
Fall Series Replays

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Unique Transformative Gifts to Save You Time and Money!

Boris Aranovich:  Health Concept of the Future Available Today! Innovative Solutions for Your Health!

A balanced body can heal itself. Do you or anyone you know experience any acute inflammation, joint pain, arthritis, hypertension, cardiovascular issues, hormonal issues, skin challenges, dis-eases or imbalances in the body? Bring the body into balance and amazing healings can occur! Clinical studies and research back up the effectiveness of these innovative products designed by a doctor and scientist. This solution is New and Unique and all natural to the body and very easy to use.

​Deborah Stuart: Beautiful Jewelry & Tools for Your Ascension! Transform fear, anger, self doubt etc. Use that energy to consciously create a beautiful new world for yourselves, those you love and our planet!

Kaitlyn Keyt: Conscious GIFTS, 'INSPIRED by TREES, NATURE Inspired SOLUTIONS for Your Life!

Kaitlyn Keyt is frequently featured on PBS TV, teaching the latest in Vibrational Energy. Kaitlyn is also known as a Tree Talking, intuitive scientist as well as the winner of multiple Visionary Awards for her Nature Solution Inventions. Kaitlyn believes nature is eagerly stepping forward to remind humans of our inner balance and wisdom at this time of our great awakening. She feels the vibration of the planet is on a rapid increase and that it is vital for us to align with the earth’s energy during these changes by developing our own personal connection with Nature.

Enjoy exploring these unique and powerful 'helper tools' that make the perfect LIFE SUPPORTING GIFTS for yourself and those around you.

Helena Reilly: Change Your Brain 2 Change Your Life! Accelerate your awakening with cutting-edge scalar energy vortex technology! Self-healing in the new paradigm.

Tom Paladino: At least 30% of human cancers are caused by viruses, a medically established fact. The scalar energy pathogenic cleanse serves to eradicate viruses and thus PREVENT cancer and much more!

Dorota Rozmus

Vibrational Alchemy - Tuning to the Love frequency 

Listen to the Replay Here:

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Dorota is a transformational intuitive healer, a voice activator and vibrational alchemist. She connects with quantum awareness and her singing voice as energy. She is a loving voice of the divine Feminine.

Her voice is light frequency information helping you to transform distorted patterns, tuning and purifying you into love vibration, your perfect divine blueprint.

Dorota works with the Light and Love frequency, channeling energy vibration, helping you to clear and transform your emotions, stress, your distorted mind information, density of your past, family DNA and body pain. It is vibrational work on many levels of your Being.

She is bringing new awareness about vibrational frequency beyond what we call sound or singing. Her VoiceDorota Method combines Vibrational Alchemy through awareness of thinking, breathing, vibrational speaking with healing and activations of Universal Love.

Get Dorota's Special Offer:

Interview Topic:
Vibrational Alchemy - Tuning to the Love frequency

Do you want to feel Loved? 

Do you want to Transform your traumas and suffering knowing that you are coming Home and All is Well?

Angelic voice of Dorota will melt your mind and open your heart

Experience a channeled voice activation during the show!

  • Activating and healing with channeled vibration
  • Dorota's Sound - voice healing is sending vibration of Love and Light into your energy field, body, mind and all Levels of soul
  • You will learn how to feel vibration in your body. 
  • How to create vibrational choice and heal. 

You will receive healing.

Channeled sound - light language creating Vibrational Alchemy

I can highly recommend Dorota. She is IT!

"I have had several sessions with Dorota and each time she takes me to a space where I feel the purity and innocence of who I am. My spirit soars as I release the density stored in my body; as my mind trusts the knowing that all is well. Dorota’s voice activations feel like pristine water softly and gently showering me with love and raising my vibration to my highest possibility. If you are looking for your beautiful self, for beauty and contentment in your life, I can highly recommend Dorota. She is IT!"

~ Hilary

My healing journey with Dorota was about profound lasting change.

