Stewart Pearce’s Special Offer

Stewart Pearce's Special Offer

with the Angels of Atlantis
Twelve Mighty Forces to Transform Your Life Forever

Manifest Your Own Super Star Life with Stewart Pearce, the Angelic Emissary and Mentor to  Royalty, Beloved Celebrities, World Leaders, World-Famous Spiritual Healers and People from all Walks of Life!

Would you like to become a Divine Guided Human Angel on Earth?

Are you ready to discover and live your own star power in your everyday life?

Will you invite the Loving Power and Magic of the Angels into your Heart?

Would you like to experience Joyful Living and a Divine Flow of Abundance beyond what you’ve experienced?

Would you like to manifest a foundation in your life from which you can build the Magic of Health, Wealth and Fulfilling Relationships?

Stewart is such an inspiration and has helped me immensely

“Stewart’s gift is incalculable. His timeless wisdom and practical knowledge are unique, and give him a leading edge position as a Master of Voice, who not only coaches, but truly heals. Stewart is an inspiration to us all, and has helped me personally with such generosity. We all need Stewart in our lives!

~ Diana, Princess of Wales

Discover the Magic of the Angels of Atlantis!

The Story begins….


and now it is YOUR TURN to experience the Grace of becoming an angelically, empowered shining star of your own Divine life.

Vanessa Redgrave
Best Actress Winner Oscar & Baftas
Star of Mission Impossible, Howard’s End, Mary Queen of Scots, Call the Midwife.

Eddie Redmayne
Best Actor Oscar Winner
Star of JK Rowlings “Fantastic Beasts”, Theory of Everything

Michelle Williams
Best Actress
Multiple Academy Award Nominee
Star of Manchester by the Sea, Brokeback Mountain, My Week with Marilyn.

Discover what these Amazing Angelic Blessings can create to Magnetize Health, Wealth, and Happiness for You!

Receive the Gift of Transcendence!

“Stewart is something more than rare……he is unique and immensely gifted! Stewart’s Angelic Sound Healing is courageous and enervating. What this man can instigate for us in terms of change is phenomenal, magic happens, and the gift of transcendence is completely spontaneous because he lives it!”


Working with Stewart is Life-Changing!

“Stewart Pearce is one of the most amazing people I have ever worked with. Stewart has a laser vision seeing who one is, and understands deeply what it is you need to draw out to become the very best you. This is a rare gift, and his expertise appears effortless, because he possesses the unusual ability to actually listen, and absorb one’s essence. Then he feeds it back, in a way that is simply utterly life changing. There is nothing generic or formulaic in what he does, rather it is a very great and individual talent. Stewart treats the subject of the Angels with deep reverence, respect and scholarship, and not as mere plastic prizes from a Christmas cracker!”


Package A
Angelic Sound Healing Magic

15 Bonus Healing Gift Meditations and Prayers Encoded with
Angelic Healing Light from Atlantis.

Stewart Pearce has created these audios so YOU can EVOKE THE PRESENCE OF EACH ANGEL IN YOU LIFE through prayer, chant and meditation –so as to discover who the Angels are, what their purpose is, and how they can help you transform into a Divine Angel on Earth.

Keep these audios with you on your mobile device so you can call on and evoke a healing angel in any time of need or for meditation and relaxation.

Item 1

GABRIEL is the Divine Messenger Angel, and so brings unique messages intimations, whisperings, signs, intuitions, synchronizations to us when we wish to evoke clarity about our own message or purpose - which simply put is to optimize our creative energy full of love and joy

Item 2

HANAEL is the Sacred Warrior who teaches us courage, bravery, determination, steadfastness and hope. Whenever we are about to falter on our path as a result of disappointment, Hanael always comes into our field saying: “Have another go!” and often this is when we achieve our goal!

Item 3

JOPHIEL is the Holy Liberator helping us to release ourselves from any ‘thought prison’ by showing us other options to play or work with. Jophiel leads us constantly to the stillness of meditation, so that we may calm the stresses of not feeling good enough. Stillness and Gravity ground us helping us to find that secret texture of our soul, living within the capacity of our hearts.

