How to Request a Successful Divine Healing Intervention
Lightworker Healing Protocol

Our divinely guided comprehensive Protocol addresses every potential source of human negativity. Whether you are living a charmed life or struggling with a life challenge, emotional problem, or physical illness, we can tell you that the average person has lived 423 lifetimes, many of them tragic. Creator’s plan for humanity to advance requires us to heal our past karmic wounds and traumas. You need to ensure this happens.
Our comprehensive Protocol addresses all sources of negativity as we work with Creator directly, to bring healing for people, animals, spirits and locations anywhere on the planet:
Spirit Removal
Past and Future Parallel Life Karmic Repair Included
Psychic Attack Removal Included
Soul Retrieval Included
Advanced Divine Healing Included
Protection Tools Included

Lightworker Healing Protocol Attributes and Capabilities
- The LHP is comprehensive, and the specificity of its requests to the divine, empower the reach of the individual far beyond what is accomplished through ordinary prayer work.
- The LHP is applied again and again in perpetuity, including future reincarnations, to not only speed healing of existing problems, but act as a powerful preventive intervention to forestall many adverse karmic consequences in the making.
- The LHP pools the intentions of all practitioners doing sessions in the past, present, and future timelines to provide leveraging.
- The LHP requests transmutation of all sources of negativity to provide an equivalent benevolent energy for healing to allow more effective guidance for the divine healing team.
- The LHP requests retrocausal healing be applied to all issues and negative consequences as a source of proactive intervention to launch healing early on all timelines.
- The LHP effectively rescues earthbound spirits to return them safely to the light.
- The LHP is an insurance policy to ensure safe return to the light in between physical incarnations to avoid becoming trapped in the lower astral plane as an earthbound spirit.
- The LHP provides healing for nonhuman interlopers, including dark spirits and extraterrestrials, to save humanity from their corruption and worsening attacks.
- The LHP provides grounding to the earth energies, a balancing of the body energy centers (chakras) and a repaired connection to Creator’s plan (sometimes called a light body activation).
- The LHP repairs deep karmic wounds, which are the source of 94% of physical illnesses.
- The LHP removes all types of attachments: human earthbound spirits, fallen angelic spirits, extraterrestrial earthbound spirits, and the consciousness from extragalactic and interdimensional intruders.
- The LHP can repair and remove the causes and symptoms of severe mental illness.
- The LHP brings healing for all life forms in the earth plane.
- The LHP brings healing for all of Gaia, the sun, and the solar system on whom human life depends.
- The LHP corrects and removes subconscious programming from many sources of consciousness.
- The LHP can remove and repair harmful cellular memory that perpetuates human problems.
- The LHP heals and protects against many sources of negative environmental influences in air, food, and water.
- The LHP protects against many harmful technological devices and energies undermining human health, from both human and extraterrestrial sources.
- The LHP removes harmful energies from food, makes up for what is lacking, and removes what is present in excess to provide a healthy nutritional balance, and heals prior consequences of imbalance.
- The LHP removes the consequences of and protects against ordinary and high-level psychic attacks from the self and external sources.
- The LHP removes and heals negative energetic cordings and dissolves negative karmic contracts across all time domains to heal traumatic events.
- The LHP removes and replaces extra and missing soul fragments, and does soul repair and restoration.
- The LHP does comprehensive Soul Matrix Healing across time to heal the past lives, present incarnation, and future lifetimes and all their future extensions by repairing the effects of all possible negative influences from multiple categories of sources, including all beings of outside consciousness, and all environmental influences.
- The LHP applies sophisticated quantum healing to pool the intentions and healing outcomes of multiple sessions by multiple practitioners across all time domains to greatly extend the outcomes.
- The LHP provides protection across time domains to improve all that is ongoing in parallel lifetimes to reduce negative influences and their consequences.
- The LHP invokes healing by all divine beings in the light to work alongside humans in common cause for saving and healing humanity.
- The LHP works to heal the connection to the higher self as well as the deep subconscious to restore humans to normal functioning as intended by the Creator.
