Every light, sound, frequency, vibration, image, colour, code, tone, scent, fragrance, texture, perception, awareness, vision, sensation, potential, possibility and configuration of the sacred is HERE, fully actualised in its maximum quality, god aechelon state - the one perfection and its sumptuous treasures all existing simultaneously in this eternal now. At the core, there is only one being here, the presence of love operating everywhere and there is nothing that exists outside of our wholeness as this heavenly energy in an illusory past or future moment.
To know the royal grandeur, power and truth of our immortal nature… to saturate in the opulent frequencies of radiant memory… to embody the mansion of eternity is to experience the fulfillment of all desire, and the organic flowering of our greatest destiny.
Our sole invitation as masterful artisans of possibility is to ARRIVE at home within our chalice and bring our total state into coherence with the absolute reality that expresses its prolific genius as a ceaseless kaleidoscope of beauty.
This requires the most exquisite, devotional commitment of our lifetime, that we marry the truth of our divine identity in awareness and heart, release the remainder and revel in appreciation of the dream awake as we savour the wealth of living fully.
Wish Fulfilling Jewel
30 Minute Intimate Immersive Experience with Solara that includes a multifaceted blend of ...
Spiritual Advisory and Psychic Reflections
A kaleidoscope of prophetic experience... immerse yourself in what is both a ritual of
transcendence and Divine identity, and a celebration of immense clarity and certainty! Be
showered in epiphany by Solara’s oracular lens of wisdom and enlightenment.
Diamond Biocircuitry Activation with Theta Gamma Frequency Infusions

13-Vortice diamond DNA biocircuitry activation to conduct pristine intercellular energy flow
and align your I AM will to exponentially manifest your dreams.
Go on a breathtakingly magical and sumptuous journey as Solara guides you into a state of
pristine creative power. Every element is art; a manifestation of activated neurons that serves
as a tangible trigger for your success.
Experience an immaculate overflow of Divine insight and jewels of revelation that ignite
sudden miracles and cosmic energy to propel you light years ahead!
Living library of light coded activations, masterclasses, quantum frequency technology and
luxuriant instrumental soundscapes for heart-mind coherence.
Crème de la crème gala of advanced world-leading sciences, primordial wisdom teachings
and spirituality for ongoing support.
Limited Time 24 Hour Bonuses
The Nirvana Synthesis: Multifaceted Compass for Flow Neuroscience and Superattraction

A world-class fusion of thoroughly researched and curated universal wisdom, laws and
sciences that deliver whole spectrum flourishing, exponential and sustainable personal
30 Minutes of Advanced, Remote Frequency Work Daily for One Month upon Joining

Elegantly and rapidly harmonise with your maximised Destiny timelines and the palpably blissful experience of Nirvana actualised now with 20 minutes of remote frequency work daily as Solara directs your energetic fields into sonic coherency with your I AM presence - melting limitation and resistance patterns and gently guiding you into a space of lucid, luxuriant, calm knowing and vast internal spaciousness that allows you to open wide to the loving embrace of the Cosmos where you can begin magnetising miracles, prosperity, euphoric freedom and aliveness that exceed what you’ve ever dreamed possible!
You’ll also be blessed with intimate, ongoing support from Solara when you join our Infinity Collective Global Community at www.infinitycollective.love as you integrate these kinetically charged, celestial frequencies that open you to a powerfully rich and rapturous inner space of instant manifesting!
Explore Solara’s Client Success Temple to discover the profoundly gorgeous illuminations, miracles and results people are experiencing simply by being presenced in Solara’s field!