"I worked with Dorota during several online one to one sessions. At the time was going through some difficult heart-breaking events. What a beautiful, gifted, amazing and loving soul Dorota is! These sessions changed my life on many levels. We went deep to the healing process and I cleared away many issues that had been holding me back. Each session was powerful, beautiful and full of love and light. Dorota works gently, lovingly and with such grace and healing power that I feel truly blessed. These sessions transformed me in ways that are hard to describe, made me look at life differently and most importantly opened up a new way of experiencing love and happiness in my life. My healing journey with Dorota was about profound lasting change. I Feel humbled and forever thankful for the experience. Thank you, Thank you, thank you.

~ Sanna, December 2016

There was something really powerful in Dorota’s voice...

"The first time I heard Dorota’s voice I got goosebumps and I could sense there was something really powerful in her voice! I’ve never experienced something like that before, as I could feel the energy move in my whole body."

~ Andreas

My kitty cat loved your singing!

"As I listened to your video and your singing began, my sweet kitty cat came running to the phone and purring. She loved the vibrational sounds you were singing! Repeated it 3 times ...and she responded the same way each time.”

~ Lorelei Lombard

Whether you need physical healing or emotional healing Dorota can help us all...

“Next meeting is when we are privileged to have the amazing healing voice of Dorota Rozmus. For anyone who came last time you will not need any persuading to feel this incredible healing vibrational energy once more, those of you who missed out last time - do not miss this meeting! She will be healing us all with her voice and helping us to learn how tones and vibrations can have such wonderful health benefits. Whether you need physical healing or emotional healing Dorota can help us all so come along and feel the healing sounds.”

~ Liz

Get Elizabeth's Special Offer:

Elizabeth Wood

Cultivation of Your Inner Desires Into Being - A Path to Propagating Happiness

Listen to the Replay Here:

Alternate Player:

Elizabeth works diligently on the cutting edge of quantum healing. With her lifelong ability to see into all dimensions and work with the quantum and spiritual world, Elizabeth’s remote viewing and healing work has helped people all over the world. Called “Living Library, Oracle and Way-Shower”, Elizabeth has spent her whole life studying ancient and modern medicine, anthropological theory, quantum physics and futurism. She uses her knowledge, wisdom and connection to Source to support individuals in reaching freedom from bondage and clarity about the purpose they have come to fulfill. A spiritual warrior for active freedom, her capable understanding and non-judgement allow all who work with her to make huge shifts with joy. Sessions are interactive and deeply informative. Elizabeth strives to teach easy techniques which you can use to change your life and take part in the world’s healing.

Get Elizabeth's Special Offer:

Interview Topic:
Cultivation of Your Inner Desires Into Being - A Path to Propagating Happiness

The changes in the global collective have been tectonic. So many of us have been bombarded by bitterness and negativity. It’s hard to see a path to happiness in all this magnified chaos! Find out specific affirmations and daily practice that will actually get you there.

Get a LIVE ONE on ONE with Elizabeth, a globally known seer and scientist!

Stay apace of the next levels of consciousness. Utilize the techniques for healing available now in the new playing field of formless and timeless energy. Dismantle the obstacles which have arisen to your continued personal evolution. Process the past and bring it to rest. Break through the veils which keep you quarantined in darkness. Opt out of the matrix of control and create happiness on the Earth for yourself and the world!

Your personal healing is integral to the healing of the whole planet! 
You have your own personal oracle now...

Learn to:

  • Use affirmations of Joy, Trust, Confidence and more to create real happiness!
  • Cultivate positive relationships with all the people and pets in your life.
  • Access natural healing that the Earth has to offer us daily.
  • Enjoy the power of science and spirituality with realistic and easy processes to connect your head, heart and gut to Source Light!

Happiness, Clarity and Breakthroughs!

“I'm so excited! Elizabeth, you really spoke my language and really hit on many areas that needed healing, yet were difficult for me to pinpoint. Of all the work I have done, it seems I still had the shells around my body around my heart not letting people in.... I'm so glad they are dissolved! Each area of healing you chose really resonate with me!