Item 4

METATRON is the Supernal Teacher, the key keeper to the Akashic Library, which houses a record of all the thoughts that have been ever created on the planet. This wonderful Angel hovers on the right side of the Divine, and so therefore has unique information about our incarnations – to ask something of Metatron means you will receive a glimpse of heaven.

METATRON appearing behind one of Stewart's people, at a Concert for THE DALAI LAMA.

Item 5

MICHAEL is the Cosmic Leader who will always lead us into eternity, if we ask. Therefore whatever challenge we may face we always can be led to a greater comprehension about our soul’s wisdom, and therefore how to live better lives, developing greater spiritual intelligence.

Item 6

RAPHAEL is the Holy Healer, who teaches us that all healing comes to us as a movement back to wholeness. So when stress, injury or negativity have led us into sickness, sadness or toxicity - call Raphael in and this wondrous Angel will kindly show you the error of your ways, and how you may become wiser about transmuting negative into positive.

Item 7

RAZIEL is the Angel of the Divine Mysteries and reportedly hovers on the left side of the Divine, ‘eaves-dropping’ on all of God’s conversations. Therefore, Raziel is a really good friend to have as our spiritual consciousness expands and we start to evoke so many questions about our soul’s odyssey.

Item 8

SANDALPHON is the Sacred Guardian of the physical nature of our planet, and therefore also of our bodies as Earth Beings. Sandalphon is helping the ancient mysteries to be awakened from the Earth Stones, Water Courses, and Standing Trees so as to inform us about our ancient past and soul wisdom

Item 9

SHAMAEL is the Divine Guide who configures our sacred pathway whenever we feel lost, weak or disorientated – therefore saying a prayer to Shamael always illuminates our path

Item 10

URIEL – the Eternal Companion who always provides succor when we need friendship, counsel, advice. The conversation occurs through the metaphors of life, so that we feel the magic and the miracle of life reconnecting us with all that is sacred when we weaken on our path. Our soul’s are yearning mates, and saying a prayer to Uriel will always bring new companions forth

Item 11

ZADKIEL the Divine Comforter is always apparent in our lives as we move along our path experiencing the ‘slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’. Call on Zadkiel an you will be restored to peace, humility, gentleness an the inclusivity of the Source

Item 12

ZAPHKIEL the Sacred Lover teaches us about unconditional love as we move forward at this extraordinary time of living on Planet Earth and in the Cosmos. It seems we know little about unconditional love and so we are learning through the compassion, empathy and inclusivity of remarkable people like HH the Dalai Lama, the Pope or Ammachi ‘the Hugging Mother’. Through their self-less conduct we see bright lights to emulate and become better people.

Positive results immediately

“I saw positive results applying Stewart’s techniques immediately….the transparency in my focus was obvious from the start, and I know this is going to promote my chance of formidable promotions!”

~ Allison Edwards Johnson – Director of CBS Television

Pain is gone!

“I’m completely stunned! Stewart chanted for me and I felt the Angels lift away the pain from my shoulder. Apart from feeling slightly light headed, the pain I’ve had for six months has completely gone…..this is a miracle, and Stewart is so magical. Thank you dear Angels and Stewart. Love Lindsey!”



These introduction and prologue to the Angels of Atlantis is a spiritual tour de force that contains ancient healing mysteries and embedded codes of light.

Based on the teachings of the twelve archangels of Atlantis, this spiritual resource reveals how to become aligned with their power and wisdom. The inspirations offer powerful counsel and healing.

This book is a spiritual must-have that has been hailed as a new instant classic for anyone who is serious and authentic about their path of awakening.


"Now, finally the truth about Atlantis can endorse and improve the lives of a multitude. Please read this Master's writing, and flock to his genius, for it is truly authentic."

~ Shelley Von Strunckel, astrologer and newspaper columnist

Learn to become a Human Angel

"In the Angels of Atlantis Stewart discusses how we are preparing for transformation into our ultimate state of Homo Luminous to live as human angels."

