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Item 1 — Awaken Your Third Eye: Your Sixth Sense Can Help You Find Knowledge, Illumination, and Intuition
What is your "third eye"? And how can you open it?
Through the window of your eyes, you can view the ever-changing landscape of your beauteous, miraculous world. You perceive this magnificent world with your five senses: seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling.
But there is a sixth sense. With this sixth, higher sense perception, you can open the gateway to subtler realms of existence. You can develop an inner eye and view an invisible world, consisting of multiple dimensions, spiritual planes filled with light, and alternate realities of indescribable wonders. This eye of wisdom, knowledge, illumination, and intuition is aptly named "The Third Eye."
In India this third eye is known as the ajna chakra, a subtle energy plexus in the middle of your brain, seated in the pineal gland. Through this portal of higher vision, you can see what is not evident by solely using your physical eyes.
In this illuminating video, you will explore your third eye in depth. Through the methods taught here, you will learn how to awaken your third eye and develop super-sensory perception by various traditional and non-traditional methods, both ancient and modern.
Click below to access "Awaken Your Third Eye" Video Files:
Item 2 — 3-day "How to Hear the Inner Voice" Seminar Recorded Live in Wisconsin
Do you long to be touched by the "still small voice," the divine intuitive voice? Do you seek genuine spiritual experience? Because in this profound, awe-inspiring guided meditative seminar, you will learn how to listen to the "still small voice" within and use that deep spiritual connection to solve everyday problems and to receive divine love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration. Avoid the dangers of spiritual gullibility. Now test whether your intuition is "the real thing" by using 10 tests of spiritual discernment and other precise methods to practice "safe spirituality." You will learn proven techniques to open your heart, mind, and spirit to the riches of inner divine contact.
In this awe-inspiring, special breakthrough seminar, you will:
•Tap into your in-house counselor: your inner guidance and inner genius.
•Awaken the four basic experiences that will enrich your life with untold miracles.
•Get clear inner signals in 6 ways to identify specific aspects of your inner divinity.
•Receive clear answers to your questions and inner messages in 3 different ways.
•Pass through the seeming veil that has separated us from God.
•Experience God's supernal light, divine love, and sublime, ecstatic inner contact.
•Heal ego blockages that have prevented clear inner divine contact and communication.
•Experience the divine presence anytime you want, at will.
•Never be alone again.
Click below to access "How to Hear the Inner Voice" Seminar MP3 Files:
Item 3 — One-day "Divine Revelation Breakthrough" Seminar Recorded Live in New York
Deep within the heart of every soul is the desire to experience and communicate directly with God. In fact, the divine presence is not the exclusive property of great saints, sages, and holy men. Everyone is a child of God and worthy to receive the blessings of Spirit. In this profound workshop, Dr. Susan will introduce proven techniques for opening your heart, mind, and spirit to the riches of inner divine contact. She will help you open the pipeline to Spirit and begin the flow of divine guidance, love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from the center of being within.
In this awe-inspiring, special breakthrough class, you will:
•Pass through the seeming veil that has separated us from God.
•Experience the supernal light of the divine presence and Holy Spirit directly.
•Heal ego blockages that have prevented clear inner divine contact and communication.
•See, hear and feel the holy presence through Divine Revelation®.
•Receive messages and answers to practical questions from the "still small voice" within.
•Use inner "names" and "signals."
•"Speak-through" messages from Spirit.
Click below to access "Divine Revelation Breakthrough" Seminar Video Files:
Item 4 — "Becoming Spiritually Street-Smart" to Help You Test Whether Your Inner Messages are the Real Thing
Do you sometimes get confused when you try to receive intuition?
How do you know whether the message is the real thing?
Now many people are opening to the inner world—contacting guides, angels, and other beings. But opening up indiscriminately is like inviting strangers into your home. In this entertaining, revealing workshop you now learn how to distinguish between the true divine voice and whatever else is in your mind. Discover 4 levels you might inadvertently tap into while deluding yourself into thinking that you are receiving genuine divine intuition. Learn to test your intuition with 10 tests to prevent psychic deception and other safeguards and precise methods for practicing "safe spirituality." Find out how Dr. Susan Shumsky has created miracles in her life by listening to and trusting the authentic "still small voice" within. You can too.
With this seminar, you will:
•Attain spiritual discernment.
•Overcome psychic deception.
•Avoid the pitfalls of spiritual gullibility.
•Develop spiritual self-protection.
•Become your own guru.