- The LHP works to provide healing of genetic distortion from all causes.
- The LHP provides direct healing for the personal thought plane, the akashic records of animals, humans, and extraterrestrials, and the collective unconscious of humans and extraterrestrials.\
- The LHP coordinates the client’s spirit team, including their higher self, to be proactive in giving guidance, support, healing, and protection on an ongoing basis.
Special Offer

Remote Session Stops Voices Woman Heard for Ten Years
“Just an email to thank you so much for what you have done for me. After searching online I found your site and I can honestly say it has saved my life. For the last ten years I have been hearing negative voices and my head has been full of negative thoughts. I contacted you in March and you did a remote spirit removal on myself.
I have had many people do this before, but the voices have always come back after a few days or weeks. We are now 2 months down the line and I have not heard a single thing. My mood is happier and I am more positive. I have even stopped three of my psychiatric medications.
I have tried many approaches in the past such as therapy, medication, hypnotherapy, NLP, and I have even been on a psychiatric ward. I can honestly say you have given me my life back and I am so thankful that I found you.
Thanks again to you and your team, you do fantastic genuine work and are very professional. Kind regards…”
- [Name withheld]
Man’s Sex Addiction Just Stops
“I’d like to take a few minutes and thank you for the remote healing and its results. What I have noticed is that I’m able to step away from the things that I’ve been wanting to break away from and couldn’t. Whew…
I’ve been a practicing homosexual for 16 years now and a daily marijuana smoker for just a little longer. My concerns that brought me to you were that my sexual urges resulted in a staggering amount of anonymous sexual partners over the years. I’ve known that the choices I’ve made were not wise but I couldn’t stop no matter how much I tried. It was as if I had to, at any cost, cruise on the internet, bathhouses, and bars to find the next man I’d sleep with. Not healthy because after sex I felt empty and depressed, only looking for more.
The crazy thing was, that I doped myself up constantly with marijuana to cushion the void I felt.
All that came to a screeching halt after your session. It’s been 2 months and I haven’t felt the urges. I’m not saying I’m not gay anymore. Finally though, I could take a step back and assess what I could do, to attain a healthy relationship and express myself sexually with a loving partner, something that’s been seemingly unattainable to me for many years.”
- [Name withheld.]
Mother Reports Her Son Helped by Spirit Removal and Karmic Repair
“I don’t know how to express my gratitude for what you did for my son. I am not even sure what you did, but I do know my boy is better and not being guided by a dark force that could have ultimately killed him. You saved his life.
My son, who was adopted from a foreign country, was suffering greatly. He was in tremendous emotional pain, prone to rages and self-injury. My friend, Dr. [name withheld], saw this and asked if she could help. Over the course of several months he improved, but not completely.
The doctor believed he was carrying an entity from his past that was causing some of his destructive behavior. She asked you to help. Without knowing she did this, one afternoon I saw a tremendous change in my son. He was lying on his bed partially asleep. He woke when he heard me, and said, “come lie beside me.” He had never asked for any type of physical contact from me before. I rested next to him, and he fell back to sleep.
The next day we visited [the therapist]. My son said, “I feel like a part of me is gone…I’m calmer but feel weird..like I don’t know what to do and how to behave!”…he was very puzzled. He also recounted a similar feeling to me that he had lost something that had been telling him what to do.
Since that day, my son has not been the same angry boy. He is more able to control himself, and has found his true self, the self that allows love and trust. He no longer speaks of a missing part of himself. For this, I will be eternally grateful. My boy is finally home.”
- [Name withheld.]
Migraine Sufferer Who Tried Everything Finds Relief
“I want to thank you and the divine team for the clearings and healing that I have experienced with your work. I have suffered with headaches all my life and for the last 10 years those headaches have turned into full blown migraines. When a dear friend introduced to me your work I was at my wits end with suffering every 2-3 days with migraines. I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars for years with trying out every treatment or program imaginable: Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, elimination diet, Reiki, Cranial Sacral, NAET Therapy, Chiropractic, herbal supplements, Homeopaths, Chelation therapy, prescriptions, jaw realignment, and many more, to no avail. These therapies, although great in their own nature did not help me to eliminate the cause of the migraine cycles.