~ Sarah Ince, Ecoluminescence

I had visions of myself in Atlantis

"The Angels of Atlantis opens with descriptions of the twelve angels, and also of Atlantis. You may have heard much described about Atlantis before, but there is something very moving in Stewart Peace's descriptions that feels like you are being pulled back into that ancient time. I have had visions myself of Atlantis, mostly of the underwater pyramids, and some amazing chambers of healing - but also from the experimental side with genetics.

Whatever vision you have of Atlantis, it is likely to pique your curiosity, and I feel Stewart brings a balanced view of Atlantis, one that will assist to heal you from any falling into duality through the twelve Angels and what they offer in their chapter. The amazing artwork by Richard Crookes draws you in, as it is mystical, magical, alchemical, and full of light. Stewart discusses how we are preparing for transformation into our ultimate state of Homo Luminous - to live as human angels. He discusses how the higher harmonics will move through the higher dimensions and eventually merge with the source of ALL THAT IS."


"Stewart’s latest book is an extraordinary piece of work. The Angels of Atlantis is a masterpiece with new and unique information that cannot be found anywhere. Elsewhere there are many books on angels, but this book can be described as technical as well as setting a picture to what the Angels of Atlantis are, how they work, their history, how one can access these supernal forces. Stewart has surpassed himself with every book he writes, and he has done this once more. If you only buy one 'spiritual/healing/angel' book...I recommend it is this one; it's all you will need and everything is in it. There is just pure, beautiful, powerful and practical information."

~ Gerald Lyons

The Angels Feel So Close

"I LOVE how the Angels feel so close when I read this book! 'The Angels of Atlantis' is infused with wonderful illustrations and profound knowledge of the Angelic realm especially with regards to the ancient civilisations of Egypt and Atlantis. Stewart's amazing ability to translate the beauty and infinity of spirit into a comprehensive, clear and enrapturing reading is a great gift to the world. This book will quench your thirst for spiritual information and lift your soul to the eternal light where the Angels come from. "

~ Marta R


Three Sacred Chants for Profound Healing
with specially composed music.

In celebration of Global Unity as a gateway for Love and Joy.

Each recording is designed to convey devotion, healing, and inspiration from the Angels of Atlantis. For thousands of years and since Stewart’s meeting with them in 1987, the Angels have transmitted the delight of the Soul’s ability to bridge between Divine Discernment and Human Reasoning.

Each sounding the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic, the Twelve Angelic Codes in Hebrew, and the Gayatri Mantra, hear spoken in Sanskrit represents one of the sacred language codes of humanity, and whose harmonies will bring about profound healing.

Each sounding represents one of the sacred language codes of humanity, and whose harmonies will bring profound healing from the Source.

Package A
Angelic Sound Healing Magic

Package Includes:

~ Evoke The Royal Archangels of Atlantis - 12 MP4s
~ Bonus 1: The Angels of Atlantis (Book Extract) PDF
~ Bonus 2: The Gayatri Mantra
~ Bonus 2: The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic
~ Bonus 2: The 12 Angelic Codes for Immunity

Total Value: $587

83% Off

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:



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Package B
Advanced Angelic Sound Healing Magic


Discover and Vibrate at Your Unique Soul Note - Magnetize all of Creation to You!

This is a priceless teaching series of extremely powerful videos embedded with the consciousness of the coming “Age of Angels” in which Stewart reveals the mysteries and takes you through powerful wisdom and experiential exercises to bring you into living as your awakened self. Watch the entire series and return again and again to continually deepen your understanding and experience the beautiful teachings and exercises in each one.

As you practice these techniques shown, you will learn and experience the deep bliss of becoming a Divine, Magnetic Presence aligned with the wisdom and power of the Angels and the Cosmos. Effortlessly begin to draw in Blessings, Abundance and Love in all forms.

As you begin to resonate the glory of your Divine presence you will become a True Star, revealing your own unique presence, talents and gifts.

