailed her a few minutes later asking her for her guidance as to which to do first. I had a list of 11 ailments. About 10 minutes later Jean emailed me back telling me to use the Unlocking the Power of the Glyphs book first. She told me to use the emotional glyphs. All of my physical stuff came from emotional resistance and blocks. I thanked her and after 5 minutes, I got another email advising me to use the Entity Removal Glyph first and Jean said right away. She must have been dowsing on my behalf to help me. As I was cutting the glyph sheet, my cat ran over to me and sniffed the page like it was catnip. I put one on my solar plexus and another on my navel. Within 30 seconds I could feel things move inside of me. My head felt like it was heavy on one side. It stayed like that for a few minutes. My throat was throbbing. My stomach was doing flips. I couldn't believe all of the energy that was shifting. It was pretty incredible. It wasn't scary, let me just make that clear. I was just observing the energy in a very curious way. It did eventually stop. I have been wearing them consistently for a week now. I feel a little better every day. It's not like it was a Boom and my life suddenly got 100% better. Jean even said that the glyphs heal in the length of time that they will. It could be a minute or a month. I have also added the fear glyph and a few others. I wear them on my third eye, my heart chakra, solar plexus and navel, but only when I sleep. I did have a sinus headache the other day and I put the headache glyph on my third eye. I didn't feel anything. After a half an hour, my headache didn't budge. So I remembered that Jean said that there's always an emotional link to every physical pain we have. My headaches feel like pressure. Specifically pressure to be perfect. Not being perfect creates fear. So I added the fear glyph to the headache one and literally within another half hour the headache lifted. Pretty amazing stuff. Don't be disappointed if you don't feel anything. You may not. I probably could use 65% of the glyphs. But I'm trying to just take my time and use specific ones that I feel like I need to heal and clear first.

- Judy Pudy (USA)

About Dr. Jean Logan

Dr. Logan is an Earth Ambassador, an ordained minister, has a doctorate in Nutritional Healing and has an extensive knowledge of many types of alternative healing. As a conscious channel of Light for over fifteen years, Dr. Jean Logan receives symbols and codes from the Divine that have amazing energy that can transform health, life and well-being!!!

She is the author of “Unlocking the Power of Glyphs,” “Sacred Symbols of Light,” “Symbols of the Dawn,” and "Sacred Symbols of the New Age." Her books are now in over 90 countries of the world. She is director of Holy Ground Farm, a non profit that provides assistance to homeless children through the sales of her books.

Holy Ground Farm has 58 acres of donated land in the mountains of western North Carolina that is intended for the home of a wellness and education center for children.