Sarah Jane’s Special Offer – Restore Trust, Repair Relationships, Reclaim Your Power

Restore Trust, Repair Relationships, Reclaim Your Power

Have you tried traditional therapy and felt something was missing?

Are you in an endless cycle of stopping and starting?

With the right tools everyone has the power to be their own medicine and healer.

Pre-pandemic an estimated 70% of adults have already faced at least one overwhelming or traumatic event in their lifetime. The aftermath of a traumatic experience can often result in a difficulty to form safe, healthy relationships including being able to trust ourselves in our own experiences. When given the right tools and an environment of non judgemental support you can transform some of life's most heartbreaking moments and restore your ability for a meaningful engagement and connection.

These are symptoms of a sick nervous system and a sign that you’re suffering
from Soul Loss.

● Digestive and immune system troubles.
● Chronic pains and illnesses.
● Habits and patterns that keep you stuck in a trauma loop.
● Emotional distress, anxiety and stress…
● Chronic Fatigue, Migraines and Brain Fog.
● Difficulty forming lasting, healthy relationships.
● Mental roadblocks, fears, and resistance that paralyse you from doing what you know (deep down) you’re meant to do.

The traumas you endure and resolve within the body mind are a crucial part of opening to deeper levels of compassion and awakening the spiritual heart trauma informed healing is regenerative. In this conversation you will discover the hidden blocks that keep you stuck in survival so that you can finally thrive in your life's unique purpose.

When facing life challenges we all need loving support. We're never meant to navigate the many challenges of life on our own even though we live in a culture that values fierce independence. To truly transform the subtle layers of shame, self doubt and other genius coping patterns you've developed to navigate the stress, uncertainty and dysfunction of modern life, you can’t be a lone wolf.

We have become a human culture of trauma. Whether you're one of the 70% of adults who have directly faced physical or psychological neglect or abuse or you're struggling with feelings of shame, inadequacy, and a sense of never feeling like you're enough or you're beginning to feel the impact of trauma patterns that have been unknowingly being passed down from one generation to the next - you are not alone.

If you would love to experience:

● Less anxiety, depression and exhaustion

● More self-confidence and a deeper sense of self acceptance

● And expanded capacity to feel and navigate a fuller range of emotions

● Sleep that actually feels deeply restorative

● Less chronic pain and more freedom in your body to do the things you love.

Then join the conversation and discover:

● Why knowing where you come from and how to work with your survival patterns are crucial to healing your body, restoring trust in yourself and others and manifesting a life you love.

● Discover why your unresolved trauma and grief is the root cause of why you’re stuck and unable to reach your full potential pain.

● Identify the root cause of trauma that has held you back from achieving your goals past attachment style and unresolved trauma impacts the way your nervous system works.

 Develop the skills to create an environment that supports you to set goals you’re inspired.

● And finally, get the support to discover and thrive in your life’s purpose from now on.

● Working on your own inner development enhances your capacity to help others and dramatically expands the depth and scope of work that is possible.

● You’ll strengthen your ability to be with whatever is happening in yourself, or with a patient, or in culture or the world. You’ll explore ways to be present and vulnerable even in challenging circumstances.

● You can develop your relational competence by becoming more attuned to others’ thoughts, feelings, and embodiment. I will also guide you through a practice to gain a deeper sense of inner peace, safety and trust

● How to walk a conscious path so that you can see that the difficulties in your life are not in the way—they are the way.

● When you transform chronic, unpredictable toxic stress, from your life you will become more available to your family and loved ones, experience greater vitality, and gain greater access to our creativity and innovation.


If nothing is working and you are sick and tired of trying to figure out why you have financial, health and relationship issues on your own. You have done a lot of self help, seen so many alternative healers, psychiatrists and therapists and yet nothing has really changed. You are beginning to understand that you have inherited unresolved trauma and pigenetic markers on your dna that predispose you to disease and on top of your own traumatic experiences which keep you in a cycle of abuse in all areas of your life including money trauma.