Each video is 15 minutes in length in MP4 format which you can watch on your computer, iphone, ipad or other mobile devices. Each episode features Stewart Pearce in a teaching setting, sharing profound insight, illumination channeled from the Angels that has empowered people around the world.

If you feel called to “find yourself,”
awaken into the Age of Angels and Live a Divine Life on Earth this Special Offering is for YOU!

Extraordinary Man

“I am happy to wholeheartedly recommend the work of this extraordinary man, to anyone who wants to discover themselves through their most potent art: the sound of their own voice.”

~ Peter Harrison –Director of WATKINS BOOKS, The World’s First Most respected Spiritual Bookstore (established London 1893)

Video Episode 1
Opening the Heart. Learn as the Embodiment of Your Soul in a Powerfully Awakened Heart

Opening the Heart as The Seat of the Soul

We are seeing that for over four hundred years we have been taught to fixate upon the cerebral function of our lives to achieve the effective means to success. This evolved from the mechanistic view of the Universe. Now we are ‘remembering’ that our bygone cultures or current indigenous tribes, believe the heart to be at the center of human consciousness, for the heart is the seat of our soul.

The great poet Rumi says:
“If words arise from the heart, they will enter the heart.
If words arise from the tongue alone, they will not pass beyond the ears”

Incredible Gift...Stewart Encourages and Enchants!

“Stewart has an incredible gift; his magic is one that reaches deep inside to release a life potential that transforms everyday existence. Stewart encourages and enchants this by being mesmeric whilst being present!”

~ Jane Swift – British Telecom/HR Executive

Video Episode 2
Angelic Sound Healing 

Angelic Sound Healing - the Angels share with us that sound is at the core of creation, and that they were present as God’s Divine Emissaries, at the very beginning of creation. This also means that we have our own sound of creation – a signature note that lies at the center of our being, and which creates the song of your soul. In this video we will find the ecstasy of your personal Divine ‘note’.

Stewart is a True Master

“There is nothing as empowering, enabling, or utterly mobilising as the impassioned voice of a leader like Stewart Pearce, who is a true Master

~ Peter Cross DIRECTOR -Yellow Door Communications

Video Episode 3
Angelic Voice Alchemy 

Voice Alchemy – Alchemy means the transmutation of negative into positive, and in this modality the Angels gift us ways of transmuting all mortal disharmony into divine transcendence. This is a fascinating means to heal karma and dysfunctional behaviors in our lives that often result in illness or challenging circumstances. In this video you will learn radical ways of formulating a very happy life.

Helped me find the soul of my voice

“Stewart’s metier is extraordinary, and he has helped me find the soul of my voice, ... his presence in my artistic life has been immeasurable!

~ Mark Rylance – Oscar & Tony Award Winning Actor

Video Episode 4
Angelic Voice Alchemy

Persona and your Voice

In bygone civilizations people believed that they could center their lives, within themselves, by using the harmony of their speaking voice. This was called PERSONA – the root of our word for Personality, which literally means ‘through sound’. The work of this video makes reference that we communicate the glory of our being from our souls, through our voices, and so life becomes full of Divine magic.

Brings you joy, light and freedom

“Stewart is not only a brilliant voice coach, he is hugely warm hearted, very funny and has a truly healing spirit. His insights will bring you joy and light and freedom!”

~ Kathryn Hunter – Award Winning Actress and Director

Video Episode 5
The Magnetic Voice: Balancing the 5 Elements of Creation

Balancing the vital elements for a voice full of vibrant richness

Finding our Divine signature note, means we balance the elements of earth, water, air and fire in our bodies. This allows the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to fully harmonize, bringing us to an increased state of vitality, wellbeing and joy. In this video you will find a way of using your voice for a much healthier life.