I’m a Holistic Health Practitioner so my first choice was to go a natural route and when that didn’t work after 3 years I decided to start taking the prescriptions to help with pain. When I read about you and the divine healing work on your website I knew this was something I was being led to and needed to experience. After one session of remote spiritual healing with the Lightworker Healing Protocol I was able to go 2 weeks without a migraine or any symptoms. I finally had a migraine but it was different in nature and only lasted a day, not 2-4 days as it had been. Then I went another 17 days before another migraine cycle came on, triggered by severe allergies.
This is such a VAST improvement that I have been in a constant state of GRATITUDE every day since that first session. To get this kind of relief is a Miracle and Godsend and I will continue to work with you ‘til I’m completely healed of these migraines. If you’re a headache/migraine sufferer who is reading this, I would ask you to please consider this work because I’m happier and I have my life back and I can travel again without the fear and anticipation of another cycle coming on. THANK YOU again,”
- [Name withheld.]
Woman’s Insomnia and Incontinence Just Stop
“For those who are leery, I suggest taking a leap of faith. You were recommended to me by my internist (which in itself was interesting). Being so troubled with many issues I decided to move forward since I felt stuck with nowhere to go.
You provided a remote healing which literally changed my life in the most positive manner. I found myself with additional questions and wanting more, so I met you in person, which was phenomenal.
You were very kind, gentle, and did not pass judgment. As a result, my daily thoughts have changed and I continue to heal. It truly has been a life changing experience. Therefore, I strongly advise anyone taking that leap of faith, you won’t regret it.
- [Name withheld.]
Woman Reports Son’s Night Terrors Gone
“You helped my family in more ways than I can express. The horrific night terrors that my 7 year old son had experienced off and on and then increased to 14 days straight, stopped within 24 hours of the session and haven’t returned.
My whole family ended up having sessions that, so to speak “pulled the pieces of the puzzle together” for us. It also started my journey learning ThetaHealing.
You have an exceptional compassion for children and their issues, and took an incredible amount of time discussing potential solutions. Would highly recommend having a session.”
- [Name withheld.]
Mother Reports Teen Improved
“You did a remote healing for my 16 year old son who has struggled with controlling his anger, learning to self-soothe, and has had many issues with authority, including engaging in retail theft. These behaviors affected his ability to make friends, feel good about himself, get good grades, etc.
In the last year, my son entered a residential treatment program to help with these issues. In this program, behaviors are scored and the boys earn a level each day that allows them certain privileges. The levels are Bronze, Silver and Gold (Gold being the highest level).
During the first seven months in the program, my son averaged about 7 Gold and Silver days a month. The first full month after you did the remote healing for my son, he earned 28 Gold and Silver days. He’s kept up the improved behavior and his treatment program has begun to talk and plan for his return home. He seems ‘lighter’ and happier.
My son now handles conflict in very mature, appropriate ways that allow him to experience so many more positive moments throughout the day, and shows an increase in both confidence and self-esteem. For example, my son always refused to join any sports teams because he was worried about what others would say or do if he made a mistake. Now he’s on the school’s soccer team and loving it (this occurred about a month after the healing)!
The treatment program that my son is in had been helping him respond more respectfully to authority, but this journey has been slow. After the healing, it was like my son suddenly ‘got it’ – like he suddenly understood how much easier life can be when he is respectful.
After reading the report sent from you and having a few months to monitor my son’s changes, I have come to the conclusion that what I am now seeing is ‘just my son’ without all the extra emotional and spirit baggage that he had. It is so wonderful to see his real personality and soul shine through on a daily basis (they were always there – it was just that often, they were overshadowed by ‘stuff’).
I believe that the remote healing was integral to this process as what it removed, spirits, negative energy, what have you, allowed for his true self to emerge. I am eternally grateful.”
- [Name withheld.]
Daughter’s Depression Resolves
“Following is my statement of your spirit clearing on my daughter: She suffered from depression (diagnosed) for about 5 years, and several years prior to that which went undiagnosed. Starting in the 6th grade she slowly removed herself from most of her friends, fun activities and her zest for life diminished.
By the time she was 13 she battled regular thoughts of suicide and we sought medical/psychological treatment. Unfortunately, this was just a temporary band aid. Even with medication and support she was uninterested in life.
After my life-changing session with you in January 2014, I realized my daughter may also be suffering from a serious negative energy. About two weeks after your clearing I started to notice changes; she smiled a bit more, came out of her room more and seemed to enjoy little things again. It’s now been seven months and I am so ecstatic to say, she has not had any bouts of suicidal thoughts, is dating a very nice young man, looking forward to college next fall, has a part-time job, is getting good grades and taking part in her wonderful life!!! THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY DAUGHTER’S LIFE!”
- [Name withheld.]
Autonomic Disorder Resolves (POTS)
"My daughter was diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) shortly after having a Cardiac Ablation for Supra Ventricular Tachycardia (SVT). The formal diagnosis was given just a couple months later.
My daughter’s early symptoms were, stomach aches, headaches, “purple/blue” feet, racing heart, chest pains and constant (literally every waking moment) lightheadedness. The stomach aches went away early in the experience, the headaches shortly after that, but the one trouble that never showed any improvement at all was the lightheadedness.
She would suffer what we referred to as “episodes”. These were the times that she would nearly collapse due to the arteries in her legs not closing upon standing. Sometimes she did collapse because it came on so strong and suddenly. She would need to leave school and come home to sleep for several hours to recover. These episodes reduced in frequency and intensity over time, but hadn’t stopped completely.
As a high school student at the top of her class and impressive goals of becoming a Ph.D., it was a race to heal her body completely so that she could go away for her college education.
I believe you are familiar with this diagnosis and therefore would like to end this note of gratitude explaining that the day you did the “soul clearing” for my daughter was the last day of her symptoms…the lightheadedness stopped like a light switch. This was 1 year and 6 days after her diagnosis, she is fully recovered. Forever Grateful."
- [Name withheld.]
Mother Reports Her Daughter’s Relationship Problem Solved
"A friend told me about the healing work that you are doing and highly recommended you. For me, knowing you are a scientist, don’t take anything at face value and are compelled to find information supporting any theory – even before accepting it as a “maybe” – gave me confidence to request help for my daughter. I was worried because she was stuck in an old relationship and wouldn’t move on. Your remote work gave me encouragement you could help even someone who won’t listen or cooperate.
The following week I received a message that her scan had been completed. The very next day my daughter called me – very excited to relate her big “aha!” I was thrilled when she told me that three days before she had suddenly realized she was wasting her life wishing something would change with her “ex” and it was time to kick him to the curb and get on with her life!
Then I realized…her aha came to her at the exact time of her clearing!! Within 6 weeks afterward, she met someone who is a perfect match and she is so happy now. He adores her and treats her how she deserves to be treated.
I’m very grateful for your help. I just wanted my daughter to be happy!"
- [Name withheld.]
About Karl

Karl Mollison is the Founder and Director of Get Wisdom, a divinely guided outreach to
save and heal humanity. Through his research as a psychic medium, clairvoyant, and
channeler of Creator of All That Is, he devised the Lightworker Healing Protocol for
remote healing, karmic repair, and clearing of negative influences of all kinds from
people, locations, and companion animals. The Protocol can also rescue human
earthbound spirits through a return to the light. His breakthrough techniques allow life-
transforming divine intervention across timelines to heal the past, present and future.
Karl started his career as a research scientist, inventor, and author of over 100 published abstracts and peer-reviewed scientific articles. He holds six U.S. patents for drugs and medical devices. On his current spiritual path, he has studied shamanic healing and trained extensively in a variety of energetic healing modalities. He is a certified DNA ThetaHealing™ practitioner and instructor, is certified in Holographic Memory Resolution™and is Board Certified as a Consulting Hypnotist with extensive training in a wide array of clinical applications.
He can be contacted at www.GetWisdom.com.