"Reality dilation! I've been attempting to put my finger on what it is that I've experienced as a
result of working with Solara, and well... to no surprise, it’s beyond language. I started working
with Solara a few months ago as the result of a sudden and exceptional shift that was
happening in me. My being went searching for an energetic frequency that aligned with
massive and rapid expansion and immediately found home in Solara. What I noticed from our
first interaction was a grand dilation of my existence. I now know, this was my first felt and
recognized experience of Quantum. I was distinctly aware that she presented a container where I allowed myself to expand in this way with zero effort on my part. This is the aspect
that is so fascinating to explain and incredibly profound, yet strikingly simple to feel.
Because I haven't identified ONE word that encompasses the whole, felt experience of
expansion I've had, I want to offer this collection: There is something about permanence but
of course it's not permanence. It has to do with a "permanent" transition into boundless
abundance and "permanent" ease, rest, joy and safety. I don't have to "try" anymore - not that
I don't do, my desires flow continuously - it’s a graceful realm that carries the quality of
Something that takes people out of time and space... vast, timelessness and boundless safety.
Resting in the pure power and resonance of perfection. The continuance is like a sense of
having tapped into the nature of inertia and the ability to go beyond "forces which work
against forward movement"... Allowing a seamless state of free flow into our innate, intended
path and way of being. It's a real phenomenon to be with! Abundance doesn’t begin to
encompass the magnitude or motion of what her presence activates... 1. Instantaneous, vast,
and rapid expansion bordering on explosion (yet serene) all particles of myself kept intact yet
suspended, radiantly alive, hyper aware and exponentially more capable than previously - in a
grandly expanded environment, like space. 2. There is an eternal and open ended sensation
like boundless, eternal, limitless, timeless, ever expanding freedom. 3. I am aware of
permanent, boundless prosperity. A permanent dilation, extrapolation, and magnification of
all that I AM in the most peaceful way possible. 4. An ultimate transition into grounded
euphoria, deep trust and knowing leading to inspired action. 5. The magic of friction-free
motion: creation happening without resistance any longer. "Quantum Sorcery: Magical
systems by which desired changes in phenomenal reality are manifest."
There is so much shifting and upgrading happening for me. It is really such a humbling,
beautiful experience. Shifting into creativity and out of old relational contracts and holding
patterns. Into open awareness of all possibility. I'm just in awe and have been for weeks.
Collaboration, appreciation for others success, love of beauty. I'm experiencing wave after
wave after wave of gratitude for being here in this space. I'm so excited about life!
Solara is an alchemical conductor of rapid evolution, the magnitude of which you cannot
imagine. Her work feels like escape velocity. The minimum speed required for a
non-propelled object to escape from the gravitational influence of a massive body. Infinite,
effortless transcendence into freedom. Solara is an absolute soul sister and I am forever
grateful for our connection in this lifetime!"
"Solara! Ever so wild you... that gorgeous wilderness that rises and falls in the nothingness of
now. I really enjoyed my session with you... looking so clearly at ‘what is’ and ‘what can only
ever be... the Creator and the created being of ONE substance, with nothing outside That...
We were viewing through the same window that sees the truth with utter clarity... that there
is only one cause and one effect... the Cause is God and the effect is Perfection... when one
gets this, sees it, they get the whole thing the real thing...
THERE IS NO SEPARATION, THERE IS ONLY ONE OF US. The simplicity of this understanding
purifies, it jumps time lines, it quantum leaps...
In practise it comes down to reminding our self of this truth, and leaning into it (melting as
you would say) in the midst of all that arises in the body-mind and world of experience... so
that we don’t fall prey to that gravitational pull of identification where we get lost in the
experience, and forget our true nature... That overshadowing being a conditioning of habit
from a very young age, that tragically solidifies as separation as we get older... “Show me the
child at seven, and I will show you the man” Shakespeare
Thank you for radiating the integrity of truth from the nucleus of your being. I’m intrigued
and anticipating the gold we will spin in our sessions ahead."
"Dear Solara, thank you for our brilliant call this evening. It was an honor and deeply
transformational to submerge and bask in your presence. Our session was exquisite, I was
transported to the Quantum Field of enchanted magnificence as I listened to your Grace
filled words, your voice eliciting luminous energies within me. I was often moved to tears as
you spoke and as I shifted to higher frequencies, expansiveness, internal shifts of self love. You
encourage trust and self confidence, dignity. Your voice has Divine healing and my being felt
the resonance of all-pervasive love and Divinity. Images of Diamond, pearlescent, crystalline,
iridescent lights of superconsciousness entered my consciousness.... Wow! I bow to you in
gratefulness for the extraordinary deepening in empowerment and the experience of I AM
Divine love. Thank you for your loving kindness and generous listening heart.
Thank you for your Diamond transmissions. I am blown away by the activations (Diamond
DNA Activation indeed!!!) and I realize why I was so very drawn to you (actually I know I was
guided to you) when I first listened to you. Our session was transformative and remarkably
beautiful. After listening to your mp4 activations, I felt in my heart and my blood the purest
essence of “liquid nirvana”, Diamond activation, biocircuitry optimization, and many of your
amazing gifts. I have been seeking connection to Source, seeking how to open to my psychic
gifts (“clairs”), how to open my channel, etc. Being with you, I felt Source within and during
our call and definitely on the meditation audios. I’m experiencing a new and electrical
connectivity to my joy, knowing, clarity, psychic abilities.
I love your work, your YOU, your purity, which I am moved to have experienced, absorbed and
integrated from not only our call, but from the phenomenal journey to Quantum in both your
audios and gifts. I’m excited to invest in more time with you and bask again in your presence
as I continue my journey of Being and connecting with Source energies.
Bowing in deep gratitude and reverence to your Radiance, Light, Ephemeral Divine Presence.
I know Divinity was with me when I met you on our call, a pure and loving conversation. May
we meet again and again in the Quantum Field!"
"Solara is an absolute gem of a human, mentor and spiritual activator! After working with her
in a DNA Wealth Activation series, I felt much more clarity in my relationship to money and
what I wanted to call in. She’s unlike anyone I've ever met and has a true, visionary talent for
seeing someone at their highest potential and uncovering the resistance holding them back.
Solara was able to hold space for me to recognize the places in my business that weren’t 100%
in alignment with what I ACTUALLY wanted to create. She was a beautiful mirror and reflector
for aligned creation and leadership. She’s a MASTER OF ENERGY (like for realll this woman
knows her stuff!) and can guide you to tap into your own, high-frequency energy source in a
very practical, powerful and grounded way (something that’s missing from many of the
spiritual teachers I’ve experienced in the past). I would totally recommend working with
Solara if you’re a visionary leader looking to exponentialize your impact and income!"
"Solara is a powerful, high frequency seer and psychic healer. She works with incredibly clear,
activated energies that ignite instant upgrades in your life and business. My standards are
high around who I allow to touch my energetic field as my abilities and vibration are crucial to
my service — Solara is one of the best out there! Her integrity is solid and she brings a strong
sense of love and grounded, otherworldly magic into everything she does. She's a soul sister
in wealth consciousness and a pure channel who truly walks her talk!"
"Solara is a living embodiment of abundance. By this, I mean that she is ALL heart and
boundless generosity. To me, Solara has been a loyal, attentive friend, a gracious presence, a
bright star in darker moments, an ever-ready smile to invigorate my world. I have worked with
Solara, I have collaborated with her, I have celebrated with her, and I have grown with her. She
has my whole-hearted support in whatever her enormously wise and powerful soul gives
birth to. If you feel compelled to work with her, I encourage you to TRUST that impulse! You’ll
be blown away by the majesty of her love and devotion to the fulfillment of your dreams."
About Solara Rose