Video Episode 6
The Magnetic Voice: Emotional Intelligence

The Magnetic Voice and Emotional Intelligence

When we find our note, we find our soul’s sovereignty, and so resonate our lives through the love and intelligence of our hearts. This means that our voices become deeply magnetic, drawing wonder, glory, success, peace, love and joy to our experience of life. Finding these qualities rich within our feeling process, means we make informed choices about stabilizing ourselves from this position of harmony - rather than choosing negative ways of behaving through anger, manipulation, suppression, or discontent. This video will help you find such balance and harmony in your personal and professional existence.

Positive Results immediately for my career

“I saw positive results applying Stewart’s techniques immediately….the transparency in my focus was obvious from the start, and I know this is going to promote my chance of formidable promotions!”

~ Allison Edwards Johnson – Director of CBS Television

Transformed, Feeling Supported and Empowered!

“Stewart gives sound to sense. Students and teachers alike leave his sessions transformed, feeling supported and empowered. They no longer strut and fret. They begin to see a glimmer of what this Master teaches, words become more feeling based as expressions of thought and feeling, which signifies everything. They discover that they really can possess the power of great speaking. This book THE ALCHEMY OF VOICE is much awaited and will soon become treasured reading for thousands of people.”

~ Simon Callow CBE – Acclaimed Actor, Writer, Director.

12 Healing Prayers from the Angels of Atlantis.

Orbs Are Light Beings

The phenomenon of Angel and Spirit Orbs first came to everyone’s attention with digital camera. Scientists have attempted to verify, that these unusual sightings through the camera’s lens, are not refractions of light or distortions of color oscillating from particles of earth’s debris. Their conclusions would appear to suggest that these often tantalizingly shapes, are images of a light source that has hitherto been unexplained.

Each ORB is of a specific attunement, offering its unique love and compassion as an acknowledgement of the light of the Soul within the Cosmos.


12 Miracle Sonic Elixirs

These 12 short and powerful channelled meditations will infuse your being with the light encodements, blessings and vibrations of the 12 Mighty Angels of Atlantis. Set to beautiful chanting of the Divine Om sound. Each MP3 carries the frequency of an Angel you can call on in any time of need.

The Angels are here to help you manifest joy, love, protection, security, blessings and a feeling of deep belonging to the unconditional love of the Divine.

  • Feel your entire being suffused with Angelic Bliss, Deeply Relaxing & Comforting
  • Help whenever you need it from a Holy Protector Angel
  • Transform your being into a powerful state of calm and beauty.

Package B
Advanced Angelic Sound Healing Magic

Package Includes:

~ All of Package A plus
~ Advanced Angelic Sound Healing Miracles video class
~ Bonus 3: Twelve Angel Elixir Healing Meditations

Total Value: $1282

91% Off

Jazz Up Your Life With Judy
Special Offer Price:



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"The melodies created by the Angel’s in Stewart’s work are simply beautiful. Invocation is the prayer of wisdom, and the refuge of the pure. The unique intelligence of this sound healing work opens the scope of the meeting between heaven and earth. Thank heavens for the Angels and Stewart!"

~ LOUISE HAY – Author, Entrepreneur, Legendary HAY HOUSE CREATOR

Master Healer of Life

"Stewart is a Master Healer of life, and how to bring your Soul into your existence through practical real-world ways. With laser focus, he brings into form the word-frequencies necessary to cut through what holds a person back from their Souls Purpose and Mission, and consequently encourages a way to live an embodied existence. I have experienced personally and through observation, the nature of who and how Stewart is. He communicates all with limitless Grace, bringing about great change for those who choose a new path, or who wish to deepen an existing one. Stewart is masterful about the essence of what true Divine Healing and Relationship is. If you have an opportunity to be in his pres-ence.... take the step to experience yourself in a completely new, yet whole way!"

~ RON DAMICO, Healer and Spiritual Alchemist

Absolutely Astonishing!

“The supernatural healing I received from Stewart and the Angels of Atlantis was absolutely astonishing! The fact that ANGELIC SOUND HEALING could shift the pain in my heart and chest wasn't something that I was aware of, yet through Stewart’s amazing skill, compassion and intuition he made me feel so safe, I knew it would, and could. What an amazing man Stewart is, you feel so calm and warm in his presence. Then there is his power of intuitive deduction – WOW! The pain has completely gone and I will recommend him to all my friends and family…….I suggest you do too!”
~ Tracey Olman – Toronto

Stewart’s Coaching will result in Big Abundance Results!