The good news is that with the right trauma informed support you can heal and restore trust in yourself and others. Everything changes the moment you understand where you came from at the level of your nervous system and how to create safety so that you can restore your healing blueprint and claim your unique life Purpose. Success, love, abundance, health and well-being, and vibrant energy are all by-products of being in your true divine nature. When you have safety, connection and belonging you can lead a Purpose-filled life being all of you.

Do you feel like you put a ton of effort into personal development and healing...yet feel worse than when you started?

Let me ask you a question:

What if there was a reason you feel this way...that is not your fault?

What if you could stop backsliding, stop feeling discouraged, stop feeling

...and start living aligned with your purpose and true nature, TODAY?

At one point in my life, I was right there with you. A self-proclaimed ‘self-help junkie’ who was trying everything but couldn’t seem to get unstuck or move forward. I suffered from chronic depression, adrenal burnout, one mystery illness to another until two inoperable brain tumors finally got my full attention to get to the root cause of what was happening to my body at the level of my nervous system.

I’ve dedicated the last 25 years of my life and well over 30,000 client hours helping clients from all walks of life to become their own medicine and heal themselves by doing the deep work.

Whether you don’t know who you are anymore, or how to start living a purpose filled, heart led life, I have a proven, tested soul map unique to your history that will get you where you want to be.

I can teach you how to restore safety, befriend your nervous system by compassionately examining your past traumas.

We will investigate your attachment blueprint and all the genius ways you have learnt to protect yourself that are keeping you from living into your purpose and unblock your personal health and abundance blueprint.


● Less anxiety

● More self-confidence and a deeper sense of self acceptance

● And expanded capacity to feel and navigate a fuller range of emotions

● You know that it’s not normal to feel burnt out, exhausted and dead inside but never knew how to tap into sustainable energy flow

● You are wired and tired and can’t remember the last time you woke up feeling refreshed or how to get to sleep easily and effortlessly.

● You want to be free of chronic pain to have more freedom in your body to do the things you love.

● You're ready to get out of your own way but you know you can’t do it alone

● You've been doing a lot of work, but you fall back into bad habits or the results aren't happening fast enough for you

● You "know" what to do, but you are procrastinating and overwhelmed by worst case scenarios and catastrophizing

● You're ready to learn cutting-edge and trauma/neuroscience informed best practices to discover, live and thrive in your life's purpose

● You're ready to know how to make sure an inflexible nervous system and old trauma responses don't get you stuck any more

● You're ready to never go back to how it was

Then I would be honored to guide you back to safety, connection and true belonging.

You will learn how to follow through where you used to shut down and become paralyzed with fear of the unknown.

Instead of feeling panic and dread when bills need to be paid or you need to expand out of your current level of comfort that isn’t comfortable, you will confidently be able to take a leap of faith and trust in your abilities to reach your next level of success.

I will show you how to get off the hamster wheel of acute stress, hustle, survival and fatigue. You will learn to stop working harder at what isn’t working that is causing inflammation, chronic fatigue and brain damage and into an internal state of peace, calm, clarity and confidence.

You will begin to repair and release your inherited and personal unconscious trauma wounds and old, faulty beliefs and judgments, victim/persecutor consciousness, disillusionment, lack and scarcity, separation and psychic programming from your genetic code. You will begin to build more capacity on your nervous system to meet any challenges head on with courage. and trust in your intuition.

You will learn how to listen to your intuition and accelerate your physical and emotional body’s innate abilities to transform pain, manifest miracles. You will identify and release the toxic remnants of old false beliefs and judgments, dis-comforts and dis-ease, while embracing the full range of all your emotions and heal because you are safe enough to make it possible.

Find out what epigenetic markers you are predisposed to and how they are affecting your health, relationships, and prosperity. Through divine instruction you as your own inner healer will then begin cellular repair by turning on your health and abundance codes so that you can access more harmony, grace and ease.

“All the situations in our life that
we call stressful, difficult,
or challenging, are actually
signposts for our growth.”