One week after your healing templates: I am feeling more happy, I am singing, I am loving myself and talking to myself in the mirror hahaha... I feel much more clear on what I want, and less afraid to exert authority when situations at work arise.I finally got my butt up to get some exercise in, I am practicing doing things that I'm not 'comfortable' doing! I felt myself stepping out into new territory. I went out on a 'date' and I was very open, very myself, and not afraid to express!!! That was new for me! Thank you so much for acknowledging all these parts of me through your work. Thank you for the healing. I'm so excited to continue working with you!” In Love and Light!

~Teresa T. Shen, L.Ac, CEO/ Lead Physician

Increased Synchronicity and Light

“Elizabeth is in incredible seer and teacher. I am so very grateful for her and our session together. I feel more balanced than ever. Even though I have been an energy healer for over 20 years, there was something still blocking me from doing what I came here to do to share with the world. Now I do not have to work so hard to bring in the light through my body. There is a large column of light with me all the time. Since our session my prosperity has picked up. My artwork is selling better. In addition since my time with Elizabeth after just one session, I am moving forward with writing books which I had had blocks with before. My life is flowing better each and every day as my intuition is clearer than before. Her teaching has brought me joy and a clearer understanding of my body and the world beyond. My life has also had much more synchronicity. I look forward to learning much more from Elizabeth in the near future. Thank you Elizabeth! I am blessed with you in my life.”

~ Catherine, Artist, Creativity Coach, Energy Healer, Author

​Healing Decades Old Issues and Answers to Life Long Questions

“My session with Elizabeth was extraordinary – very healing, empowering, educational, and fun! As Elizabeth went through my chakras, the stuck, false beliefs and ‘programs’ she found were issues I had been trying to heal for decades. She walked me through how to clear and transform them – teaching me the steps so that I have them to use in clearing other energies / issues throughout my life. I learned more about how to use the Ancient templates and received new ones. We also opened up my 3rd eye more and Elizabeth taught me ways to further my seeing. She helped me better understand energy and the spiritual world and answered some life long questions I've had. Elizabeth gave me ‘spot on’ nutritional suggestions and taught me simple practices supporting greater ease with manifesting. All this in just one session – amazing!! I’m sooo grateful - thank you Elizabeth!!!”

~ Linda, in Oregon

Quick Transformation and Potent Processes

“Clearing the root of an issue instead of just peeling the seemingly never ending layers of it is really the way to go for quick transformation. Teaching how we can do it ourselves has immeasurable value. As my mind races ahead and thinks of the possibilities this process holds for everyone is - huge! Thank you for the Divine work you do and for the bright light you hold in the world. Ah, so young and already so wise especially conquering the ego! REMARKABLE.”

~ Gizel

Hands Down the Best Program I Have Invested In So Far…

“First of all, I had to wait a few days after my session with Elizabeth before writing this to make sure I wasn't having a placebo moment. Hands down, this is the best program I have invested in thus far and believe me when I tell you have I bought many programs from "healers & holistic practitioners" since I embarked on my spiritual journey in 2010.

The templates are lifetime tools I suppose but what I know have changed my life for the better is that 60 minutes with one of the most authentic being I have ever encountered in my life. I called her phone number not expecting anything, honestly I only called because I had already bought the package but I was home sick and just didn't feel like being bothered. I mustered up my strength and decided to put on an act just to get through this 60 minutes with someone who I had only heard on a telesummit call once. As soon as she got on the call, I instantly knew something good was in store. Her voice was very warm and compassionate. She was very bubbly and kind, she was funny...she made me laugh and about 15 minutes in the call, I started feeling better from head to toe. She took me on a process and taught me a simple tool that I can use whenever. She even told me a story that connected with me at soul level. She told me things about my past that I already knew was true and I was amazed at how gifted and original she was. Ain't nothing normal about Elizabeth or her gifts. She is a true Seer in every sense of the word. Her healing powers are authentic because right now for someone with bronchial pneumonia, I only took the medication prescribed for one day and I had an allergic reaction but I am feeling at least 90 % better only one day after my session. I am currently using her healing template along with the tool she guided me through and my body is at ease, grace and joy. I feel good! I was supposed to be on sick leave from work for 3 days but I am on my way to work. Elizabeth is the real deal and these templates get the job done at a very fast pace. Thanks a lot for stepping into your power and doing the damn thing as awesome as you do.”


​​Best Intuitive, healer, one-in-all, all-in-one, I have ever encountered

“Dearest Elizabeth:

Thank you sooooo much for our wonderful session together, Angel 1 and I were so grateful! Finally, an aspect of myself that I saw in you of genuine heart-centered towards helping another. There was a great kindredness about our conversation, a feeling of being back home, a feeling of the warmth reaching down to my very core. In particular, I admired the letting go of linear time, the being in ‘allowing’ and not feeling rushed. Felt like one of those nights during high school slumber parties where you talked for hours, excited, riveted by what could come next…awake so long morning came and went and time just drifted. Before I knew it, time was up…..savoring every moment of grace and laughter. All we needed were pillows to bonk each other over the head! There was anticipation, happy, quiet, giggles, and many ahhh haaas! Oh yeah!

It feel whole again, hugged and held by gentle words that entered all the many armors of distrust that have been set in the memory layers of 3rd dimension. There is a new start, an excitement and a beauty that I can only feel, but can’t explain. I must be aligned, cuz I feel grrrrreat! My tale is wagging…you just don’t see it, ahh man, take that back, YOU, just might!

Thank you for your love, your kindness, generosity, compassion and your healing. Today was incredible, much more than I could have ever expected. The love I feel for you is beyond words. A connection, who knows to what lifetime, but a connection made at a level of heart love that one feels which is unconditional.
Hands down, you are the best Intuitive, healer, one-in-all, all-in-one, I have ever encountered. My thanks go to Lucia too, for her part in my healing. You both are quite an inspiration to us all. Thank you for being you.

Squeeeeeezes (ok, trying not to squeeze to hard). Can’t wait to try out the inner planes. I may not have all those neurons of yours, but hey, I have will! I know I can help you, let me know how. You are BIG, and getting bigger! Weee-hoo girl, watch out!

Meanwhile, I look, forward to walking around in a diamond. Damn, just call me bling-bling! If I say more I might just beam you up and we need you here…so, again, Thank you. I felt blessed today and felt like Father/Mother God answered my prayers.

In gratitude & appreciation,”

~ Angel O’Connor

​One of the BEST things I’ve ever done for myself…

“My session with Elizabeth was one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I felt recognized and very validated. I received sound tools and directions to help me accomplish what I have contracted to do at this point in time. I also received food recommendations and yoga position to help my physical body. I left the session feeling very empowered. I highly recommend her. Going into the my session I had no idea how she worked and how the session would go. I knew I wanted to understand and work with the templates more deeply and I had a few questions about my health and the direction of my spiritual work. The session started with me just giving Elizabeth an overview of what was up for me and what work I had done. From there everything started to roll. She immediately picked up on my dharma for the next 4 months and then we went on to talk about which templates would serve me and how to work with them. The session was very interactive. We also talked about food and yoga positions that would assist my physical body at this point in time. I felt very validated and empowered. Thank you Elizabeth!”

~ Sally

Life Changing!

“Working with Elizabeth has been a life changer for me. She has a rare gift, the ability to connect with source and help facilitate the embodiment of our true nature. She is kind, loving and refreshingly truthful. She has helped me to remember what is most important in life.”

~ Leo McFee, Crystal Master and Founder of Crystal Sun Academy

​Feel the Body in a New Exciting Way!

“The benefit from this work is ever-unfolding. A remote Mark of the Trinity session and basic tune-up with Elizabeth has made me feel like I've lost ten pounds. There's been a definite energetic shift, as if some old structure has fallen away, allowing me to feel more present in the day to day of my life. It's such a gift. The Gut Mind - well, I hadn't been able to quite see it, but now I feel the body in a new and exciting way. I love your voice, so genuinely comforting. I love you Elizabeth for the amazing courage you have.”

~ Fay Hart, Life Coach

​Templates are so PRACTICAL

“Getting the Templates was a wonderful experience and then ….. what Templates are there, how do I use them best, Elizabeth you filled the gap, wonderful!! I loved your compact reading which Templates would be the best for my issues to use right now and how to activate them best. Now that I have the Templates I also want to know how to best use them for different situations. It would be a shame to let them sit dormant !!!”

~ Sanjula

​Firmly on the Path to Healing, Empowering and Full of Insight

“My session with Elizabeth McCullough was both empowering and full of insight. Elizabeth immediately intuited three Templates that would be beneficial in healing the issue I brought to the session, and how to use other modalities to magnify the Templates. As we worked together, I could perceive the energy of the Templates, and they were exactly right on the perfect combination for my issue!!! Elizabeth also perceived an energy that was not beneficial to me, and empowered me with suggestions on how to move it out of my life, which I’ve done. I’ve felt more energy and enthusiasm since our session, and feel firmly on the path to healing my issue. I would highly recommend a session with Elizabeth for anyone who would benefit from her acute sight, accurate intuition and familiarity with the templates. She was a pleasure to consult with, and I benefited greatly.”

~ H.S., Ann Arbor

​Immediate Results

“My private session with Elizabeth was really a lot of fun. Working with her the templates became very accessible, the colors very vivid. Before our session I was experimenting with the Templates but was having very limited results. With Elizabeth the Templates became friends that could help me on my journey. Yesterday I was getting a headache and immediately called up the healing template with great results. They have already enhanced my spiritual practices. I am really glad I decided to do the private session and look forward to learning more from Elizabeth and working more with my new friends.”

~ Mark, Colorado

​Psychic Playground is Not An Ordinary Class

“Hi Elizabeth! Here is my review, and I would like you to know that I sincerely mean every word of it. After ten years on FB, I've met many people, and you are one of the more "real" and inspiring people I know on there, not to mention an awesome teacher. Thank you for that.

~ Maria Enaje

Get Elizabeth's Special Offer:

Candy Hozza

Transformational Healing in the Akashic Records

Listen to the Replay Here:

Alternate Player:

Candy Hozza started connecting with her angels in 1996. In 2011 she was introduced to the Akashic Records while she was being coached. She was so excited to learn how to utilize this powerful energy to make amazing positive shifts happen in her life. She then committed to this journey to serve her clients through the Akashic Records to provide them with infinite healing opportunities that include: receiving guidance on life and love, getting clarity around relationships, life events, your body, freeing yourself from damaging patterns, connecting with source, healing the body and connecting with healing vibrations to understand the lessons your soul has in your life to give you the opportunity to live at soul’s purpose.

Get Candy's Special Offer:

Interview Topic:
Transformational Healing in the Akashic Records

Have you ever wondered what the Akashic Records are and how you can receive transformal information that can healing your soul? Are you a healer or spiritual healer that wants to connect to the unlimited resource of your soul, connected to Divine source from it’s original inception.. the space of infinite truth, wisdom and love?

Tune into the show to hear how connecting to the Akashic Records can heal and transform your life. 

Heart Healed and Gained Love Freely

"The journey that I experienced thorough Candy’s Akashic Readings is almost like having access to a infinite knowledge. For me, the sessions have been a life transformation process. It helped me to overcome major life obstacles. For me personally, I was finally able to break free of a 15 year loveless marriage despite previous counseling. I was able to move forward in healing my heart and gaining love freely. I recently found love back into my life through self-love. That is what attracted me or opened me up to have a new person in my life to love. It was a relationship that I was hoping for, a companion and partner.The insight and wisdom gained through the readings helped me smile through the tears, and experience joy despite the burdens and trails of my divorce. It helped me to raise my spiritual life lenses and transformed me into a person of hope, self-worth and self-value.I am now comfortable in my home and free of fear that I once felt with a mentally abusive husband. I had found peace again through my work with Candy in the Akashic records. To receive a good night sleep without my mind racing and playing all the old negative tapes is a priceless gift. My old tapes are gone! I now experience Life through positive lenses that keep changing for the better. I am so much more open to receiving life’s rewards! Thank you Candy for channeling the information to give me this through the Akashic Records."

~ Annette M.

Learned We Are Masters of Our Own Destiny

"I signed up for an akashic reading with Candice after my husband of 30+ years left me without any tangible explanation. I was devastated and needed support. Meeting with Candice felt like a counseling session and yet it became so much more… Candice has the ability to read your current energies and momentum and she deeply cares about others. She also does not claim to have an answer for everything and constantly reminds us that we have the free will to change the future and that what she conveys through the spirits is not set in stone. We are the masters of our own destiny and it is up to each of us to live and love life to its fullest potential. As an akashic record keeper, Candice will help you learn a great deal about yourself and give your life purpose.

~ Christine H.
University Professor

​Changed the Way I Live My Life

"I sensed Candy was the ‘real deal’ from the moment I met her at a professional conference. She didn’t have to do any convincing for me to schedule my first-ever records reading with her for that same evening. The Record Keepers provided a strong sense of validation for what I knew and/or suspected had gone on and was continuing to impact me (negatively) in daily life The healing I experienced was marvelous! It’s made a wonderful difference in how I’ve been able to live my life ever since. As soon as I am nudged by my higher self to get another reading, you can bet I’ll be on the phone with Candy."

~ Bobbi E.
Associate VP for Academic Advising & Student Success

​Left Feeling Good About Myself

"Candy is an incredibly gifted Akashic Records Reader and Intuitive. She helped me navigate a difficult romantic relationship and the eventual release of it. She is the REAL DEAL. She is incredibly accurate, caring and compassionate. Candy picks up on the nuances of situations and leaves you feeling empowered and excited to move forward with your life. Plus, she's super fun and her readings, even when they are challenging leave you feeling good about yourself and where you're going. I can't recommend her services enough. Don't walk, RUN to her!"

~ Priscilla Stephan
Intuitive Wellness Expert

Worked Out of My Comfort Zone and Loved It

"Candy is a wonderful coach that gives you a really safe place to explore your challenges. Working through this process was a little outside of my comfort zone but I have to say I enjoyed it and got some interesting insights into the actions I was currently taken and what might be a better sequence for me. I highly recommend working with Candy!"

Penny Z.
Productivity Expert

​​Unlocked Decades Old Blocks

"Candy is a gifted, expertly trained intuitive who has the ability to connect with her clients at a deep level to help them uncover their unconscious blocks and heal years worth of pain and trauma in a short time. Her profound understanding of human behavior, combined with her ability to access Akashic records, make her a well-rounded guide through some of life's greatest challenges. Candy, channeling my angels and spiritual guides, has helped me to unlock blocks I've had for decades. Her approach of love, compassion, light, assertiveness and feminine strength have helped me tremendously in my healing journey. Candy is not only well trained and talented, she has the intuition to see what's really underneath the surface and the 'stories' to guide her clients into what really needs to be addressed and healed. She's a wonderful person and a caring soul who is making her mark on the world with every client."

~ Camila Fandino
Board Certified Holistic Health Coach

​True Gift For Healing

"I have had many many readings in my life at all ages and stages. Candy Hozza is at the top of the line! She not only clearly ”saw” my situations, but was so accurate in her analysis. Her advice was healing, practical and doable. Candy has true gift for healing and for opening the Akashic records and and reading them with amazing accuracy. Most of all, whatever message she has to tell you, she does it with love and hope.
I felt uplifted even though some of what I needed to hear was not easy to revisit.
Candy Hozza has my highest recommendation."