Click below to access "Becoming Spiritually Street-Smart" Video:
Item 5 — 70-minute Breakthrough Meditation
This special file helps you open to the inner voice through a powerful, field-proven guided meditation that tens of thousands have used to successfully develop their intuition in a practical way. During this session, Dr. Shumsky will personally guide you into a profound, deep meditation, in which will open the pipeline to direct contact with God and begin the flow of divine guidance, love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from the center of being within.
During this meditation, you will:
•Pass through the seeming veil that has separated us from God.
•Experience the supernal light of the divine presence and Holy Spirit directly.
•Heal ego blockages that have prevented clear inner divine contact and communication.
•Learn how to hear the inner voice and receive messages from the true voice of Spirit.
•Receive clear divine inner contact—the experience of divine love, light, profound peace, harmony, and contentment.
•Receive at least one inner name of a divine being or deity within you.
Click below to access 70-minute Breakthrough Meditation MP3 File:
Item 6 — Guided Meditation for Daily Use
This 30-minute guided meditation can help you quiet your mind and open your heart so you can hear that divine voice and receive divine messages, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from within yourself. The soothing voice of Dr. Susan Shumsky will guide you into a very deep meditative state. Then you can practice receiving messages and getting answers to your questions from your own higher self.
Click below to access Guided Meditation MP3 File:
Item 7 — Two Chakra Yoga Nidra Guided Meditations
Powerful Meditations with Dr. Susan Shumsky, and music by Steve Booke
The Power of Healing, Cleansing, and Lifting Your Aura and Chakras
Here you will practice two simple meditations to lift your awareness and awaken kundalini gently and safely. These methods derive from an ancient practice called yoga nidra, from the Sanskrit roots "yoga" (inner communion) and "nidra" (sleep), a simple yet profound technique for deep relaxation, rejuvenation, physical and mental healing, greater intelligence, and spiritual awakening. It can prevent or overcome psychosomatic disease, release tension, reduce pain, overcome fatigue, and tranquilize the body and mind.
Yoga nidra has been scientifically proven to reduce the metabolic rate, heart rate, and blood pressure. Brain wave activity changes from beta to alpha, indicating a relaxed, meditative state. The sympathetic nervous system reduces its activities. Blood lactate, correlated with stress, is reduced. Skin resistance, associated with relaxation, increases. The pranic currents flowing through the body are deeply harmonized by yoga nidra, particularly by rotating awareness through different body parts, which revitalizes the body and improves health.
•Cosmic Body Awareness — 19 minutes
•Chakra Awareness — 25 minutes
Click below to access Two Chakra Yoga Nidra Guided Meditations Files:
Item 8 — Thirteen (13) Healing Affirmations and Prayers
Effective Healing Affirmations with Dr. Susan Shumsky, and music by Steve Booke
Here are 13 profound healing affirmations that will cleanse and clarify your energy field, bring self-sufficiency, maintain integrity, increase the life-force energy flowing through your subtle body, and awaken and energize your chakras. Powerful, profound healing affirmations to heal and awaken each of the seven major chakras are practiced.
Here you will practice:
•Healing and Protecting Your Aura — 02:22
•Spiritual Self-Authority — 04:49
•Integrating New Experiences — 03:19
•Cutting Psychic Ties
•Astral Entity Healing Affirmation — 03:16
•Thought-Form Healing Affirmation — 06:17
•Cleansing Muladhara — 03:47
•Cleansing Svadhishthana — 02:52
•Cleansing Manipura — 03:17
•Cleansing Anahata — 02:14
•Cleansing Vishuddha — 02:28
•Cleansing Ajna — 02:25
•Awakening Sahasrara — 02:36
Click below to access Thirteen (13) Healing Affirmations and Prayers Files:
Item 9 — Chakras Art Print
Stunning high resolution full-color picture of the 7 major chakras and 3 major nadis, which includes the authentic colors and mantras on the hub and petals of each chakra "lotus," as described in the ancient Tantric and Vedic scriptures of India. Take this file to your local office supply store and get it printed-out and laminated.
7 major chakras included:
•Muladhara — root chakra
•Svadhishthana — pelvic chakra
•Manipura — navel chakra
•Anahata — heart chakra
•Vishuddha — throat chakra
•Ajna — brow chakra
•Sahasrara — crown chakra
3 major nadis included:
•Sushumna — through which kundalini flows
•Ida — connected with left nostril and parasympathetic nervous system
•Pingala — connected with right nostril and sympathetic nervous system
Click below to access Chakras Art Print File: