Fall – Winter Series | 2023-2024 | Riana’s Special Offer

Resurgence – your Greatest Embodiment

Join Riana Arendse for an Immersive, Intensive and Magical Online Spiritual Initiation and Resurgence

Are you ready to anchor and integrate a new reality?
A new state of embodiment?

Join Globally Recognized Spiritual Leader & Mystic Riana Arendse for her upcoming Masterful online program: Resurgence 2024 

This course is prerecorded.

Begin the next chapter of your life aligned to your Souls greatest dream, be initiated into your Greatest embodiment yet.

This program as an initiation into YOUR NEW and is all about anchoring in your greatest embodiment, through your state of consciousness, expression, your service and your healing.

The question remains as you step into this highly conscious Source container; how much will you ALLOW? For the energies for you beloved is ripe and overflows with abundance in all forms.

The culmination of previous programs and courses has taken you through various masterful healing journeys and has led up to this point. A point on your journey where the fruits of your labour can now be realized more than ever before. Why? Because if you are called, and if you are HERE beloved Master, it means that you are ready for your next uplevelling… no matter what that might mean for you.

As you begin being prepared for this course you will feel a visceral shift on all levels. And as you transition through this initiation of your rebirth, renewal, resurrection and resurgence… more of YOU will begin to take its place within your very being.

  • 8 Modules Of Masterful Initiation And Rebirth
  • 6 Core Modules Which Include Teachings And Meditations
  • 2 Sound Healing Transmissions

This program is for you IF:

  • You want to heal and or accelerate your healing
  • You want to embody more of your innate light, gifts, abilities and power
  • Expand your consciousness
  • Break through old structures, beliefs and paradigms
  • Greatly expand your level of service, purpose and expression
  • Step into greater embodied leadership and sovereign creatorship
  • Strengthen your connection to your divine self
  • Close old chapters and open to more aligned potentials and possibilities
  • Cross long held thresholds of limitation
  • Cultivate deeper levels of surrender and allowing

Module 1

Align with the highest intentions of your Soul

Module 2

Your Master Initiation

Module 3

Anchoring your next level Soul Blueprints; service, expression, healing

Module 4

Soul Alchemy and Ancient Embodiment

Module 5

Anchoring your Divine Signature

Module 6

Masterful Resurgence

Special Offer

Package A

~ Resurgence – Your Greatest Embodiment (6 Modules)

Package B

~ Resurgence – Your Greatest Embodiment (6 Modules)

~ 30 minute private session (limited to the first 10 people only)

A few months ago I was ready to end it. Now I am so happy to be alive. I discovered Riana and her extraordinary Wisdom, Healing ability and Profound presence. Within 2 days of an encounter with her, my life changed drastically. It's as if all that was troubling me, my depression, anxiety and no way forward dissolved into thin air. Nothing and no one could previously help me, but this amazing encounter and experience was profound enough to make the change and not just that, the change lasted. I am so grateful!


You said I’d get a better paying job within 4 weeks, and so I did! You said my path will be quickened and I will be doing my purpose work, I am! Extraordinary is too small of a word to describe the connection you have with infinite power.! THANK YOU!

Samantha Neilson

Riana's potent work has helped save my life as well as my children's lives, by Awakening within us our ability to self-heal. Unbeknownst to me I had been subconsciously preparing to be initiated by and through Riana, and on our first encounter in my private session, my path had been revealed. I was initiated and my healing accelerated so quickly, opportunities opened up like absolute magic and I now live with so much joy, peace and truth. My journey with Riana has taken me from working a 9 to 5 job to now living my purpose as a spiritual teacher and author. It is true an encounter with Riana is always divinely pre planned. When you meet her know that you are now ready to be catapulted!


This journey has been one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced! I'm in so much gratitude! Almost EVERYTHING that comes up now, is just observed and thanked then let go. So, Riana, With all my heart, I thank you for all of the work that I have been doing with you because for the first time in my life, I FEEL TOTALLY SAFE!!!!! I deeply know, I HAVE CHANGED, therefore everything else is ALSO changing!

Deidre Samuels - Spain

It's like it was predestined, Riana meets me right when I'm about to take the next biggest step on my spiritual journey. Her potency to initiate and activate one into Mastery, truly does accelerate one's path a million fold. She is like an Embodied ascended master who sees you, truly sees you and miraculously gives you the stepping stones needed to embody your Highest potential. Her work and energy is potent. I have worked in this field for over 25 years and I have never experienced a caliber of divine power in physical form as her. Her expertise and deep connection with the Divine is absolutely amazing and felt so tangibly.


Riana helped me to recover from 20 years of chronic depression and fatigue. I will be forever grateful!

Sedina Phyllis

Riana is such a gift to the world. Wow! I have never experienced an energy like this before. It felt like there were electric circuits going off in my brain but that was after my session with Riana. It sent me deep into healing but then stronger and more powerful than ever before. It freaked me out a bit, I'm not going to lie, but I think that's because I've never truly opened up or aligned to that level of consciousness before. Riana you have lit the spark in me again! Thank you!

Jennifer H

I had the pleasure of interviewing beautiful Riana on my podcast a few months ago. Thereafter Riana gave me the most beautiful reading and healing that I’ve had for a long time. And being a spiritual scientist and channel for Source for a very long time, I very rarely work with people and i’m quite choosy, but with Riana I just felt this real affinity with her. And I was blown away by what she was seeing, reading and the healing that came through, it was just absolutely beautiful on many many levels and some of the things that she told me was just incredible, and for her to tell me that was amazing. It was absolutely brilliant! I highly recommend her!

Susan Kennard - UK(Internationally Renowned Spiritual Scientist and Founder of Awaken Your Gifts – Sparkle to Success)

Riana’s work is amazingly potent. She resides in a space of immense depth and clarity. From that view she is able to help illuminate what is not fully seen. Her intuition is laser sharp and accurate as she skillfully, compassionately, supports deepening into truth and freedom. Her presence offers an embrace of unconditional love and safety. She is the Divine Feminine embodied both in her gentleness and her strength.

K Timothy – Toronto, Canada

About Riana

Riana Arendse is an international bestselling author, and Celebrated Visionary Spiritual Teacher, who has been called one of the Great Master Teachers of our generation and for the next generation of Spiritual Masters and Conscious Transformational Spiritual Leaders and Healers.

Also a world renowned Sage for the Highest Order of Angels - The Seraphim. Being a highly sought after Speaker, Riana illuminates the hearts of many through her publications, presence and teachings.