~ Patricia Raskin
Radio Broadcaster

Get Candy's Special Offer:

Lynn Waldrop
Fall Asleep with Ease, Wake Up Recharged and Ready to Go!

Listen to the Replay Here:

Alternate Player:

As a Medical Intuitive, Lynn Waldrop is known as "The Body Channel" and she has worked with hundreds of thousands of clients in over 171 countries and has 30 years of energy work experience. She energetically dives into the body of her clients anywhere in the world AND the body shows her the dis-ease and dis-harmony and how to change it! Her work includes not just the physical issues but the thoughts, feelings and emotions, and even entity work! She is the Creator of "The Body Channel", a Certified Color Therapy & Tuning Fork Master and Reiki Master. Lynn empowers her clients to create and generate change in their own life & body — her motto is "life is like Play Doh, if you don't like what you have created, laugh at it, smash it, and create something new!"

Lynn has been referred to as a "Medical Intuitive on Steroids" and her clients are enjoying pain-free release from the issues that have plagued them for decades.

Get Lynn's Special Offer:

Interview Topic:
Fall Asleep with Ease, Wake Up Recharged and Ready to Go!

Do you have trouble falling to sleep?

Or do you wake up during the night and find it difficult to go back to sleep?

Today so many people are affected physically and emotionally by a lack of sleep.

What TFE’s (thoughts, feelings, and emotions) are causing you to not get a good night’s sleep?

Lynn gets to the root of sleep disturbances to heal them which can actually change a person’s life!

Food Allergies Have Vanished

"I worked with Lynn and she found that my allergies were being caused by too much of a specific protein in my blood… Things improved to a degree after that session and re-listening to it often… It has been several weeks now and I was tested again yesterday and still 0 food allergies are showing… I can eat without fear now.”

~ SUSIE on Autoimmune

Fixed My Hip

"My session with Lynn was amazing. 1st of all Lynn tapped into a polarity switch in the brain which she adjusted and I felt the results within a short period of time…Also, the mention of a right hip issue led to Lynn seeing that the ball joint was slightly out of it's socket and she put it back in place. I could feel the difference almost immediately.Words really cannot express the gratitude I feel."

~ Tamara

​Vision Recovered

"Lynn is a high class energy healer with an exceptionally strong impact. Last autumn I had a problem with blurred vision and nothing could improve it. Lynn delivered a quick intervention for vision which lasted only a few minutes, and by the end of it my vision recovered completely - sharp and clear without any blurring. I felt extremely relieved from all the tension that was in my eyes as well and it has remained like that since then. Since then my eyes have felt relaxed, happy, stronger, and the vision in both visual fields has equalised, whereas before my visual field was dominated by the performance of one eye. I am very grateful to Lynn for healing my eyes completely and for making me very happy. Thank you, Lynn. You make the world a better place."

~ Louise

​Huge Skin Improvement

"I'm more grateful than I can tell you! I've seen dermatologists and doctors for 2 years without resolution to thinning hair and hair loss. The medical establishment simply doesn't know. I've been listening to your calls and have noticed huge improvements in my skin and detoxing and all areas you covered on those calls. Your work is truly more valuable than years of expensive therapy!!!"

~ Cara

​Your MP3s really work

"Dear Lynn, I just want to thank you for your MP3's. I have been listening to them frequently. They are among the very top packages that I have purchased from webinars. Your MP3's actually work for me and I am so very grateful. When I am able I look forward to having a one on one with you. Wishing you the very best. Thank you, again, for your awesome Work!"

~ Audrey

​I Feel Great

"Lynn is the most fabulously gifted healer I have ever come across. I listen daily to her downloads and my body feels great!"