“Stewart is such a fantastic Coach, and it was so refreshing to have a performing arts perspective on my business issues. I know that this will increase my financial manifestation process, elevating my worth to at least £250,000 per year!”

~ Sara Griffiths – Actress, QVC Presenter, and Entrepreneur

Feel like a New Person!

“I can’t adequately express my gratitude for the healing work Stewart performed on me today. I feel like a new person, and I have never felt so much JOY! I knew in my heart of hearts that Stewart would be the one to fully comprehend my predicament, as his connection to the Angels is so pure, and this drew me magnetically to him. Stewart’s books hold a powerful vibration that attracted my soul, this was no coincidence, as we were meant to meet for this healing, and I am forever in Stewart’s debt. I prayer that Stewart keeps sharing his magnificent work with the world, by writing more books for us all to purchase, because I believe in him, and all the deep messages he shares through the lines of his marvelous writing. With deep gratitude and love.”


Stewart’s Wisdom is Second to None

“I attended a SOUL READING with Stewart and was instantly shifted by his healing energy, and aligned to the higher Divine energies that work through him, creating a deep sense of inner peace and understanding about my gifts. Stewart’s wisdom is second to none, and he is a sage in his healing ability. Thank God for Stewart and the Angels of Atlantis.”


My Purpose Revealed!

"I had a session with Stewart and the Angels of Atlantis because I needed a direction to my purpose. Stewart helped me gain a positive perspective, and gave invaluable advice that has helped me move forward feeling the support of the Angels in all that I do. I can still hear Stewart’s trusted words and I know now the Angels always have my back. During the session Stewart taught me how to breathe and it was the most inspirational lesson, which has helped me stay centered and connected. Yippee!"


About Stewart

The legendary Stewart Pearce is one of the world’s leading Spiritual Teachers, acclaimed by celebrities as an Angelic Emissary, Voice Alchemist, and Master of Voice. For well over forty years Stewart has coached leading Lightworkers, CEO’s, Politicians, States-people, Royalty, Religious Leaders, Celebrities, & Actors including 7 Oscar-winners.

In 1987 during the Harmonic Convergence, Stewart had a profound mystical experience, when he met the twelve Angels of Atlantis at the Heart Chakra of the World - Glastonbury Tor England. This utterly changed his life and for thirty years he has dedicated his work to the awakening of the Angels within mainstream consciousness, for they come with a very specific message!

Stewart is also the author of four acclaimed books concerning angelic activism, and the use of voice for sound healing: ‘The Alchemy of Voice’, ‘The Heart’s Note’, ‘The Angels of Atlantis’, and ‘Angels and the Keys to Paradise’. He was also divinely inspired to create two beautiful and beloved Oracle card decks: ‘The Angels of Atlantis’, and the ‘Angel Heart Sigils.’ In addition, he has recorded six award winning sonic meditations, and Stewart’s work is regularly featured on Global Radio, TV, and Media – such as OM TIMES and leading newspapers.

As a Master of Voice, Stewart has a reputation for training the Actor, and his last position was helping to pioneer Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre between 1997-2010. Stewart has coached world-famous actors such as Oscar winner Eddie Redmayne, Matthew Goode, Hugh Bonneville of “Downton Abbey”, Oscar winner Sir Mark Rylance, Simon Callow CBE, Dame Vanessa Redgrave, Michelle Williams, Minnie Driver, Margaret Thatcher, Diana, Princess of Wales, and the LONDON 2012 OLYMPIC Bid, to name just a few.

Stewart leads life-changing, miracle workshops, and transformational retreats around the world including sacred trips to the great temples of Egypt and the Atlantean sites of the Dominican Republic, which offer us optimum transformation within the planet’s major power centres.