Special Offer


Reset your nervous system, restore trust, repair relationships


WITH SARAH-JANE (Value: $397)

~ BONUS: Qualitative, Energetic Balancing
Biogeometry Symbols (Value: $222)

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:

$144 all in!!!

*No Refund Policy.



Reset your nervous system, restore trust, repair relationships

When facing life challenges we all need loving support. We're never meant to navigate the many challenges of life on our own even though we live in a culture that values fierce independence. To truly transform the subtle layers of shame, self doubt and other genius coping patterns you've developed to navigate the stress, uncertainty and dysfunction of modern life, you can’t be a lone wolf.

We have become a human culture of trauma. Whether you're one of the 70% of adults who have directly faced physical or psychological neglect or abuse or you're struggling with feelings of shame, inadequacy, and a sense of never feeling like you're enough or you're beginning to feel the impact of trauma patterns that have been unknowingly being passed down from one generation to the next - you are not alone.

If you are seeking support on your life’s journey to restore safe, meaningful connections with yourself and others, I’d be honored to help you discover what is possible when you have a flexible nervous system and a guide who truly “feels” and sees you. When given the right tools for your unique makeup and an environment of non-judgmental support, you can transform your grief and trauma of the most heart-breaking moments you have experienced. You will re-engage with the joy and beauty of life by restoring your trust and the ability to feel safe to love, and have meaningful relationships, abundance, and connections.


In this private healing session with Sarah-Jane, she will be assisting you in identifying all of your experiences around betrayal, and this specific type of relational wounding. She will firstly do an intuitive body mind scan to see where your trauma wounds have been locked in your body and how they are affecting you. She will also go back along your timeline to the point you created the core wound or attachment trauma and unravel this on your genetic code!

Any and all epigenetic markers predisposing you to disease from inherited ancestral, inter-generational and collective trauma will be identified, repaired and cleared so that you stop the cycle of abuse not only for yourself but also for future generations not yet born.

Through the Mindfulness Change process and Soul loss retrieval, Sarah-Jane will support you in rewiring your nervous system for safety. You will claim your power as your own healer to call back all the parts and pieces of yourself that you disowned, rejected, abandoned and denied and integrate those exiled aspects of yourself that were never welcomed or received. Receiving money is often a big heart opening experience and expands on the ability to tap into gratitude, joy, and self-love. Even your ability to receive a compliment will be shifted from this session.

Through a combination of trauma informed support and spiritual guidance you will step into greater wealth by activating your unique abundance frequency codes.

Once you recognize the coping/survival mechanisms you have been using (your attachment style), you can finally heal at the level of the nervous system and stop the cycle of trauma, pain, fear, lack and loss that affects every aspect of your life, body, business, relationships and abundance permanently. She will also set up a parama bodytalk quantum formula based on your innate bodymind priority that will run until complete.

A session is 60 minutes long. You can choose to be Live (via Zoom with Sarah-Jane so you can interact and ask questions) or have a Remote session (where Sarah-Jane will do the work and you have the recording link to play at another time) or a Remote Silent (some clients do not want to hear the conversation and want a silent mp3 with just the energies).

Your session will be recorded and sent to you, along with additional support materials, life changes and tools like breathwork, meditation or dietary supplements or more to accelerate your quantum energetic healing formula.

You can replay the session mp3 just like any other mp3 of Sarah-Jane’s. The energies from the session are encoded in the mp3 so you can use at home! All private sessions are delivered via zoom - you will be sent a zoom meeting link for your appointment.

A little more about Sarah-Jane’s unique methodology:

Somatic trauma informed therapy is different than traditional talk therapy which uses the “thinking brain” to sort things out. It is a body-based approach rather than a cognitive approach. From the somatic perspective, the body is seen as the ‘holder of all memory & information’, both historic and current, and both traumatic and neutral. By taking an integrated trauma informed attachment approach and combine that with spiritual practices, you will release past traumas, move away from unhealthy, repetitive patterns giving you access to your true divine nature, more playful curiosity, joy and resilience.