~ Jean

​Fastest Results

"Lynn is my fav go-to person and I would also like to thank her for all that she does for us. The products are the best, with the fastest results, full stop! I considered getting body wraps for skin tightening and detoxing but Lynn's mp3s work much faster and you avoid the mess of the clay and the time spent travelling to the venue, the wrap session and also the travelling. Also, the best part, you can use the mp3s over and over again whereas the wraps are always one off sessions so the financial savings are enormous."

~ Shenaz

​Helped My Desire to Live Life to the Fullest

"Almost a week after our private session... This session was an eye opener and helped me tremendously in finding out why my accident occurred and how I could resolve and heal the pain and trauma that resulted from it. I am relatively pain free now and my energy has increased almost 10 folds!! My work continues and I am most grateful to you for sharing your gift. You are a light and a ray of hope. Knowing that I am healing fast gives me such a tremendous desire to live a full life and to be of help to others. Thank you again Lynn, you are forever in my heart."

~ Diane

​Actual Measurable Results

"About two weeks ago I did a Zyto Compass scan of my body to find what Essential oils and Supplements I needed. Interesting to note there were a lot of Hormonal balance products. After listening to the Hormone call yesterday, I took another scan today and I didn’t need any hormone balancing products.. So there is a real measurable shift in my hormonal balance. Pretty exciting! Thanks Lynn Waldrop!"

~ Kirstyn

Get Lynn's Special Offer:

Gabrielle Spencer
Open Your Heart and Access Your Abundance Frequency!

Listen to the Replay Here:

Alternate Player:

Gabrielle is gifted with the ability to channel healing, keys, codes and activations through her voice. Her intuitive healing abilities combine with multi-dimensional, 12,000+ year old ancient keys, codes and activations to heal and connect you from within to give you access to life-changing renewal and expansion that will raise your energetic frequency so you can easily access the flow of universal energies of peace, love, happiness and financial prosperity so you have SUSTAINABLE ABUNDANCE!

Get Gabrielle's Special Offer:

Interview Topic:
Open Your Heart and Access Your Abundance Frequency!

Most people come into this life disconnected, in whole or in part, from their heart, spirit self, Higher Self and their Soul. The disconnections or "kinks" in the connections result in feeling alone, unloveable, sad, depressed, struggling, experiencing lack of money, poor health, and unable to get clarity and direction. Opening, expanding and connecting your Heart to higher vibrational universal Light releases the blocks and sabotaging energy that keep you locked in old patterns so you can connect with your true “path and purpose” and claim the financial abundance you deserve!

Still looking for the keys to unlock your dreams and desires?? 

In our time together you will: 

  • Release your cycle of scarcity
  • Access YOUR frequency of universal abundance
  • Receive ancient, multi-dimensional keys, codes and activations to heal and open your inner-heart to the flow of universal abundance
  • Why reprogramming your mindset won’t stop your sabotage cycle or lack of abundance
  • The most powerful process that can quickly unlock and unleash your abundance
  • Live group and individual energy clearing and abundance activations

One of the most amazing things about this experiential abundance training is that you will change your vibration to match the vibrational frequency of universal abundance!

Life Purpose 

"Now I feel connected to something greater and I don’t feel alone anymore! I have greater clarity about my life purpose and I can finally see it and feel like I am moving toward what makes me the happiest. This is what I have always wanted, I have tried many things in the hopes of getting to this place within myself and now I’m there! Thank you!"

~ Randhir B., Stockton, CA


"​Since completing the Heart Opening to Abundance program business opportunities abound and income is cash-flowing! Where I struggled before to fill my Yoga teacher training programs, now I have people coming out of the woodwork to sign up! And my life overall has become so much more than it ever was that there are no words to describe the happy adventure my life is now!"

~ Helena M., Stockton, CA

More opportunity

"​By the end of my Heart Opening to Abundance program the opportunities for my business and bringing in more money were more than I could imagine or keep up with. The program has helped me to have the clarity to focus on what I want, not on “the how” to get it. This has been a huge perspective shift for me and it has changed everything!"

~ Susie M., Danville, CA

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