You can get to the root of and repair your emotional wounds—and begin the process of healing and repair.

What’s more, relationships create connection to our true selves, giving our lives purpose and meaning. But when we’re not met with the same level of emotional availability—we may shut down, bury our emotions or even lash out in anger, unsure where our behavior comes from.

In this integrative and functional approach to healing you have the opportunity to update the information held in your body mind and to release old historic trauma patterns both personal and ancestral. The Somatic approach is based on mindfully feeling/listening to and witnessing the body. It is like an assisted self-awareness practice. Somatic awareness gives you access to a different kind of knowing ~ the direct wisdom of the body. This awareness works with the principle of ‘where attention goes energy flows,’ so through awareness, we can also allow trauma energy that has been stuck in the body, sometimes for decades, to move & release.

As this energy moves, there is more space created and we feel more joy and ease on all levels. We come closer to our innate natural state of being ~ more relaxed and yet also more fully alive. Life becomes easier as we can access moment-to moment body wisdom to guide our choices, which then keeps us healthier and happier, and guides us towards even greater awareness and self-actualization.

*No Refund Policy.


Receive your personalised QEEBS - Qualitative, Energetic Balancing Biogeometry Symbols tailored to your unique energetic blueprint for health, vitality and well being!

You can experience the universal biosignatures below to switch off your defense mode balance your brain, nervous system and general body energy systems and improve immunity, ATP production and mitochondrial repair against emfs, mutating microbes, chemical, physical and biological threats.

Please note that biogeometry works best when it is used as part of an integrative mind, body and spirit approach to health and well being.

Using the BG3 pendulum and a “witness” (recent photograph of you) I will create a personalized prescription to harmonize your Nervous System and promote deep healing and homeostasis in your body. This will support you energetically in an integrative and functional way which requires no more than your intention and desire to work with your innate body wisdom.

As Divine connection is restored on a cellular level, you will have the vital life force energy available to you to make the life changes and do the deep practical work for curiosity and playfulness.

All you have to do is print your unique biogeometry QEEBs and place them under your seat or bed. Just looking at the symbols will impregnate and balance your bodymind. Some people have made specific QEEB biosignatures into jewellery or transferred them onto adhesive plasters and placed them directly on the body. The possibilities to use this ancient balancing technology are endless.

BioGeometry is a science that deals with the Energy of Shape; it uses shapes, colours, motion, orientation, and sound to produce a vibrational quality that balances energy fields. BioGeometrical shapes are two or three-dimensional shapes specially designed to interact with the earth’s energy fields to produce balancing effects on multiple levels on biological systems. They were developed and patented by Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim, D.Sc. in Cairo, Egypt, during research since 1968.

To understand the effects of BioGeometrical shapes on the human energy system, we have to recognize that the human body has an energy field around it, which has its own north-south axis. As we move around, the angle formed between our individual axis and that of the earth is constantly changing, and this in turn either strengthens or weakens our energy field. The positive range is very small, vulnerable most of the time, and is a major factor affecting our health and well being. BioGeometrically balanced energy, however, considerably strengthens our energy fields to such an extent that we are not detrimentally affected by changes of orientation. In fact, it appears to cancel obvious energy interactions predicted by currently accepted physical laws.

For more information -

Sarah-Jane is Absolutely Amazing!

"Sarah-Jane is not only a very gifted psychic healer but has over 20 years of clinical experience working with cutting edge neuroscience and energy medicine in a trauma informed, integrative and holistic way to accelerate healing and restore trust. Don’t be fooled by her big generous heart, she is laser sharp in identifying what is blocking you and how to align your purpose with your your unique talents to create a profitable heartled business fast.”

"Her magic is infectious and I wholeheartedly recommend her."

- Edwina, Hobart, NZ

Stepped into My Personal Power

"Once I knew the reasons why I kept sabotaging my relationship with money and choosing toxic, narcissistic partners wasn’t my fault, I stopped feeling like a victim and took back my power. Now I have the tools to see my true worth, to set healthy boundaries and I have the confidence to live my life on my terms."

- David R.

Definitely Transformational!

"I wanted to share how I’m over the moon to have discovered your trauma-informed approach. I found my thing, this is it and I know exactly how my story fits in… my story is the purpose behind this work I’m here to share.…the training has taught me so much as well - I’m mindful now of following through and of patience and giving myself a chance to evolve this approach. It fits in so beautifully with all I’ve learnt so far with the ancient wisdoms and nutrition. It completes the beginning for me which I was searching for - I knew there was more to us humans. I love the multiple parts approach too that you’ve showed me in your work with me - it’s so very healing because it’s so kind. I feel so deeply how much this is needed in the world right now because that’s what I needed so badly too. Someone to show me that I’m made of the goodness and not just the difficult stuff and self-criticism and exploring where these come from is transformational. The integration of these parts is transformational. I love you Sarah-Jane, I think you’re amazing with what you do and how you share it and how you’ve helped me in such a short time. I’m truly grateful to have found you.

- Katarina Hunter

Now, I’m a Powerful, Confident Woman!

"Life changing. I was sceptical when a friend of mine suggested I work with Sarah-Jane when my business was failing but I was so burnt out, I knew something had to change and fast or I would lose it all. I had no idea just how much grief and fear of rejection was tied to my childhood and the story I was telling myself that I was not deserving of success. Through her mindfulness change process, I hardly recognise the powerful, confident woman I am today. In 6 months I went from hopelessness to tripling my income doing what I love. Best investment I ever made.

- Amelia K.

Relieved Childhood Trauma

"I no longer feel hopeless, discouraged and overwhelmed by the things and people I have no control over. I had so much grief and anger inside me and no idea how much my physical pain was related to my childhood trauma. Sarah-Jane helped me to trust myself, to feel safe no matter what life throws at me and my pain has reduced drastically. Now when it flares up I have the bodymind tools to reduce the inflammation quickly and easily.

- Bernadette D.

Finally Free!

"Before I worked with Sarah-Jane, I was in a place of deep depression and despair. I had no direction and felt so ashamed that I couldn’t leave a very abusive 15 year marriage. And now… I feel like a weight has lifted off me and for the first time ever I am excited about the future and I’m finally free.

- Samantha L.

About Sarah Jane Farrell

International Trauma Informed Life Coach, Animal Communicator & Spiritual
Business Mentor.

Sarah-Jane has a phD in grief & trauma resolution that she got out in the field of life experiences growing up in war torn Zimbabwe and as an adult child of an alcoholic parent she suffered from a multitude of chronic health issues, anxiety, depression, perfectionism and shame based trauma patterns that come from a disorganised attachment style.

She has spent over two decades as an animal communicator, pet psychic, behavioralist, integrative energy practitioner and functional heart based business coach, combining ancient wisdom of shamanic practices with the latest cutting edge neuroscience and attachment. I believe that when you shift the relationship you have with your protector parts and acknowledge where you have come from that is causing you pain, you become safely embodied no matter how challenging life gets. You can value your gifts and have meaningful, loving relationships with yourself and others.

Sarah-Jane’s awesome credentials:

● Advanced Parama Bodytalk Practitioner (2003)
● dip TCM/ TCVM – 5 Elelment Theory, Accupuncture & Meridian Therapy (2004)
● Relational Somatic Psychotherapy – Peter Levine, Diane Poole Hellier, Dr Gabor Mate. (2011)
● Transitions, Death and Grief – Dr Stephen Jenkinson, Dr Francis Weller. (2015)
● Mindscape, Sacred Geometry & Biogeometry – Kris Attard Dr Amit Goswami (2008)
● Animal Communication, Equine Psychotherapy, Zoopharmacology & Behavioral Issues (2001)
● Craniosacral Therapy (2000)
● Cert. Breakthrough, Access Bars, Bodywork & Energetic Facelift
● LMT, MsC, Applied Human Nutrition, Ayurveda, Holotropic Breathwork (2003 – 2018)